
Thursday, May 3, 2018

#Arrow 6.21 - “Docket No. 11-19-41-73” live blog #TommyMerlyn #GreenArrow

“Docket No. 11-19-41-73”

COLIN DONNELL GUEST STARS — The pressure mounts for Oliver (Stephen Amell), who begins to wonder if he will lose everything in his battle to save Star City. A familiar face returns. Andi Armaganian directed the episode with teleplay by Ubah Mohamed & Tyron B. Carter and story by Marc Guggenheim (#621). Original airdate 5/3/2018.

Episode 21:

Kasnia. Parachute attack. Diggle? Yep. ARGUS taking out mercs or rebels. He rescues a man tied up. I need your help in Star City.

Oliver at court. Felicity and his lawyer get in a room. Officer won't leave on Diaz's orders. Alexa Van Owen is the prosecutor. Conviction rate is 99%. She offered a plea deal. 15 year sentence for manslaughter. Oliver says no deal. Get me an acquittal.

Dinah and Rene arguing about doing a mock trial, getting their stories straight. Dinah is surprised Rene cares about Oliver going to prison. Rene says the position he's in right now is because of me. Dinah says we don't want him to go to prison. Curtis agrees.

Quenting talking to the press. Oliver Queen isn't the Green Arrow. I'm the guy that arrested Oliver 6 years ago. He passed a polygraph. He's not the Green Arrow. Siren arrives. Reporter wants to ask as the Black Canary, you know who the Green Arrow is. Laurel does. She says she'll testify to it. Quentin says happy? Got your sound bite?

NTA arrives to the trial. Felicity thanks them. They say we have your back. William and Raisa. William's worried. Oliver brought in. All rise. Judge enters. Ready for trial. Let's begin.

Prosecutor started her case to the jury. A hero that's also a criminal. Oliver's lawyer starts. How could everything go wrong so quickly for him? Corruption. It runs through this city like a cancer. Even the anti-vigilante law is the work of the corrupt men and women holding this city in their group. What's more likely - that the city is compromised? Or the mayor is a superhero? John Diggle is the first witness for the prosecution. he's not here. Next witness is Dr. Shwartz. She's asked about April 6, 2016. The Black Canary stabbing. You were close enough to see the Green Arrow. Who did you see? The doc says she was more concerned with saving the Black Canary's life.

Laurel and Quentin discussing the trial. She gets a text to go. Quentin says you don't have to go. He knows his Laurel would stand up to Diaz. She says maybe if she were a little smarter, she would still be alive.

Diggle arrives at the last second. Says Oliver Queen is not the Green Arrow. If he was running around with a bow and arrow, I'd know it. Dinah is also questioned. John is asked about events that happened to him. Either you travel is very dangerous circles or you have the worst luck ever. Dinah is asked about the drug dealer she investigated. You were not with the Central City Police Dept when he was killed. Did you murder him? Dinah pleads the 5th.

Siren arrives. He saw something interesting on TV. Her answer to the reporter. She tells him to stop talking in circles. He says you didn't say Oliver Queen was the Green Arrow. She didn't know she was supposed to. He says the prosecution is holding her as a rebuttal witness. She says if I go in as Laurel Lance, I'll get made. He agrees. You don't have a poker face. You've been keeping your distance from me since I torched the guy. He grabs her throat. When you take the stand, give that jury a much better performance than you're giving me. Know what I'm talking about? Good. That's a good girl. He releases her. I have to get to the courthouse.

Felicity and William. She tries to reassure him. Tells him to go to the vending machine. Raisa knows Oliver is the Green Arrow.

Dinah says I tanked it. Rene won't screw up. He'll go to jail first. John says court is back in session.

Rene testifying. Diaz brings Zoe into the room! Rene is asked if Oliver is the Green Arrow. Oliver blinks at him in a tiny nod. Rene says Oliver's the Green Arrow. Did you see the defendant kill or maim? Yes. How many? I don't know. I don't know. He starts to tear up when he says Too many to count. Prosecution rests. Diaz walks away from Zoe.

**Fandom, in case you missed it, Oliver gave Rene permission to tell the truth to save his daughter. A good parent does anything for the welfare of their kid. Anything. Calm down right now.

Rene hugs Zoe and checks her over. She was told by a police officer that Rene was hurt.

John and Dinah attack Diaz outside. Police all come at them. Diaz will let them go. Smile. It's your lucky dad, baby.

Oliver and his lawyer. Jury has no idea who Diaz is. She asks if Oliver is the Green Arrow. He says yes. She'll propose a new strategy. You will admit it and we will argue you've saved the city too many times to go to prison. He won't. I put a target on me and my wife and my son. I've been the Green Arrow for 6 years, but I never planned to do it forever. I want to eventually live my life. That'll never happen if I say I'm the Green Arrow.

