THE BEGINNING OF THE END – Picking up where we left off last season, Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), and Castiel (Misha Collins) are left to defend the world after all the souls in Hell have been released and are back on Earth and free to kill again. John Showalter directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb. (#1502). Original airdate 10/10/2019.

Image credit: The CW
Episode 1:
The Road So Far
Jack's body. Fight around it. Zombies pulling on them. Cas being effective. He picks up Jack's body. They run. Trying to get out of the cemetery. Or to safety.
Inside a crypt. Barricaded. Sam and Dean at the doors. How long will they hold? Dean says he didn't deserve this. Sam asks Cas..... Cas says I don't think so. Dean says Chuck throws zombies at us now? Sam says the souls jumped into the nearest bodies. Dean asks what did Chuck mean about the end? Cas, any ideas? Cas thinks maybe we can burn their bones. Sam says their bodies could be anywhere. Dean says Chuck was always so squirrely. Knew there'd be something like this. Sam finds water. Hears a sewer line? They have to break through a brick wall. Cas, a little help here. And there's a zombie! Jack is standing! hello. It's not Jack. It's a demon. Sorry about that. I just got here and I needed a body. No eyes. What the hell are you doing? Sunglasses. Blending. I know it's weird. Where do I start? Hi, my name's....Cas says get out of him. I won't ask again. Demon says I can help. Dean says we need the help. Jack's gone, alright, so let's listen to what he has to say. Sam agrees. Demon knows they're the Winchesters. Hellmouth thing is kind of you? No, it was God. Sure....oh, you're serious. Long story. He's a demon that punches a clock. I like my job. Like Hell the way it was. You want them back where they came from? Me, too. We're twinsies, guys. I can get you out of here. Little spell. Graveyard dirt and angel blood. Cas cuts his palm. Demon smacks his hands together. And it's quiet outside the crypt. You're welcome.
They exit and all the bodies are lying down again. Spirits destroyed. Demon says no, I just blasted them out of the bodies. So where are the ghosts, then?
Teen girls in a room. Bad thing in the phone then the mirror. The girl's eyes in the mirror are bleeding. She sees the ghost and screams. Scratching her own skin off! Other girl sees the ghost in the room and screams.
In the Impala. Still have the demon with them. Sam says there's no apocalypse on news yet. How many souls? Demons says 2, 3 billion. Dean says we head back to the bunker and figure out how to close the rift. Demon says use magic to contain the ghosts. Salt circle a mile wide. Cas says no. Dean says we get everyone out of the town. Sam says pull over. An abandoned car on the road. There's a blood splat inside. They investigate. Stereo on. No body. This look familiar to you? Woman in White. Flashback. They sent her to Hell years ago. If she's back, they're all back. Every last one we ever killed. Let's go.
Birthday. Woman and her daughter running from something. Into the garage. Lights go out. Door can't open. She tries to get someone outside to help. She opens the car door. A clown appears. Looking for them. Cold on the car glass.
Town, daylight. Sam wearing an FBI jacket. Dean tells Cas to take the demon for the spell. Cas can't even look at him. Dean eye rolls. Sam tells the sheriff a story. The EPA is on its way but we need to evacuate people. Sheriff says we can move them to the high school. 5 miles away.
Dean puts the gun in the glove compartment. Demon asks what's that? Dean says don't worry about it. Demon says humans are crazy good looking now. Folks back then had a lot of humps. Look at em now. Look at you. You're gorgeous. Dean asks when are you going to get out of that body? When I find another one. The meat suits at the cemetery were too wormy. Who was he anyway? Dean says he was our kid, kind of. What do you need for this spell? A big bag of salt. And a human heart.
Sam tells Cas what to do. Sam knocks at a house. He's got the shot gun to shoot rock salt.
Cas goes into a different house and calls for people.
Sam finds a blood smear. Streaks on the walls.
Cas in the teens house. They're dead. He goes back downstairs. Ghost in the mirror.
Sam breaks into the garage. Hello? Anybody in here? They're up on a shelf. They both have blood on their clothes. Clown behind Sam. Attacks him with the knife.
Sam has a nasty cut. Cas shoots the clown ghost. Goes to Sam.
Sheriff telling people to get out of town. Dean on the phone with Rowena. She wants to be asked nicely. Gives the demon salt. Demon says I'm a fan. Watched Dean work when he was in Hell. It was art. Dean says that was a long time ago. Asks what's it like down there? Demon says like an ant hill set on fire. Every door sprang open at once. Even the Cage? Even the Cage. Michael was just sitting there. But if he got out...... He wouldn't hold a grudge, right?
Cas heals Sam's cut. Tells the mom and daughter I'm an angel. And the clown? A ghost. Sam is just a guy. Says his wound is fine. Cas looks at the hole from when he shot God. Gets a flash in his head. He can't fix it. Energy he's never felt before. Sam says it's fine. Phone rings. Sheriff tells him he got everybody. Sam says I'll meet you at the school.
