CONTROLLING THE DEMON — When Eva Sinclair’s (guest star Maisie Richardson-Sellers) reemergence leaves Rebekah trapped and helpless, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) is forced to put aside his mistrust for Freya (guest star Riley Voelkel) in order to save Rebekah’s life. Meanwhile, Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies) learn more about Eva’s violent past from Josephine (guest star Meg Foster), who then makes a startling revelation about Hayley’s future. With time running out to save Rebekah, Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) turns to a reluctant Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) for his help to take down Eva, but his plan takes an unexpected turn, as Eva will not go down without a fight. Danielle Campbell also stars. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Declan de Barra & Diane Ademu-John (#217). Original airdate 4/6/2015.
Ep 17 recap:
A warehouse. Eva looking for Rebekah. Rebekah's a child.
Rebekah wakes from the nightmare.....and it's not her, but Eva.
Elijah and Gia in bed.
Eva in the house. Hears Hope crying.
Vincent in the bar.
Eva gets past the bodyguard to Hope. Hayley confronts her. Eva tosses her. Klaus comes in and Eva attacks both of them with magic. Then she's out the window.
Klaus gets the shackles and gives them to Marcel to use on Eva. Marcel says every witch in the city is gunning for Eva. Klaus says go to Elijah.
Hayley and Elijah go to Josephine's. Hayley knows Gia and Elijah were together. Gia gets Josephine to come talk. Josephine asks what Hayley does. Elijah says she is family, madame.
Klaus stares at a painting of Rebekah. He tells Freya to put Rebekah back in her original body. Eva Sinclair has control of her body, so make with your spells and put Rebekah back. Freya says it's not that simple. She's lost inside Eva. Klaus says he knows someone that can. Put shackles on Freya. Let's go meet her, shall we?
Vincent in the bar. Marcel sits with him. Vincent says he's day drinking to avoid all the problems. Marcel says Eva is back and on the loose. You're the only one who knows her inside-out. Vincent says if Eva is back in control....
Josephine says you need to let the witches put Eva down. She'll use up everyone like she did the others. Eva was a wild beauty practicing a wild magic and she and Vincent were so in love, we let them be. And then the children began to disappear. Vincent cites their names. He couldn't find the children. And then by fluke, he got a face. Eva. So he caught her, confronted her, and saw the truth. Eva wanted to complete the rite of nines. Tap into the magic of 3 children from each of the three covens. Create a new witch order. Be more powerful than any Harvest Girl. Hayley says, so that's why she went after Hope. Josephine says Eva would've used up your daughter's magic and killed her just like she's done before. Vincent never found the kids. They died unconsecrated, used up as a source for Eva's magic. Josephine agrees Eva needs to be stopped. She will not extend the 24 hour hold. There's a bounty on her head. Rebekah is collateral damage. If one or two must fall to take Eva down for good, so be it.
Klaus and Freya. In the cemetery. To their mother. He tosses her blood bags. She's hiding in a dark corner from the sunlight. Klaus introduces them. Klaus compels Esther to answer truthfully.
Eva puts a paste on her claw marks from Klaus. Then Marcel shackles her wrists. Vincent with him. Marcel says release Rebekah now! Eva says she has Davina. I've been feeding off her for days and you didn't even know she's gone. Vincent says Eva won't talk to you. Let me talk to her.
Elijah says he won't let the witches kill Eva. Josephine says nope. Hayley gets mad. Elijah says if you want to rescind the alliance, so be it. Josephine says you need us, we don't need you. There's a storm coming and when I peer into your future, Hayley, there's a blackness. That should terrify you.
Eva and Vincent chat. She calls him a weak little coward. Change was necessary! She says the kids are alive. Asleep and cloaked. Vincent is surprised. Eva says they don't need to die, I just need their power.
Klaus and Esther and Freya. Dahlia is on her way to take my child. Your child? Yes, she's alive. Rebekah needs to get back in her true body and that's where you come in. Freya doesn't know how to do it. Give me the spell that puts Rebekah back.
Eva says she doesn't blame Vincent for betraying her. You see what's got to be done. I just need one more witch and then we can finish the ritual together and those kids can go home. We'll have the power to not have to bow to anyone. Marcel comes in. Guess we're back to square one. Vincent says she did talk and I listened. He throws Marcel out the window. And removes Eva's shackles. Oh hell..... I hope he's doing this to find and save the kids. Don't trust the crazy lady!
Marcel updates Elijah and Hayley. Eva only needs one more witch. Hayley says if she comes after Hope, I'll kill her myself. Elijah says kill Vincent, but capture Eva.
