ARROW CELEBRATES 100 EPISODES; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER CONTINUES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Moira Queen (guest star Susanna Thompson) are alive and well. Laurel (guest star Katie Cassidy) is his loving fiancĂ©e and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). James Bamford directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and written by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (ARW508). Original airdate 11/30/2016.

Image credit: The CW
Episode 8:
Running through the forest. Oliver on the Queen grounds. Then in the shower with Laurel. They kiss. Will you marry me? She says I think I already answered that question. more kisses. She says Sara will be there soon.
Oliver and the others plugged into the alien ship.
Curtis and Rory discussing the alien abduction. Rene did the Salmon Ladder. Felicity brings Cisco in and introduces them. We have to find Oliver and Company. I need something personal to Vibe off of. Curtis asks what are you doing? Cisco explains vibing. So you're a metahuman. Yeah. She gives him the original bow. Cisco sees the ship and the heroes in the pods. Cisco brought a piece of alien tech from the ship.
Speedy gives Oliver a gift. A hozen. He says it's a rock. She says it's a very thoughtful gift from your sister. He thanks her. Moira and Robert walk in. Thea gave me a rock. LOL. He says time to go to the tailor, fight traffic. Dad, I'm not much of a fighter. LOL. Oliver catches a vase a maid tips. Thea comments on his reflexes.
Laurel and Sara. Hugs. I missed you. Sara looks at Laurel's canary necklace. More hugs.
Robert and Oliver. Robert will be mayor in 2 months. Oliver suggests Walter for CEO. Robert wants Oliver to take the position. The Board will accept Ray Palmer's buyout, otherwise. A man pulls a gun to rob them. Oliver gets in front of his dad. The Hood strings the robber up and leaves. Robert asks Oliver why would you do that? you could've been killed.
Thea and Oliver and Robert. Don't tell Mom. Robert calls Oliver a hero. Oliver has flashes to reality. Laurel rushes in and hugs him. He says I'm fine. He needs some air. I'll see you at the restaurant.
Curtis is conflicted. Doesn't like that the aliens are dickwads. Curtis has a processor that might translate Dominator. They plug it in and it blows up. They need a regulator. Dr. Laura Washington stole a regulator. Felicity calls in reinforcements.
Oliver finds Captain Lance. You okay? Yeah, my dad and I are fine. Lance says they have the robber in custody. Oliver sees the Hood sketch and flashes again. Asks who the Hood might be. Lance asks if he's getting cold feet? No, I promise. I'm shaken up by the mugging. Lance offers to buy him drinks. Oliver says I'll meet you there. Lance says when you and Laurel were kids, I didn't like you much, but since then, you've grown into a hell of a man, the kind of man I'm proud to have as my son in law. Oliver has another flash.
the party. Laurel worries Oliver is not coming. Sara reassures her. They get champagne. Laurel thought Sara and Oliver would hook up at one point. Sara prefers girls. They meet Ray. Ray has flashes. You seem very familiar. Laurel and Sara walk off. He's hot. LOL.
Oliver finds the secret elevator. Into the Arrow Cave. Wow. Felicity is surprised. Unauthorized entry! Hood attacks Oliver. Oliver catches his arm. They're both surprised. It's Diggle. Knocks Oliver out.
Oliver wakes. Diggle asks how did you find this place? My name is Oliver Queen. Felicity says everyone knows who you are. Diggle says get out! No one can know my secret. Oliver says your name is John Diggle. Flashes for them. He lowers the hood. Oliver says I think we've met. You were my bodyguard. You were in the military. Diggle says he came back here to atone. She tells him to ease up on the info dump. Oliver flashes more. Andy isn't alive. John, I think you killed him. Diggle attacks again. Go back to your fancy house and forget about this! You have everything. Stop trying to throw it all away.
Flash with the recruits and Supergirl. Rene's had enough. He goes into a factory. Barry and Kara join him. Rene says there are no good metas or aliens. People like you two have the power of gods and think you can make things better by putting on a costume. Rene thinks superpowers are evil. Don't want anything to do with either of you. He gets attacked.
Thea and Moira dressed for the wedding. You look fulfilled. Thea's never been happier. I love you, Mom. They hug. Awwwww. Thea flashes on Moira's death.
Laurel in her dress. Sara helping. Oliver texted he was sorry. Shows up and asks for a few minutes. You're lucky I'm not a trained assassin or anything. Heh. He tells Laurel she looks beautiful. She called at least 20 times last night. He says I want to marry you. Now. We can elope. I want to be with you as quickly as humanly possible. She asks what's going on with you? He says I have everything and I'm afraid I'll give it up. She says that's very sweet, but we have 200 people coming and your parents spent a lot of money. Oliver says I love you and I'll take the job and I swear to God I'll work every single day to be the man you fell in love with. John arrives. Can you talk?