Sheriff spots a woman. Woman in white. You okay?
Clown in the garage again.
Dean and the demon. Demon says a fresh heart is better. They hear a scream. Sheriff's neck is bloody. Demon says cool!
**The demons that are blase have always been amusing. They're not evil evil. Just had a certain role to play.
Cas and Sam and the mom and kid.
Dean not happy about the body. Demon rips the heart out.
Girl looks at the pond water. Mom goes to her. Clown shows up again.
Dean says we need to move now. Woman in White hits and tosses him.
Cas and Sam confronted by three ghosts. Sam accidentally shoots Cas lol. Clown attacks Sam.
Dean gets the woman. Spell now. Let's get the salt.
Ghost leaps out of the pond at the mom.
Salt and heart.
He starts chanting Latin.
Sam getting his butt kicked by the clown. Cas shoots it. Sam shoots the ghost in the pond.
Demon activates the spell and they have a perimeter. The ghosts show up again. Sam tells Cas to get them across the line. He's out of salt and has to run. They all run, Sam picking up the little girl. And get across to safety. Ghosts trapped inside. Clown not happy. Sam tells it to shut up.
**Remember when Sam had to kill a clown thing and ended up covered in glitter? Facing his phobia?
**With 14 years of bad things, what are you eager to see again? Which monsters?
The high school. Impala arrives. Dropping off the mom and girl. Don't tell anybody about today. That might freak them out. The little girl thanks Sam. He walks them in. Dean gets out of the car and asks Cas if he's okay? Yes. Good. Demon says wow, awkward. Wanna talk about it? That a no? That's a no.
Dean in the trunk. Sam comes back. What do we do now? Dean wants to see Sam's bullet hole. There's no exit wound. How bad does it hurt? Not much. Dean asks if Sam remembers what I'd do to distract you? A stupid joke. Knock knock. LOL. Sam says this is what Chuck meant. Dean says screw him. He's been playing us this entire time. Just when we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Still in the damn maze. What did it all even mean? Sam says it meant a lot. We still saved people. Dean says what for? So he could sit back and chug popcorn? Sam says maybe, but he's gone. He moves on and starts another story. Good. If he bailed, it's just us. For the first time, it's just us. What's one more apocalypse. We win, we're it. God's gone. We're free. Dean says you and me versus every soul in Hell. I like those odds. Sam does, too. Dean asks You know what means? Sam says we go back to work.
Throwback to the pilot!
Jack's body. Fight around it. Zombies pulling on them. Cas being effective. He picks up Jack's body. They run. Trying to get out of the cemetery. Or to safety.
Inside a crypt. Barricaded. Sam and Dean at the doors. How long will they hold? Dean says he didn't deserve this. Sam asks Cas..... Cas says I don't think so. Dean says Chuck throws zombies at us now? Sam says the souls jumped into the nearest bodies. Dean asks what did Chuck mean about the end? Cas, any ideas? Cas thinks maybe we can burn their bones. Sam says their bodies could be anywhere. Dean says Chuck was always so squirrely. Knew there'd be something like this. Sam finds water. Hears a sewer line? They have to break through a brick wall. Cas, a little help here. And there's a zombie! Jack is standing! hello. It's not Jack. It's a demon. Sorry about that. I just got here and I needed a body. No eyes. What the hell are you doing? Sunglasses. Blending. I know it's weird. Where do I start? Hi, my name's....Cas says get out of him. I won't ask again. Demon says I can help. Dean says we need the help. Jack's gone, alright, so let's listen to what he has to say. Sam agrees. Demon knows they're the Winchesters. Hellmouth thing is kind of you? No, it was God. Sure....oh, you're serious. Long story. He's a demon that punches a clock. I like my job. Like Hell the way it was. You want them back where they came from? Me, too. We're twinsies, guys. I can get you out of here. Little spell. Graveyard dirt and angel blood. Cas cuts his palm. Demon smacks his hands together. And it's quiet outside the crypt. You're welcome.
They exit and all the bodies are lying down again. Spirits destroyed. Demon says no, I just blasted them out of the bodies. So where are the ghosts, then?
Teen girls in a room. Bad thing in the phone then the mirror. The girl's eyes in the mirror are bleeding. She sees the ghost and screams. Scratching her own skin off! Other girl sees the ghost in the room and screams.
In the Impala. Still have the demon with them. Sam says there's no apocalypse on news yet. How many souls? Demons says 2, 3 billion. Dean says we head back to the bunker and figure out how to close the rift. Demon says use magic to contain the ghosts. Salt circle a mile wide. Cas says no. Dean says we get everyone out of the town. Sam says pull over. An abandoned car on the road. There's a blood splat inside. They investigate. Stereo on. No body. This look familiar to you? Woman in White. Flashback. They sent her to Hell years ago. If she's back, they're all back. Every last one we ever killed. Let's go.
