
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

#Stargirl 2.9 - “Summer School: Chapter Nine” live blog #JayGarrick #TheFlash #Eclipso #JSA #JohnWesleyShipp #LouFerrignoJr

“Summer School: Chapter Nine” 

JOHN WESLEY SHIPP GUEST STARS AS JAY GARRICK — As Eclipso (Nick Tarabay) takes aim at the Whitmore/Dugan’s, Pat (Luke Wilson) is reminded of painful memories from his past involving the original JSA and their fight to take down Eclipso. Meanwhile, Mike (Trae Romano) is forced to confront the guilt he feels for his role in Icicle’s death, and Barbara (Amy Smart) comes face to face with someone from her past. Finally, Courtney (Brec Bassinger) struggles to hold onto hope after Eclipso targets those around her. Hunter Sansone also stars. Andi Armaganian directed the episode written by Alfredo Septién & Turi Meyer (#209). Original airdate 10/5/2021.

Image credit: The CW

Episode 9:

Decades Ago. Bruce Gordon book on the desk. Bruce wishes he never brought Eclipso back from that damn island. You ruined the lives of my colleagues and friends. I don't want this anymore! Eclipso says you owe me. Bruce yells at him to leave me alone! Eclipso says put the Diamond down. But you can't, can you. You can't let go of the power. Bruce grabs a pistol from the desk drawer. Eclipso suggests he can fix it all. I feel your loneliness. But I'm here for you. We can get her back. Her husband's the only way that stands between you and her. Nothing else. Once he's gone, Mona will be all yours. Bruce says I won't kill anyone. Eclipso says not you, Bruce. Me. Let me take control. All you have to do is drop the gun and watch me do it. Drop the gun and let me take control. After all I've done for you, you owe me. Bruce complies.

Present in Blue Valley. Barbara told they're all being sent home. Storm rolling in. We don't have much time. Be careful out there. She checks the window.

Mike and Pat at home. Mike grabbed snacks. Pat tells him to get the sleeping bags from upstairs. Courtney says Rick's hearing was canceled. Pat says we'll see what we can do after the storm clears. She says it won't. We know who's causing it. He's getting stronger. Beth and I decided we're not waiting around anymore. We find him and we go after him with whoever and whatever we have left. Pat says we're not prepared! She loves him, but when have we ever been prepared enough to make you happy? She leaves to call Beth.

Yellow rose on the counter. Pat flashes back to yellow roses in a funeral bouquet for Rebecca McNider. Pastor gives the benediction. Funeral finished and the JSA chats. How could anyone do that to a child? We have to stop it. Jay Garrick arrives! It's called Eclipso. Pat is excited to see The Flash and wants info. Sylvester tells Pat that Members ask the questions. McNider's wife yells at Charles that it's his fault. You weren't there! You didn't see what it did to our little girl!

Pat pricked his finger on a thorn. Whispers in the dark house. Coffin appears in the dining room. He approaches it. Something is trying to get out. A hand appears. Liar, liar, you are a liar. Pat closes his eyes. Dining room is normal again. But the whispers remain.

Mike listens to Courtney on the phone with Beth. Yolanda hasn't called her back. Mike takes the sleeping bags downstairs. Calling for his dad. Feels cold. Puts his jacket on. Is the heat out or something? Dad?

Basement. Pat gets a band-aid from the first aid kit.

What do we do now? Sylvester says we find Bruce Gordon and see what he knows. Pat pleads to help. Sylvester says she was only 10. We can't let this happen again. The Shade appears in the distance. Sylvester tells Pat to go back to the garage while he talks with The Shade. They'll discuss Pat's involvement later. They disappear around a tree. Pat goes looking and they're gone.

Radio cutting in and out. Barbara driving home and the car dies. Ignition won't even turn. Sudden rain pounds down.

**Sylvester isn't nice to Pat on that day. Could be just the stress of the attack and the funeral.

Basement. Pat looks at old photos of him and Starman.

