JERI RYAN GUEST STARS; INTRODUCING ECHO KELLUM — When an old family friend, Jessica Danforth (guest star Jeri Ryan), tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens are concerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered. Despite their protests, Jessica makes her announcement so the Green Arrow and Speedy vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Thea begins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In addition, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is faced with a tough business decision and looks to one of her employees, Curtis Holt (guest star Echo Kellum), for help. John Behring directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#402). Original airdate 10/14/2015.
Ep 2:
Team Arrow fighting more Ghosts. Felicity wants a code name. Oliver says find the bomb then we'll talk. He spots Thea still beating on a downed opponent. Oliver gets to the bomb. Neutralizes it. He says get Diggle down here to dismantle it.
Saved the city's water supply. Arrow Cave. Oliver talks to Thea about her aggression. I'm worried you're going to kill one of them. She says she knows the line. Mrs. Danforth will be at the apartment in an hour, so she's off to a shower. Oliver tells Felicity she looks nice. And got her a fern. And packed her lunch.
Lian Yu. Oliver fights a soldier and kills him. Drags the body into tall grass. Tells ARGUS he's on the ground. They say prepare for infiltration.
Oliver and Thea with the Danforths. Brunch at the apartment. Mrs. Danforth saw the Green Arrow's broadcast and felt inspired to run for mayor. Her daughter says it's crazy. Oliver and Thea say the last 3 mayors have been killed. Danforth says she wants to step up and lead, and she's asking for support.
Felicity meets with the execs. The company is suffering. Mr. Holt is not on the board. He has an algorithm to figure out the minimum amount of people to fire. Felicity says she'll reduce bonuses, not fire people. She came to protect Ray Palmer's legacy. They tell her they have to dramatically reduce costs and raise profits, or there won't be a legacy to protect.
**How did PalmerTech decline that much in 6 months? Yes, Ray's death would cause a stock drop, but it's a global company. Having the HQ in Star City doesn't mean the whole corporation dies! Writers, please do some business research if you're going to hurt a company.
Danforth press conference. She announces her candidacy. Shots fired! Thea tells Oliver to protect Jessica. She's after the shooter. There's no man up there. It's a distraction. Oliver saves Jessica and tells her to get back to the atrium. He goes after the bad guy. Through the theater. Out into the alley. A car runs into Oliver and he loses the guy since he already had a good lead on Oliver. Nice way to bounce off a windshield without getting hurt.
Team Arrow discusses the attack. Oliver says the assailant left behind evidence. Fingerprints. Felicity says the fingerprints aren't right. Oliver will go talk to Lance.
In the office. Lance isn't friendly. Oliver says we'd like to keep Jessica Danforth safe. Lance says the city needs someone that will stand in the light of day, not lurk in the shadows. You're going to be different this time? How?
Lian Yu. Oliver spies on a village of farmers. He rips his clothes and gets dirty. Still has the dead guy. Uses the body to spring a bomb.
Felicity and Mr. Holt. He says he created his algorithm to help people, not lead to them being fired. Downsizing has gone viral. Felicity fires her first employee. The woman thought Felicity was going to improve things. Guess we were wrong.
Laurel's hungry. She's in the van with John. Asks him what's going on? He says let it go. She says no, we don't keep secrets, remember? He says Darhk has a hive of followers. HIVE killed my brother. I've been looking into it for 2 years. But he knows the Ghosts are HIVE. Oliver and Felicity don't know. She understands siblings secrets, but carrying a burden like that never ends any way but bad.
Damien applauds the bad guy. Too bad it was all for nothing. Half your fee has been wired to your account. You failed to impress me. Man says give me more time. I'll make sure Jessica Danforth does not run for mayor. Damien allows it. But HIVE doesn't give 3rd chances. Good night.
Felicity got a residue from the fingerprint. Cellulose from a Palmer Tech paper mill. She had to shut it down recently for cost-cutting measures.
Speedy and Green Arrow go there. Talk to a homeless man. He says the guy in the photo is a dealer around here. They talk to a different guy. She's aggressive. Breaks his arm when he gets mouthy. Oliver yells at her to leave.
Felicity gets an ID. Thea and Oliver return. He picks a fight with her to prove she's crippling instead of disarming. She goes nuts on him. Diggle pulls her off. Oliver says Malcolm warned me not to take you to the Pit. People don't come out the same. You seemed normal and everything was going to be fine. She says and then you left, so you're not qualified to judge me or anyone else. Laurel asks what happened in Nanda Parbat? Diggle asks why it's happening now, not 6 months ago?
