
Thursday, December 9, 2021

#Legacies 4.8 - “You Will Remember Me” live blog #witches #werewolves #vampires #tribrid #TheVampireDiaries #TheOriginals

“You Will Remember Me”

NOT THE REACTION I EXPECTED — Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) find herself on a dangerous undertaking. Josie (Kaylee Bryant) goes deep for answers as Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) asks Cleo (Omono Okojie) for inspiration and is surprised as to where she finds it. Meanwhile, Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) continues his mission for peace. Matthew Davis, Quincy Fouse, Chris Lee, Ben Levin, and Leo Howard also star. Nimisha Mukerji directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Layne Morgan (#404). Original airdate 12/9/2021. 

Image credit: The CW

Episode 8:

Josie voiceover while getting with Finch. She's a doctor at Mikaelson Memorial Hospital. Josie gets paged. Her parents were surgeons. She says she's barely holding it together. Lizzie and MG and Ethan come out a closet, too.

Vardemus says they're supposed to let the process go. Lizzie arrives. The experience will be revelatory. Cleo asks what. Lizzie got her idea. You're lucky Hope didn't murder the whole school while I was gone. MG is going to train Ethan. Finch staying with josie. Cleo asks Lizzie if she needs help. Lizzie knows what to do. She needs inspiration for how.

Triad woman gets out of a pool. Lays on a lounge. Wants another drink. Set a meeting for later this afternoon. Hope's there. Lights a candle and the woman is suddenly old.

Ric learns about Peace from Ted and Landon. Landon thinks Limbo is for atonement. Then the boat to Peace awaits. Ted wonders how they can drink milkshakes, taste them, hold them in their hands. Ted says there's no shortage of people to help and help ourselves. Ric says now we know the rules, we know how to cheat. We're going to get that coin, steal that boat, and go home. Landon asks if Hope is okay.

Josie's story is Hope's. Josie's watching Hope do surgery. It's like she doesn't even feel the pressure. Hope damages the patient and passes out.

Hope has a dagger. The candle nullifies magic. The witch says you are cursed, child. A tribrid was never meant to exist. There will be no escaping your fate. Hope isn't moved. She wants to know how to find the others. Witch reminds about the brand. She can't tell where the vampire and werewolf are because of the brand. Hope says you're the witch who cast the spell in the first place. Hoping the witch gave herself a loophole. Triad Witch starts to tell and catches on fire. Falls into the pool. "Crap." Hope says integrity.....I don't miss it. She leaves.

Hope brings Agatha's head! To get into the werewolf bar. Hope's here to give an alpha challenge. Pack animals, am I right?

Josie chases after Dr. Ted. What happened to Hope? He says she has CMT. How do you treat it? You don't. Josie insisting Hope can save people and needs to be saved. He says we deal in hard facts and science, not emotion. No one is dispensable. Dr. Mikaelson's career in surgery is over.

Ric trying to find a soul to help. Monsters are in limbo. Ted doesn't know. Perhaps it's because of Malivore's destruction. Landon brings a woman over. How can he help me?

Ethan in the gym gets stuck in a locker. MG helps him out. Ethan's powers only work in high pressure situations or when Malivore is controlling me. MG tries to keep him calm. Let's do it again. Your most valued skill is getting people to safety. Lizzie arrives. I need you. Got a sec? She means Ethan.

Josie grabs Dr. Landon. You still love Dr. Hope. Dr. Death thinks she has a rare genetic condition. I have an idea. Go into the personnel files. He's an attending, so he can access them.

Hope tussling with the Triad Wolf. Pack sheering the fight. Douchebag in the corner pocket. She trapped him under the pool table. Loser racks. She breaks his neck. The wolves bow to her. Get up. We're wolves, not royalty. Tell me where the vampire is. He says we're branded. She says rules are rules, remember?

Hope knocks at a house. The guy answering the door has no eyes! Tell the vampire I've killed the witch and the wolf. He says the mistress of the house has been expecting you and extends you every courtesy. Please, come in.

**So, has the voice been Aurora like a lot of us have thought from sentence 1?

She doesn't want to forgive Ric. He says I'm here to make peace for both of our sakes. Her daughter was eaten by a giant spider! She died of a broken heart and lung cancer. How are you not in Hell?! He says because Hell was created by a psychic named Cade and has since been destroyed. She says I beg to differ. This is Hell. Why apologize if you clearly don't think you've done anything wrong? Ric says you're trapped in limbo because you're one of the two most miserable people on the planet and the other is your daughter. She forgives Lizzie because she's only awful because of her father. She gets a coin. Landon's commentary is hilarious. Ric tells Ted they're never getting out of here. Ted knows exactly who he needs to talk to.

Cleo chopping wood. MG comes to talk about Lizzie. Being the leader is lonely. She says the right decisions are the hardest to make. Cleo doesn't trust Lizzie is thinking clearly, so she turned down the inspiration. MG says you're being a good friend. Cleo tells MG about the deadly tree. It's the only thing that can kill Hope. Should I destroy it? Or use it to protect the world from her? MG tells her what Hope said to him. He says Hope is one of us even if she doesn't know it. So I say burn it. Cleo sets a fire. Lizzie and Ethan watched and listened to it all.

Josie knocking to talk to Dr. Ted. Your diagnosis is wrong. CMT passes from father to daughter. He didn't have any of the markers. My father cleared him and he hated Klaus. Hope is the best of us. Ted says tell her to stop cleaning out her locker on the way to clean out yours. Your future here is over.

