See how the cast wrapped the last day of filming.
"I Was Feeling Epic"
OLD FRIENDS - With the fate of Mystic Falls at stake, Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) must fight their greatest enemy for one last battle. Julie Plec directed the episode written by Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson. (#816). Original airdate 3/10/2017.
IT'S BEEN EPIC - After eight amazing seasons, The Vampire Diaries is coming to a dramatic and epic end. This one-hour retrospective features interviews with past and present cast members and guest stars, a conversation with the executive producers Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson, behind-the-scenes footage from the final season, and special moments from the past eight years. Original airdate 3/10/2017.
Retrospective special:
Forever yours.
Stefan's monologue about coming home. Damon thinking he might stay a while. The triangle. And more.
Elena writing in her diary. Julie talking about how they first came to the material.
Nina talking about Elena's start. Running into Stefan. Who found life and purpose in the context of this girl. Damon......Hello, brother. Couldn't miss your first day of school.
Caroline digging into Stefan. We're planning a June wedding.
Bonnie's prediction that Elena would be happy. Matt and Elena's pain. Jeremy, Tyler, and Vicki.
Damon taunting Stefan about Elena's blood. Stefan tackles him and they go out the second story window. The magic of the brother relationship. Stefan the moral conscience. Damon the anti-hero. Damon has gotten away with the most ridiculous, hateful, disgusting things. LOL. Damon here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl. That long-seated anger from Stefan making Damon turn. Katherine. Elena.
Elena and Stefan's first chemistry. First love. But there's Damon........ Elena slapping him and saying I am not Katherine.
Be ready for the good, so when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it. Then Elena invites Stefan into the house.
The cast were babies in the pilot!
Elena discovering vampires. What are you? Every belief you have is about to change. Are you ready for that? What are you??! I'm a vampire.
Cues from the book series. Invitations. Becoming a vampire. The daylight ring.
Caroline. Am I shallow? Aww. The little mean girl. How come the guys that I want never want me? Bickering with her mother. Sex with Damon. And getting turned into a vampire! Candace thought she'd die off the show. But no.......she's really good at being a vampire. It took her becoming dead to be alive.
Bonnie discovering she's a witch. Psychic. Grams! Swearing Elena to secrecy about her powers. Floating the feathers. Bonnie bringing Jeremy back to life. Chanting with Grams. bonnie the accidental martyr. Kat likes playing a hero.
The girl bond.
And it has always been SO OBVIOUS the writers are BTVS fans. Same types of characters with different names. Elena = Buffy, Stefan = Angel, Damon = Spike, Katherine = Darla, Matt = Xander, Bonnie = Willow, Caroline = Cordelia, Tyler = Oz......
Mystic Falls High School. And the town. The parade. Miss Mystic Falls. The Mystic Grill. Fireworks above the clock tower. It's Mystic Falls, nothing bad ever happens here. Civil War deaths.
Before they were vampires. Stefan and Damon writing letters. Meeting Katherine. Their father. Katherine revealing she's a vampire to both of them.
Katherine came back for Stefan. But he hates her. that sounds like the beginning of a love story, Stefan, not the end of one. Damon wanting to kill her. She calls it hot. Chopping off John's fingers! Katherine's jealousy of Elena's life. Elena making Katherine human. Losing her power. Her body falling apart. And being sucked into Hell. The roast of Katherine over shots.
Matt. Awww, believing in the early Elena relationship. Matt and the vampire thing. The one plain human. Jeremy and Matt defeating Enzo. Matt and Elena on the bridge. Here lies Elena Gilbert, a fun girlfriend and an amazing friend.
Alaric. Teacher. Meeting Damon. Becoming friends. Wearing the ring. ric's wedding.
How to kill a vampire. What is your definition of death? Sunlight. Burning. rip their heart out. Remove their head. The neck breaks! And the stake through the heart. A satisfying feeling.
The werewolf. Tyler who would fight everybody. Teasing the curse. And the transformation. The relationship with Caroline. And Damon killing him.
