
Thursday, March 8, 2018

#Arrow 6.15 - "Doppelganger" live blog


ROY HARPER RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) are shocked to hear that Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) is back in Star City. However, when they discover the circumstances of Roy’s return, Oliver and Thea realize Roy is in trouble and jump in to save him. Meanwhile, Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) makes a shocking decision. Kristin Windell directed the episode with story by Christos Gage & Ruth Fletcher Gage and teleplay by Speed Weed (#615). Original airdate 3/8/2018.

Episode 15:

Oliver in the mayor's office. Thea says there's good news. Lawyer can get the case dismissed. She looked at the discovery documents. Fruit of the poisonous tree. Mr. James' actions were illegal and there's no way to corroborate. Rene can't be prosecuted, so Oliver can't, either. Quentin comes in with an emergency.

She's claiming she's OUR Laurel Lance. At the police station. Making a press conference. She says I was held drugged for 2 years. Damian Darhk faked my death. Oliver approaches her. She hugs him. I never thought I'd see you again! Then goes to Quentin. Daddy! Oliver makes an excuse. She's asked if Oliver is the Green Arrow? Oliver says she could use some time with her family and privacy.

Into a private room. Where's the money? She says slight hiccup. my stash is cleaned out. Poof. Gone. Thea says you're really that afraid of Dinah. Oliver says she's afraid of the man who manipulated Cayden. Who did it? Anatoly or Diaz? She says talking will get me in trouble. Thea offers a deal. Laurel says there's a Thea Queen on my earth, too, only she's not as pathetically naive as you. Look, protect me and go by this story. Why would we? Because of the reporters in the next room. What would you like me to tell them? Oliver says we're done here.

Chief asks Oliver to speak with her. Dinah notices. Chief says Friday my officers won't get their checks. She says we have millions in assets. Auction it off and we can raise 30 Million. Dinah comes in when he leaves. Wants to talk about Laurel. Chief gives her the case.

Curtis comes to Rene and Zoe's. Babysitter went home. Curtis came to tell her about Rene's injuries.

Oliver's case in chambers. Rene is no longer the soul witness. They have new info. Someone with enemies on both sides of the law. Roy Harper!

**So who does the Dragon NOT have in his pocket? He has the new chief of police. Does he have the prosecutor? We've long assumed the FBI chick isn't on the level, too.

How did they find Roy? We didn't know where he was. Not even Thea. What next? Thea says he's not cooperating voluntarily. Felicity says it's been a long time. Diggle tells Oliver to let his lawyer deal with this. Felicity thinks she found where Roy is held. Thea says we need to protect him. Oliver says wait until dark, then find possible points of entry.

Laurel treated for the gunshot wound. Quentin talked to his ex wife. Brought Laurel's clothes. Dinah's right outside. He tells Laurel to get dressed.

Dinah talks to the doctor. The one who pronounced her dead and did the autopsy. DNA test will tell what she is. Quentin approaches Dinah. Tries to talk her down. I'm making progress with her. Dinah says your Laurel wouldn't have murdered Vince or anyone else. He's just asking for a chance. Please? Dinah goes into the room. It's empty. Police officer took her. Safe house? Dinah accuses Quentin. He says I want to know where she is, too.

Siren figures out the cop isn't on the level. He's taking her to see Diaz.

Arrow and Spartan on site. Oliver feeling guilty for putting others in the hood. Diggle still wants the suit. Oliver spots a window.

Siren brought to Anatoly. Diaz told Anatoly he killed Cayden. She says Diaz has had his own agenda this whole time. That doesn't bother you? Anatoly isn't sentimental. I'm Russian. She reminds him he's here because the Bratva cast him out. That too.

Thea wants to come to rescue Roy. Oliver lists all the reasons she shouldn't. She says you can't fit in the vents. I can. Where are you keeping my suit?

Fireworks distraction. Speedy on site. Enters the vent.

Roy being tortured to make him testify. By "cops". Hitting him. Thea watching. Felicity checking badge numbers. Oliver tells Thea to wait.

Cops go for burgers and leave Roy alone. Thea gets in. He asks is that my hood? Looks good on you. She kisses him. Then apologizes. He says no kids, no wife. Like you told me. Star City cops knew everything. They tazed him and threw him in a van. Cops coming back. Speedy move! Go now! Oliver yells at her. Roy limping. He tells her to go. She says I'm not leaving you. I've already lost you too many times. Prepares to fire. Oliver lassos her out the window. Roy is punched by a cop.

She's pissed. Oliver says we'll get Roy back. I promise. We'll get him back.

Thea says if we don't get Roy soon, he's going to die. Diaz paid the cops. Oliver says he's been playing us since the beginning. Thea says no, he's been playing you. He goes after her. Tries to make his case. She says there are times my life completely fell apart when Roy left. Knowing he was okay, made like a little easier. I will do anything to make sure he's safe. Diggle says Roy's being moved. And there's something else.

