
Thursday, March 26, 2020

#Legacies 2.16 - "Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing" live blog #LegaciesFInale #witches #vampires #werewolves #GeminiTwins

"Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing"

SAVING JOSIE - In a race to save Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) infiltrates her subconscious and finds herself in a fairytale world filled with dark magic. Back at the Salvatore School, Alaric (Matthew Davis), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), and the Super Squad commit to their own risky plan to get Josie back despite the potential consequences. Aria Shahghasemi, Quincy Fouse, Peyton Alex Smith, and Chris Lee also star. Michael Karasick directed the episode written by Thomas Brandon & Sylvia Batey Alcala (#216). Original airdate 3/26/2020.

Image credit: The CW

Like the other shows shut down for coronavirus, this is the season finale.

Episode 16:

Hope wakes in Josie's mind. Red Riding Hood? Josie, your subconscious is weirding me out. Bread crumbs. Outside the castle. There's a pig in the forest. She tells him he doesn't have to hide. He tells her to put out the light before it gets them both killed.

Necro looking for Chad. He's pumped. Today's the day we raise Malivore. Dark Josie is redecorating the crypt with curtains and black chandeliers. Josie can't feel her sister. Something's wrong. Alyssa says it's Hope. Always Hope. Necro says these are my puppets. Until she controls him with a snap of her fingers. We do what I say now. Is that clear? Or do I need to make you nod. Get your zombie eye to find out what really happened to Lizzie.

Lizzie in a coffin. She's directing MG on her funeral. He says it's just a show. She says it better be a damn good one. MG says managing your own funeral defeats the point of playing dead. Lizzie puts a ring on to impersonate Hope. Ric and Kaleb are weirded out. And skeptical. Ric says people will figure it out. Pack will never fall for this. She goes to greet the wolves. 3 of them accept it. Ric says fine. But no doves.

Raf finds Ric. I need your help.

Hope following the pig. He doesn't want her near him doing magic. You don't belong here, toots. She says she's not going anywhere until she finds Josie. I came to rescue her. He says you're too late for that. He tells her a story.

A peaceful land ruled by Princess Josette. But then a darkness came. Using her magic only made the darkness stronger. Josie placed a sleeping spell on herself so she could never do magic again and the darkness wouldn't grow. He says this is how it has to be. Hope still has to try. But the rest of the trail is now gone. He ate it. She threatens him. So he agrees.

Raf leads Ric to Landon's body. I killed him. the Necromancer made me do it. Ric says it's okay. He'll come back. Raf shows him the golden arrow. Not this time.

Following the pig. Josie in a yellow dress asleep on a dais. Try kissing her, maybe. Hope says a non-consensual kiss is never the answer. Hope tries magic and a monster appears. The darkness is the Big Bad Wolf. Pig says it can definitely hurt us!

The wolf looking for the pig. Who's your new friend? I can smell magic's being used here again. Hope floats a rock to go as a distraction. Pig says you nearly got us both eaten! They bicker. Stop talking down to me and be grateful I saved our bacon. He's offended. She says we both miss Josie. We can work together to wake her up. Josie made her sacrifice because she didn't know help was coming.

Lizzie-Hope decorating with other students. The girls don't miss Lizzie. The Necromancer could bring her back, too.

Wade asked to tell a memory of Lizzie on camera. He doesn't have anything nice to say. Kaleb says we'll never get anyone to say anything nice about Lizzie.

Necro reports that the school is planning a memorial for your sister. Who is dead. Which we knew. Josie says there's something in my mind. They're acting. They know about your zombie eye. You've been fooled. Ted. My father's behind this. Have a chat with him. I'll search my mind for the thing that's out of place.

Lizzie as herself to MG in the kitchen. Everyone hates me. Someone comes in and she puts the ring back on. She wants to eulogize herself. MG doesn't think it's a good idea.

Raf says it never takes this long for Landon to come back. He and Ric discuss the prophecy. Raf wants to die. Ric says it's not an option. Raf says I warned Landon. Ric wants to put him in suspended animation. Raf gets aggressive and gives Ric the sword. Attacking him to make him pick up the sword to defend himself. Ric insists he can save them both. You're not responsible for killing Landon. Necro takes over Raf. Did try to warn you, Alaric. Knocks Ric out.

**Since this has to stand as the season finale, I hope there's some kind of "win" by the end.

**The CW has made a lot of changes to the schedule, announced today, and some shows are done and some intend to resume some episodes. Looks like The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow will delay until May. In The Dark and Stargirl have new premiere dates.

