03/31/2017 (08:00PM - 09:00PM) (Friday) : SERIES FINALE - NICK MUST LOOK TO HIS ANCESTORS FOR STRENGTH TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM A TERRIFYING END - JACQUELINE TOBONI, HANNAH R. LOYD, AND WIL TRAVAL GUEST STAR - Nick (David Giuntoli) faces off against his greatest foe yet as it seems no weapon can defeat him. At the Spice Shop, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), Rosalee (Bree Turner), and Eve (Bitsie Tulloch) search for answers and stumble upon a rare potion that may help the fight. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard (Sasha Roiz) and Adalind (Claire Coffee) try to keep Diana (Hannah R. Loyd) and baby Kelly safe as the threat has its eyes set on the children. Russell Hornsby and Reggie Lee also star. TV-14 L, V

Image credit: NBC
Episode 13, series finale:
I tried out Grimm when the series premiered because of Greenwalt and Kouf that I knew from Angel.
So glad I did! Has the series been perfect? No. Are there choices I would've changed that I think would've kept the ratings up and NBC wouldn't have canceled it (yet)? Yeah. But it's not my show, not my story.
In the end, we have to be happy for being introduced to this wonderful ensemble that I'm sure we'll follow in years to come - maybe even on a revival on another network!
What other show has ever given us midseason and finale cards that said, "Oh shit! See you next season"? 😂
This is going to be raw tonight, folks. My last night of talking about this show! And it's Grimm, so they'll shock and horrify us. It's not a Grimm finale without putting us through an emotional ringer, right?
Silas and Bree address us - thank you for your love and support. You're going to love the finale. Take a sneak peek at NBC's new show, Midnight, Texas. July 24.
Previously on Grimm.
"Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."
Nick wakes up. Wu and Hank are dead. He goes to Wu and tries to fix him with the Stick. It's not working. He checks for a pulse, listens for breath. Come on, Wu, come on. Come on. Goes to Hank. Come on, come on, this has to work. Come on, Hank, you can't die. Please. WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING. Trubel runs in. He says they're dead. She's in disbelief. Oh my God, he killed everybody. Franco's dead, too. Nick will find it and kill it. Trubel says we have to do this the way our ancestors did - cut off his head. He says we have to warn Adalind first.
He calls. Adalind and Renard on speaker. Zerstorer killed everyone at the precinct, including Hank and Wu. I was the only one he didn't kill. I still have the Stick, maybe that's why I'm not dead. it didn't work on Hank and Wu. She tells him Diana said it wants Kelly, too. He'll send Trubel to them. She doesn't think they should split up, but he needs her out there.
Spice Shoppe. Rosalee says what if Zerstorer is unstoppable. Eve argues. Monroe asks if strength of one's blood mean anything? Reference to dark forces of the universe that precipitate apocalyptic events. Only the strength of ones' blood can overcome the evil. Eve and Rosalee thinking on spells. Rosalee talks about one that needs the blood of a Grimm, a Hexenbiest, and a Wesen. Eve texts Nick.
Last time seeing the credits!
rosalee preparing the spell. Nick arrives. They tell him about the spell. Eve asks what's wrong? They hit the precinct. We tried to fight it but it killed everyone. Hank. Wu. Rosalee hugs him. Eve's teared up. I can't believe it. Trubel showed up after. i sent her to the cabin. Eve tells him about the blood. Rosalee says it's the strongest poison I know. Nick says it better work. I don't know how I'll get close enough to him to cut his head off. Rosalee asks Monroe for a Thermos.
Adalind and Sean discuss the figurines. He wants to tell her something. We did one thing right. Diana. I'm sorry for a lot of that stuff. She is, too. She's still wearing that ring. He says he'll do everything in his power to protect Diana and Kelly. Trubel arrives. Adalind lets her in. Hug. She's suspicious of Sean. Adalin says a lot has changed. Trubel wishes Meisner knew. Sean says trust me, he does. She pulls her blade and goes back outside.
Discussing how to implement the poison. Monroe and Rosalee leave. Eve will ride with Nick. She wishes she was still a hexenbiest. He thought she wasn't going to regret anymore. She has no regrets and she's definitely not done. Zerstorer enters. Eve grabs a knife. It makes her turn it on herself. Nick gets up off the floor in time to see her stab herself in the stomach. She yells at him to go, but he catches her. Caresses her. Juliette...... She says no regrets. Closes her eyes and dies. He lays her on the bed. Tries the Stick. Nothing again! He screams. Where ARE YOU? COME BACK AND FIGHT! God DAMN YOU. He starts smashing up the shop in his grief.
**I'm not crying yet, but it's close. Damn. David's doing an amazing job. Surprised the censor allowed the blasphemy curse at this hour.
The cabin. Monroe's bug pulls up. Nick and Eve should be close behind us. Trubel asks if he told them about Hank and Wu? Monroe can't believe it. They go inside and talk to them about the spell poison. Nick should be here soon, we need to get it ready.
Car arrives. It's Nick. With an ax. He stopped a bit from the cabin. Remembers first being here with Monroe 6 year ago. Trubel hears him. Where's Eve? No..... Let's go. Enter the cabin. Adalind hugs him. Awful about Hank and Wu. He tells them about Eve. Sean says he let you live again? Nick says it has to be the Stick. It didn't work on Eve, either. The knife has to go through all 3 hands. Sean can do it. Adalind and Monroe wogue. Do it! Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together, okay! That's enough blood. Their hands heal. the poison bubbles. Rosalee stirs it. It melts the spoon. Diana comes up. I feel different and I can't sleep. She's not scared anymore. Sean says we have something that will take care of him once and for all. She says you know he's coming here. He knows where Nick is. The Stick tells him. He wants it, Nick. He's been looking for it a long time. The cabin shakes and Zerstorer enters. Diana is at the door for him. He blasts all of them to the floor.