Have you been getting in the city. A building that shouldn't be there? Smoak Technologies. Felicity has never owned a building or a company. They discuss the memory flashes. What is happening to us? Diggle tried to sketch a flash. They're dreams but not. John says we're real and someone's playing head games with us. I think you're a hero. Oliver says the head games aren't over. They'll push back. How? Deathstroke shows up! Like that.
Deathstroke attacks. Sara saves the boys and kills him. How did I do that? Back in the house, they try to explain to her. She says that's crazy. Oliver says I think you learned it at Nanda Parbat. What is the last thing you remember? She has a flash. The memory control fight. We were taken. Where? I don't know. Who were the others? Ray Palmer and Thea. How do we wake up? John says the Smoak Tech building might be how we get out.
Rene with the cyborg villain lady. Flash saves him. Then attacks her. Supergirl joins in. They tag team her. Rory says that was awesome. Curtis says she seems pretty attached to the regulator. LOL. Rene accepts Barry and Kara now.
Thea and Malcolm catching up. Shame Tommy couldn't make it. Malcolm says Tommy's doing double shifts at the hospital. Tommy is a doctor in Chicago! LOL. Thea runs Verdant. Malcolm says your father should be very proud of the woman you've become. Ray and Felicity are engaged. Sara takes him aside. Doesn't this all feel weird to you? He says my fiancee was Anna. What's happening? Oliver with his parents. they tell him to get dressed. Calm down. You're acting strange. This unstable behavior will not finish well. Laurel, the company, this is your life now. Oliver says no it isn't. Hugs Moira a long time with tears. Then his dad. I'm sorry. Thea knows and doesn't want to leave. Sara says none of this is real. Thea says Laurel and my parents are alive. They even smell like them. Oliver says they're not them. I want them to be, but they're not. John and Ray are outside. He asks Sara for a few minutes. We can't stay, Speedy. She says nothing but pain is waiting for us. He says we have responsibilities. She says Supergirl and Flash can handle it. We finally have a chance to be happy. Why can't you accept that as a reward for the sacrifices you made? He says I didn't do it for a reward, I did them because they were right. There's still more to do. I'm begging you to come with me, I can't do it alone. She says she can't lose her family again. He says okay and hugs her. Crying. I want you to be well, be happy. I love you, Thea. He leaves.
Outside the mansion. Oliver says Thea's staying. It's raining. Oliver says we have to go fast. Dominators built in safeguards. He gets shot with an arrow. Their enemies are on the lawn. Thea joins them. I had a change of heart, okay? Thea and Malcolm fight. Damian and Sara fight. John and HIVE soldiers. Oliver and Deathstroke. Ray and D's soldiers. Sara and Thea still in their fights. Then done. Thea gets a bow and arrow to Oliver. He shoots Deathstroke in the eye again. Laurel comes out. What's going on? Sara says I have to go, we have to go. Laurel says we can fix it. Sara hugs her. We can't. Some things we can't fix. Laurel asks Oliver what's happening? He says the man you fell in love with is not me. I don't deserve that love. You always deserved better. I love you. She says I love you. Don't go. He takes one last look and leaves.
Smoak Tech. John injured. They walk through a gateway. Oliver sees holograms of the loved ones, including Tommy and Roy! They say all the encouraging words they've said in the past to Oliver. Iconic statements.
They wake up in the ship. Ray says something you need to see.
Team didn't get a translation. Rory says numerology of the Torah. Dominator's language shares commonalities with Hebrew. Felicity has coordinates. OMG, I think I know where they are.
In outer space. Looking out the window.
Dominators in the halls. Humans sneaking around. Ray says this way. Certain principles of design are universal. Or not. Oliver grabs a gun and shoots. They run from the aliens. Hangar bay. Can we fly this thing? Thea activates something. It leaves the main ship. fighters follow in droves. Diggle says we got incoming. Oliver says we need a way to steer this thing! The Waverider shows up! Picks them up and leaves.
The newbies saved them. How'd you find us? Your nerd army on Earth did. Sara takes Dig to med bay. Ray says the Dominators used a neuro-morph interface. They wanted our minds occupied. Maybe they didn't choose us at random. Because we're not metahumans. Ray remembers what a Dominator said. Gideon translates. Nearing completion of the weapon. The big ship is heading to Earth.
Continued tomorrow. Barry is told to surrender to make the Dominators leave. And a saved by geeks moment. LOL.
Come discuss.
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