"All The Madame's Men" - Daisy finds herself teamed up with an unlikely partner. Meanwhile, Aida prepares to put her ultimate end game into effect, on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," TUESDAY, APRIL 25 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leo Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Henry Simmons as Agent Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, and John Hannah as Holden Radcliffe.
Guest starring are Brett Dalton as Grant Ward, Mallory Jansen as Madame Hydra/Aida, Jordan Rivera as Hope Mackenzie, David Weiss as serious man, Patrick Cavanaugh as Burrows, Zach McGowan as The Superior, David O'Hara as Alistair, Ben Cain as Hydra agent, Andy Comeau as Hydra doctor, and Kavita Patil as Mrs. Lee.
"All the Madame's Men" was written by James C. Oliver & Sharla Oliver and directed by Billy Gierhart.
Episode 19:
The Bakshii Report! We're talking about justice. An unprovoked attack on Hydra's cultural enlightenment center. Patriot has been killed. While this is a cause of celebration, it's also a reminder to remain vigilant.
Skye is out of the cocoon. Healed her. She and May arm up and try to escape. Shooting their way through the floor. Where to next? Elevator to the garage. May says cover me. Cavalry is awesome as usual. Madame Hydra in the elevator. Drop your weapons now. AIDA thinks this is interesting. none of you can escape your true nature. Fitz, well, he's a romantic. Daisy blasts AIDA out the window. Let's move.
Real world. AIDA wakes up. The Russian has a body again. they discuss Agent May. She says it's a slight complication. He points a gun. But he can't shoot. Why can I not kill her? Because I built you. My primary directive requires me to protect these people. But if they become a direct threat to the Framework, they're no longer under that protection. Daisy and Simmons need to die. Find them. With pleasure.
Mack turns the TV off. Ward says it's like sipping poison. A little every day and you don't notice until it kills you. He wants revenge for Mace. Mack argues for protection of the people here. Tripp wants to go over the plans. Coulson thinks Patriot's death might tear everyone apart. Mack turns the sound on. Terror attack on the Triskellion. Simmons wonders if it was Daisy?
She and May sneaking around. Mace's sacrifice made May think. The Patriot's dead? May knows what he meant to the Resistance. Daisy says it's not just that. She's feeling a hangover of bees, heh. May wonders how she controls her powers so quickly. Diasy chooses to not explain the real world.
AIDA has shattered vertebrae as Madame Hydra. Fitz tells the doctors to leave. His father promises we'll find a way to help her. But now you need to focus on the traitors they've made us look weak. You have an obligation to lead. You're the new head of Hydra.
Bakshii visits Fitz at the Triskellion. Ophelia? She's.... she's fine. He'd like to see her on the show tonight. Fitz says no interviews. Bakshii agrees. Fitz wants the public afraid.
Bakshii puts up Skye has the Inhuman terrorist. And May. Asking the public to provide info. Ward turns the TV off. Mack tells him to calm down. Ward says if Hydra finds her first they'll put a bullet in her head. I have to find her. Mack reassures his daughter. She's got a lot of questions.
Ward and Coulson. Need to leave now or we're searching for a corpse. Coulson says the smart move is to wait for her to make contact. Coulson was approached to join SHIELD. He said no in the past because he was afraid. No I think I should have. Ward was serving time for arson when someone came to him. Victoria Hand recruited him. Skye made me believe I could be a good man. Now she's in danger, I can't sit around and do nothing. Coulson tells him to try not to get killed.
Daisy says we need wheels. She and May are spotted. They sees a billboard with their wanted poster.
Tripp lost his grandad's camera. Simmons slips and says she always meant to ask him about the Howling Commandos. She recognizes a drawing. A device that needs tremendous energy. Simmons knows where the machine is being built. Can we take the Quinjet on a recon mission?
Daisy asks if she's sure the Patriot is dead. May saw it. Has the body cam footage to prove it. They reach the building and knock. The man says there's chatter about them all over the lines. They say they were careful, we're followed. Hydra arrives and starts shooting. Not careful enough. Daisy blows up the SUV and gets inside. The contact man had been shot.
SHIELD. Field agent made contact with someone. Gunshots, line went dead. Mace made these calls. Coulson says let's check it out. Mack will drive the Hydra bus. He asks a woman to watch Hope for a couple hours. Tells her he has to help SHIELD for a little bit. She wants to help. He asks her to fix some busted walkie talkies.
Agent is still breathing, but they need help. May tells Daisy what Hydra will do here. She admits she called the airstrike. Daisy says you didn't know. You can't blame yourself for their lies. You fought back and that's what we need. Maybe more people will fight back, too.
Fitz and father with AIDA. Bakshii's expose worked. Tips pouring in. Men closing in now. Fitz wants to handle is personally. AIDA grabs his hand. Tells him to finish it. Finish the machine. If Looking Glass is completed, it won't matter. This body won't matter. He says of course. Anything for you. His father tells him to tend to her needs and he'll put the traitors down for good.
