
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

#Supernatural episode 11.13 - "Love Hurts"

"Love Hurts"

WHO DO YOU LOVE? – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate a set of murders on Valentine’s Day and discover they are dealing with an ancient curse. Once kissed by the curse, the person is marked to die. Phil Sgriccia directed the episode written by Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder (#1113). Original airdate 2/10/2016.

Episode 13:

Previously - Supernatural holidays.

Now. Valentine's Day. Hudson, Ohio. Music on. Couple dresses to go out. Kiss. Doorbell rings. He gets it. Babysitter. Where's Melissa? Getting ready. He kisses the man. She says tell her tonight. I'm tired of waiting. He says it's not that simple. Melissa and I have a life together. She says tell her tonight, or...... Melissa comes down. Ready? Oooooooo

Babysitter in the kitchen. TV is on. She changes channels. Someone's outside a window. French doors. Sneaks in behind her. He massages her shoulders. Then punches through her and rips her heart out. Bearcam saw it all.

Sam reading the news. Dean shuffles in. Smells some leftovers. Is that a hickey? And? Valentine's Day. Can't help it if I'm a hopeless romantic. LOL. Dean says you only have to be Mr. Right Now. Asks what Sam did? Sam shows him the case. College girl murdered last night. Her heart ripped out. An ironic werewolf? Dean wants bacon. No, you need a shower. You're not wrong. Ha!

The house. Being cleaned. They talk to the couple. Why would someone hurt Stacy? Melissa doesn't know. Husband says everyone that met her fell in love with her. Dean asks if there were crazy exes? No idea. Melissa says the nanny cam is gone from the living room.

Sam and Dean think the guy was acting weird.

Morgue. Sam looks at the body. ME is stumped. Sam takes a photo.

Dean finds the husband at work. Agent Weller. Ha! Be straight with me, Dan. You're hiding something. You're stupping the babysitter. I'd hate for this to get you involved in any federal murder investigation. Or I could talk to your wife. The man says I can't. It's too damn weird. you'd never believe me. He has the bear cam. I was having an affair. I only took it because she kissed me in front of it. I was going to erase it when we got home, but then we found the body. I was going to turn it over to the cops, I swear. Until I saw what was on it. He plays the vid. They see the murder. It looks like me but that wasn't me. I loved her. I was at dinner the entire time. Dean says relax, I believe you. Sit tight, keep a lid on this. Takes the vid with him.

Sam in the motel. Dean returns. Plays the vid. That's not Dan. Eyes glow. Shapeshifter. Dean says Yahtzee.

Mr. Harper still at work. Gladys leaves for home. She waits for the elevator. A woman bumps her on the way out. Walks to his office. Stacy! Give me your heart. He freaks out. What do you want? She punches through his chest. And leaves with the heart.

Dean interviews the secretary. A young woman nearly knocked me over. Sam shows her a pic. Yeah, that's her.

They talk to the widow. Baby is with her mom. Sam asks if she was aware that her husband was having an affair with the babysitter. Yes, she knew. I loved Dan, I still do. I thought we still had a chance. Sam thanks her. Dean asks for a number where she can be reached. Silver pen. She touches it just fine. Sam says call if anything strange comes up. They leave.

Back to square zilch. Dean wants to get a beer, maybe get lucky. Sam will pass.

Melissa run to a box. Witch stuff! She puts it down the drain. Calls someone. I think I messed up. Something went wrong. Call me back ASAP. She runs the disposal.

Night. Melissa alone in the house. Hears thudding. Who's there? Another thump on the door. It's Dan. Baby, let me in. Honey, please let me in. I love you. Punches through the door. He says I won't hurt you. I'm your husband. She throws things at him. Grabs her purse and escapes out the back.

