
Monday, October 12, 2015

#Castle episode 8.4 recap - "What Lies Beneath"

"What Lies Beneath"


"What Lies Beneath" - When Castle's idol, a famously reclusive author, turns up dead, Castle is determined to solve his hero's murder. But as he and Beckett dig deeper, they discover that truth is stranger than fiction. "What Lies Beneath" will air on MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 (10:01-11:00 p.m. ET/PT) on the ABC Television Network.

"Castle" stars Nathan Fillion as Richard Castle, Stana Katic as NYPD Detective Kate Beckett, Tamala Jones as Medical Examiner Lanie Parish, Jon Huertas as NYPD Detective Javier Esposito, Seamus Dever as NYPD Detective Kevin Ryan, Molly Quinn as Alexis Castle with Susan Sullivan as Martha Rodgers. For Season 8, Toks Olagundoye ("The Neighbors") has joined the series as Hayley.

Guest cast: Tony Plana as Father Arguello, Lise Simms as Wendy Johnson, Jerry O'Donnell as Milton Cicero, Ryan Devlin as Stephen Reed.

"What Lies Beneath" was written by Barry O'Brien and directed by Larry Shaw.

Ep 4:

Church. A man prays for a sign he's on the right path. A man shoots the stained glass and kills the praying man.

Kate makes a coffee. And tosses it. Martha arrives. Wanting to know what's wrong. Kate says it's complicated. But we're not getting a divorce. I'm working through some things. Martha says my son is a lot of things, but he's someone you can always count on, and that is a rare thing, kiddo. Kate gets a call. Martha hugs her. Look, be honest with yourself, and be honest with your husband.

Ryan and Espo. Ryan complaining about Jenny wanting to buy new stuff for the new baby. Espo tells him to take the test for a promotion for more money. They get the details from Lanie. The front door had been jimmied open. Priest comes in. He's blind. They ask him what the victim Dave was doing here last night. Priest suggests talking to the wife, Wendy. Dave was one of the greatest novelists of the last 50 years.

Alexis wakes Castle at the office. PJ Moffat's dead. One of his literary heroes. The Butcherbird's Song, his only book. Castle is happy the murder scene is in the 12th's precinct. Alexis asks what is your way in the case this time?

Lanie says no prints at the scene. Espo wonders why Dave was living as a janitor. Castle comes in with the wife. We're here to make a statement. Kate calls Castle on chasing after the woman. He tells her she looks gorgeous. They talk to Wendy. The janitor job was research for a new book. Dave was dedicated to his craft. Method writing. Wendy says he was troubled recently. He met with someone that morning that was dangerous. The new book was about the mafia.

Ryan says Dave went to Milton Cicero's house. They talk to Milton. He swears he didn't kill Dave. Dave asked him questions about Union kickbacks. That's Jimmy Two-Guns O'Malley. The Irish mobster from the '80s. Doesn't the mob have a contract out on him? Ryan asks if he tried to collect on that. Did you make a call?

Kate says PJ Moffat is alive. Dave lied about who he was. Espo and Ryan figured the same. Our victim was a con man. And conning the wrong person got him killed.

Ryan tells Beckett that the Irish mob is looking more likely. She tells him to be careful.

Ryan and Espo go to the hotel. And hear Castle's voice. Rourke is a hitman for the Irish mob. Well, yeah, but he's also a good listener and very hospitable. Billy is not your killer. Tell them what you told me. Billy says he hypothetically kidnapped the guy, but realized Dave doesn't look like Two-Guns. Ryan says Dave wasn't PJ Moffat. Castle says Billy has an alibi. He was front row at the Lion King. He saw Dave arguing with a tall guy outside his apartment. Guy told Dave there would be serious consequences if he didn't come through.

Ryan and Espo tell Castle to go home. Castle hugs Espo. LOL.

Carl from CSU visits Beckett. She asks about heroin. He says no two batches are alike. She gets what she needs. He leaves. Espo comes in. We're missing something. Dave is the oddest scam artist I've ever heard of. Who is he trying to rip off? What's the upside to the cons? Ryan has an ID. Eric with a record. They leave to go pick him up.

Kate calls Evidence to ask if they still have the seized heroin. Yes we do.

