
Thursday, February 8, 2018

#Arrow 6.13 live blog - “The Devil’s Greatest Trick”

“The Devil’s Greatest Trick”

CAYDEN JAMES LAUNCHES A FULL OUT ATTACK — Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) discovers a secret about the Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) that pushes him over the edge. Knowing everyone and everything he loves is in danger, Oliver must decide if he can do this alone or if he needs to turn to his old teammates for help. William (guest star Jack Moore) starts to demand more of Oliver’s time. JJ Makaro directed the episode written by Sarah Tarkoff & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#613). Original airdate 2/8/2018.

Episode 13:

Arrow and Spartan clearing a building. Looking for Cayden. He cleared out of his base. Didn't appreciate the alliance with Vince. Green Arrow tells him I almost have proof I didn't kill your son. Give me more time! Cayden will detonate the bomb at midnight.

Arrow cave. 4 hours left. They're going over the video. Alaina says you're trying to reason with a man who might be beyond reason.

Cayden tells his people to stay close to phones and get out of the city. They'll get their shares wired to them. Thank you for your help. I can't stress how personally important this has been to me. Thank you for all your done to get justice for my boy.

Flashback. Cayden typing. Alaina watching. He hacked a pharmaceutical company. 50 million dollars all gone. She's the new recuit. Excited. Calls him a legend. He gets an alert.

Goes to his kid's school. Hi, Dad. He missed the kid's game. Where's your mother now? She and Jim went to a fancy restaurant. He got a promotion. Cayden tells his son he got delayed at work. His son knows he's a hacker. Work you won't tell me about. Cayden says I want to be a bigger part of your life. Son says you can't have it both ways. Cayden tells him I'll be at your finals tomorrow night.

Quentin and Thea busy in chaos. Oliver gives her instructions. He only knew one place to withstand the blast.

Dragon worries. He's leaving for some place I won't get blown up. The airlift is late. Siren says he's right.

Thea and Quentin discuss Oliver. Quentin worries about Dinah.

She's taking down bad guys. Tell me where I can find Black Siren! Goon says if I knew, I'd be with them. Rene and Curtis find her. She wants justice for Vincent. rene tells her we have til midnight until Cayden James does his thing. Dinah can't let this go. I love you both, but stay out of my way.

Oliver wants to consider the ARGUS airlift option. Alaina got something. The kid was the target the whole time. A paid assassin killed him. Dig says we need to talk to him. Oliver says he's dead. We need to know where James is right now. Alaina says he's on the I-86.

Barry got them there in time. We need to talk! Cayden taunts him. Oliver says watch this. Dig says play the video. Oliver says it's the real video. Dig says Oliver didn't kill your son. Oliver tells him about the assassin. Dig says someone's gone to a lot of work to put you on a collision course. Cayden resembles the coding. He's dead. Cayden needs to talk to his former colleagues. Bring them to me all 3 alive, or I'll have to tale out the city along with whoever orchestrated the death of my son.

Arrow cave. Girls are thrilled with the plan. Alaina doubts this. Diaz, Anatoly, or Black Siren. Thea and William show up. Why did we have to leave the safe house? Oliver tells him about the bomb and this is the safest place for you. Diggle says we need the rest of the team. William wants to come with Oliver. Oliver says it's too dangerous. I'll be back as soon as I can be.

Curtis and Rene in new HQ. Diggle calls. Updates them. We can use your help. Curtis says we need to find Laurel first before Dinah kills her.

Siren packing. Dinah found her. They fight. Dinah says you can't stop me! You end tonight. Quentin says no. I can't let you hurt her. Laurel says Hi, Daddy. I missed you. Dinah knocks him out. Oliver arrives with the team and ties up both women. Dinah ask what are you doing? I had her! Oliver says I'm saving the city.

Dinah's pissed. They explain what's going on. She agrees to hold off a little while. Oliver says we don't execute people. She says no. You let them die. Felicity found Diaz. Dinah wants to not let Siren out of her site. Oliver tells Quentin to stay. Gives out orders. Put me through to Cayden. Oliver asks where do we take Black Siren? Cayden tells him to hurry up.

He's with the bomb. Owen, before this night is over, we will render our judgment.

Flasback. Cayden leaving. Alaina stops him. She got ARGUS chatter. Maybe going out right now isn't the best idea. Cayden can't afford to break this date, though.

Curtis and Rene get the Dragon.

Dinah puts an inhibitor on Siren. Siren taunts her. Quentin comes back in. Dinah says that's not your daughter. That's a monster. You want to compare Vince to Laurel?! Quentin says I know what she's done. I'm not an idiot. But no one deserves to die. Dinah says you're wrong. If Cayden doesn't kill her, I'm taking my shot.

William wants to know where Oliver is. Felicity tries to reassure him. She's got Anatoly.

