KIM RHODES RETURNS AS SHERIFF JODY MILLS — Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) drop in on Jody Mills (guest star Kim Rhodes), Claire (guest star Kathryn Newton), and Alex (guest star Katherine Ramdine) after receiving a panicked phone call from Claire. She believes the recent murders in town are supernatural and wants the boys’ help. However, Sheriff Mills tells Sam and Dean that Claire has been getting into trouble lately as she’s been attacking normal people and accusing them of being monsters. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Nancy Won (#1112). Original airdate 2/3/2016.
Ep 12:
Sioux Falls, SD. Teens in a truck. Girl is cold. But she doesn't want to leave. They make out. Something sneaking up to the truck. Claire grabs the guy and holds a sword at his throat. What are you? What are you!
Sam and Dean in the bunker. Sam looking at the internet. Got nothing. Dean brought food. Dean brought The Elvis burger. With donuts as the bun. Sam doesn't want to eat that. How many calories are in that thing? Dean gets a call. We're there.
High school. Potential prom king and queen. Alex has 18 hours to study for the test tomorrow. Jodi honks the horn. Alex updates her. Jodi is happy with how she's doing. They leave for home and see the Impala in the driveway. I didn't put up the Bat Signal.
Well, there goes the neighborhood. LOL. Hugs. Alex and Claire bicker. Jodi asks Dean if she butt dialed him? Claire says I called. Jodi says I could've saved you a trip. She'll put another chicken on. Dean says make it 2. I'm starving.
Dinner. Boys are pigging out. Dean says it's fantastic. Do you eat like this every day? LOLOLOL. Claire says people are missing. Jodi says there's no evidence they didn't leave on their own. Claire tells them there is. Alex tries to drink Jodi's wine. Jodi says put it back. Claire's been seeing monsters where there aren't any. Jodi says the only reason she's not in jail right now is I'm the sheriff. Alex says focus on real life. Claire asks when she and her boyfriend are sneaking up to the cabin to screw. Sam and Dean try to leave. Jodi says sit, stay! Then asks Alex. I saw birth control pills in your backpack. If we can't talk about it, we shouldn't be doing it. Birth control pills are useless against STDs, so whomever you're with needs to suit up. Alex says we haven't done anything, yet. I'm just trying to be prepared. Jodi downs her wine, then gets more mashed potatoes. Dean says this is fun. HAHAHAHAHA.
Nice ambush in there. Dean helping Jodi with the dishes. Jodi tells about Claire. Alex is dating the most popular guy in school. But I'm not their mom. I don't have that history with them. Dean will talk to Claire. Jodi says Claire doesn't have friends. She spends all her time looking for cases and reading lore. If she's hiding in it? I'm worried about her being so alone. Dean says Sam is better at the talky thing.
Sam goes to Claire's room. She wants to talk to the families of the disappeared. Sam tries to talk to her about the hunter life. You wouldn't be the first hunter trying to escape something. How are things here? I'm not taking sides. Claire says Alex says she hates me. I feel like I'm late to the Jodi and Alex show. Maybe it's time I head out on my own. Sam says I understand the need to hunt, but monsters will always be there. A chance at family, home, school, that won't be.
Teacher goes to his car. Feels something is out here. Gets grabbed!
Alex and boyfriend going into school. Teacher hanging upside-down from the flag pole!
Jodi with the boys at the crime scene. Teacher's neck was snapped. How'd the killer get him up there? Jodi says he was a damn fine teacher. Claire arrives. Dean takes her aside. You can't walk up to a bunch of officers and demand details. Show Jodi some respect. She's been busting her ass to give you a life. Act like you give a crap. Alex says school is canceled. She and boyfriend leave to "hang out".
Inside, Jodi and Sam asking the principal for access.
Dean walking the halls with the EMF meter.
