12/20/2018 (08:00PM - 10:00PM) (Thursday) : Series Finale
As Christmas arrives in the Bunker, the Time Team is inspired by a visit from their future selves to find a way to try to save Rufus (Malcolm Barrett). But when the Mothership jumps to 1848 California, they're forced to put those plans on hold and chase Rittenhouse back to the Gold Rush, where they encounter one of the era's most dangerous villains.
Then chasing the Mothership to Korea in the winter of 1950, our team helps a stranded, pregnant refugee attempt to escape a tragic fate. Stuck with no way out, our team faces its toughest challenge yet, and in the process, come to terms with their feelings for each other.
Also starring Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter, Goran Visnjic, Sakina Jaffrey, Paterson Joseph, and Claudia Doumit.

Episodes 11 and 12:
Lucy voiceover. Recap of the series. She's writing in a diary. It's future Lucy that showed up in the previous episode.
You have to change history.
Future Lucy and Future Wyatt. You guys want to get Rufus back or what? When are you from? 2023. They don't have much time. We can't stop Rittenhouse without Rufus. Figure out the journal. There's no baby. Jessica lied to manipulate him. Focus on the journal. Lucy and Wyatt leave. Merry Christmas, by the way. They leave the team their lifeboat and the journal.
Mothership. Tis the season to finish what we started. No cult crap or bloodlines. Emma says all she asks for is loyalty. We're going to take out Lucy and her team once and for all. Jessica, pay our last sleeper agent a visit.
Lucy tells Wyatt she's sorry about Jessica. It's Rittenhouse, it's what they do. He says Jessica wouldn't have been the best mother, anyway. Doesn't matter. What matters is getting Rufus back. They sit with the journal. Lucy flips through the scrapbook.
Jiya is infatuated with the new lifeboat. Flynn says future Lucy came to see him in Sao Paulo in 2014. Connor Mason says there are tons of side effects and then.....eventually, insanity and death. Jiya's willing to risk her life for Rufus.
Lucy turns to the page on her thoughts about Wyatt and Jessica. He says I never meant to hurt you. Just wanted to do the right thing. She knows. She keeps flipping. Titanic. This hasn't happened, yet. She and Flynn kissed in that one. Wyatt leaves.
Jiya asks what he found. She's anxious. He pulls down a gift box for her from 1981. Rufus would want you to have it. She opens it. Rubik's Cube in original packaging. He told me there's no puzzle you can't solve.
1848 Sacramento. Sutter's Mill and the Gold Rush. When the Mothership jumps, we chase it. The world needs saving. We need to find and stop their sleeper agent.
Flynn and Lucy and Wyatt. The new lifeboat has auto pilot. January 28, Coloma, CA. Lucy gets catcalled. We don't see many women around here. There's the redhead and blonde this morning, now these two. Wyatt says they're not here for Sutter. They all have Wanted posters!
Time Team rides out. Lucy confronts Flynn about the journal. He says you got to the good part. Was it awkward? She asks why didn't you tell me we'd be together? He says he didn't really believe it. I'm not your type. She says I saw a different side to you. He says your heart always belonged to someone else. Riders incoming. 5 of them. You stole my horses? Lucy addresses him by name. Notorious bandits of California. And now everyone pulls guns on each other.
Jiya says they hang people for stealing stolen horses? Each of these horses have a different brand on them. Wyatt will tell them where the gold is if they lower their guns. Joaquin agrees, for now. Lucy says he inspired the legend of Zorro. LOL.
Jessica and the sleeper. Show me the money. Bucket of gold. He wants to sort this out with Emma in 2018. She's leaving him here. Pleasure doing business with you.
Flynn asked where he got his gun. Horses are from Sonora. He and Joaquin chat in Spanish. you stole horses to make money? I had to. Men came to their camp, tied up Joaquin, and violated his wife. Flynn understands how it feels. My family was murdered by terrible people. I tried violence, but it just created more pain. They deserve to be punished, but it won't help your family. You'll become as bad as those men. Joaquin asks what he gave up his quest for revenge for? Ohh...
