
Monday, February 11, 2019

#Arrow 7.13 - “Star City Slayer” live blog

“Star City Slayer”

THE TEAM IS TARGETED — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are disappointed after they learn that William (guest star Jack Moore) is hiding something from them. Wanting to focus on his family, Oliver steps back from his Green Arrow duties and let’s the team take over tracking down a serial killer. However, when the team becomes targets for the killer, things take a bloody turn. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Jill Blankenship (#713). Original airdate 2/11/2019.

Episode 13:

Oliver as the Green Arrow narration back.

Photo negatives. Someone in a dark room developing film. Dinah is one of the photos. 

Police station. Another note is on her desk now. Your time has come. 

John gets one that says You will suffer. 

Rene - I can find you anywhere.

This person has followed them all.

William served pancakes. Felicity says William needs to tell us why he got expelled and was lying to us. Oliver slides the plate away. William got into a fight. Went for the nose like you told me. Heh. William says you decide everything on your own instead of asking how I feel. Oliver says you need to understand that in life you have to accept responsibility for your actions. William leaves the table.

Future - Zoe and Dinah still searching for the bombs. William and Roy enter. William suggests maybe the bombs haven't been positioned, yet. Roy takes them to the Bunker. Roy says someone's been here. Mia darts them unconscious.

John shows the note to Curtis. How's the search for Dante coming? Found Virgil. John congratulates him. Curtis has been offered a job in DC. John hoped they could get past Ghost Initiative. Curtis doesn't believe ARGUS is as helpful.

Dinah advising Zoe how to protect herself. Rene asks her to keep practicing in her room. Then asks Dinah if she's adjusting to being outed? She's worried people will treat her differently now. Rene's got her back. Keep doing what you're doing. Don't sweat the haters. He shows her to the note. She tells him she has one and so did Laurel. 

Man sleeping in bed. He's injected in his neck. Wakes and tries to fight. He can't move. The assailant brings out a knife and slits his throat. Left another typewritten note.

Curtis and Rene enter SCPD. Collins is the only victim with the note. Other victims got them, families didn't turn them in. Laurel's at a conference in DC for the week. Oliver says there has to be a connection. We'll find it. Dinah says the MO feels familiar. A serial killer case in Central City. She's going to call Captain Singh.

Mia punches William. Zoe says I'll bite your hand off. Mia wants the access codes to ARCHER. She asks William what he's doing here. He says you'll kill us just like your killed Felicity. She says she's not blowing up the city and did not kill Felicity. 

John offers Curtis the Head of ARGUS Science Division. Stay in Star City. Keep working with the team. Think about it.

Singh calls Dinah back. He encourages her. Still has faith in her.

Felicity says Oliver is making chili tonight. William working on a Rubik's Cube. She puts a cube within a cube. Security system calls Oliver the Green Arrow. Heh. William doesn't want to help with groceries. She takes the bag to the kitchen. Oliver says I forget sometimes you're just a kid. You've lived in 2 cities over the past 2 years. We think you should come back and live with us. Unidentified person at the front door! Oliver goes to it. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton. William called them!

They chat with the grandparents. Oliver says things will be better and more stable. Grandparents are taking him. They're filing for guardianship. They tell Oliver it's an open and shut case. You're not fit to be William's guardian. Either of you. It's what Samantha would've wanted for him. Oliver argues that no one will take him away from us. No one. 

Dinah and Roy kept away from the others. Connor Hawke overseeing them. You should've stayed out of this. Dinah recognizes him. You're Connor Hawke, John Diggle's son. 

Oliver talks to Dinah on the phone. Then asks to speak to William. Get over here and sit down. You're grandparents are trying to take you away from me. I can't have you calling for back up every time you're made at me! I've heard and felt everything you said since you came back! They yell at each other. William says this isn't a normal life! I want to live with my grandparents!

SCPD. Working on the killer case. Curtis says the victims had elevated magnesium in their blood. A rare drug that immobilizes people. One shipments recently to a house.

They enter a place that seems haunted. They tell Curtis to not fly the drone around. Curtis isn't happy about splitting up. Wait, Rene! 

Blood all over the walls of a bathroom. 

Curtis looking around. There's a piano. He presses a key. Finds a monkey doll.

