Adam Baldwin Guest Stars
"Cool Boys" - Detective Slaughter (guest star Adam Baldwin) returns to enlist Castle's help in solving a high-stakes robbery case. But when a body is found linked to the crime, Slaughter becomes the number one suspect in the heist turned murder, while Castle has to determine whether he's guilty or help to prove he's innocent. "Cool Boys" will air on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 (10:01-11:00 p.m. ET/PT) on the ABC Television Network.
"Castle" stars Nathan Fillion as Richard Castle, Stana Katic as NYPD Detective Kate Beckett, Tamala Jones as Medical Examiner Lanie Parish, Jon Huertas as NYPD Detective Javier Esposito, Seamus Dever as NYPD Detective Kevin Ryan, Molly Quinn as Alexis Castle, with Susan Sullivan as Martha Rodgers. For Season 8, Toks Olagundoye ("The Neighbors") has joined the series as Hayley.
Guest cast: Adam Baldwin as Detective Slaughter, Kerry Barker as Dawn, Corey Reynolds as Mark West, Brian Gaskill as David Lacey.
"Cool Boys" was written by Alexi Hawley and directed by Paul Holahan.
Ep 6:
Cars pull up with armed men. Police. Espo says expect the worst. These guys are beyond dangerous. They enter the building. Find Castle and
This morning. Castle's moping in his office. Martha offers advice. She's writing a book on unsolicited advice. Have faith. Things work themselves out. A little time apart is just what you need. Castle wants a distraction.
Alexis watching the news. Ethan Slaughter walks in. She says she'll tell her dad. She goes in. Castle isn't happy about it. He says he can handle it.....he's not interested...peeks out, and Slaughter spooks him. LOL. We've got some business to discuss. Martha says the last time you did business together, he was on anti-anxiety meds for a month! Slaughter is working on the burglary in the big shiny building. Thought Sherlock could help him out. Castle says my schedule is full. They concur that he's swamped. Slaughter offers stories for Castle's next book. Martha says be strong, Richard. Castle runs after him.
Lanie at the crime scene of Victor Lee. Stabbed last night. Ryan says the last person the vic called was Slaughter. He walks in with Castle. Got any leads? Ryan asks what they talked about. Slaughter says Victor was my CI. Espo says keep us in the loop on every move you make. Slaughter agrees. Then tells Castle he's not sharing.
They talk to a woman. Victor said he was going to come into big money. They were going to move to CA. Castle asks Slaughter if Victor was maybe involved. Given into temptation. She says Victor met with some guy named Trucco.
Precinct. Espo says there's a print from the murder weapon.
Slaughter found Trucco. Castle gets called. Ryan says Slaughter's prints were on the murder weapon.
**Wonder if we'll get Firefly references again.
Slaughter asks who you're talking to? Castle says my mom. Slaughter says that's the cops, isn't it? Castle asks why your prints were on the knife? Slaughter says I gave it to Victor as a gift. The only way to clear my name is to find the real killer. I have a lot of enemies. What I need is a friend, Sherlock.
Espo and Ryan arrive. Castle says Slaughter insists he's innocent. Seemed like he was telling the truth. They tell Castle to stay away from him. They leave. Castle lets Slaughter out. You were right, they didn't give you the benefit of the doubt.
They go to find Trucco. Slaughter asks about Beckett. Castle says they're on a time out right now. What happened? I don't know. She says she needs time. Slaughter asks if he's looking for a rebound, he knows a girl. Castle says no thanks. And this time, we're working on my rules. Slaughter agrees, then manhandles Trucco. Oooops. Then asks Mr. Trucco about Victor Lee. I strongly recommend you tell us what we want to know. Please, sir, tell us the truth. LOL. Trucco says Victor and his partner never showed. Castle says maybe Victor got greedy and the partner killed him for it.
Ryan has video of Victor right before the burglary. With a partner. Espo says Slaughter was reassigned because of an accusation of pocketing money. Maybe he needs Castle to help him find the microchip.
Hayley is in Castle's office. Slaughter calls her hot. Castle says please ignore him. She looked into Booth Tower. Top of the line security. Need a genius to break in. Victor was a mentor of Louis Prince, a juvenile delinquent with an IQ of 190.
Talk to a guy about Louis. He needed a strong male mentor to look out for him. Victor was his last shot. The counselor suggests Slaughter become a mentor. Castle coughs, lol. Victor was the first person Louis trusted since his mother. Castle and Slaughter leave when they see Ryan and Espo coming. They ask about Louis.