Dearly departed. Saying goodbye to people. Alaric's memorial! That scene was epic. Damon and Ric in the tomb. Sheriff Forbes death. Caroline's grief. The funeral. Caroline singing. Candice's beautiful voice. Stefan's face at that moment was telling.
Elena waking up dead. The turning point. I care because I'm still me. Exploring Elena's sexuality, sense of danger, and moral ambiguity. Her feelings for Damon magnified. Damon did everything out of love. The connection unlike any other. Promise me this is forever! Dancing and kissing in the rain. Damon and Elena on the porch. Till death do us part. She took the cure.
Caroline's romances. Tyler. Klaus. The tree sex. And Caroline and Stefan. From the pilot to now. Balancing each other.
The show became an ensemble. Then there's Enzo and Bonnie. The romance in the cabin. Carrying her into the house. So close to everything they wanted. Then......his heart is ripped out. And Bonnie's magic awakens.
Bonnie really has gone through SO much tragedy. She has lost nearly everyone she's ever loved.
Bonnie tells Damon that Enzo is gone. Julie's version of happy isn't happy for everyone else. Bonnie turning Stefan human. Characters telling their death story as much as their life story.
Redemption. Stefan figuring out how to be human. Do you think there's a chance for us, for redemption? Bonnie's connection to Enzo in death. Caroline seeing her mom. Bonnie seeing Grams. Damon will have to let Stefan go some day.
The cast together for 8 years. Thankful for the moments. Proud of the family. Overwhelming and amazing. Insane. Learning a lot from each other. Hoping the show has inspired people. A unique and special experience. Being grateful for the show. Giving the audience an ending worth their time. The heart of the show is our fans.
Wrap days for each character. Even Paul got emotional!
Episode 16:
Stefan trying to save Bonnie. Caroline gives her blood. Stefan doing CPR.
Bonnie in the woods. A white bed. Elena on it. Elena wakes. Bonnie? Elena. She sits up. Bonnie runs to her and they hug. I never thought I'd see you again. Elena says this, no, you can't die, not yet! you have to live and grow old and have children and grandchildren. Bonnie says she's ready. Enzo says I'm not. Sorry, love, but it's not your time.
Bonnie wakes. Caroline hugs her. Stefan sighs in relief. Bonnie says I saw Elena.
Vicki ringing the bell. Damon attacks her. Throws her out of the clock tower. Matt runs up. Damon! Damon says don't say anything at all. Vicki comes back upstairs. She wants her ticket out of Hell. Damon kills her again. Vicki revives. Damon says convince her to stop ringing this bell! He leaves. Vicki says I have to ring this bell every 5 minutes until Mystic Falls burns. I can't go back there! At least this time I'll be dead, gone. I'm okay with that.
Damon and Caroline and Stefan. Matt says evacuate the town. Gas leak. Again.
Damon says Katherine won. Played the long game and finally beat us. They're home and the coffin is empty. Elena says Damon? What's going on? Is Bonnie? Bonnie's okay. You're both okay. I'm awake? you're awake. They hug and she jumps into his arms. Damon drops her. No, no, no... She says rude! Katherine.... Hello, brothers.
**Ooo, so that teaser moment wasn't Elena after all. Heh. Where's Elena's body, then? What did Katherine do besides stealing her dress.
**That wig on her is bad, though. So obvious. Couldn't they have woven extensions into her bob?
**Nice that Damon knows when a moment is too good to be true.
Katherine pours a drink. Where's Elena? Dead. Spiritual coma to be precise. Where is her physical body? For me to know and you to dot dot dot. She hopes they enjoyed the show she put on. The Devil wanted you because I wanted you. Duh. Damon breaks her glass. Where is she? Katherine says at 10pm, Mystic Falls will burn, Elena will burn, and I'm guessing one of you will burn with her. Damon kills her.
Matt finds his dad. Tells him Vicki is back.