Lucy and Wyatt and Jiya. He keeps rereading the pages. Jessica is the reason Rufus is dead. I played into their hands. She's the reason for all of it. I didn't want to see it. Future you gave me the journal for this. because Jessica lives, Rufus dies. To safe Rufus, Jessica has to be taken out of the timeline. It's the only way to save Rufus. He didn't deserve what happened to him. I let everyone down. But I'll make it right. Ladies are coming with him. Flynn says if you all die saving Rufus, who will stop Rittenhouse?
Jessica returns to Emma. Emma is going to 1950 Korea to buy one more sleeper.
Where's Flynn? He rode ahead, scouted the mill. Get come rest.
Flynn in the lifeboat. He programs 2012 into it and triggers auto pilot.
They all arrive. Joaquin has mining to do. Wyatt says let him go. We'll find the sleeper on our own. Men pull guns on Lucy and Jiya. you didn't tell us you all were wanted. Lock em up, it's payday.
Agent and Connor bicker about waiting. And Christmas. And saving Rufus. She apologizes. We have to destroy the mothership and the lifeboat. Connor says we can. But the tech already exists, Denise, so someone else will create their time machine and we'll be without a vessel to stop them. What then?
Flynn shoots Rittenhouse.
Lucy and Wyatt fighting in the car. She gets a text. He reaches for the phone. She yells at him to pull over. She gets out of the car. Flynn gets a migraine. Wyatt drives off. She's walking. She rushes at Flynn. They fight over the gun. But he rolls toward it and shoots her. He shoots her again.
We could use Flynn right now. Where is Joaquin? Jiya saw his pickled head in a jar in Chinatown in 1888. Rufus enters! Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!
Jiya hugs him. Then Wyatt and Lucy. Jiya kisses him. Rufus, you were dead. You died in San Francisco 1888. Joaquin calls for Rufus. He needs a hand. Lucy and Wyatt figure Flynn took Jessica out. Wyatt says this is why you end up with Flynn. Lucy says I don't. I don't end up with him. Rufus calls them to go. Lucy opens a letter in the journal.
Joaquin offers their share. Rufus says we don't need gold. Jiya wants to borrow the horses. Lucy read a note from Flynn.
I guess I didn't make it back. Probably for the best. If anyone's expendable on this team, it's me. I regret the pain I caused you, Lucy, and maybe I can make things right and you get the future you deserve. I hope you get everything you want in life. I hope you can be happy. And one day I hope you have a family of your own. And I hope you get your sister back. The journal led us this far. Never give up on the world. I'll see you in 2014. You know the place. All my love, Flynn.
They discuss Flynn. He was stuck in 2012. A body was found in the dunes by the ocean. Rufus feeling pretty heavy over all of it. Connor proposes a toast to Flynn. Wyatt says let's not let him down. We owe him that.
Emma looks for Jessica. Where's Jessica? You mean Jan? The man doesn't know who she is. Emma figures out they changed history. That's our job. Get the mothership ready. What for? Hell.
Lt. Langford. North Korea, December 1950. Emma recruiting him. His daughter has polio. She asks for one favor.
Jiya reads about Joaquin. He and his wife started a successful horse ranch. She and Rufus very happy now. He uncovers her scar. She says Chinatown. I lived there for 3 years. It sucked being a woman in that place. He asks what happened? She's tired, she wants to go to sleep. She lays down, turned away from him.
Lucy and Wyatt. They had a room with no Jessica. He offers to take the couch. She says it's fine. He meant what he said about Flynn. He never considered that Flynn was trying to save him. She says Flynn said something about Amy in the letter. But I don't know how to save her. We have to stop Rittenhouse or we end up those people in the future. Mothership alarm.
Dec 24 1950 North Korea. Frozen Chosen. Wyatt's grandfather had been in the battle. He was wounded and evacuated. Lucy tells them about saving Korean refugees. 14,000, plus five babies born. The Miracle of Christmas. Jiya insists on going, too. She's not losing Rufus again.
Parked the lifeboat a bit far away. They're cold. Fort's a few miles south.
Connor can't think what Emma needs in Korea. Denise says if we can't catch her then, we need to stop her in the present. He finds photos of the whole team dead in Korea!
They come upon some dead. Hear a helicopter. Lt. says he has the last chopper going out. It's the guy Emma was trying to buy.
