ROY HARPER RETURNS; NYSSA MAKES HER MOVE — The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator (guest star Tom Amandes). Meanwhile, Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) makes her move, and Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) returns to Star City. Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz (#412). Original airdate 2/3/2016.
Ep 12:
Nanda Parbat. Woman brings food for Nyssa. Guard says she won't eat. Nyssa says take that away. Woman says the pepper came from the garden. The garden grows strong in your absence. It's her escape opportunity. Nyssa and the other woman fight the assassins.
Other assassins fight each other. The mountain will be ours by morning.
Felicity on the comm. Burglars heading toward you. Black Canary and Spartan. Green Arrow and Speedy on the roof to catch the burglar. Speedy finds him first. Then she gets woozy and falls over the edge. Oliver catches her. She's unconscious.
Arrow Cave. Thea's resting at home. They don't know why Thea passed out. Oliver feels guilty for not keeping more of an eye on her. Guilt Arrow. Heh. Felicity says the board of PalmerTech moved the presentation from April to now.
She presents to Curtis and one other. She's clumsy. Curtis is asked to step out. Man wants to be honest. This company has been flirting with bankruptcy since before you returned. We need to put our best foot forward. Perhaps you can let someone else do this presentation. It's about doing what's best for the company. Anything less than a perfect launch and we're sunk.
Malcolm with Thea. Oliver isn't happy to see him. Malcolm says she needs to take life. It will come from the life of the host. She'll die. Constantine made Sara whole and restored the balance. Thea tells Oliver about running into Damian. It stopped the bloodlust for a time. Malcolm says he and HIVE have gone to ground. Laurel and Diggle call Oliver. Thief stole again.
Oliver goes after him in plain clothes. Lots of parkour running here. Oliver finally catches up to the guy. It's ROY. He punches Oliver and runs.
Arrow Cave. Diggle asks are you sure? Oliver says yes. Laurel says maybe someone that looks like Roy. Oliver asks what he took? A bomb.
Alex texts Oliver. Someone's throwing their hat in the ring. Ruve Adams. Oliver recognizes her.
Island. Oliver electrocuted. What did you do with the map?! What did your tattoos reveal? Bad guy is shot with an arrow. By the twin!
Green Arrow asks Darhk's wife for a meeting. Tomorrow, 10:30.
Felicity says we have a new problem. They could be used to create a web nuke. Destroy the internet. Needs a huge power source.
She calls Curtis. Roy doesn't want to hurt him. Curtis runs away with the battery. Fights back. Green Arrow and team show up. Roy throws the battery out the window to a drone, I think? Felicity tells Oliver to shoot Roy. He's down.
Roy on the table. Felicity hopes the Farriday cage works. Remove a contact lens from Roy. Wake him. You're safe. New lair. Nice. He tells her he's sorry. Diggle asks what happened? Roy says he got made. Steal stuff or he'd be exposed as Roy Harper. Guy calls himself the Calculator. Oliver says you should have come to us. Laurel suggests back tracing the signal. Roy can't believe Oliver shot him. Really? LOL.
Oliver sees a vision of Shado. Forgive yourself for what you've done. You can leave this island. Your family misses you terribly. He says he can't go back. She says the only way out is through. Through what? Your darkness. Let it go. He doesn't know how. She says she'll teach him.
Nyssa and her ally. Find a temple. Nyssa must enter alone. If I don't return in an hour, tell the others the war is over. Are you lost? No. It's Tatsu!! You look well. Being a member of the Crescent Order suits you. She asks why Nyssa is in Japan. Nyssa has come for the lotus. They fight. Will we lose Tatsu to Suicide Squad the Film as well? Nyssa says we're evenly matched. We keep fighting, or lay down our swords and you listen to what I have to say.
Roy would prefer not being shot next time. Ever get tired of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Oliver says you sound like the rest.
