
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

#Supernatural episode 11.7 recap - "Plush"


SHERIFF DONNA RETURNS — Sheriff Donna (guest star Briana Buckmaster) calls Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) for help after a horrific murder with supernatural elements happens in her town. Sam continues to have visions and asks God for help, which frustrates Dean. Tim Andrew directed the episode written by Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder (#1107). Original airdate 11/18/2015.

Ep 7:

Game on the TV. Woman in the kitchen. She asks Stan to take out the trash. It stinks. He says your cooking stinks. The game is in OT, can't it wait? She grabs the trash bag and takes it out. Behind her is ..... nothing.

Stan asks for a beer. But it's a man with a bunny head on! He kills Stan. She comes back in. Screams.

Sam praying in his room. The visions aren't making a whole lot of sense. Please....what are you trying to say? Dean says really? Really? Sam says have you heard of privacy? Dean says you want privacy, close your door. Don't count on God. Count on us. Sam says this is all Cas could gather. Half is in Aramaic. Donna calls Dean. What do you mean, killer bunny?

Boys drive out there. Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Hey, Sheriff. Donna hugs them. Killer bunny is real strong. The bunny head won't come off. It's really stuck. Sam says you did the right thing. Dean isn't sure this is our type of case. But if you've got a wild hare..... LOL. They meet Doug Stover. Deputy says we're lucky to have Donna. Well, back to work. Dean says someone might have a crush. Sam says he's nice. She says he's a cop named Doug. Not going there again.

She takes them to the bunny in a cell. He's just sitting there. Wife is the witness. No ID. No prior record of his prints. Doug says Clive has an emergency. She leaves. Dean asks what's up doc? Be easier all around if you just talk to us. Sam says careful. Dean asks what happened, pal? Drop too much molly? Sam makes a Roger Rabbit joke. Bunny grabs Dean's head. Sam pries him loose. Minnesota Tech shirt. Kylie forever tattoo.

They go talk to Kylie Jennings. Do you know this rabbit? She says he's my boyfriend. Do you know why he'd stab someone? She says why would Mike stab a complete stranger? She says he was acting weird yesterday. he found a bunny mask at the costume store. He put it on and stared at me, then walked out without paying. Left his cell. He put the mask on and was like a completely different person.

Donna and Doug taking the bunny to the hospital. They sedated him. She tries to lift him on her own and can't. Dean calls her. Bunny stands up. Doug shoots him to protect her. They see Mike and the head is off him.

Dean asks Donna if she's okay? No. Sam says Doug just did his job. She knows, but the kid was innocent. If the mask was cursed, then he was just a puppet. He was a victim, too. Sam says no one else dies. Hands her matches. She lights the bunny mask on fire. They watch it burn.

Men in the gym lifting weights. Coach and a young man. Lay off the HGH. You might have to pee in a cup. Coach leaves the kid. Kid puts earbuds in. Frost breath. A jester walks in. Grabs a kettle bell. Goes to the coach. Hits him with the weight. Kid runs to help. Kettle bell drops to the ground bloody.

Crime scene. Coach is alive, but in a coma. Doug is wigged out. Donna says copy cat killer. Dean says damn social media. Sam asks if they talked to the kid? Dean asks Rock what he saw. Kid says not much. Coach got hammered by the mascot. I hold the state bench record and he was strong. Sam asks about any weirdness. The weight room did get cold.

Sam and Dean figure ghost possession. Donna asks how do you unpossess someone? Dean says iron and salt. Donna has salt. Dean brings out the shot gun. Shoots salt pellets. The girl asks what's going on?

Donna says she doesn't deserve to be locked up. Sam says let her go. No one saw her face. Donna tells Ann she's free to go after a few questions. She says she picked up the new costume, tried it on, then was in jail. She didn't want the coach dead. The costume was donated.

They talk to Rita Johnson. Her boy asks why the police are there? Donna takes him to look at the cop car. Dean and Sam go inside. She says the costume belonged to her brother. He committed suicide a couple months ago. His costumes made her sad, so she donated them. She says Chester was cremated. Sam asks her to make a list of the costumes. Dean asks about Stan Hinkel, Phil Evans, anyone......Did he have unfinished business? She says no, not that she can think of. He didn't know those guys.