Castle on the phone with Hayley. Then Ryan. You lied to us? Ooops. Castle says Slaughter didn't kill anyone. Ryan says Slaughter got demoted. We think he partnered with victor. Slaughter says you should be going after the kid. He tosses Castle's phone out the window. I lose more phones in this line of
They get to Louis, and find a guy who runs. Slaughter grabs him. Castle asks Louis about Victor. Louis runs. Castle chases, and loses him. I don't think he did it. He's scared. It's not the face of a killer. Slaughter says we're all killers when push comes to shove. He interrogates the guy. He works for David Lacey. High end B and E's. Victor and the kid pulled off the job alone. Victor boasted about it around town. The kid invented a device that could open any lock. Ryan and Espo burst in. Arrest Slaughter. And take the second suspect. Castle says Slaughter and Louis both didn't kill Victor. Espo says he's not changing his mind. Castle takes their car with Slaughter in it.
Precinct. Ryan thinks everyone knows. We should call Beckett. We need to find Castle and Slaughter.
Slaughter brings Castle somewhere nice. His ex-wife's house. She's a mezzo-soprano with the Metropolitan Opera. We met in college. We had the same major. Musical Theater. And if you tell anyone, I'll force feed your spleen through your nose. Castle keeps imagining him doing jazz hands. LOL.
Ryan and Espo have to admit to Alexis and Hayley that Castle stole their car. LOL. Hayley says Louis didn't kill Victor, either. So David Lacey is our prime suspect.
Slaughter cooking. Castle's in shock. Slaughter says I do my best thinking cooking. Louis calls them. Victor said you'd look out for me. He hacked Slaughter's life and found them. Slaughter says tell us where you are, then hide. Castle spots a fumigation notice on the wall.
They go to the warehouse. Slaughter looks in a window. Victor is being interrogated. Castle says you don't have a gun! Slaughter says it's just one guy. He walks in and punches the guy. Louis points out all the guys behind them. Guess we should've called for back-up. You think?!
Castle snaps his fingers. Starts singing. Slaughter joins in. Fight scene! Police burst in. That all the guys you brought? All the bad guys are down.
Precinct. Slaughter and Louis sharing chips. Thanks for coming for me. Espo and Ryan walk in. Castle says Lacey's crew didn't kill Victor. Louis says Victor came to him with the idea for the theft. He didn't show up for the chip. Louis hands it over. When we were leaving the Tower, Victor deviated from the plan. Slaughter says that break-in was an advertisement for your invention. Castle says Victor was using you.
Booth arrives. A word in private? I'm a generous supporter of the NYPD. I want a favor. 50 million was taken from a private account of his. Do whatever it takes to recover it. They were kept in my office. The kid's a genius, right?
They talk to Louis. He says it wasn't me. Castle thinks he's telling the truth. Slaughter says he has a point. Did Victor? No. So, someone else broke into the building, too? Castle says maybe Victor saw something. Who else knew? Louis says Victor wedged the door open, but it was closed when we left. So that spooked Victor.
Castle says we're missing something, someone. Who knew about the heist and the secret account at the same time? Louis is being charged. Castle says the kid stood no chance. Ryan says the accounts were set up 5 years ago. Guess who worked at the accounting firm?
Mr. West, the counselor. Espo and Ryan say we know. You were Mr. Booth's accountant. You were fired for hitting on Mr. Booth's wife. You heard about Louis's invention, and convinced Victor to pull that heist. Took those bank codes. Mr. West says you're missing proof. Espo and Ryan have it. It's over, Mr. West. West says I panicked! I didn't mean to kill Victor!
Slaughter visits Louis in lock-up. Louis asks how much time am I looking at? Slaughter says maybe none. I'm going to personally see someone is looking out for you. Me. I'm going to get the DA to reduce your sentence to probation. Mr. Castle will help, or else. Some role model... You have a point. Guess we'll have to help each other. Sound good?
Castle is confused about Beckett. Slaughter says that lady has it bad for you. Whatever she's going through, she shouldn't have to go through it alone. Quit asking permission. I lost my wife because I didn't put my wife before myself. Don't make my mistake. Castle thanks him.
Next week - Anniversary. Kate goes undercover. And Castle tries to give her the perfect gift. But is she set on divorce?
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