Josephine gets a visit from Eva and Vincent. Eva says you look nervous and you should be. You're a target of choice. Josephine pleas with Vincent. He says the only time I'm myself is when I'm with her.
Klaus gets impatient with Esther. Esther says Dahlia would come for all of you. Freya says you sold me into slavery at the age of 5! Esther didn't know she'd miss one child if she had a dozen. But you had a light. I thought you would warm Dahlia's heart and you would have a good life. Freya says you should've come for me! Esther says Dahlia will offer you a bargain for a terrible price.
Vincent carries Josephine to the building Eva has the rest of the children. Eva says I lied earlier. We have to sacrifice a few. You understand. Vincent knocks her out. Yay!
Marcel tells Hayley and Elijah that Eva took Josephine. Marcel's phone rings. It's Vincent. I found them all. Davina is alive. I had to be convincing. Now we have a problem. The kids are linked to Eva. If she dies, they all die. We need a witch with serious power to unlink them.
Freya says this spell is too big for me. The power needs to be anchored or I'll be lost in Eva's mind. Freya says you (Klaus), I can channel you to anchor me. Esther says if she does that, she'll have access to all of you. Klaus says you could give all my secrets to Dahlia. Like I'd trust you. Elijah says unless it's not a trick. Elijah says I'll be the anchor. I will not lose Rebekah. Klaus argues with him. Freya takes off the shackles, breaks Klaus's neck, and says let's go.
Gia and Hayley with Hope. Hayley tells her she doesn't have to stay. Gia says Elijah says you have enemies. I'll stay so you can run. I know Elijah and what you mean to him, what this baby means to him. It's pretty obvious you have the guy all bent out of shape. He was so wound up. Maybe he needs to live his life for himself for once.
Freya gives directions. Marcel and Vincent will enter Eva's mind. Freya and Elijah link arms and she chants. Marcel and Vincent enter Eva's mind. Marcel hears Rebekah scream and runs, leaving Vincent alone.
Klaus wakes. Esther says she'll poison them against you. I've thought about what could have been if I'd let you live a mortal life. Klaus says we would've lived bright for a short while and then winked out. Immortality is the one thing he doesn't hate her for. I prefer us how we are. She says no, we're a macabre echo of a family. Undoing my failure, I only wanted you to love me again. Klaus says my mother, the comedian. Enjoy the darkness.
Marcel looks for Rebekah. Finds her in a cabinet. Eva comes. He tells Rebekah to run. Eva attacks Marcel. I make the rules! I'm the one that says how you die!
Freya chanting. Elijah holds on to her.
Eva with Marcel. Vincent says enough! It's over! She says that was pretty slick and cold. Those damn sexy eyes make me think you love me before you bury a knife in my back. You break my heart.
Klaus arrives and links hands with Freya and Elijah.
Vincent says you have no idea what heartache feels like. She says you chose this. It's on you. Goodbye, Vincent. Rebekah stabs Eva. Marcel and Vincent wake. Klaus asks did it work? Davina asks what happened? Marcel rushes to her. The witches wake. He says they're okay. Marcel hugs Davina.
Elijah nears Eva's body. Klaus asks Freya why isn't she waking? Freya looks afraid. Then Eva's body gasps. Rebekah says bloody hell.
Compound. Rebekah staring at her painting. Klaus smiles at her. She says I hope you're not fishing for a thank you. He says never from you. She says I'm staying. This body is still linked to Davina and the others. We need the witches on our side. And there's Kol. I vowed to bring him back and I can't do that if I'm not a witch. He says Freya's been in my head. She knows my secrets. Rebekah says let's be a family united for one second. He says for now, for you. Awwww. He kisses her forehead. She thanks him. He smiles walking away.
Vincent burns the photo of him and Eva.
Josephine and the witches thanking Freya. You're one of us, now. Your enemies are ours.
Klaus finds Freya sitting alone. He says I see you for what you really are. She says you're burdened by crippling paranoia. Don't worry. All I saw were anger issues and a questionable taste in women. It'd be a shame if you found yourself alone. Be careful. I only have so much patience.
Cemetery. Freya comes back to Esther. You were wrong about me. I loathe Dahlia. You don't see that light in me? She snuffed it out. She took my light, my love, my will to live, my ability to die. You are no longer my mother but I am not her child. Esther says I'm so sorry. Freya says a bit late for that. But you were right. Maybe Klaus shouldn't let me look in his mind. I learned that we can never be allies. He'll never trust me. I'll turn the family against him one by one and I know how. Why are you telling me this? Because you won't be around to see it. Freya turns Esther into a flock of dead starlings. Wow.
Next eo - Dahlia arrives!
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