"No Regrets" - The truth behind Fitz's turn could bring down all of S.H.I.E.L.D., on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," TUESDAY, APRIL 18 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leo Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Henry Simmons as Agent Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, and John Hannah as Holden Radcliffe.
Guest starring are Brett Dalton as Grant Ward, Jason O'Mara as Jeffrey Mace, Jordan Rivera as Hope Mackenzie, Patrick Cavanaugh as Burrows, David O'Hara as Alistair, Adam Kulbersh as Kenneth, Taj Speights as Burnell, Skyler James as Chris Adler, Beau Bonness as Hydra gate guard, and Christopher Showerman as Hydra soldier.
"No Regrets" was written by Paul Zbyszewski and directed by Eric Laneuville.
Episode 4.18 on 4/18:
Mace and Coulson. Junkyard? No, cars on a bridge. Mace admires him for volunteering. Act natural. Get them to stop the bus and open up. Rescuing Skye is not the mission. There's another prisoner I want to find. Ward knows, and is not happy about it. Mace asks how well he knows Jemma? Coulson believes her. Mace wants to know what else she's hiding. Bus arrives. Coulson tells them he needs help. Mace drops in. Coulson shoots at a Hydra guy. The bus just has bodybags on board.
Skye beat up again. Fitz goes in with her alone. She asks why are you doing this? He says it's Doctor Fitz. I know the truth about you and your world. I know you replaced the real Skye. You conquered Hydra in your world and you want to conquer ours. She wants to get out of here. He asks where the Patriot is? She doesn't know. He asks about Jemma. She says she's not a subversive! You love her and she loves you. She's a real person, not a Hydra murder bot. He hits her. Carrot or the stick. She asks what happened to you, Fitz? He says this is my home. I won't let you destroy it. We'll get to your world first, and when we do, the Patriot and all his kind will pay for ever setting foot here.
May says she should've had better judgment that day. AIDA says focus on the future. May says no, the present. Patriot attacked a bus. The Inhuman threat is growing. AIDA admires her resolve but there are risks. Are you volunteering? May says Hail Hydra.
Mace and Mack and Ward. Mack's daughter is still rattled. Ward says you two are safer in there. Mack wants to help. I owe you that. Mace gives him work to alter the bus. The bus is our way in. Mace asks Ward about Simmons. Ward says she's stone-walling me. Mace says not for long.
Coulson and Jemma. She says we're wasting time. We need to get Daisy and escape this place. These pointless missions don't matter in the real world! Coulson says he'll never believe it. He's not like me. What is it about Ward? I get this weird itch. Did we get along? She says you crushed his chest on an alien planet with your cybernetic arm, so no. He's behind me, isn't he? LOLOLOL. Mace and Ward came to talk to her.
May comes for the weapon. No, an augmented serum. Metabolic enhancers. A dash of peppermint. Gorilla testosterone. One dose and you will have The Patriot begging for his life.
**Jemma's hostility to the Framework is really not helping her. These constructs think like real people, so you have to coerce like they're real people.
Simmons explains the real world to Mace and Ward. Ward needs a drink. Mace asks if we're friends? She says coworkers. He asks where am I from? She isn't sure. He asks am I married? Have kids? Do I cook? You don't know me at all. So he lists his details. I've buried 17 of my closest friends and family, some of them dying in my arms. Believing they died for something real. And you tell me it's meaningless? She's sorry if she offended, but we need to rescue Daisy. Ward presses her. How do you know? Where's your proof? She says because Fitz would never murder in cold blood. Mace says you've been through a lot, but we all have. What we do here matters and you'll never convince me otherwise. She leaves. Ward asks what do you think? Delusions? PTSD?
OMG, they have Fitz quoting Nevertheless, she persisted? Ugh. AIDA tells him to check into Project Looking glass. He agrees and leaves. She goes to Daisy. Tells her I fixed one thing. A regret. Radcliffe is on the other side of the wall. He yells at her and AIDA tells the guard to punish him. She can't give Daisy her powers back, but she can give her Lincoln. Live a peaceful life. Have kids, grow old together. No regrets, just each other. Tell me where you are and I'll bring Lincoln back. Daisy calls her a puppet master. Sometimes what people want isn't right for them. What do you get out of all this? AIDA says what everyone else has. A choice.
Mace and crew arming up. Leaving in 10. Mack did the work. He decrypted the comm system so they can listen to Hydra, too. Offers to drive. Mace says another already volunteered.
Simmons and Coulson. He says the history book is more fiction than fact. Mack comes in. Jemma happy to see him. He introduces his daughter Hope. She asks about Hope's mother. No, it's just me and Spark Plug. They leave. Mace asks for Coulson. Pulled this ID to get you on the bus. Jamie Flugelman.
Fitz. Security breach. An employee with an antique camera. We shipped him off to the reprogramming center. Are you alright, son? You look troubled. I am. Let me guess - a woman. Is it that obvious? Bit early for a pint. How about a cup of tea. Come on, tell your old man all about it.
**AIDA gave Fitz his father back and that led him to be the Doctor at Hydra? Wow. His father must be an awful person.
Hydra Enlightenment Center. Coulson arrives in the bus. Guard checking him. You're not on the logs. Coulson chats. Guard checks him in.