Lizzie's funeral. Where's my dad? MG starts the service. Memorial film edited to say nice things. MG cuts it and they move on with the service. Awkward. Kaleb singing. Jed and Kaleb start competing with their singing. Hope-Lizzie gets up to the mic to deliver the eulogy. Lizzie was a witch, a daredevil, a lover. Was she a saint? Who's to say. But she was the best of us. She was a kind soul. Everyone laughs. The more she keeps defending herself, the more they laugh. She runs out upset.

Pig and Hope go to Mr. Huntsman. Stew's on, he must be nearby. She likes the ax here. I'm not going down without a fight. Pig says he's no use in battle. I get so scared and say dumb stuff. I could finish the stew. Make a nice bread. She says that'll do, pig. LOL. But there's a head in the pot! Wolf wants in the cottage.

Josie figures out Hope is in her head.

Ric wakes up. Necro brought him to the bar to talk. We want to get that black magic out of your daughter and send her home. She already suspects you're up to something. Only a matter of time. The good Josie is in there deep down. I've seen it. Ric says set them free. No strings attached. Raf wants him to bring Landon back, too. Pleads with Ric. Ric doesn't trust the Necromancer. Necro proposes an unbreakable covenant spell. You lose your puppets and I lose my magic. When you've made up your mind, you know how to signal me.

Wolf breaks in. Swallows the pig. Hope attacks the wolf with the ax. Then cuts into him. Josie comes out of the body. Where's Pig? Josie was the pig! She didn't want Hope to suspect it was me. I can't have someone else get hurt because of me. Evil Josie appears. They run.

**Dark Josie's crown and outfit are so familiar. What is that mimicking?

Lizzie takes the ring off. MG gets up to speak and kids sit. His first day there, Lizzie was his tour guide. He was scared. He hated his name, Milton. She said, so change it. How about MG? Lizzie was always trying to start over. She never stopped trying to change. But did you all let her? Or hold on to one image of her at her worst. Easier to think she was broken than root for her and accept she was changing. If you stop and think, I'm sure you have a good Lizzie story, too. Here's your chance. Start over. Girl gets up and says I liked to sew, a lot. When Lizzie found out, she started the sewing club.

Hope tells Josie what Evil Josie has been up to. She is some part of you. You can control her somehow. Landon would have some theory. Josie says Mom read us fairytales for bedtime stories. It all made sense, unlike my life. Hope says your subconscious made up a story where you're weak and she's strong. Tell yourself a different story. Evil Josie attacks them. Let's fight. Hope says Josie, you can fight her. Change the story! Hope is turned to stone. Josie runs.

**15 minutes left. Will Josie defeat the darkness?

Josie grabs a knife in the cottage. Darkness says I hate you. You're so weak and vulnerable. The kind of girl who's destined to lose the Merge. You needed me. This is what being strong looks like. Josie thought being strong and powerful meant hurting Lizzie and being evil. But it doesn't Hope is strong and she's good. I made a story where I was powerless. But that's not true. I can change the story. I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm holding the ax. Darkness says I just bound you to this cabin. You're trapped here forever. Josie says I'm not trapped. We're not in the cabin anymore. Use your magic against me and it hurts you, too. Most importantly, you're not wearing armor anymore. It's over. Dark Josie says as long as dark magic is inside you, I'll always find a way back.

Lizzie chanting around Josie's body. Ric observing. Necromancer takes the darkness into him? Lizzie keeps chanting. And then it ends. Candles go out.

**I always liked the special effects used for magic on The Originals.

Alyssa returns to the school. Jed asks Kaleb if he wants to talk about this. Kaleb says she didn't have to be rude. LOL>

Josie thanks Ric for not giving up on her, though she deserved it. He says she deserves to never be given up on. They'll deal with the Necromancer when the time comes. He's not willing to lose another student. Josie does a spell. Put her siphon power into a coin, until she's ready to use it. In a piggy bank.

Lizzie says everyone should hear their own eulogy. The story of MG. Awwww. She's pretty sweet in these words. She thanks him for putting up with her today. I needed to feel....less alone? He knows. Students come out and see she's alive. She gets hugs.

Landon on a bed. Raf waiting. Landon hasn't come back. Ric says we had a deal. Raf has a heartbeat. He's alive and free. But Landon should be back by now. Ric says that's not our only problem.

Hope is still unconscious. What's wrong with her? Not sure. But she won't wake up.

And that's where we end.

#Legacies fans! Tonight, after some herculean efforts by our post production team (have YOU ever tried mixing an episode from home???), we will air our "Spring Finale" (aka ep 216). More episodes to come as soon as we all go back to work! But until then, #StayHomeSaveLives.
co-written by@tsbrandon and @madebySBA, directed by the brilliant Michael Karasick (who is also our DP). Enjoy!
Yes but when we return, you'll get to see our MUSICAL EPISODE.
based on the language in that article, it would be the rest of season 2 that would air once the episodes are complete.

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