Lian Yu. Oliver pretends to be a castaway seeking help from the soldiers.
Felicity and Mr. Holt. 2 dozen people to fire. She says there has to be another way. He says it's okay. I'm on the list, aren't I? She's so sorry. He says my husband will be thrilled. I'll have time to take that trip he wants to go on.
Oliver and Jessica. It's not too late for you to drop out. She says the people deserve better. Someone to be brave for them. Who inspires them? Who will make the city a safe place for my daughter? She's at the library studying, with plenty of cops. Oliver suggests calling.
Phone is ringing by an abandoned purse and dead cops.
Jessica gives a press conference pleading to the kidnapper. Lance talks to Oliver. You can't do this alone. Two of your guys are down. Let us help.
Oliver's taken to the boss on Lian Yu. You're supposed to be dead. Oliver says thank you for rescuing me. Man says I can't send you home. But I have no reason to kill you. How would you like a job?
Damien meets with the kidnapper. Damien says there are lines one does not cross. Man took a Ghost's tooth and had a conversation about HIVE. Damien says you only carry out anarchy. You made a mess. Clean it up.
Thea and Laurel. Laurel turns the TV off. Thea wonders if her mother felt like that when Slade abducted her. Laurel asks what happened on Nanda Parbat? Thea says I didn't want to relive it. Relive what? Ra's killed me. Or almost did. Ollie said it was pretty bad. And then Ra's offered to use something, the Lazarus Pit, to bring me back. So what's happening now is a side effect? Yeah. Oliver was warned, but he didn't listen. Laurel says of course he didn't, you're his sister.
Lance goes to Damien. I'm out. Damien threatens Laurel. Lance swears at him. "Language." Damien gives him the address for the girl. Next time, Mind Your Tone.
Felicity and Oliver. She says this is the most dressing game of Whack-A-Mole ever. We've only been back a week and.... Oliver says nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. We just need time to figure this out. Lance calls and gives him the address. Here's your chance to prove you're different.
**Now Laurel knows about the Pit, we know what she'll do for Sara.
Anarky rants to the girl about his meeting not going well. She pleads to be let go. He says only if you promise not to tell anyone about me. He cuts her loose. Pinky swear? He changes his mind. Team Arrow invades. Anarky uses a flame thrower to get away. Diggle takes Madison out of there. Speedy and Green Arrow search for Anarky. He shocks Speedy. Fights Arrow. Guy likes a lot of weapons. Shocks Arrow. Speedy gets back in the fight. Kicks him into a shelf of boxes of liquor. She uses the taser to light him on fire. Oliver bursts a pipe to put him out. Thea looks like she's accepting she loses control.
Precinct. Madison is returned to her mother. Oliver comes in. Lance says there's an army of reporters out there. Jessica has decided to withdraw. I'm not running for mayor. Oliver thanks Lance for trusting him. Lance skewers him for burning the guy alive. Oliver doesn't get a chance to explain.
Lian Yu. The workers are passing out from heat. Oliver tells them to get back to work. Finally has a haircut.
Felicity hired all the people back. Mr. Holt arrives. She reviewed his projects and he has something that can save this company. She says it will astonish the world. Board says you have 6 months to present it at the shareholders meeting.
Thea's place. Oliver comes in. How are you? She says I guess I was wrong about telling you not to worry. He says it's part of being a big brother. I should've told you about the Pit. Whatever you're going through, we'll go through it together. Laurel suggests a spa trip out of town. Can you and John handle things while we're away? Oliver says if we don't kill each other first. Kidding. Probably. Take care of her. He leaves. Laurel says we're going to Nanda Parbat. The League will know how to help you. You're not the only reason we're going there.
Ambulance didn't make it to the hospital. Anarky killed the paramedics and painted an anarchy symbol in their blood.
Oliver gets home. Felicity's happier. He says doing things differently is what I promised, but not enough, apparently. He says the city needs hope. Inspiration. Someone who can do things in the light. Someone who can protect himself. I'm going to run for mayor.
Thea and Laurel in the cemetery. You sure you want to do this? Laurel gets in Sara's grave and brushes off the coffin. Opens it.
Next week - Damien brings in a new villain.
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