
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

#Arrow 5.15 - “Fighting Fire With Fire” live blog

“Fighting Fire With Fire”

VIGILANTE ATTACKS MAYOR QUEEN — Oliver (Stephen Amell) faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he’s acting as the mayor, Diggle (David Ramsey) leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Speed Weed + Ben Sokolowski (#515). Original airdate 3/1/2017.

Episode 15:

Who is Vigilante?

Press swarm around Oliver. Thea doesn't know how it leaked. Oliver says we know. Prometheus. Quentin and Dinah in the room, too. Oliver says if we lose this office, then Prometheus wins. Oliver suggests a version of the truth. Quentin will tell the vultures he'll be making a statement. Oliver tells Thea to make it right with Susan. Adrian comes in with his resignation. It was my idea for the cover-up.

Adrian tells them about the impeachment proceedings. Oliver says be my lawyer at the hearings. I'm not your boss anymore. I'm your client.

Russia. Gregor makes the Bratva choose. Anatoly makes a request. Gregor is reminded that Bratva follows the code or we're nothing. Anatoly and Oliver taken into custody.

Curtis trying to make something. Autonomous mini drones. 1 offensive, 1 defensive. Rene teases him. LOL. Curtis says Paul won't have to worry about me with these in my arsenal. If I can get these damn things to work.

News talks about the impeachment. Oliver comes into the Cave. Felicity is still searching the data. Oliver says Susan is not returning my calls. I need your help because Thea is not budging. Felicity says Susan is your girlfriend. You have to fix it. He's trying, but she won't return calls and he's facing impeachment this week. Felicity says for what it's worth, I think you'll beat this thing.

Vigilante prepares. Who is he? He's going after Oliver.

**Still have the 2 questions of the season - Who is Vigilante and who is Prometheus? Vigilante was Adrian Chase in the comics, but Adrian seems to be Oliver's ally and growing to be a friend in the office. As the season has gone on, he's been less likely as Vigilante's behavior. The show doesn't care much about comic canon, especially these days, so who is Vigilante?

Reporter says a mayor of this city has only faced impeachment once before. Oliver arrives. Goes to Susan. She's still hostile. You deserve today. Won't let him talk.

Thea asks Adrian what Oliver's chances are. Council starts. Did Oliver Queen's actions violate the oath he took to serve Star City, and should he be removed as mayor.

Curtis's husband calls. Diggle isn't happy that Felicity got Susan fired. She shows him the Helix files. You're still in bed with these people? This could be a weapon.

ME talks about the cause of death. Green Arrow killed Malone. Why was the report not in the file? She says the DA instructed her to say the Throwing Star killer was responsible. They ask why? She says the DA said the request came from the mayor himself. The police captain questioned next. Do you believe what Mr. Queen has told you? He's not sure. Why is he protecting the Green Arrow?

They leave at end of day. Oliver gets in the limo. Thea has an idea. Council needs someone to be thrown to the wolves. Thinks it should be Malone. The cover-up is about protecting his reputation for his family instead of the Green Arrow. Oliver says no. Out of the question. Quentin says one councilperson is a swing vote. Limo is fired upon until it flips and lsides. Vigilante says the mayor surrenders, I let the rest of you live. Dinah blasts him. Oliver gets the others out. Quentin goes to help the driver. Thea tackles Vigilante. Oliver says you want me! Come on! Vigilante fires and Oliver dodges behind the limo. Police arrive. Lucky you, you get one more day.

**What if Vigilante is Paul??? It's one of the few people we already know. If it's a stranger, they need to make him compelling. But I don't think it's Paul. Too short. And Curtis should know if his husband had this kind of training.

**Vigilante is likely to have police or military training.

**Slade/Deathstroke was still scarier than Prometheus has been.

Investigating the scene. EMT tries to treat Oliver. Quentin says the driver is okay. Dinah's working the scene. Adrian arrives. Asks Quentin if he's okay. Then tells Oliver he shouldn't be photographed in an ambulance. And the concussion protocol is a thing. Thea's never getting in a limo with him again.

She returns to Arrow Cave. Diggle and Rene will hit the streets. Thea wants a favor from Felicity. About the Councilman. It's not blackmail, it's politics.

Hospital. If Oliver is cleared, the hearings resume tomorrow. Dr. Swartz won't let him leave tonight, though. The mind needs rest. Or someone to take the mind off troubles. He tries to call Susan. Voicemail again.

Russia. The bar. Anatoly called for a hearing. I did not want to die in hospital basement. Oliver says we need to find evidence of Gregor's deal benefiting him and not Bratva. They have an hour.

Dinah with the cops. Spots a shard.

Diggle and Rene got nothing. Felicity needs a break. Dinah calls. I have a small piece of his visor. She'll bring it in. Curtis will track it to the user. He's hopeful because Paul asked him to go to dinner. Thinks they'll reconcile.