The brothers looking for Elena. Caroline will meet Stefan at the school. Ric comes in the house. Bonnie's in the car with the girls. Caroline packed everything essential. She says I'm staying. Katherine took Elena's body. He argues. Your girls need you! She says they have you, and I'll meet you at the Armory. It's Elena! He doesn't want to tell those girls Mommy isn't coming home because you put someone else before them. Ouch. Caroline promises he won't have to.
Stefan finds Elena. In the boiler room of the high school. Picks her up. And can't walk out! Dammit. Bell rings again. It's 9:30pm on the clock tower.
Damon and Stefan on the phone. Stefan is fine, but Elena can't leave. You have to get Katherine to break the spell. She says need something? You can't get Elena free. Kai set that trap for me and he's trapped forever. Damon says this banter is just old. Tell me what you want and we'll negotiate. She has what she wants. This stupid town will burn up and everyone will go poof. Damon says you're jealous of Elena. You know we will choose her every time. She taunts him that Elena would choose Stefan because he's the good one. He stabs her again.
Caroline and Stefan on the phone with Bonnie. Damon won't leave Elena to die alone. Ric says leave now, Caroline. Take the tunnels. It'll be faster. She hangs up. Stefan has to try to convince Damon to leave. Caroline promised to not risk the girls growing up without a mother. Stefan says get to safety. Family first. She you and the girls, we're family. begs him to not make her leave. He says I have to convince Damon to go and I can't do that unless you're safe. He's my brother. She says family first. He loves her so much. I love you, too. They kiss. She runs away after he nods encouragement.
Ric tells the girls to change out of their dresses. Bonnie asks if he's okay. Ric cares about Elena and Damon, but I can't fail my daughters and they need their mother. She asks what this is. Ric tells her about his and Dorian's plan to destroy Hell. She says like the energy in hellfire?
She calls Stefan. I think I can fix this. But Katherine has to be in Hell when I destroy it.
Evacuating the town. 9:50.
Bonnie thanks the girls. You made me realize I had all the magic I ever needed right inside me. Caroline walks in. Any word from Stefan? Ric says we have to leave quickly. I'll explain in the car. Bonnie says I'll save the world and you need to get in that car and drive away. Ric will fill you in. I love you. Caroline says don't do anything stupid, Bonnie Bennett. Bonnie says I'll be fine. Promise.
Katherine finds Damon in the cave. He says you're predictable. She says shouldn't you be by Elena's side? Damon says Bonnie figured out how to save the day. Katherine doesn't believe Bonnie can do anything. Damon says these tunnels go from the Armory straight into the heart of Mystic Falls. Bonnie will send the fire straight through the tunnels to Hell, right where we'll be waiting for it. Stefan arrives. The brothers argue about who's going to be the martyr. Damon kills Katherine again. Damon says tell Elena I did this for her, to make up for my sins. Stefan needs to do this for what he did to Bonnie and Enzo, and so many others. Someone needs to stay to make sure Katherine is in Hell. Damon argues. I'm not going to leave you to die here, Stefan. Stefan says yes, you are.
**30 minutes left. Who's going to make it?
Damon says you're arguing about who deserves redemption more? Stefan says every drop pf blood I'm accountable for. You have an eternity with Elena ahead of you! Damon says it means a lot less without you! Stefan doesn't want this, but I've fought to make you the man that deserves happiness now. Let me do this for you. Let me do this for me. Please. Damon says I love you, little brother. Stefan loves him, too. Damon says you are human. Which is why I can do this. Compels him to go and leave and not stop until my death breaks the compulsion because I am the big brother, and I'm sorry i wasn't better at it until now. Go, go! Stefan walks out.
5 minutes left on the clock. bell rings again. Peter comes to Vicki. Daddy? Hi, honey. This is Matt's trump card? It won't work. You're 15 years too late. Matt says Bonnie has a plan. We don't need you to stop. She says what are you doing here? Peter wanted to see her one last time. She hugs him, crying. Matt's crying.
Caroline asks what's going on? Ric doesn't know what to say. Stefan's, uh...... she weeps in the car.
Bonnie preparing in the Armory. Okay, Grams. If I ever needed you to hear me, hear me now. She starts chanting. Magic is working.
almost 10PM. Matt and Peter on the street. Vicki rings the bell.