They update Donna. Sam gives her the list of costumes. Dean says ghosts come back for something personal. They need to look into the victims for motive. Sam will go back to the school.

Clown brings balloons to the coach's room. Has a scalpel. Slits his throat! He bleeds out.

Clown in the hall. Still holding the bloody scalpel. Sam is in the elevator. Clown turns to him. Sam attacks. The clown tries to strangle him. Sam touches him with iron. It's an old man. Who the hell are you?

The body is wheeled out. Donna asks if Sam got a story. The man was playing dress up with his grandson. Doesn't know how he got to the hospital. Doug arrives. What the heck is going on in this town? Donna says copy cat killers. Whatever you say, Sheriff. Sam says cut the guy a break. You're not giving him a chance. Donna says mind your own beeswax. We have a case to solve.

Dean talks to the widow of the first victim. Did your husband and the coach know Chester Johnson? Yes. He makes her sick. She has nothing nice to say about that man.

Sam calls Dean. Dean says Stan and the coach accused Chester of crossing the line with their kids. They went to the house, and got Rita instead. She told them to go. Chester killed himself before they confronted him.

Dean goes to Rita's house again. Max is home alone. He invites Dean in. Max was working on a card trick. My uncle was cool. I miss him. What those men said about him wasn't true. Rita comes in with Sam. She tells Max to go to his room. Sam says we know the coach and Stan confronted you. Your brother is connected. We need to know the truth! People's lives are at stake. She says a couple of months ago, Stan and Coach came by. Said Chester did something inappropriate. I told them to get lost. They didn't have evidence. But then she had doubts. What they said got under her skin. Chester was always a little off. Only got along with kids. I spent my whole life sticking up for my brother, but what if I couldn't see him for what he was? What if he was hurting Max and I didn't know? I had to face my biggest fear. I should've gone to him first. Instead, I called Stan back. They said they'd take care of it. She told them where Chester was working.

Chester puts his costume head in his car. Stan and Coach grab him. Chester calls for help.

She says they promised they wouldn't hurt Chester. Just scare him.

But they held Chester off the bridge. Chester says I'd never hurt kids! Let me go, let me go. They lose grip and Chester fell in the water.

She says they said it was an accident, but I wasn't there. I didn't know what to believe. I wanted to go to the cops, but Stan said we'd go to jail. I couldn't do that to Max. He couldn't lose me, too. So I didn't say anything. Fear cripples you. Makes you do nothing.....or worse. Makes you do something you regret. I should've trusted my brother. Phone rings. Donna said she tracked down all the costumes. Sam asks about a deer head. It's on Max!

Sam tries to get to Max and gets tossed. Max attacks his mother. Dean touches him with iron. Dean tosses the deer head to Sam. Burn it now! Sam takes it outside. Dean gets salt from the kitchen.

Ghost attacks Sam.

Dean makes a salt circle. Stay inside. Wrongful death spawns a vengeful spirit. Chester attacks Dean. Max tells him no!

Sam wakes up.

Chester grabs Dean.

Sam douses the head in gas and burns it. Chester drops Dean. Burns up. Disappears.

Sam tells Donna it's time they leave. She hopes something nicer brings them back next time. Like cheese curds. She says I don't know how you do it. One big poopfest. Dean says spoken like a true hunter. Really? Sam says you earned it. She hugs them. They leave. She tells Doug she appreciates his hard work. Sorry if I was tough on ya. He says it's okay. I got baggage, too, Donna. You can call me by my middle name, Lonnie. Eww. She says Doug is just fine. LOL.

Dean and Sam in the car. Sam says I keep praying to God because He's showing me something I don't know what to do with. The cage. Lucifer's cage? Yeah. What if I have to go back. If it's the answer to beating the Darkness. Dean says that cage is suicide. So no. Not gonna happen. Sam says okay. But his face says he's not convinced.

Next ep - Dec 2. Sam's imaginary friend is running wild.

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