He's about to board a helicopter. It's redirected. Anatoly yells for Oliver. You want to put me in prison? Fine. Just out of town, please. Oliver confronts him. You set me up! The photo. Doctored video! Anatoly says that's not me. Oliver won't take his word. Knocks him out. Call James. We have all 3. Where do you want them? Old theater.

William sneaks out of the bunker.

Team brings the bad guys to Cayden. Cayden says it's almost midnight. William arrives. Oliver rushes to him. I want to be with you, I'm scared. Please, I want to stay with you. Cayden says it's alright. This started with my son. Yours should be here for the end. Beautiful symmetry. Introduces himself to William. A long story that concerns my own son. He passed away, I'm afraid.

Cayden watches outside the gym in flashback. ARGUS arrives to arrest him. Cayden asks to watch the game before he's taken in. A little compassion here. Agent tells him surrender peacefully to avoid a scene. Cayden gives up. His son never saw he'd been there.

Quentin and Dinah arrive outside. Dinah checks around. Quentin takes Laurel out of the van. Laurel says I won't change. I won't be your Laurel. He says you can be better. She says the only way to survive an ugly world is to be ugly back. I killed Sobel and enjoyed it. Those pictures you showed me made me sick. She was soft and naive and that's why she's dead. I don't want to find myself enjoying killing you. Dinah says the perimeter is secure.

Cayden calls William brave and foolish. Team brings in Anatoly and Dragon. Cayden doesn't trust words. I put my faith in data. Ones and zeroes never lie. None of you know what it feels like to lose a son. Like a piece of your soul lost. He's been taken from me. Dragon says you're losing it. Grief making you crazy. Cayden says what if it has. Siren says it was me! I did it. Surprise. I'm the one. I killed your stupid kid.

Detonator frequency is spiking. Something wrong with the bomb.

Siren says shame, really. He was really cute. Aren't you going to ask me why I did it? Cayden says no, I know you're lying. You're not as callous as you want to be. You hesitated. You didn't want to kill Sobel. The detonator interferes with the collar. She pulls it off. She's got her powers back. Felicity couldn't warn Oliver in time.

She blasts Cayden, breaks out of the cuffs, and screams around the theater. Felicity tells the team everyone scattered. Cayden is knocked out.

Rene says work with Oliver, you're in trouble. He's a walking death trap. LOL.

Dinah confronts Siren. They fight again.

William creeps to the detonator. Cayden gets up.

Anatoly gets away from Rene.

Spartan and Dragon fight. He gets away, too.

Quentin tries to stop Dinah. Siren gets shot. She passes out.

Oliver finds William and Cayden with hands on the trigger. Back away, son. He goes to Oliver. Cayden intends to drag the culprit to Hell with me. I owe it to my son. Oliver comforts his son. Cayden says it's a father's job to protect your child. I failed. I failed him utterly. All this time....the man responsible for his death was me. Oliver stops him from moving and pushing the button.

Arrow cave. Oliver and William. What you did was very dangerous. William apologizes. Oliver promises nothing will happen to you, and I will do all I can to make sure nothing happens to me. I'm making that promise right here, right now. I've been doing this a long time, so trust me, okay? Okay. Thank you. He talks to the others. Laurel and Dragon in the wind. Dinah wants to find Laurel first. They don't believe Laurel was the mastermind. Oliver tells her she's better than this. She storms out. Rene says this doesn't change anything. We're still doing our own thing. Oliver asks them to keep Dinah in line. They leave. Felicity says it doesn't feel like we won.

Oliver meets Cayden in an interrogation room. I need to know this surrender of yours isn't some kind of ploy. Cayden says you prevented me from doing the unspeakable last night. Owen would be ashamed of me. He gives his best guesses on his colleagues and the bank account number. He asks to visit his son's grave as his one condition. Be a better father than I was, Oliver.

Flashback. Cayden in the box. He's informed his son was found murdered last night. He's 18. Who would want to hurt my boy? Agent says we don't know. I'm truly sorry, Cayden.

Quentin in the car. Laurel wakes. Cuffed. You hesitated when you killed Sobel. There's a piece of my daughter in your somewhere and I'm going to get it out whatever it takes.

Camera shuts off. Dragon enters Cayden's room. Didn't think we'd end up here. SCPD custody. I saw this playing out a lot of ways. Gotta tell ya....wasn't expecting this. Cayden knows this isn't a rescue. Dragon says you thought you had everybody pegged. Understood what they were thinking, how they'd react. But you don't know anything. Cayden doesn't know his meaning. Dragon says you made some moves, I made moves. Queen is under indictment, his team is fractured, and this city is prime for a takeover. Why destroy a city when you can take it over? The new captain is on his payroll. Along with other city officials. He tells Cayden I'm the one who had your son killed. Tell your boy I said hello.

Next ep - Face off with the teams. March 1. Civil war time.

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