
Thursday, December 10, 2015

#TheOriginals 3.9 - "Savior" #midseasonfinale #Christmas


HOME FOR CHRISTMAS — When a dangerous affliction threatens to expose one of her siblings, Freya (Riley Voelkel) searches for a way to reverse the crippling curse even as she finds herself the target of The Strix’s latest plan. Elsewhere, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) keeps a watchful eye over Cami (Leah Pipes) while she attempts to help Detective Kinney (guest star Jason Dohring), whose life has begun to spiral out of control as a result of Lucien’s compulsion. Meanwhile, a confrontation with Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) causes Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) to reevaluate his decision to stay out of witch business, and Hayley’s (Phoebe Tonkin) attempt at a quiet Christmas with Jackson (guest star Nathan Parsons) and Hope results in an unexpected surprise. Daniel Gillies also stars. Matt Hastings directed the episode written by Carina Adly MacKenzie & Diane Ademu-John (#309). Original airdate 12/10/15.

image credit: The CW

Ep 9:

Mid-season finale.

Rebekah speaking. Being daggered is like a deep, dreamless sleep. But this dagger makes sure I feel everything. Elijah paid to have the box dredged out of the Gulf. They open the box. Elijah arrives. Kills all the men. Got blood on himself. He pulls the dagger out of Rebekah. She sits up. Hello, Sister. She says tell me I didn't miss Christmas.

Camille watching a woman bleed in a glass to feed Klaus. He says you seem better. She says yeah. Thanks. For giving me space to not talk. Why didn't you go with Elijah? He says it's not good for us to spend hours in confined spaces. Her phone buzzes. Vincent. She says I have to go.

Marcel finds Tristan in his bar. Tristan says what's yours is ours as a Strix. The bar is a neutral space. Marcel says no one's eager to step up as Regent. Tristan says we do not wait for that. He has a candidate. Van. I made an offer. He'll use his powers to do as I ask.

Camille is jumpy. Vincent says Kinney got fired last week. He's not leaving his house. She'll talk to him. Thank you.

Haley finds Jackson. She thought he'd eventually come home. He asks if she loves Elijah. Tell me the truth for once. I've fought for you, stood by you, loved you. And seeing you is the best thing I've ever seen. What kind of fool does that make me? She says I chose you and I choose you again every single day. Can't that be enough? It's our first Christmas. Haven't had a happy one before. I want a quiet night with you and Hope. I don't care if their house is on fire. Please, please come home. He says okay. I'll meet you there. Go on.

Aurora stumbles out. Tristan has been drugging her again. He says he's taking care of things. Following Freya.

Rebekah changed clothes. She's mad. Elijah's gassing the car. She says you don't believe the prophecy, do you? He might. She says I'd never harm you and he's the same. He trusts Freya. So that leaves Nik. Has he learned his lesson about backstabbing family? Elijah says he continues to learn it every day. Heh. She vamps. Says don't you want to rip out his heart sometimes? Gasps in pain. Reveals a mark on her arm. A skull like on the dagger. She wants a cure for Christmas.

Jack has a Christmas tree in the truck. He sees Freya being followed.

Freya takes out one. Another man breaks her arm. A third shows up and takes the medallion. Jackson attacks them. Beheads a vamp. One runs. He kills the 3rd. He picks up Freya.

Camille at Will's. Klaus shows up. She says I don't need a bodyguard. He says I'm here as your friend. She knocks again. Klaus listens in. Kicks the door open. Camille runs in. Drop the gun! Will wants to kill himself. Cami says it's Lucien's compulsion. Is there anything you can do, Klaus, please! He says invite me in.

Hayley arrives. Gives Freya blood. She says they took it. I was meeting with a witch. The only way to get rid of it is to use it. Elijah says we have an urgent problem. Rebekah says to be clear, I am the prettiest urgent problem you've seen.

Marcel tells Vincent that Van is ascending to regent for the Strix. Yeah, witches and vampires have been fighting for power, but we are New Orleans. He keeps poking Vincent until Vincent blows the lights. I've been holding back my power for a long time. Today that stops. I'm going to take back the Regency, Marcel, but you're not going to like what I do with it. Marcel grins.

Klaus talks to Will. There is beauty in the courage of the fragile fighter. Those who believe there is good in the world. Dark things find we need that light the most. He compels him You Do Matter. Have you a family? Will says a sister in Baton Rouge. Klaus tells him Go to her. Enjoy Christmas. In the New Year, your captain will welcome you back. Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow better still. You will go on.

Freya tells Rebekah that the curse will turn her into a Ripper. Elijah asks if she can fix it. Freya says she needs time and a hell of a lot of magic. She passes out. Jackson says She was fine, Hayley healed her. Elijah finds a mark of poison. This is an assassination attempt.

**I do love when Klaus can be kind. He appreciates humanity when he's not being a monster. The complexity of all his facets makes him - and the other Originals - such good characters. When his heart is revealed, it shows what he could've been under different circumstances.

