After a man is mysteriously murdered in a park, Castle and Beckett team up with a competitive, high-powered female detective from Hong Kong, who has information about the victim. But as Beckett digs deeper into the case, she realizes neither her Hong Kong colleague nor the victim may be quite who they seem, on “Castle,” MONDAY, MARCH 16 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
Episode 17:
Woods. The park? Someone takes aim at a jogger? Man sees a figure rooting into another's pockets. The Asian woman pulls a gun on him.
Beckett isn't happy that a colleague has been promoted to captain. We started together, graduated the same year, and I'm falling aside. Castle says you have Patterson syndrome. She says she thought she'd be in a leadership position by now. I should be doing something more. Ryan updates the Castles. He talked to the jogger. The woman took the dead man's cell and keys. Left the wallet. The vic was waiting for someone. And he's an ex-con. Beckett says go to his workplace.
Castles talk to the boss. Says Henry was his top driver. Henry got threatened all the time. He was a repo man. Did threats come from an Asian woman? Not that he can remember. Kate asks for a list of the repos. He says sure. And maybe this is about yesterday at lunch. Henry was shaken up. He wanted access codes to a 2013 X5 and we don't have one on our repo list.
Kate and Castle discuss. Castle has a theory that Henry stole the X5 from a Triad assassin. LOL. Says Henry took something of value from the car and that's what she was looking for. Kate's going to look for stolen X5's.
Ryan and Espo talk to Henry's landlord. She's seen the woman, maybe 10 minutes ago. #517. They go to the apartment. Door ajar and stuff has been searched. Approach the bedroom. Ryan gets disarmed. Then she does the same to Espo. Jet Li in Lethal Weapon 4 much?
She shows her badge. Hong Kong PD. Asks for the chief investigator. Kate talks to her in Interrogation. Ryan and Espo and Castle watching. The woman says I know - knew - Henry. He was an old friend. He sounded frightened and said he was in trouble. I flew out right away. She found him in the park and he was already dead. I have to find out who did it. Kate says no, I do. Gates comes in and says her flight didn't land until midnight. She's not the killer. Gates says perhaps you should consider working with us. Inspector asks for her personal effects now.
Gates shows Kate the personnel file. Kate is impressed. Inspector says she'll agree to work together. She shows Kate a receipt from yesterday afternoon. Gates tells the 3 to check it out. Castle introduces himself. Threesome, LOL.
At the restaurant, they talk to the owner. Henry was her best customer. Kate and the Inspector spot a waitress to talk to. Castle stays at the door. Inspector says the waitress is afraid of you. Let me talk to her in her native language. Castle joins Kate. Kate shows pics of the Inspector's family. Inspector says there was an incident yesterday. Henry argued with a man. Spots a wifi sign and gets an idea. Kate tells Castle that she's just like me, only better.
Precinct. Glassman is the man Henry talked to. He's an FBI agent.
Kate and Castle talk to Glassman. He says Henry's name doesn't ring a bell. And doesn't recognize the photo. Kate says you were at the Jade Temple. He says he wasn't. Kate asks where were you at midnight last night. He says trust me, you don't want to go there.
Kate will ask Gates to talk to the Bureau. Ryan says there was formaldehyde on Henry's shoes. Espo says Henry didn't steal a car, either. Kate says she's going out with Jong tonight. Ryan tells Castle that you don't stop a woman from having a girl's night. Castle says this is my 3rd marriage. Think I know what i'm doing. LOL!! Ryan asks why you don't want Kate to go? Castle is worried Kate will start a competition. They laugh at that.
Kate and Jong at the shooting range. Jong is very accurate. Says she hasn't been in a range in 6 months. Kate is surprised. Asks isn't it a struggle to do it all? Jong says the trick is to find balance. She met Henry when she went to school here while her parents worked for a diplomat.