Radcliffe brought a meal. He throws the food. Rages. Put me out of my misery! What do you want from me? You've taken everything! My.....Agnes. He's crying. Daisy goes to the wall. Are you crying? No. I'm laughing with utter joy. She has no sympathy. You're getting everything you deserve for creating this hellscape. Nothing hurts Radcliffe anymore since Fitz killed Agnes right in front of me. She was all I had. Daisy asks how could he do that? Radcliffe says that's who he is here. Daisy says one regret doesn't change who you are. Radcliffe says sure it can. One sentence can change your life forever. I love you. Or we're having a baby. Or she's gone. Daisy didn't think Fitz was capable. He days depending on the circumstances, anything is possible. She asks if he built a back door that AIDA didn't destroy. He says he did and she can't. Listen carefully.
Fitz and his father. What's this about a woman? Fitz says someone I had to kill. Had to? Was she an enemy of the state? Yeah, I believe she was. So what's the problem? Fitz says what if I didn't have to kill her. What if she was mentally ill or something. He says that's your mother talking. Sorry, Father. There she is again. I know the man I raised. It's a hard world and we can't buckle to sympathy. Womanly feelings. You know that. You're protecting the human race. Ophelia, Madame Hydra, is the only other one that feels the weight of that. You love her, don't you? Fitz doesn't know the man he'd be without you, Father. That's why I'm here, son.
On the bus. Disposal is on the other side of the grounds. Mace takes out the guard. Get in, find the guy, and get out, quick and quiet. Enlightenment Cultivation Center. Coulson regrets sending the kids here. Burrows will stay as lookout. Mace and Coulson have a friend to find. Cages. Mace frees them. Tripp!!! Meet Antoine Tripplet, my good friend and Inside man. Coulson says nice to meet you, Tripp. Tripp hadn't heard that nickname since high school. Coulson says it felt right. Tripp needs to find his boots. Mace says we'll get you another pair. Tripp says it's not the boots. It's about what's in them.
May and Fitz. He injects her. take a few deep breaths. You have an hour of augmented strength. Don't waste it. Flying to the center.
**Tripp! Yay! Thank you, Framework. I hope Daisy gets to see him. His death really shook her.
**wow, Fit's dad is a chauvinist.
Mack and Jenna. He says what's not in that book? The Holocaust, Trail of Tears, Martin Luther, Jr. He says at my house, I'm the judge of fact or fiction. His daughter calls him over. Ward smiling. Same thing she is. I finally get why you don't like me. You think I'm someone I'm not. She says forget it. I can't look at you. He asks did I hurt someone? Kill someone? She says more than one. He says for what it's worth, whatever I did do, I'm truly sorry. You feel that, don't you, the way he loves his kid. Doesn't that make it real? Hydra on the radio. They've been discovered.
Tripp looking for his boots. His grandfather's camera. He took photos with it from the secret lab. What man steal another man's boots? Coulson spots a student. Get the film to Mace, those plans are important. I let that kid down once, I won't do it again.
Tripp gets to Mace. But we have a problem. Coulson. Quinjet arrives. Burrows takes the film to get back to base. Mace and Tripp will get Coulson.
Ward hears about it. Time to see what the big man can do. Jemma says no. I'll go in his place. What happens to Mack happens in both worlds. He's different. Ward says fine.
May attacks. Mace will handle her. Tripp to get Coulson. She kicks Mace. Attacking him with a lot of rage.
Coulson in the Quarantine Center. Kids watching a brainwashing film with their eyelids taped open. Strapped to chairs. They're not aware of Coulson. Tripp comes in. Coulson says tell me that bus hasn't left, yet.
May grabs a sledge to fight Mace. But he's still powerful. Throws her into a wall. She calls him a terrorist. He says if I was, you'd be dead now. She radios to Fitz. Patriot got away. My strength is fading. Fitz asks where did he go? Tells May to bring the building down and bring his body. May orders the jet to fire on the Quarantine Center.
**Oh no! Mace is written here as a tragic hero. Like Sturm or Marcus Cole. His cause matters enough to him to die for it. He wanted to serve so badly in the real world. Of course he's Inhuman here. Of course he leads The Resistance. Of course he's the last remnant of SHIELD. He wanted so badly to live up the story the press wrote about him.
Ward and Jemma arrive. He says stay close and try not to shoot. me.
Tripp got some out. Others trapped inside. Need your help. Coulson tells Simmons to get out, the whole place is about to come down. Mace gets buried under the rubble!
May needs verification Patriot is dead. Activates her body cam and goes in. Kids coming out. May asks why the hell are there kids in here?! Where's the Patriot? Coulson say there's a kid buried under that rock. Mace powers up out of the rubble to save Chris. May says nobody move! Ward says you shoot him and we all die. Coulson gives orders. Shoot us or help, but don't just stand there. Snap out of it, May. Chris is out. Mace says get out. Jemma argues. Mace tells Coulson go. Coulson says no. Mace is losing it. Go! They have to leave. May is last. Nods to him. Leaves. Mace is overwhelmed by all that weight.
The building collapses. Jemma has tears. So do I.
Fitz gets the news. Father toasts with champagne. AIDA leaves the office.
She's in her body. Checks on their bodies. Mace is flatlined. Dead. She shuts the monitor off.
Daisy in the cell. May comes in. What? Is it true, that you're an Inhuman? Daisy stands. Yeah. Powerful enough to bring this whole damn place down. May brought terrigen. I hope so. Breaks the vial. Daisy cocoons. Grinning.
Next ep - Skye labeled a terrorist. Fitz is a new head of Hydra. I want them dead!!
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