Freya wakes. I feel weak. Elijah says there is an antidote. Freya says what she needs for Rebekah. I'll channel Finn. Rebekah's thrilled. Freya says you and I are out of options, Sister.

Camille says Will is packing. Klaus says it was nothing. She says it was not nothing. Elijah calls him.

Freya chants over the amulet. Finn says it isn't worth it, Sister. She says it is. It's complicated.

Klaus will go to Lucien. Camille tells him to go. I'll be fine. He says no. I can't be worried about you. The safest place for you is with me. Please.

Hayley and Rebekah. Hug. Hayley says Cami has been staying the past few nights. Jackson and I have our own place now. Rebekah says cruel things. Hayley says this isn't you. Rebekah says where do you stand? Are you friend? Family? She attacks Hayley. Perhaps you've been a foe all along.

Freya keeps chanting. Finn says let them all go. It'll be the two of us again. She pleads to him. Elijah says stop, please. She says help me or get out. He offers blood. Finn says just this once for you.

Rebekah keeps taunting Hayley. Hayley pushes her. Rebekah laughs.

Finn says good luck, Sister. Jackson comes in. She's burning up. Elijah says a hospital won't help her.

Rebekah attacks Hayley again.

Freya coughs up blood.

Elijah grabs Rebekah. Control yourself. Hayley stands. Rebekah uppercuts Elijah. Knocking him out. Then attacks Hayley again, plunging her hand into Hayley's chest. Klaus stops her. Prevents Rebekah from getting to her or Camille. Camille gives Hayley a case. Rebekah says Camille will turn toxic, too. All the women you and Elijah bring around are poison.

Jackson plunges the antidote into Freya's heart. She gasps. Freya goes back to breaking the spell on the dagger.

Elijah and Klaus hold Rebekah down. Freya cuts out the mark while chanting. Rebekah screams, then passes out. Then comes to. Sits up. Well that was annoying. LOL. Klaus grins. Rebekah smiles back at him.

**That was nicely gruesome, heh. 20 minutes left. Intense episode!

Hope playing with something. Jackson asks Hayley if she's ready to go. She apologizes. I promised we'd spend the night alone. Yet here we are. He says today it was me that saw their house on fire and decided to not let it burn. He says it was instinct. They fought like hell to protect each other today and I respect that. I was born to love you, hayley, and if I have to deal with the Mikaelsons, okay. She kisses him.

Downstairs, Christmas around the tree. Hayley and Jackson come down with Hope. Elijah kisses Hope. Klaus thanks Jackson for helping Freya. Rebekah has a fire lit. It's tradition. Writing our wishes and burn them for luck. At the brazier. Klaus says they can't know we found you, Rebekah. She can't stay. She looks at the family. It's okay. My wish already came true. We have this moment. They hold hands.

Marcel cleaning up glass. Tristan says don't you have someone to spend the holiday with? Van has been rejected by the Ancestors. Who is the new Regent? Marcel says Vincent Griffith. Have a Merry Christmas, now.

Treats and toys. Rebekah has her coat on. Tells Freya to take care of our brothers. God knows they need it. Kisses Hope. Apologizes to Hayley. When I left last, I thought you'd hate Klaus forever. Hayley says even when you hate him.... Klaus hugs Rebekah. You're always leaving. She says I always come back. he says run far and fast. And should you meet some handsome fool, know your weakness. She tells him to run toward love. He and Camille exchange glances.

Freya snuck into a ball here 100 years ago. Talking with Elijah. I know this hasn't been your most elegant family Christmas, but it's the best I've ever had.

Klaus finds Camille on the balcony. She says don't say tired. He says he was going to say contemplative. Penny for your thoughts. She was thinking about what rebekah said. Is she right? I've lost count of the times you've saved me and the people you care about. Today you saved someone you don't. Why? He says because you wished it. I don't wish to watch you behind glass, Camille. She asks what does he wish? He kisses her. They giggle.

Freya has lost her amulet.

Vincent needs all the guidance he can get. Tristan congratulates him. I love cemeteries. Churches celebrate fairytales. Cemeteries hold concrete proof that you can't be saved from the inevitable. Vincent says he will enforce justice on vampires. So you keep watching me, but know for sure I'm watching you, too. Tristan says that's very brave. He has the amulet. Do as I ask, or Finn Mikaelson will.

Elijah with Rebekah. She called him.

Klaus and Camille at the bed.

rebekah shows him the mark is back. He says Freya can try something else. She says what if we run out of time? I don't want to run. Hide my body and don't tell a soul. Let Nick be happy for once.

Klaus and Cami making out.

Rebekah says when the year is over, have Freya cure me and throw a party. When I'm buried, the prophecy is over. Do it, Elijah! Do it! She forces him to dagger her. He weeps.

Cami wakes up and smiles at Klaus. He's asleep. She rolls over.

Aurora plays the piano. Tristan joins her. Beautiful. You should play more. She says I never stop. She had a good day.

Klaus wakes up. A bloody hand. Camille's throat is bloody. Klaus gathers her close and screams into the night.

Jan. 29 - Vengeance. Klaus says these attacks must stop!

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