A clue at the scene of the death of an armored-car driver leads Beckett and Castle back to an old case solved by Esposito. But complications arise when they learn that Esposito might not have been telling them everything about his past with the culprit.
Ep 16:
Men unloading an armored car. Another man sneaks in and steals bags while the guys aren't looking.
Castle and Kate with kabobs. Welcoming her home. She moved her stuff back in. She's about to kiss him and hip hop music plays. Rick automated the house through the AI. Kate's not impressed with Lucy. She gets a call. We have a homicide.
Lanie tells Rick to not mess things up again. LOL. Killer got away with 100,000. The older guard was killed. Castle sniffing. perfume? Dripped from the AC. Killer used it to disable the security system. Espo has seen this before.
Sonia Ruiz. A blend of jello and ladies perfume. Castle says we need a dog. LOL. Espo says it has to be 80% jello and 20% perfume. Ryan says that's what we got. Kate tells Espo to pay Sonia a visit. Espo says take Castle.
Kate meets with Sonia at the prison. Sonia says she can't help. She didn't know her partner's name. We used shark names. But she knew Great White. He's dead. Kate says Hammerhead is probably our killer. Sonia says he met Jimmy at a bob called El Toro. It's in Spanish Harlem. They won't talk to police, but they will talk to me.
Sonia gets furlough. Espo, what are you not telling me? Espo says he and Sonia were kind of involved - engaged. He didn't know she was a crook. We clicked. When did you find out the truth? After they were engaged. He arrested her. Castle asks if you let her keep the ring. LOL. Kate says you're sitting out. Espo says no need. I'm over her completely. Sonia walks in. Javier? Ryan says you sure? Castle closes Espo's mouth.
Rick asks Espo if he's alright? Espo says yeah. deja vu. She's wearing the dress she was arrested in. Castle says there's no shame in admitting you have feelings. Espo says he knows, but he doesn't.
Sonia doesn't want to go with Ryan. I need someone like Javi.
Espo says he can do this. Kate is nervous. He says he's not going to let her down.
Tells Sonia to do what he says when he says it. She wants new clothes. With labels. LOL. Castle says this will be so much fun.
She wants Espo to drive faster. He slows down.
Ryan and Castle. Rick says there's a listening device in Sonia's ankle monitor. He dials in.
Espo says past tense. Way past. She says thank you. For arresting me. You saved me the misery of spending another day with you. She thought his family was sweet. That's what haunts her. His family's impression of her.
The bar. They approach the bartender. She orders tequila.
Ryan is suspicious.
Espo asks the bartender about Jimmy Sanchez. Sonia asks about Hammerhead. Espo grabs his hand and is playing five finger filet. Bartender says his name is Joey. Hasn't seen the guy in over a year. The grandma lives up the street. Espo thanks him.
Apartment door ajar. Hello?
Castle snacking. Lost signal.
Sonia and Espo looking around. Shotgun on him. Sonia runs.
Espo takes the shotgun away, then cuffs the guy to the radiator.
Castle and Ryan see Sonia and Espo leave the building. Ryan gets ahead of her. Espo tells her to stop. Sonia says I saw a gun, so I run. Espo doesn't know if she's telling the truth. Was that Hammerhead? Yeah.
He says the gun is registered and you broke into my GG's apartment. Espo and Kate ask him about Hammerhead. Show him the photo of the dead man. Joey says he was in Jersey. With a dozen witnesses until 3AM. He says I ain't the only one that knew it. Great White ran other crews. Joey's all about the chicken restaurants now.
Espo tells Kate it looks like Joey's telling the truth. Ryan thinks there was an inside man. Security system was really sophisticated. Espo volunteers to take Sonia back to prison. Kate tells Ryan to interview the dean man's wife.
Espo and Sonia in the elevator. She wanted one night with a real meal and a real bed. Espo says you can relax in the car.
Ryan talks to the wife. She says her hubby was in trouble. Borrowed money from bad people. A man came and said the debt would go away if he helped. He communicated on a prepaid phone in the garage.
Espo takes Sonia to his family's for Thursday dinner. He never told them about her sins. She thanks him. He brings her in. Are you two back together? No, no. Espo's favorite is mufungo. Sonia tells him he's lucky. She never had a family like this. She has a lot of regrets. We would've had a family of our own by now. He better get her to the prison. She asks to take a hot shower. Asks him to join. He says no. She'll leave the door unlocked. He gets a call. Ryan.
Tells Espo that 3 calls were made to Sonia's prison. She was in on it.
She's escaped out the window and her ankle bracelet was cut off.
Ryan joins Espo. We're going to find Sonia before Kate finds out. Why now? Talk to Joey.
Joey's bankrupt. And you got calls from the same burner. Take was half a million. Espo says tell now! Joey says all he knows is he was an ex-boyfriend.
Kate calls Ryan. She offers cronuts in the morning.
She's with Martha and Alexis. So good to have you home. They toast. Lucy plays horror music. Kate puts Lucy in the fridge. It's like she's jealous. The lights turn out.
Espo finds out Sonia got one visitor. Alberto Pena. Her father.
Ryan calls him. What are you doing? Espo says it's my mess and I'll clean it up. Ryan asks the office to find out what Espo learned.
He finds her. Her father is dying. Espo figures out Sonia doesn't know where the gold is. Your father is Great White. Espo knocked out.
Ryan and cops bust in. Blood on the floor. Only the father still there.
Kate and Castle get to the scene. Kate's upset. Castle says they must need Espo for something. He spots a gold coin. Find the stash and find Espo.
Espo wakes up in a van. Sonia asks how's your head? She says no one was supposed to get hurt. She didn't know he'd kill that man. Espo says bull. You have to stop blaming your childhood. Your choices are on you. She says all she had was the money, for 9 years. Espo says hope it's worth it. Van stops. Bartender tells Espo to be nicer to the lady.
Kate and Castle looking through the father's records. Ryan says Pena would go to a storage facility once every 3 months at night. Let's go.
Espo says turn yourselves in. Nowhere we can't find you. Sonia goes up in a lift. Gets a lock box. Comes back down. She opens it. Gold coins. Espo says I haven't seen you smile like that since I gave you the ring. Bartender ready to kill Espo.
Sonia says no. She pulls a gun. Leave him here alive. Bartender says I was there for you, so why? She says because I love him. Espo grabs his gun and takes him down. Sonia says I won't go back. Can't. He says you can and you will. He says 9 years ago, I went home, packed, grabbed my passport, cleaned out my savings. I was ready to abandon everything. But I'm a cop. It's all I wanted to be. She says we can run now, be like it was. He says no. Never be like it was. I was strong enough to arrest the love of my life and you're strong enough to face what's next. Ryan shows up. Espo cuffs her.
Espo meets with Kate. She has to suspend him for a week without pay. She says you did the right thing. He leaves the office. Asks for a sec. Tells Sonia he talked to the DA. You'll get at least 2 years if you take the plea. She says you gonna visit me this time? Yeah. Thank God you didn't go bald. LOL. She's escorted away. Ryan asks what will you do now? They have the rest of the day free. Let's get drunk.
Castle brings home Thai. Home to my two favorite ladies. You and Lucy. It's a male voice now. Linus. Kate changed the AI. Lucy's still in there. Why? Want her back? Castle says no. Kate will change. Castle asks for a cappuccino. Linus suggests yoga. He doesn't like to be touched. Turns the lights out. LOL.
Next week - a genie in a lamp?
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