Wyatt, wake up. Lucy asks if he's okay. The pilot was working for Emma. He's dead. They crashed. You saved us. Rufus and Jiya? They're okay. She is, too. They're banged up. Jiya pulls a shard out of her leg. Wyatt tries to use the radio. Ship sailed yesterday like it was supposed to. So this was about killing us? Let's find the lifeboat and go home.
Connor and Denise. He won't accept they're all gone. She says they were in a crash on the 24th. They're killed on the 25th by Chinese troops. She says we need to get to them before that happens.
Rufus is shipping Lyatt. Lucy says he was married. He left me to be with his dead wife. Rufus says anything's possible. Lucy doesn't want to be second choice. Rufus says Wyatt never gave up on you after your mother took you. They arrive at a town. Refugees have to evacuate today before the Chinese reach the port. Wyatt says we have to reach the lifeboat before nightfall. He's worried about all the troops between here and there. All likelihood, we die.
War lasts another 3 years until the armistice. They check an ambulance. Dead. Rufus wants to get it running. Wyatt tells Jiya and Lucy to get warm in the church. Korean women in there. Jiya tells her about St Mary's in San Francisco. It made her think of Rufus. She says he has no idea who I am now. I've changed. I'm scared I won't ever be the woman he fell in love with. Woman tells them informants are everywhere. What are you doing here? I thought all Americans left. The woman isn't evacuating. She came to pray. Her husband is a journalist. He left with her son. She prays they're safe on the boat. She hopes their army will push the Chinese back. Then my husband and son will come home.
Rufus can't believe the changes. Wyatt tells him Jiya stuck in Chinatown was my fault. For trusting Jessica. You told me you'd never forgive me for what happened to her. I didn't want to lie to you. They try the truck and it runs. Rufus says I forgive you. Soldiers coming! We gotta go. Lucy says wait, we have to take her with us. To Hongnam. She's super pregnant. She'll be separated from her family forever. Rufus and Jiya agree. Lucy says what's the point of history if we don't save who's in it?
They run in the Army ambulance.
In town. The woman wants to stay. Lucy tries to convince her she needs to go to the port. Jiya found a St. Christopher medal at the church.
Emma happy with her self. Michael.... Mr. Cahill. I didn't know you'd been released from prison. He knows every place Rittenhouse owns on the coast. He's not happy with her. You're greedy and selfish. He came to say goodbye. Denise thanks him. Lucy still means something to him. Plus protection for his teenage son.
Lucy chatting with the woman. She teaches history. Lucy says I used to be one, too. Ambulance fails. Mile from port. We have to walk the rest of the way. Lucy supporting the pregnant woman. She's in labor. Wyatt helped a woman in Afghanistan once. Lucy wants to go ahead to the port to find a doctor. He says take Rufus.
Lucy and Rufus in town. She spots the heroes of this situation. She tells them we need a nurse or doctor. He says maybe you can find a midwife. Hero doctor says he can take care of this.
They start running back. Lucy points out it's about a mile that way. And they see a missile attack. Wyatt? Jiya?
They arrive and call for their friends. Wyatt walks up holding the baby. It's a girl. Jiya and the mom come up, too. They return to port. We need to get to the lifeboat. The woman is still worried about her family. Then they spot her! Wyatt hands the father the baby. Lucy tells them good luck. Boat leaves soon. Rufus says all the trucks are rigged with explosives. Everything with 4 wheels is a bomb.
Walking in the cold dark. Dead nuns. Wyatt says we're surrounded. We need to hide. Back in the church. Rufus doesn't want to die again. Jiya says we won't, not after everything we've been through. He says God would've saved the nun, right? Just saying. See, you still laugh at my jokes. He knows things are different for Jiya, but we're still us. There's no one I'd rather face an army of blood thirsty Communists with.