Ryan says there are no more slots open for the sergeant exam. They stumble upon Castle. Castle bugged Espo with a GPS tracker. Espo throws it away. Ryan spots Eric.

Eric's in a meeting. He tells the group we lost one of our own. Dave Johnson. It's a compulsive liars meeting. Dave was a pathological liar.

Eric says Dave was my friend. I was his sponsor. Espo asks how can we believe what you say about Dave? Eric says he took an oath to tell the truth. All truth. Castle asks what kind of trouble was Dave in? Dave fell off the wagon and was scared. He knew no one would believe him. He needed proof before he could go public.

They update Kate. She says great job, guys. See you in the morning. They get a text from Castle. What do we do? Go to his place.

Castle's apartment. A Mexican theme party. Huh? Castle says this is me saying thank you to my friends at the precinct. Drinks, appetizers, music. Ryan gets a text. Espo read it. Ryan lied about the exam. There was only one slot open and he took it. Espo walks off. Castle offers to help Ryan with his financial concerns. Do a little moonlighting for me. Keep me informed about the 12th. I'll pay you $500 a week. Ryan will do it.

**Ryan will do just about anything for money, lol.

Ryan got Espo breakfast. Espo throws it in the trash. Still mad. Kate asks if they're okay? Fine. She says you need to go to City Hall. Dave had an incident there.

Ryan calls Castle and informs. Alexis asks don't you feel conflicted about turning him into a mole? Castle says he just wants to be informed.

Dave was fired. He got the job because he was recommended by the priest. Hmmm. Ryan calls Castle.

Castle and Alexis in his Ferrari. They see the priest leave the church. Ask him about Dave. Bring up breaking and entering at City Hall. Priest runs away. And is not blind. They give chase. And lose him.

Beckett calls him to tease him about losing the priest. Castle figures she caught the priest.

Priest says he faked the blindness to get his choice of assignments, for better weather. He says Dave's lying sunk his accounting career. He asked Dave to sneak into the City office and log a payment received. But Dave found a secret slush fund. $10 million. They killed Dave for what he discovered.

Kate says there's no way we'll get a subpoena on this. Espo says the killer will have covered their tracks by now. She says we need someone that has connections in City Hall. Ryan suggests Castle. Castle is happy to help. Smug. He knows who could hide that slush fund. Reed is our main suspect. Castle suggests the Midnight Run strategy. Beckett says it can work. If we can trick Reed the same way, then we have an opening to get to the slush fund. But Beckett can't be involved. Castle says we need the blind priest.

Priest approaches Reed and tells him Dave discovered the secret account. Dave took proof and left a thumb drive at the church. If you can make the church's debt disappear, the Lord would be grateful. Reed says he has no idea what he's talking about. Leaves.

The church. They wait for Reed to show up. And wait. Castle tells Alexis you know what to do. She leaves the chapel. A man in a cap goes to the altar. Ryan and Espo go after him and the lights go out. He's gone. Lights come on. Alexis asks did it work? Castle told her to. Castle says we're going to have him on a whole lot more than obstruction. Espo says what if it doesn't work? Heh.

City office. Reed plugs in the thumb drive. And a video takes over. Castle says a keystroke virus...... Reed destroys the laptop. Ryan and Espo and Castle walk in.

They talk to him in interrogation. Reed has an alibi. He was with the Police Commissioner.

So which lie was Dave killed over? Castle says there's no greater lie than in a marriage. They talk to the wife. They found stained glass in her car. Beckett asks why you didn't just divorce the guy. She says Dave had to pay for what he cost me. She's arrested. Castle says in a few days you'll receive an invoice. I'll appreciate prompt payment.

Ryan tells Espo he'll call 1PP and give him the slot. Kate says did it ever occur to you your captain can pull some strings and get you both a slot? LOL. Thanks, Captain.

Castle made coffee for Kate. With a foam heart on it. She drinks and smiles. I can never make it like you, even though you taught me how. Castle says I lied. There's a special ingredient I kept secret. She asks what? He says if I told you, you wouldn't need me. She says than don't tell me. She confesses she hated Moffat's book. She lied because it was important to him. She gets a call. Castle leaves. It's Vikram. She asks if he got the results on the heroin. Yes. Then we can get to work.

Next ep - a woman with a strong sense of smell.

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