Kate shows Castle Jong's target. Complains about Jong being good at everything. And she's gorgeous. He says yeah she is. Wait, you think she's gorgeous? Kate says I haven't felt this since I had pimples. I'm insecure!!
Castle tells her that she's doing fine. You're idealizing her. She's human like everyone. Ryan says Jong got a lead that could crack the case. Video. Henry went home. 5 min later, he left. And is forced into an SUV.
SUV belongs with Billy Hicks, a drug dealer. Jong recognizes him. The reason Henry went to prison. Why now? Kate says maybe Henry knew too much? Maybe Glassman approached him to roll on Hicks. Gates says wait, I need a word.
She tells Kate you can't go after Hicks. It's a federal matter. Sir, he could be our killer. They know that, they need us to wait until the indictments come down. Jong is upset. Castle says we can still build a case. Kate will talk to Jong again. Who seems to be.....gone. Kate says I'll get her. She's my responsibility.
Jong enters a boxing gym. Looking for Hicks. He asks what he can do. She says I'd like to discuss Henry Graham. She disables his guard. And then is surrounded.
Kate gets to the gym. She looks around and finds the men all unconscious. Except Jong has Hicks. Kate makes her step away. Hicks says I'm pressing charges. Kate says after I'm arresting you. He says we were just messing with Henry, it was a prank. All I did was help him. Henry's dead! What? He says Henry wanted a favor. He wanted half a kilo of coke. He was trying to help a friend. A one-time deal. Asked for it to be divided into 8-balls. Henry told him about the Feds watching him. And that was the last I heard of him. Henry got out of the car at 53rd and 1st.
Kate and Jong leave. Kate dresses her down. Is this what you call being balanced? Jong says my husband and I are separated! I'm the reason Henry is dead! He called and left a message and I didn't call back right away. When I did, he said it was too late and no one could help anymore. I'm always too busy for everything that matters. That's why I need to do this. Gates calls Kate.
They talk in the office. Jong wants to go in and help. Castle stops her. Kate comes out. Gates chose to believe Kate's story. Jong thanks her. Kate says help us solve the case. Ryan and Espo found the X5. Wadlow had drug charges. Henry planted the drugs in his car.
They talk to Wadlow. He says he doesn't know Henry. Then why did he plant drugs in your car? He says I'd never have someone killed. Maybe someone put Henry up to this. Maybe a competitor. A lot of people stand to gain from him going to prison. Wadlow is clear of the murder. Espo and Ryan say Wadlow has been buying real estate in Chinatown. He keeps beating Mimi Tan. How do we prove she killed Henry? Ryan says the resin might've come from a garment factory owned by Mimi Tan.
Nice to have 2 former Star Trek ladies in this episode.
Chinatown. Jong and Kate talk to Mimi Tan. Ask about Wadlow. She says she knows of him. Jong says he was arrested for drug possession the other day. Kate lists the ways she's guilty. Tan wants her lawyer. Waitress attacks her! Henry as going to free her. She owes money to smugglers. Henry was going to free her and they'd start a life together. Tan had Henry frame Wadlow. Henry was waiting in the park. She was supposed to meet him....and then canceled. Who gave you that message?
Kate talks to another restaurant worker. Henry never called the restaurant. You confronted Henry at the park. Su Yen told us about your friendship. How you both owe a debt to Mimi Tan. And you couldn't allow Henry to free her. CSI found Henry's blood on fibers in your apartment. Jong yells at her. Mei Wu confesses. Jong arrests her.
Kate tells Jong that she spoke to immigration. Su Yen will get asylum for testifying. And now Jong will try to pick up her pieces. Kate tells her good luck. Jong thanks her.
Home. Kate in bed on her laptop. Writing up a list of priorities for the future. Castle asks what it's going to be? She doesn't know, yet. A new challenge. Whatever it is, she won't compromise her priorities. He says some nice words and she rolls on top of him. "You are so much better than Patterson." LOL.
Next ep - Ryan is in trouble. Conspiracies afoot!
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