JSA. Costumes in display cases. Pat with the car in the garage. Tinkering. Elevator dings. Sylvester returns. What happened? Music off. He says what we're facing is not human. Shade called it a spiritual parasite. Bruce Gordon found it and it's possessed him. It can make you see anything it wants. Nightmares. He saw fear in The Shade's eyes. It murdered men, women, children. He called it real evil. Said the only way to stop it is to kill the host. Kill the host? Killing another human? When the host dies, Eclipso will be forced back into the Diamond and as long as no one touches it, it'll be locked inside. But Pat says they have to exorcise the thing. The JSA code is to save the human. Sylvester says of course. You're right, Pat. There's always a way.

Basement. Rain outside. Why hasn't a single light been on upstairs or downstairs while it's this dim?

Mike is cold. There's a knock on the door. Another. He opens it. Cameron? Come in. He says he got caught in the storm and didn't know where else to go. Is Courtney here? She's upstairs. Where's your mom?

Barbara still in the dead car. And she can't get out. Phone doesn't work, either. Jordan Mahkent in the back seat! We have a lot to catch up on, don't we? Ice spreads from under the car.

Mike sits with a fire. Cameron says nice fire. Mike says you can go up and see Courtney if you want. Cam says he will. Picks up a photo. Must be nice. To be part of the family like this. You and your dad are pretty close, huh? Me and my dad were, too. Mike says aren't you cold? Cameron says is it cold? Then starts going on about mothers and step-mothers. How you ran over my father and left him for dead. He's with Barbara right now and I'm here with you. Cold breath puts out the fire.

Frozen car. Barbara says you're dead, Jordan. You're not here. This is Eclipso. This isn't real. It's not real. He says you hurt me. Now it's time to hurt you.

Mike calls for Courtney and Pat. The dog comes in, barking. Rushes at Cameron, who freezes the dog. Everyone in this house is going to die. Mike swings a fire poker and Cameron grabs and freezes it.

Jordan keeps going on. Shade tells Barbara he's not real. Ignore this nightmare and start the bloody car! Now! She does.

Cameron attacks Mike. I get to kill your dad. That's fair, right? You're nothing. Unwanted by the JSA like you were unwanted by your own mother. Courtney comes down with the staff and sees Mike struggling to breathe. Lights up the staff. No one's here! Mike tells her what he saw. Buddy runs in. Courtney asks where's Pat?

Basement. Pat hears something in the dark. Picks up Starman's uniform. Blood on Pat's hand. He goes to a sink to wash. And someone's behind him!

**The Shade still seems to be struggling to get back to the real world after he was attacked.

Courtney's locked out of the basement.

Pat flashes back to the JSA garage. 4 of them at the table. They need a tie breaker. Eclipso beat the JSA and threatened their families. They're out of time and have to kill the host. SO they need to vote. Jay says we came together for justice, not vengeance. Ted is a yes. Jay is a no. Hourman is a yes if there's no other choice. Pat? I vote no. There's always a way! So it's down to Sylvester. Who says his vote is a yes. Eclipso threatened my family. I'll do whatever it takes to protect them. Flash won't take part in this. Jay won't have to. Sylvester orders Pat to get the car ready.

Bruce firing at Pat in the basement. You had a choice and you made it. You damned yourselves. Courtney touches Pat with the staff. Are you okay?

Mike has Buddy on his lap. No one's going to hurt you.

Courtney asks Pat if he's okay? He says yes, thanks to you. He saw Bruce Gordon. Why? What haven't you told me, Pat? He never told her how the JSA really stopped Eclipso.

Pat sits in the car, waiting. Outside the castle. He wants to go. Starman comes and gets in. What happened? You were right. JSa should never take a life. But it's too late. Blood splatter on Starman's uniform. He has the Diamond. We need to get this to storage. Drive. Dammit, Pat, drive! It's over. It's all over.

There was no last meeting. Everyone just drifted away after that. I kept coming around, though. Hoping to see someone around the table. No one did, until the ISA reformed. But the JSA were never the same. They were broken. That's why the ISA won in the end. Killing Bruce Gordon.....when the JSA did that, it wound up killing them. Courtney said we promised no more secrets. While my friends were being hurt and destroyed by Eclipso. What's my mom going to say? She knows. Courtney runs out of the basement.

Barbara comes home. Courtney confronts her. They family yells at each other. Bruce the child version is gleeful outside the house.

Next ep - Don't know if Courtney will ever trust us again. What now? Pat has an idea. They find Jenny.

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