Hope in the creepy house. What do you  know of my father? Everything, little bird. Aurora enters and curtsies. I'm Aurora DeMartel.

**So, did a single family member tell Hope about Aurora, who's supposed to be kept asleep? Easy to keep kids in the dark when they live at boarding school. But how would Freya or Rebekah or Kol or Marcel not be alerted that Aurora is wandering free since Klaus and Elijah's death? Or was it even before that, but the family had The Hollow to keep them busy? Who would let Aurora out of her prison?

Hope says who? Aurora. Aurora gives her bio. Aurora is the "daughter of the Count de Martel, first vampire of Rebekah’s sire line, your father’s lover and his greatest enemy, the object of his art, his desire, and his depthless scorn. Surely he must've mentioned me." Hope says you were left under a rug in a spare room of the family compound. Aurora thanks her for killing the others, but you will answer for the disrespect I've been shown. Hope says you can't kill me. Aurora says death lasts a moment. No, you will face the fate your father deserved.

Josie visits Hope in her room. You have CMT. Hope can explain. Josie says you ran out of your prescription. You scrubbed into that surgery knowing the risk to an innocent life. Why did you risk everything you had?

Hope says he dumped you. Get over it! Aurora says Klaus destroyed my life, my very sanity, over the course of centuries. Then I wake up to learn he took the coward's way out for you. Hope says her humanity is off, so the guilt trip won't work. Aurora calls her a coward, too. She shows the dish on the table she has planned. Aurora has the Papa Tunde blade! It's one of 4 bones culled from the Hollow. Ah, that name rings a bell. Hope says the Hollow is gone. Aurora says This blade all but broke your father. Think you're stronger? Hope says come at me with it. Aurora says I'm royalty and you're a guest in my home, so it's only fair I give you a head start. Hope senses her attack, blocks it, and breaks Aurora's neck. You want to play games? Tag, you're it.

Hope has only known the destiny of being a surgeon. I don't know who I'd be without it. Your father knew about my dad's CMT and covered it up. Josie thinks he'd never. Hope says of course he would. It was the greatest way to help the most people. Don't worry, I'll tell the board to reinstate you. Josie doesn't want to stay. When I was fired today, I felt relief. I've been trying to live up to your standard, too. I always thought you were so much better than me. You feel that pressure and it caused you to lose your way. I don't want that for me. I want to be a doctor, but I can't help people at this hospital. The password shows up. I've felt the need to live up to this school that was created for me and the pressure to live up to it and my friends has meant I never live a life of my own. Josie figured out how she'll fix this.

Lizzie is salvaging the tree. Ethan doesn't want to be an accessory to murder. Lizzie says sometimes doing the right thing is people calling you a villain. I'm going after Hope alone, but I need someone here who will do whatever it takes to finish the job in case I fail. The only person I want to hurt is Hope. I like you, Ethan. I might do a spell, make you forget this conversation. Give you another memory. I wanted to talk. you held my hand. It was really nice. He either lies to his best friend or carries the nicest fake memory of her ever. Lizzie says like I said - It's your choice.

Aurora wakes hanging from her wrists. Hope was bored. She wants to know more about the knife. Aurora tells her what the knife did to Klaus. Hope holding the knife, coming at her. Aurora's afraid. You're reckless, just like your father. You're just like every other Mikaelson I've come across. And just like them, you will remember me. Hope stabs her. The knife was shielded to be a different weapon! An illusion. Hope drops it. What was that? Aurora says don't worry, darling. I'll explain when we wake up. They both fall.

MG punching the boxing bag in the gym. Ethan returns. Sorry about earlier. MG says it's fine. You were right. I was keeping you on defense on purpose. I don't want to see you hurt on the front lines. I won't be the kind of leader okay with leaving one of my own behind. So, you and Lizzie, huh? Ethan says we walked out to the Old Mill. She wanted to talk. Lizzie has a way of confusing me.

Ric finds Landon in the old bedroom. Ted told Ric he needed to talk to Landon. I didn't know what I'd get you into at the school. You gave up everything for it. Landon doesn't regret it. We're good. Ric asks are we? Landon wants to get back to Hope. To help her. Ric says we have to give up everything all over again. Landon hoped they'd done enough. To be happy even thought we couldn't be it together. We fought our stupid fate for so long, and we fulfilled it. So now, I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do. Ric knows and he's sorry. They hug. Ric gets a coin.

Josie voiceover. I let everything go today and for the first time, I could see myself clearer. Finch is a paramedic. Josie waited on a bench for her. They kiss. Finch says we might finally have a date night. She'll change clothes and we'll go. Josie says the password.

Finch waiting for her to wake. Josie sits up. Don't leave me like that again. Josie crying.

Hope wakes up. Aurora asks what did you do to me? Agatha has watched Hope a long time. She made the Trident. If you weren't so ignorant, you might still inhabit this tiny body. Hope wants her body back. Aurora says that body isn't any match for the Tribrid without my mind in it. Hope runs.

Cleo visits Lizzie. I turned you away because I was afraid what I might inspire you to do. I became aware of a weapon that can kill the Tribrid. I kept that to myself. I destroyed it. Lizzie says you did the right thing. Cleo is surprised. Lizzie says if I'd known, I might've done something awful. Thanks Cleo. Lizzie has a stake she's whittling in Ric's office.

Next ep - Facing Hope's body. Guys, we have a monster problem!

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