Dean returns to the motel. Any luck? Sam says no. you? No. What's a dad bod? LOLOLOL. Someone knocks. Melissa gets in and locks the door. Dan tried to kill me. your dead husband Dan? I think it's all my fault. I swear, I did love Dan, maybe a little too much. I got some advice and confided in my hairdresser about the affair. She told me there was a way to get him back. She calls herself a white witch. I was desperate. She gave you a spell. yes! A return to love spell. All I had to do was chant it and seal it with a kiss. Sam asks if she has the spell on her. She hands it over.

Not a spell. it's a curse. The kiss of death. Melissa is surprised. Did you kiss Stacy? Of course not. Dean says Dad did. So the curse is transmittable? Like a magical STD. Melissa says oh my God, I killed Dan and Stacy. Sam says this is all on that witch. Dean wonders why Stacy died first. Sam posits that maybe you're safe if you can pass it on. Pay it forward or you die. Sam says Melissa, this curse started with you and I think it wants to end with you. Dan breaks in. Dean shoots it. Then kisses Melissa. Sam hits Dan with a chair. Dean says come on, let's go. Into the Impala. Shapeshifter stands up and transforms into a woman.

**An Aramaic curse that summons a shapeshifter to kill for it? Creative magic. They need to find that witch. Did the witch know what she was doing, or is this a bad translation?

Impala pulls over. Dean gets out. Sam is mad. Dean opens the trunk. Sam says you don't have to do this, be the martyr. Dean says he'll be fine. And it proved our theory. Sam asks how long do we have? Don't know. Melissa asks what was that? What kind of FBI agents are you? The fake kind. We're hunters. We save people like you. Melissa says the witch is Sonya. Kind of weird. She gave the spell in the basement of her salon.

They go there. Sam offers Melissa a knife. Stay in the car. They sneak into the salon. Dean sees an Employees Only door. Opens it. Downstairs. Search the basement. Sam finds a locked drawer in a desk. Gets it open. Spell book. Looks through it. Found the creature. It presents yourself as your deepest, darkest desire. Dean chuckles. His desire is Daisy Duke. Since he was 7. LOL. Kill the thing by stabbing it in the heart. Person possessing its heart commands it. Rock paper scissors. On three, Dean actually wins with Paper. LOL. Sam goes upstairs.

Looks around.

Dean looking around, too.

Sam finds a box in a drawer. Gets it open. That's a heart. And Sonya is there. She chants. Uh oh!

Dean gets a visit from Amara. His true deepest desire. Which is going to scare the hell out of him again.

Dean and Amara near each other. Dean calls the monster by its name.

Sonya says you're a hunter? And you're a witch. She says someone has to punish these men.

Amara says who I am doesn't matter. Real question is who are you? You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart, except it's cloaked in shame. When it comes to this, you can't help yourself. So why fight it? Just give in.

Sam asks why hurt Melissa? She only wants to save her marriage. Sonya says they all do. They never learn. I'm weeding out the idiots. And you're next.

Dean says you're right, the real Amara has a hold on me, but you're nothing but a cheap imitation.

Sonya chants against Sam. Melissa runs in and tells her to stop!

Dean gets to his knife.

Sam gets his gun and shoots Sonya twice.

Then stabs the heart. Cuts it open.

The beast disappears in front of Dean. Sam comes down. It's done. You good? Yeah. heh. Sam sees all the damage in the basement. Heh.

Motel. Sam asks what Dean saw? Dean says Amara. Sam is not surprised. Dean says she can't be. If she was, then I'm...... Sam says do you honestly think you ever had a choice in the matter? She picked you. I'm not going to judge you. Dean wants her dead. Of course. Beating yourself up for it isn't getting us anywhere. Sam asks how bad is it? Dean wants to run her through, but when I'm near her, something happens. I can't explain it. But to call it desire, love, it's not that. I'm screwed, man. We need to kill the Darkness and I don't think I can. I'm sorry to do that to you. Sam's got it, Dean. Dean leaves. Sam grabs his stuff and joins him in the car.

Next week - Time travel. Dean on a '40s submarine.
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  1. I haven't caught up with the episodes yet but still love them. Carmen :)