Jodi and Sam in the basement talking to the janitor. Noticed anything weird lately? Sounds or smells? Janitor says kids are slobs. I do the best I can. Jodi says you don't seem upset by the scene you found this morning. Sam asks where he was. Janitor says he was passed out at the Blind Donkey.
Dean finds Sam. Nothing but teachers making out in the break room.
Alex and her boyfriend. He asks if she's okay? She says nobody should die like that. There are awful things out there. Henry asks what she means? She says I wasn't always this girl. I've done some really bad things. Hurt people. I should've told you before. He says everyone's done stuff we're ashamed of. Alex....hey, I don't care. I don't. You never have to tell me anything. He kisses her. She hugs him.
Home. Dean says it was asbestos at the crime scene. Sam says the janitor is using a stolen social. We need to talk to Mr. Wheeler again. Claire wants to go. Jodi says no. We have a meeting with the registrar. Dean agrees.
Jodi and Claire at the truck. Janitor hits Jodi with a shovel. Then grabs Claire. She takes out a knife. Jodi tries to help and gets hurt. He drags Claire away.
Jodi calls Dean. Janitor kicks the phone away, then kicks her. We hear her scream over the phone.
**Don't kill Jodi!!
Boys back at the house. Dean in the garage. Sam in the house. Dean finds the knife and the phone. Dean gets a call. Custodian has been missing for 3 years. His family was found with their throats ripped out. Sam figures he might be from Alex's old nest. Tells Dean to go pick her up.
Dean calls her. The custodian is a vampire. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Don't move. She tells Henry to leave. He says I can't let you go and grabs her! Oh no!!
Sam in the basement of the school.
Dean arrives. Calls Alex's phone. Hears it ringing here. On the ground by the dumpster. Calls Sam.
Sam says there's a building that used to be a pool at the school. They closed it for asbestos.
Bodies. Janitor has Claire and Jodi. Jodi asks what are we here for? Henry brings Alex in. What the hell is this? Janitor says your whole life.
Janitor says my family died a couple years ago. Know how? Alex says I don't know you. You don't remember? 3 years ago, some sleezebag was taking you home and you didn't want to go. I helped you!
Flashback. The vampires attacked him. She'd been bait again. They drank me alive. Turned me!
I went home to tell my wife. I lost control. Gutted her. And my boy. Alex apologizes. He says I was a good man! I tried to help you! Henry says he's been tracking you for months, Alex. Janitor wanted Alex to be happy. Have something precious so I could take it from you. Turned the boy, then sent him to her. Alex asks the boy if any of it was real? He laughs at her. Claire says you're going to burn in hell. Alex spits on him. He slaps her. Henry ran Mr. Phelps up the pole. Jodi says those hunters are coming for us!
Sam enters the building.
Alex pleads with the janitor. I'll help you. Lure for you. Let you feed on me. Claire is bitten!
Sam follows the screams. Janitor hits him from behind. Henry joins in.
Dean gets there.
Henry beats on Sam. Jodi points out something to Claire. Sam fights back. Claire stabs the janitor with a crowbar. Dean beheads him. Then Sam gets Henry under control. Dean gets Jodi up. Sam gives him to Alex. She punches him and Claire beheads him. Now the girls finally don't hate each other.
**Well, that's one way to bond. Heh. Sisters in arms.
Breakfast. Girls tried to cook. They wanted to do something for Jodi. She's on crutches. Alex says he almost killed you for what I did. Claire and Jodi aren't holding grudges. Boys pull up outside.
Claire and Dean. Claire's going to stick around. Jodi hobbles out. Sam says we have ribs and two tubs of sauce. He asks Alex if she'll be okay? Yeah. Other vamps may come for you. Alex knows. She'll be ready. Claire says you don't have to leave to protect us. Alex says I can't be part of what you're fighting. Dean ask Jodi if she'll be alright? She says yep, as long as everyone wears a condom. Ha! Bumper sticker. Ha! Boys leave.
Next week - Valentine's Day.
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