He tells Felicity to not testify. John has something planned. You don't have to take the chance. Court is back in session. She's on the stand. Gives her resume. Oliver's lawyer says she's an expert witness. Wants her to talk about the validity of the photo of Oliver as the Green Arrow photo. Who and why would doctor this if he was the Green Arrow? Prosecution asks when they were married. Felicity says it was anything but rushed. She's asked about her father as the Calculator. She didn't know what he did before. She's asked if she's engaged in cyber crime? Felicity says no. And good luck proving I did.

Oliver asked about Roy Harper. He testifies that the Hood and the Green Arrow are the same person. But he won't say even if it sends him to prison. Prosecutor asks him why he was in Russia. The photo from Susan Williams. Oliver says parts of that time were spent in Hong Kong and Russia. She says you lied about being on Lian Yu. What else are you lying about? Green Arrow drops through the ceiling! And it's Tommy Merlyn's face in the hood.

Tommy sits in the witness box. Oliver's lawyer interrogates him. Tommy says I faked my death to be the Hood. Roy Harper protected me, then he was attacked in prison. I won't let Oliver take the blame for me like Roy did. That's why I'm here, to set the record straight. He's asked why Rene testified that Oliver was the Green Arrow. Tommy says he was pressured to. I'm the only man who has worn this hood. Judge has Tommy arrested. Tommy says my team will extract me before I ever get to prison. Oliver's lawyer asks for dismissal.

Oliver is bewildered.

Tommy wants to hit a drive through. I'm starving. Mouths off to the cops. Should've brought backup. I did. John and Rene. What's the exit strategy? Sitting right there. Police van. They thank him for doing this. Human Target meets Rene.

Oliver alone. Felicity comes in. That was Christopher Chance, right? He says yes. He didn't know Chance would use Tommy's face. Quentin comes in. We've got a problem. Laurel is made to testify with Chance's CIA file. She'll tell the jury what you just pulled or Diaz will kill her. it's the bug in the bunker that Cayden had planted. Diaz has access to all that info. Felicity asks what now? Oliver says Jean suggested I confess. She says let me worry about me and William. He says that's now how vows work. She says we didn't exchange vows. We'll save each other. He says break out of prison? And then what? If I go to prison, you and William go into ARGUS protective custody. He says we have to have a plan. I could use my freedom. I can't handle losing you and William.

Siren Laurel on the stand. Are you the Black Canary? Yes. Do you know his true identity? She knows who the Green Arrow is. Prosecutor asks who is telling the truth? Rene and John leave. Ms. Lance. Who is the Green Arrow? Laurel says Tommy Merlyn. Oliver Queen is not the Green Arrow.

Diaz is pissed.

Quentin gets to her. Are you okay? She says until Diaz gets hold of me. He changed her mind. Standing up to him. He says you can't stay in town. She says don't worry, thanks to you, I know exactly what to do.

Oliver's lawyer talks to the jury about reasonable doubt. Prosecutor says Tommy Merlyn was freed by the Green Arrow's team. Oliver Queen has people and resources to do whatever it takes to keep his secrets. Tommy Merlyn is another Roy Harper. Don't let him get away with it. Not again. Not ever again. Curtis asks Dinah what happens now? What if Diaz got to the jury?

William brought to Oliver. Oliver says I love you very much. No matter what happens, nothing will change that. he tells William that I might be going to prison. If that happens, Felicity will make sure you grow into the man I know you can be. I don't want to go.....I wish it was up to me but it's not. You are strong, like me, stronger even. So whatever happens, wherever I am, you need to know I'm always right here with you. Lawyer says Jury is back. We have a verdict.

On all 26 counts, they find the defendant guilty. Defense moves for judgment not withstanding the verdict. Judge says the evidence created reasonable doubt. Mr. Queen is free to go. He hugs his family. Surprised and bewildered.

Bunker. Judge is here. Except it's the Human Target again. No one will believe the judge. John thanks him. Oliver thanks Chris, too. Try not to need me again, at least for another year. Oliver thanks John and John says it wasn't my idea.

Knock at Rene's. He tells Zoe to go to her room and lock the door. He grabs his gun. Looks through the peephole. It's Oliver. Oliver says you can take a shot if you want to, but it'll ruin me saying thank you. Rene is just being safe. Oliver says thank you. Rene apologizes. Oliver accepts. I'm sorry you couldn't come to me when Watson put you in that position. I'm very sorry for what happened afterward.

Judge brought to Diaz. I follow through on my word. What would you have me do? Judge is killed. Legal system in this country is going to hell. Siren appears. He calls her stupid. She screams at them all. Then kills more men with a gun. I'm so sorry, Ricardo. She tries to scream in his ear and can't. He says fool me once. I had a plan. Worked for months to make that happen. But I'm not disappointed, baby. I'm moving on to Plan B. Killing Oliver Queen and anyone and everyone he cares about.

Next ep - Everyone attacked. Oliver says this guy has an army.

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