Wyatt asks Lucy what she's thinking? Flynn. The last thing he said was if we all run off to save Rufus, who will save the world? If we all die tonight..... Wyatt isn't giving up. It's up to fate. Timing is everything. She says after that explosion, I thought you were dead, and my world ended. I kept thinking about all this time we wasted. And then there you were, holding a stranger's baby you delivered. And I knew I'd fallen in love with you. Nothing will change it. I love you, Wyatt Logan. Since the Alamo, since you kissed me, since that night in Hollywood. He wanted to choose her. Wish I could take it all back. She says Flynn did. Now we have a past only we remember. So... She doesn't care about the past and we may not have a future. Maybe all that matters is right now. They kiss. Church bells! And gunfire outside. Flashing lights. Wyatt goes to the door. It's the mothership! They rush to Denise. She wanted to time travel at least once. She brought Emma. Who's about to get out of her cuffs. St. Christopher! Agent Christopher. LOL Jiya. Wyatt pulls his gone on Emma. Emma says she can bring Amy back. She only did it because Lucy's mother ordered her to. I can undo it. I admire you, Lucy. We could make history whatever we want. Lucy wants all of this to be over. Emma says trust me. I can give you your sister back. Lucy doesn't. She gets any closer to that ship, shoot her. Then they're fired at! Wyatt yells Into the mothership! Emma left behind.
Rufus got them to the lifeboat. Lucy and Wyatt. Maybe their future selves wanted things to turn out different. Wyatt checks her seat belts. We can try to get Amy back now. She says no. I'm so thankful we saved Rufus, but it cost us Flynn. When will it end? We'll be no better than my mother or Emma. He asks if she's okay with it. She says of course not. But everyone loses someone they love. In spite of that, they go on. That's everyone's history. Auto pilot set. We'll be home for Christmas, after all. They hold hands.
Both ships arrive in the bunker. Connor comes running.
Rufus and Jiya celebrating. Too bad the mothership is being destroyed as we speak. LOL. He asks what now. We'll have to get new jobs. She says you get to see your family again. he remembers they think he died. Gonna miss living together. Sort of. She gets this is his awkward way of asking to move in with her. Awww
Lucy tells Wyatt about the family they saved. Happy ending. He says you're the one that said everyone's important. They stand under mistletoe. And kiss. That's the first time we've done that in 2018. he says it'll be 2019 soon. Maybe we should....make up for lost time? On the bed. Fade to commercial before the sex scene.
**Twelve minutes left.
Christmas presents from Denise. Scarves for all. Lucy toasts. We stopped Rittenhouse. We won. Cheers. Flynn would be proud. Yes, he would've. Denise says you're all free to go. Wyatt assigned to special projects with her. She wears an ugly Christmas sweater with pride. Connor pouting over losing the mothership. Now we need to disassemble the lifeboat. Denise says we're keeping it. It stays here under armed guard.
They cover it with a tarp.
Palo Alto, California, December 2023. Lucy with her students. Boy asks why they've only been studying women. She says maybe in spring. Wyatt tackled by little girls. Daddy. Lucy says she got tenure. He swings her around and kisses her. I'm so proud of you. Flynn, Amy, you ready to go? Awww. He asks if she's ready for this.
Jiya and Rufus started a company. Science for kids. Girl gets Jiya's autograph.
They all assemble at the lifeboat. Twins are excited about their sleepover. Connor arrives. Has a federal contract. Denise asks if they miss saving the world. Want to do it one more time? We have to or all of this could disappear. Rufus and Jiya arrive. Let's finish it. Wyatt says we get in, we get out. You got this, Lucy.
Flynn drinking in a bar. Lucy approaches him. Takes a seat. I know you speak English, Flynn. I'm a friend. I know about Rittenhouse. I'm Lucy Preston from 2023. She gets the headache! You are going to have to sacrifice everything for a cause almost no one will believe in. You'll think you lost your humanity, but you didn't and never will. he asks about his family. She says you won't get them back, I'm sorry. But you're a hero. She's in pain again. Here, take this. You are going to save history. They leave. Flynn has the journal that started it all for him.
Flynn readies himself.
Steals the mothership.
Lucy and Wyatt on missions. Fall in love.
Jiya and Rufus fall in love.
Lucy and Flynn bond.
Denise and her family.
Lifeboat returns. Lucy and Rufus and Wyatt at the door. Time Team grins over a successful mission.
Paulina, dinner. A girl working on a project. Her mom insists she come to dinner. You're working too much. It's the next scientist working on time travel.
The End.
Come discuss.
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