Armory is shaking. Bonnie keeps chanting.
Caroline says stop the car. Stop! She gets out. Tries calling. Voice mail. Stefan, please call me, please. I need you to know I understand. I love you. I will love you forever. I understand.
10. The clock flames up. Bonnie channels the fire down below the town. It's in the tunnels.
Katherine wakes. Fires goes by her and Damon. Poof!
Stefan runs back.
Fire blasts into the Armory! Bonnie screams and holds the wall of flame back. Tries to control it. I can do this, I can do this! I can beat you. You can't have me! Not my time! Enzo says now you're ready to live? Keep fighting, love. She says it's too strong. I can't do it alone. He says nonsense. You're strong enough to do anything you put your mind to. And you're not alone. Grams appears next to her. They chant together. Bonnie's ancestor on her other side. And more witches! They all chant at the fire. Push it away.
Back into the bell.
Matt and Peter on the street.
Bonnie smiles. I did it. She collapses. Her nose had bled from the spell effort.
**So, the clock tower and Armory need a lot of repair now, heh. Quite a bit of scorching.
**15 minutes left.
School bell. The photos. The trophy case. Elena looks at it. Runs into Stefan. Hi. Hi. What happened? Why am I here right now? Stefan doesn't know about Bonnie, but Damon wanted to sacrifice everything to save you, to save this town. I'm human now. He compelled me to leave. But he should've known better. I'd never walk on Earth without taking vervain.
Stefan gave Damon the cure. Without the cure, I'd start to age. Be dead soon enough. So Damon's okay. Stefan did what he had to do.
Held Katherine to burn in Hell. Goodbye, brother.
No, Stefan..... Tonight, I saw the older brother I looked up to. The Damon I knew when I was a boy. I wanted that Damon to live and I wanted you to get to know him. He's the better man, the right man. He caresses Elena's face. Good to see you, Elena, one last time. She hugs him. There's something I have to say. Whispers in her ear. Nods goodbye. Walks away. Elena's aged.
Stefan walks out to see Lexi! he was feeling epic. They hug. He swings her around.
Dear diary, today will be different. Today I will smile. It will be different, because today I get to live again.
Elena wakes. Bonnie is standing there. There she is. Am I? Bonnie did it. I broke the spell. How? It took some time. But I finally figured this witch thing out. They hug. Tears. Where is he? He's with Caroline. Saying goodbye.
Salvatore crypt. Pain is the cost of living, like love. Damon and Caroline looking at Stefan's marker. Brother, husband, friend. Caroline says we'll see him again. Damon says you'll see him. I'm going the other way. They'll probably reopen Hell for me. She says don't be so sure. She leans on him a moment, and leaves.
To see Elena. He walks out, to. They run to each other and kiss.
Elena says Stefan said. Tell Caroline I heard her and I will love her forever, too. Caroline is grateful he got her message.
They all say goodbye at the crypt. Damon leaves his ring.
And life goes on. Matt writing. He's sheriff. Thinking of running for mayor. Vicki found peace. Bonnie will live life to the fullest. See the world. She hears Enzo says passport in the nightstand. Finds the pendant. Ric and Caroline opened the Salvatore boarding school. Ric sees Jo for a flash. Caroline says we needed lots of help with the school. Jeremy is back!!! Caroline wanted to make her mom proud. And she got an impressive donor. But that's another story. Klaus!
Elena back, writing. With the bobbed hair. I owe it all the Stefan. He brought me back to life and I'm going to live it as long as I can, best as I can. There's a crow! She's wearing scrubs. Damon meets her at the crypt. Takes her hand.
Even after our long and happy life together, Damon is worried he'll never see Stefan again. Never find peace. But I know he's wrong. Aunt Jenna and Elena's parents! That's the promise of peace. Once day, after a long life, we find each other again. Uncle John, too.
Stefan in the house. Opens the door. Damon. Hello, brother. They hug.
And that's it. Next Friday - the Originals are back.
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