Dinah trying to find Laurel. Quentin swears it's not him. Oliver asks to talk. Turn the cameras off. She does. Cayden James was murdered right there by Diaz and it was covered up by SCPD. Cops on duty were on Diaz's payroll. It's worse than last year's corruption. Dinah, I know you don't believe in me and you two don't trust each other, but the vendetta has to go on hold. We have to know who out there we can trust.

Anatoly and Laurel. Diaz's feeling were hurt when you tried to run. Why blow up city when you can control it, yes? Men sparring. Diaz won. You're as good as they said you were. Fighting for trophies is not the same as fighting for your life. Gives you bad habits. Welcome to the team. Pays him money. Diaz says we're building a family, Anatoly. Family relies on one another. Trust each other. When the family does well, each member prospers. But if one person betrays that family.... Give us the room! The money you stole from Cayden was also my money. I earned it. Except I didn't take more than my share. She says you have all of it. Why do you still care? He says Cayden was a small piece of a much larger puzzle. And so are you. She wants to go. Live where she doesn't look over her shoulder. He says don't worry about any of them. She says Anatoly said you have a plan to take over the city. He caresses her. Isn't that something worth sticking around for? She smirks.

Diggle and Felicity. Roy moving soon.

Thea shoots at the van. Diggle has the officers. Oliver opens the door. It's a decoy. Where' Roy!

In front of Diaz. Mr. Harper. Good to meet you.

Bunker. Thea says if it takes more than an hour, I'm going to break fingers. Diggle will talk to ARGUS. Felicity knows Oliver is blaming himself again. Stop blaming yourself, it'd be so great. He says John asked why I haven't give the hood back? She knows.

Diaz asks Roy if he'll join his team. Roy quips. Calls Diaz an idiot for thinking he'd turn on Oliver. Diaz says beatings aren't the only way to cause pain. How's Speedy? She came out of retirement? Why would Queen let his baby sister dress like Will Scarlet? The real question is who I got to bring the pain to. You? Or her?

Quentin and Dinah at his place. Laurel knocks. Hi, Daddy. Can I talk to you? Dinah threatens her. She says she's here about Ricardo Diaz. Hmmmm.......

Oliver with Thea. It's been a while since I offered a little big brother advice. Do you mind? When we find Roy, I think you should go with him. Where? Wherever. Thea, I'd miss you like crazy, but you haven't been the same without him, so maybe you should go. You deserve the same kind of happiness I have with Felicity. Whatever that is. Dig says Laurel showed up with intel.

They all meet with her. Oliver doesn't trust it. Thea asks where's Roy? A rundown casino. Dinah picks at her. Quentin asks why she's going against Diaz? She says if I'm going to be Laurel, I should probably act like it. Oliver tells John it's time to move. And he won't take Dinah even though she offers. You don't trust me, I don't trust you, so I'd rather be in the field shorthanded.

Oliver, Diggle, and Thea. Only 2 guards. Spartan reminds them to pick a primary objective. Roy or Diaz? Oliver says let's get them both. Felicity on Overwatch.

Diaz tells Anatoly they just showed up. You know what to do. Roy is carried off.

Fighting starts. 2 men down. Which way? North wall.

Cop requesting backup. Arrows fired.

Oliver confronts Diaz. Love it when you visit, Mr. Mayor. Love it even more when you leave. No kill shots. Need him alive. Fight starts. Spartan and Green Arrow. Then Anatoly and Oliver fighting.

Thea catches up to Diaz.

Anatoly on the floor. Dig tells Oliver to help Speedy.

She's fighting with Diaz. Oliver saves her. Don't move. Diaz says not all the cops are on my payroll. Yet. Oliver tells Speedy to get in the van and drive Roy away. I've got Diaz. He says no you don't. You stay, you get a collar. That's why you let your sister drive off. You already made your choice. Oliver gets away.

Roy patched up. 2 broken ribs. Diggle takes him easy. Things aren't great now. Felicity says you did it all for Thea. Oliver says and for Roy. I'd do it for any of you.

Oliver comes to see Laurel. You didn't set us up. Thank you. You're not our Laurel. Saying you are to a bunch of press does not make it so. She agrees. But she's willing to try. I'm willing to try if you're willing to give me the space to. Quentin offered her the couch. Oliver willn be checking in. She says looking forward to it. Text message. Good work from Diaz. She smirks.

Thea and Roy. She feels like she should've been there with him. Rambles. He kisses her and takes her to the bed. There's a woman watching! Master, I've located the heir of Ra's Al Ghul.

Next ep - Thea as legacy. March 29. Against the League again. Nyssa returns.

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