Adrian and Dinah. He takes the shard. Hope everything's okay with your family. Damn.

Vigilante on a rooftop. Prometheus confronts him. They fight. Same size guys. Vigilante goes off the side of the building. Prometheus takes off his mask to use the phone. It's Chase! Adrian reports a sighting of Vigilante.

Diggle says Oliver is on the way to City Hall. He asks what she's looking in to. Felicity says the councilman's wife crashed her car on purpose. Suicide. Diggle says this isn't you. She says it pretty much is. He says your super power is empathy. She says I'm fresh out. It's a dark world. I've watched all of you use a little darkness to fight it. He says true, but every time we do, we risk being burned.

Captain thinks the city wants to burn itself down. Adrian says Green Arrow got played. Mayor Queen isn't impeached, yet.

Oliver confronts Thea. Thea hasn't sent the email. It's politics! Hardball. He says it's cruel. She says the city without you would be cruel. Please let me help you. Oliver says when you fight fire with fire, you'll get burned. You destroyed Susan's career, then scaled up to blackmail. When does it stop?

Alarm going off at a mansion. Kovar's men checking it out. The Hood is inside. The the office. Looks through files.

Curtis testing the visor piece. Cross your fingers and your toes. The sphere is tracking! Time to suit up.

Oliver in his office. Adrian comes in. Offer up a name or you will be impeached. Oliver says if the council won't let me testify, I'll take my message to the public. He'll throw the Green Arrow under the bus.

**Well, it won't be the first time Green Arrow is public enemy #1!

Readying to address the press.

The team reaches Vigilante. Felicity says it's right behind City Hall.

Guard goes down. Vigilante prepares his sniper rifle.

Dinah gets a call. Vigilante is across the street, 6th floor. He'll take you out as soon as you go outside. Oliver does it anyway.

Team approaching. But there are movement sensors.

Oliver addresses the people.

Vigilante left the rifle station. Starts shooting at them. Curtis' ball blows up at his feet.

Oliver never wanted to an underhanded and dirty politician.

Vigilante shoots at them from above.

Oliver will explain covering up what the Green Arrow did.

Vigilante reaches Rene. Spartan fights him. Vigilante keeps coming out on top.

Oliver said I didn't think we could afford to lose another hero.

Curtis throws the ball. It gets Vigilante in the face. Curtis rescues Rene. Spartan up. Glad for the upgrade in Kevlar. Vigilante gone.

Oliver says the Green Arrow has gone rogue. We have to hunt him and punish him for what he'd done. The Green Arrow is not a hero. He is what is keeping Star City from being the best it can be.

**Wow.........there's blaming it on the Green Arrow, and then there's discrediting him. Maybe you went a bit far, Oliver? Geeze. will Prometheus react? Adrian looks fine with the plan, but he's good at pretending.

Oliver in the office. Quentin says they're still deliberating. How does it feel, making yourself a villain like that? Susan is here. Oliver says please send her in. Glad you're here. Susan got her job back. Hacker confessed anonymously. Oliver says it's good. I'm glad, and I'm sorry. She asks if he made it right? Off the record, yeah. She will keep his secret. Oliver asks what's next with us. Adrian comes in. Council voted. Quentin says against impeachment. Adrian says no thanks needed. You're not just my boss, Oliver, you're my friend. Oliver leaves to tell Thea the good news.

She's packing up. You were right. I'm deep in the mud. I've replaced bloodlust with politics and slander. Please don't ask me to stay because I will. But I'm broken. I need you to let me go so I can try to fix myself. Oliver accepts her resignation. She thanks and hugs him. The letter is on the desk.

Russia. Bratva meeting. Align with Gregor or Anatoly. Oliver rushes in. Listen for 10 seconds. If you don't like it, shoot me. this laptop contains 80 million in accounts that Kovar sent to Gregor. And also millions that Gregor hasn't disclosed. 40 million rubles. If anyone wishes to cast a new vote, do so now. More go to Anatoly. Victor is the deciding vote. For Anatoly. Gregor and his loyalists shoot at them.

Oliver returns. Curtis asks to leave. Oliver says yes, of course. Everyone should have fun tonight. You all saved my life. 5 months ago, I never would've thought that was possible. Curtis says thank you for saying thank you, but I'm really late to see Paul.

Paul is still at the restaurant. Curtis says sorry, we were stopping an assassination. I rehearsed what I would say to you, how I'd win you back, tell you I love you. Rambles. Paul says it's nice to see you, Curtis. Hands him divorce papers. I'm sorry, I really am. Paul leaves.

Felicity in an alley. Meets the hacker chick. Surprised you contacted Helix. She wants backup. A team. Full throttle joining in.

Adrian finds Susan. Wants an exclusive. She says she's late for a dinner. Adrian says it's important. You could call it life or death.

Next ep - Green Arrow looking for Adrian. March 15. I'm going to finish this.

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