**Poor little child bride is under thrall.
**Zerstorer gets places pretty fast considering he's walking everywhere. He really is a horror monster.
He sppears human again. Takes her hand. Leads her away. Sean tackles him. Nick tells Trubel to save Kelly. Monroe tells Rosalee to go with Trubel. She won't. Diana tells Sean to not hurt him. He needs me. Sean says I'll die before I let you have her. I know. Zerstorer stabs him in the heart. Diana..... He falls. Nick strike.s Monroe throws the poison on Z. Nick tries to swing the ax. Z blocks it. Oh crap. Adalind screams to Trubel RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Monroe tries to use the staff and gets tossed. Adalind gets the ax. Zerstorer kills her with it. She falls. Save Kelly and Diana. Dies. Rosalee gets up with the staff. Z turns it into a snake that bites her throat. Monroe tries to save her and it bites his throat, too. They're dying next to each other. Shit. She dies before he does. Nick runs to them. No, no, Monroe, no, you can't. You can't. Monroe dies. Nick screams into the night. NOOOO NOOOOOO. Z and Diana are gone.
Trubel in the cabin. Diana comes in. Stay away from my brother. she attacks Z. Nick hears the ruckus. Z kills Trubel after calling her Decapitare. Strangled her with the stick. Diana says we're ready. My brother likes you, too. Nick says you've taken everything from me. You won't take my son. Z says that doesn't need to happen. None of this does. Nick says the Stick is what you want. It is. You can't kill me as long as I have it. Z says he's willing to exchange for it. Nick isn't interested. Z says you will be, and brings Trubel back to life. Did we kill him? No. Then why are we alive? Z can give them all back to you. She picks up her machete and brandishes it at him. Nick goes to Kelly. Rises. You can have it. Stick and staff glow. Trubel intercepts it. Why is he asking for it? What isn't he telling you? Z says you might want to ask your children. She says you can't give it to him. Nick wants to give it to him. She stops him. I can't let you do this. Get out of my way. No. They fight. She runs into the woods with the Stick. It hurts her hand. Nick attacks her. they're not pulling any punches. He gets her down.....and stops himself. Picks up the stick. She pleads with him. He takes it back to Zerstorer. The skies are weird and stormy. His mother's voice! You cannot betray us and what we are. Nick, Nicky! She's here! you can't go what you want to do. Don't give away what you hold. He says they're all dead. I have no choice. Aunt Marie stops him. Trubel is right. Mom says it has to be given to him. He can't take it. You can defeat him. Marie says that's why he took all you love. They say the world will be cursed if you give it to him. Nick argues. They bring up the blood. He says we tried that. They says no, not that. They say the strength of YOUR blood is how you defeat him. The strength of all Grimms, in you, in Trubel. From our family. With that, we can defeat any evil. Together. He keeps walking back. With his Grimms. The 3 face Z.
**Holy shit! Who could've guessed Mom and Aunt Marie would show up again?!
Trubel catches up. Nick holds out the Stick. Z says give it to me. Nick says come and get it. The 4 Grimm surround him and attack. Beating and kicking. Stabbing. Marie gets a good hit. Kelly cuts his arm off. The staff is whole in Nick's hands. Nick stabs him with it. You want it, here it is! Z has black smoke coming out of his mouth. Nick says how did you know I needed you? We feel it. We're all descendants of the first Grimm. Guard that stick well. Nick says you kept me from doing something terrible. Marie says we helped you find your strength. Kelly says take care of my grandson. I like his name. Trubel can't believe the 2 of us took him down. Nick says what? They're gone. But I did nothing for them. he goes to Adalind. Takes her hand. removes the ring. throws it away. Diana comes out. Where did they go? The other Grimms fighting with you. Nick says oh my God. I can bring them all back to life. If it worked for you, it can work for them. Trubel says something's happening. Z's body melts and reforms into a swirling portal. It sucks the stick and Nick's holding on.
He and Eve burst through the mirror! Mommy, it worked. I got Nick back for you. Nick says you're alive. Kisses Adalind. You're all alive! What happened? He hugs Eve. You're okay, you're okay. You're all okay. Even you. Sean says yeah, we're fine. Hank and Wu and Rosalee arrive. Nick hugs all of them. Freaking everyone out. Trubel runs in. He hugs her, too. She had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I guess it didn't. Diana says you're a Hexenbiest again. Nick, he didn't come back through. He's dead and I'm not afraid anymore. He hugs her. Neither am I. Goes to Kelly. So glad you're all here. Hank asks if he's alright. Nick's tearing up. I thought....you were all.....I'm just so thankful you're all here. I know this won't make a lot of sense, but when I was in the other place, I didn't know if I'd ever get back, and I felt how it would be to lose everyone I've ever loved, my family. Monroe thought they wouldn't get him back, either. Group hug. Monroe finds the staff! Where did this come from?
He didn't know what to tell them. But Zerstorer didn't come through the mirror. The only way for Nick to defeat the evil was with the strength of his blood. His mother, Aunt Marie, and Trubel, his 3rd cousin on his mother's side! Kelly writing the Grimm history. Diana says hurry up. Mom and Dad are waiting. We have Wesen to kill. The triplets are coming, too. He signs his name at the bottom of the page. He grabs a weapon and leaves the new trailer. She closes the book with magic. There's a big G on the front of it.
Thank you in dozens of languages. The End.
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