Rene goes into a room. A cabinet. Music box playing inside. Curtis sneaks up on him. Slabside uniform in the closet.

Dinah goes downstairs. Basement? Yeah. She finds the darkroom. And the target wall. The typewriter. An album. Scrapbook. Obsession with Oliver. She gets her throat slit!! It's Stanley. So that's the scar we see in the future.

Dinah can't speak. They boys find her. John and Rene checking her. Curtis has a prototype that might cauterize the wound. It worked to control the bleeding for now.

Felicity and Oliver. She says we need to think more about what William needs. Now you're working with SCPD and Team Arrow again, we don't provide him normalcy. Give him the life he deserves even if it breaks our hearts. 

Mia says Felicity is still alive. I need ARCHER to find her. How about those codes? William says tell me why you need her. She doesn't get him. You're not a hero wannabe. You're well off. What are you getting out of this? He says Felicity is my mom. Stepmom. Connor enters. Dinah and Roy attack. Zoe struggles with her chair. Dinah rolls William out of the way. He gets free. Zoe gets Roy an arrow. William pulls a gun on Mia.

Dinah trying to point that Oliver is next. John looks at the wall and finds the scrapbook. This guy was in prison with Oliver.

Power went out at the apartment. Storm outside. William says the chili is too spicy. He can't move. Oliver can't. Felicity can't, either. Gas is coming into the apartment. Stanley enters with a mask. Don't worry, Oliver, it's me.

**So. How did John Jr. become Connor Hawke here? And if Felicity's hiding, why is she still in Star City?

Stanley's happy to see them again. And meet William. I'm your dad's best friend. I don't want to hurt any of you. I just want to talk. That's why I gave you the medicine. I took it all the time when I was a kid. My dad was a doctor. People don't understand you like I do. Your friends. I sent them warnings. Like note? You're the Star City Slayer. Stanley hates that name. No tricks this time. I just really need you to listen to me. Oliver says okay. This is between us. Let my wife and son go. Stanley says people want to hurt all of you. The things I have to do to protect you! I like that you're working with the police. But not everybody does. Some people don't deserve to leave. Oliver says my teammates would never hurt me. Stanley says they don't understand you. I only had time to correct one of them. The Black Canary. He's not sure Felicity is listening. Oliver says she is. She's just a little scared. Stanley's dad drugged him and corrected him when he didn't listen. My older brother tried to take my punishments for me and it only made it worse. I couldn't take it anymore. I gave my parents medicine and I corrected them. He goes to William. Right, buddy? Oliver asks where's your brother now? Stanley says he wanted to send me to Arkham. So I had to give him medicine, too. You killed your brother?  I didn't have a choice. If he listened to me, none of this would've had to happen. He wants Oliver to apologize for being mean at Slabside. I'm starting to think you don't deserve my protection. Felicity tells Stanley that he's just like his father. He denies that. She says You're worse. You're the Star City Slayer. Stanley rushes at them. Oliver got a glass bottle from William and smashes it on Stanley's head. Team comes in and asks if they're alright. Yeah, now.

Doc says Dinah will be fine, but not sure about her voice, yet. John says Stanley always does this. Oliver's going to check on William and get him discharged. ARGUS pages John. Curtis wants to take the position in DC. John will miss him. Rene leaved with John. Rene already told Felicity. She's happy he has something he wants. He's signing over Helix to her. It was your idea. It feels like you're struggling to find your purpose. Maybe this is how you'll change the world. She hugs him. I'm really going to miss you.

Oliver enters William's hospital room. Do you want to go home? You're right I never asked what you wanted. So I'm asking now. Would you like to come home and live with us. Or your grandparents. William wants a normal life. Oliver thought he could provide that. Since he's been unmasked. After tonight, I see that normal may never be a possibility. William doesn't want him to stop being a hero. But he thinks for now it might be better for him to be in Central City. Then Oliver agrees. 

Felicity hugs William. Packed warm clothes for him. Oliver says I'll always be your dad. I will come visit whenever you like. Promise you'll call me if you need anything. You have a home with us forever. I love you, William. William loves him, too. Felicity gets a call. It's the doctor. I'm what?

Future. Mia says you won't shoot me. My name is Mia Smoak. I'm your sister. 

Next ep - Monday March 4. Felicity and Oliver find out about Diaz.

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