Roy visits Thea. She cries. How are you? Where have you been? What are you doing here? How long are you...... Thea can't breathe. The wound from Ra's is opening. Malcolm says stay'll pass. It closes.
Oliver with Felicity. She's impressed by the tiny computer. Calculator is impressed she broke through his encryption. She disguises her voice. He says he's not taking down the internet. If you want to make a statement, you take down a city. Felicity is shut out. How do you take down a city....? She says he could kill everyone in the city.
**Fire sale. Everything must go. Missed Roy! Missed the friendship he and Oliver have. The interactions with the team. Can we keep him, please?
Oliver says we need to know where the web nuke will be installed. She's working on it. And getting testy. Sorry, stressed. Palmertech.... battering ram!
Oliver and Shado. She puts a carved rock in his hand.
Felicity and Curtis looking for the battering ram. She found it. He says her presentation wouldn't have been a disaster if this girl had come in. There are 2 Felicitys. This company needs the second one, the brilliant force of nature.
Oliver goes to Thea. Says he's working on something. I arranged a meeting. She says Damian won't be willing to help. Oliver says he'll make a trade. I can't let you die. I won't. She says that's not up to you. You can't fix this one, Ollie. He has to try. She says no you don't. It's my choice. My life.
Malcolm says she's stubborn. Gets it from your side of the family. He knows Oliver will meet with Damian. Thea's right. This is her decision. I don't want her to die. But this isn't about my feelings. Sometimes the greatest act of love is no action at all. It's her life. her choice.
Felicity found the location. Diggle calls the team.
Right when Green Arrow is supposed to meet Damian.
Ghosts in the power plant. Calculator working with them. Felicity goes after him again. Team Arrow confronts the Ghosts. Arsenal has missed this. Felicity's doing her best. Calculator says you can only stop me by removing the nuke on site. Team Arrow vs. mercenaries. Green Arrow joins the fight. Bailed on the meeting. Calculator can't execute the bomb. Felicity says blow the thing up. Manually set the charge. Someone has to stay behind. Roy says he can do it. Oliver doesn't want him to take the risk. Roy says it's my choice, my life. Okay. Spartan says see you outside. Black Canary wishes him good luck. Oliver says you run like hell.
Arrow, Canary, and Spartan get out.
Roy takes his shot.
Calculator hits execute.
Blows up. And Roy is out safe. Just like riding a bicycle. Those big smiles on Roy and Oliver.
Arrow Cave. Oliver says you've been missed. Roy says I have to go underground. Sorry I can't stay. Thea will be okay, Oliver. Oliver says he'll back her play. They hug.
Oliver in a cell. Taiana wants to get him water. Oliver says I lied to you. Conklin didn't kill your brother. This darkness in me.....first I need to earn your forgiveness. I didn't know he was your brother. I killed him. He still holds the rock.
Felicity is nervous. Presentation time. This is a day I've looked forward to for a long time. Standing on the shoulders of many giants. Their work has been about making the world a better place. Battery tech has been at a standstill, until now. We introduce the powercell. 100% recyclable. And it's powering this entire building. Room claps. Calculator is sitting next to Oliver!!
Roy with Thea. Taking care of her. She gets why he's leaving. He thought about staying for her. She tells him to go live an amazing life. Get married, have a couple kids, get a minivan. Be normal. Nothing would make me happier than that. Roy would do all those things with her if he could. I love you, Thea Queen. I love you, Roy Harper. Awwwwww.....
Oliver congratulates Felicity. He's on his way to Thea. She turns around and Dad? WHOA. Calculator!
Malcolm is leaving the apartment. Tells Oliver he did the right thing. Oliver thanks him. Laurel says it's Thea.
She's in the hospital. How long will she be in a coma? Prognosis isn't good. Doctor is sorry. Oliver asks her to please don't go. Nyssa says there's only one way to prevent that. I have the lotus. If you will kill Malcolm Merlyn.
Next week - War in the League. Malcolm and Oliver fight!
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