Birthday. Woman and her daughter running from something. Into the garage. Lights go out. Door can't open. She tries to get someone outside to help. She opens the car door. A clown appears. Looking for them. Cold on the car glass.
Town, daylight. Sam wearing an FBI jacket. Dean tells Cas to take the demon for the spell. Cas can't even look at him. Dean eye rolls. Sam tells the sheriff a story. The EPA is on its way but we need to evacuate people. Sheriff says we can move them to the high school. 5 miles away.
Dean puts the gun in the glove compartment. Demon asks what's that? Dean says don't worry about it. Demon says humans are crazy good looking now. Folks back then had a lot of humps. Look at em now. Look at you. You're gorgeous. Dean asks when are you going to get out of that body? When I find another one. The meat suits at the cemetery were too wormy. Who was he anyway? Dean says he was our kid, kind of. What do you need for this spell? A big bag of salt. And a human heart.
Sam tells Cas what to do. Sam knocks at a house. He's got the shot gun to shoot rock salt.
Cas goes into a different house and calls for people.
Sam finds a blood smear. Streaks on the walls.
Cas in the teens house. They're dead. He goes back downstairs. Ghost in the mirror.
Sam breaks into the garage. Hello? Anybody in here? They're up on a shelf. They both have blood on their clothes. Clown behind Sam. Attacks him with the knife.
Sam has a nasty cut. Cas shoots the clown ghost. Goes to Sam.
Sheriff telling people to get out of town. Dean on the phone with Rowena. She wants to be asked nicely. Gives the demon salt. Demon says I'm a fan. Watched Dean work when he was in Hell. It was art. Dean says that was a long time ago. Asks what's it like down there? Demon says like an ant hill set on fire. Every door sprang open at once. Even the Cage? Even the Cage. Michael was just sitting there. But if he got out...... He wouldn't hold a grudge, right?
Cas heals Sam's cut. Tells the mom and daughter I'm an angel. And the clown? A ghost. Sam is just a guy. Says his wound is fine. Cas looks at the hole from when he shot God. Gets a flash in his head. He can't fix it. Energy he's never felt before. Sam says it's fine. Phone rings. Sheriff tells him he got everybody. Sam says I'll meet you at the school.
Sheriff spots a woman. Woman in white. You okay?
Clown in the garage again.
Dean and the demon. Demon says a fresh heart is better. They hear a scream. Sheriff's neck is bloody. Demon says cool!
**The demons that are blase have always been amusing. They're not evil evil. Just had a certain role to play.
Cas and Sam and the mom and kid.
Dean not happy about the body. Demon rips the heart out.
Girl looks at the pond water. Mom goes to her. Clown shows up again.
Dean says we need to move now. Woman in White hits and tosses him.
Cas and Sam confronted by three ghosts. Sam accidentally shoots Cas lol. Clown attacks Sam.
Dean gets the woman. Spell now. Let's get the salt.
Ghost leaps out of the pond at the mom.
Salt and heart.
He starts chanting Latin.
Sam getting his butt kicked by the clown. Cas shoots it. Sam shoots the ghost in the pond.
Demon activates the spell and they have a perimeter. The ghosts show up again. Sam tells Cas to get them across the line. He's out of salt and has to run. They all run, Sam picking up the little girl. And get across to safety. Ghosts trapped inside. Clown not happy. Sam tells it to shut up.
**Remember when Sam had to kill a clown thing and ended up covered in glitter? Facing his phobia?
**With 14 years of bad things, what are you eager to see again? Which monsters?
The high school. Impala arrives. Dropping off the mom and girl. Don't tell anybody about today. That might freak them out. The little girl thanks Sam. He walks them in. Dean gets out of the car and asks Cas if he's okay? Yes. Good. Demon says wow, awkward. Wanna talk about it? That a no? That's a no.
Dean in the trunk. Sam comes back. What do we do now? Dean wants to see Sam's bullet hole. There's no exit wound. How bad does it hurt? Not much. Dean asks if Sam remembers what I'd do to distract you? A stupid joke. Knock knock. LOL. Sam says this is what Chuck meant. Dean says screw him. He's been playing us this entire time. Just when we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Still in the damn maze. What did it all even mean? Sam says it meant a lot. We still saved people. Dean says what for? So he could sit back and chug popcorn? Sam says maybe, but he's gone. He moves on and starts another story. Good. If he bailed, it's just us. For the first time, it's just us. What's one more apocalypse. We win, we're it. God's gone. We're free. Dean says you and me versus every soul in Hell. I like those odds. Sam does, too. Dean asks You know what means? Sam says we go back to work.
Throwback to the pilot!
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