May and Daisy take 2. Mack hits a 3rd. He's here to help Daisy, not May. Daisy tells him she helped me escape. She's fighting back now. Coulson arrives. Hydra radios. Coulson says we have to go now. I trust this woman, and so should you. There's a secret tunnel out.
Quinjet. Simmons and Tripp. The platform is convoluted. Deeper. They land.
Underwater is more buildings. Even an entry.
They enter the platform. Simmons says we need to be ready for anything.
Russian grabs a knife.
Simmons was so certain. Figures out She's building it, just not in this world. Now I know what it'll do. She's found a way to generate human tissue! She wants to make herself a real person.
Russian can't cut Coulson. When she is free, I'll be free.
Simmons says every step has been to circumvent AIDA's programming. Tripp says he's here to help. But we need to work fast. They were a week out from finishing about a week ago.
Fitz works on a holo program.
**AIDA wants to be a real girl, but humans are fragile. Mortal. We require constant maintenance. Several aspects are gross. She might not like it when she's in flesh.
Fitz's father says the traitors escaped. We lost 7 agents. Fitz says send 100 agents. They broke her spine! I WANT THEM DEAD. Don't you snap at me, boy. If I wanted you hysterical, I would've left you with your mother. What now? Someone knows where they're going. I'll find them. Fitz says I can't tolerate failure, even from my own father.
SHIELD. Ward is thankful Daisy is alright. She wants to talk to Simmons. he says she and Tripp are on a recon mission. Aww, her face at hearing Tripp is alive here. Tripp? Best news I've had in weeks. He says she told me about the other world. Daisy says I need you to trust me. I know how to get us home. He hoped Simmons was wrong and she'd be the girl he knew......I'm glad you're safe, Daisy.
Visit Radcliffe. Where are the traitors going? Why would Agent May betray Hydra for Skye? Why help the Inhuman escape? What are they planning? Radcliffe says if I knew, I wouldn't be in this cell. Fitz's father knows he's from the other world. Radcliffe says it's the REAL world. Alistair Fitz is a pathetic drunk that doesn't recognize his son's genius. Fitz Sr. says you know nothing about me or my son and beats Radcliffe to a pulp.
They watch the cam footage. May says this isn't enough to make up for what I did in Hydra, but it's a start. Daisy says giving people hope is fine, but she knows how to destroy them for good. Radcliffe told her how to get out. May and Ward are skeptical. Daisy says you don't understand..... Coulson, this is the only chance to wake people up. He says maybe the only way to solve our problem is to solve their problem. To save ourselves, we save the world.
Bakshii's studio invaded. Daisy and Coulson and May and Ward. Heard you were looking for some enemies of the state.
**Coulson's getting closer to his real self. May still has a lot to learn. Poor Ward. Finally a good guy and he's not real. Yay for having Tripp is more than one episode!
Tied them all up. Bakshii won't play along. Daisy blasts him a little. We don't need you to say a damn thing. The facts will speak for themselves.
Fitz at work. Visits Ophelia. It's done. I've completed the design. You won't have to live like this for much longer. I had doubts, but I finally see it. You'll be stronger, as you're meant to be. I just have one request - take me with you. She hoped he'd say that.
May gets Phil in a suit and straightens his tie. Feels they've done this before. heh.
Daisy can't keep Hydra from killing the signal. Ward says he'll keep it going. I know I'm not going with you when you leave, but I can still help from this side. I'd hate for you to think I'm anything like the Grant Ward over there. Simmons said he was a real SOB. Get locked up? Oh, the other thing. He has one question - when you're gone, do I get my Skye back? Daisy doesn't know. Though she is Hydra.... He says every relationship has ups and downs. We'll get through. She says for what it's worth, I didn't understand him until I met you. I guess there was good in him all along. I hope Skye gets back to you.
Fitz and Fitz. Tells him about the chat with Radcliffe. Fitz says we give him a reason to live.
Coulson says it's time. The Patriot would've been proud of what we did today. Daisy tells Ward good luck. He's staying in the control room. Signal on.
Coulson on TV. Telling the truth. Shows the footage. The truth is undeniable. Hydra doesn't think we're smart enough to know we're fed alternative facts. Remember, there are more of us than there are of them. Will you take a stand?
People are outside. I think they're here to help us fight.
Coulson understands what he can do as part of something bigger. I'm choosing to stand up, be part of something bigger. We can do anything. Because the truth is, I'm not just a history teacher. My name is Phil Coulson and I'm an Agent of SHIELD.
**We will fight, we will win, would you like to know more?
**David O'Hara was Stephen the Irishman in Braveheart.
Russian. Drinks something. Not the same. AIDA uploaded the final specs for the machine. He has her word his restrictions will be lifted. He says the agents are on a SHIELD jet. Once we get a lock, we'll shoot it down.
Next week - Will AIDA get her body? Will someone die?
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