“Crisis on Earth X”
Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold (guest star Wentworth Miller), The Ray (guest star Russell Tovey, Quantico), Felicity Smoak, Iris West, and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes – Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, and White Canary – lead their teams into battle to save the world.”
The Flash:
Previously, we discovered there are 53 Earths and Earth X is the last one, the planet no one wants to go to because the Nazis won WW2 and Hitler lived into the '90s. Maybe with help from Earth-1 Eobard Thawne, who is wearing Harrison Wells' face again. Earth-X Kara and Oliver are married and Kara has absorbed too much solar radiation. She's dying and needs a heart transplant from our Kara. The Nazis have taken Kara, put the rest of the heroes in a prison/concentration camp on Earth X, and captured Star Labs. Oh, and Earth-X Prometheus was Tommy Merlyn!
Episode 8:
Earth-X prison camp. Concentration camp. Stars and Triangles. Pink triangle for a gay man. Power dampening collars on our heroes. Alex worries about Kara. Oliver says we'll figure it out, get out of this place, and get back to the people we love.
Earth One Central City. Cisco FINALLY wakes. Everyone is in the pipeline. Anti-meta cells. Harry has a ball. bounce. Bounce. Bounce.
Thawne Wells in the chair! I built this place. Called it home for 15 years. I hated every minute of it. Kara asks about her friends. He says they won't be alive much longer. Red sunlight on Kara. Overgirl sways on her feet again. Kara weak. Thawne will take her heart out and put it in Overgirl. Overgirl wants time to talk to....myself.
Iris and Felicity in the vents. Iris says we get to the pipeline and get Cisco. He can turn the power off and breach us out of here. F says Lead the way McClain.
Lining up the prisoners. X Lance enters. Sara stares at him. He calls her looks perfection. Why would you align with the impure? She says because I like men and women. He had a daughter with similar compunctions. He killed her. Bring them all. And him! The pink triangle guy. Earth One heroes moved out. Martin wants an escape plan immediately. Oliver and Sara working on their cuffs. They all move and get shocked. up! go. Toward a ditch. Turn around. to Oliver - I know you're not him, but I can't stomach the sight regardless. He puts a hood on Oliver. ready! Aim! Captain Cold saves them! "Snart?"
**Such a shame Wentworth's contract is up and he's on limited time as Snart. They haven't used him much since killing him first season of Legends.
Pink triangle guy says About time! Nazis fire at them. Snart says you can call me Leo. Takes the collar off that guy. Time to shine, buddy. He glows and flies! Fires at the Nazis. Come on, let's go. Where? Our base. Who are you? Tell us on the way.
Overgirl and Kara. you look more human. Scared, pathetic, inferior. We are Aryan perfection. You're a god to them. Could've been living like one. They want someone to worship, to lead. Kara says you're not leading, it's ruling. She says they're ants, Kara. Kara says I won't take advantage because I can. Overgirl says the world is made better by getting rid of the weak. Can't even find a date to a wedding. It's written all over that pouty little face of yours. You spend so much time taking care of everyone but yourself, no wonder you're miserable. Why do you care if I take your heart? You're not using it. Kara says at least i have one.
Iris and Felicity reach the pipeline. Nazis fire. hands in the air. Girls fight back. Take the guns. Cisco?! He yells to them. Low hydraulic pressure. Blast door won't open. Felicity sends an SOS to the Legends. Iris says we can't wait. It's up to us to save Kara.
Arrow Cave on Earth X. Catching them up. Pink Triangle guy is from Earth One originally, too. Shows them a schematic of a Temporal Gateway. Where is it? Not far. Oliver says take us to it. He says no, it's guarded by a not-so-small army of Nazis. Heroes says they can handle it. We're going through it. X-Winn says no one's going through anything because we're blowing it the hell up.
General Schott. They argue about getting through the gateway. Winn says this is our only chance to separate the Fuhrer from his army! Sara asks for a little time. Snart tells them the odds. Winn says we're blowing it up, final order. Alex wants to appeal to him. Snart says Ray, let her try. Alex goes to him. He says we are tired! There are men dying for the same causes their grandfathers did. She's only asking for time. He can't give it! They have a doomsday weapon powerful enough to affect other worlds. It has to be eliminated. She says please, the people you hate will kill my sister if you don't let me back to save her. On my Earth, she's your closest friend. you've saved each other countless times. All I'm asking for is a chance. Please! He's sorry about her sister and her Earth. I truly am, but today I have a chance to protect my people, my Earth. My decision stands.
Martin wants to apologize to Jax. You are my family. I found myself unexpectedly with a son. Look around you. I'm optimistic because I'm standing here with you. You're a better son than I could ever hope for. No amount of time or distance can change that. they hug.
Alex looking for a weapon. Sara says you're not going. You can't fight through an army of Nazis alone and scared. Alex says I should've done more. I can't lose her. Sara does understand. I lost my sister. the anger and guilt I felt for not saving her took me down a dark path. You're on my team and I promise, we won't let what happened to my sister happen to yours. Alex wants to get Kara and back to Earth and Maggie. Sara tells her to trust her instincts about her choice.
Snart trying to convince Ray to help the heroes. They'd risk everything for the people they love, just like I would, for you. They kiss. Ray can't resist when Snart looks at him like that. They tell the Earth One heroes that we talked to the General and after a lot of arguing, he agreed. We're going to help you.
Looking at the mock-up. Oliver making a plan. Barry flashes to go to recon and returns. Meta-human dampeners. Oliver says I think I know how to get in.
Winn gives them one hour. Ray says I know what you're thinking. Winn says if you don't make it through the gateway, I'm blowing the place to kingdom come.
Kara is cooked. X-Oliver and Kara says I love yous. She's sedated. Kara tells Thawne my cousin will find you. Thawne says he fought Superman in the future. He's fast. I'm faster. Iris and Felicity get the power off. Oliver asks where might people be hiding. Thawne goes to the white room. Empty.
F and Iris knock out Nazis. Tell Kara come with me if you want to live. Trying to get out. Kara blasted by Metallo. I don't believe Mr. Thawne is done with you, yet.
Heroes reach the facility. Papers. Snart driving. Papers now. Oliver tells the soldier as you were. They let the "Fuhrer" inside.
Oliver walks in. Hailed. Lance rushes in. We were not expecting you. Lance asks if he'd like to delay deployment until they find the doppelgangers. It's a Nazi Waverider! Oliver tells him to send it as scheduled. It goes into a red portal. Hail Victory.
Thawne tells X-Oliver the Waverider has come. Oliver pushes him to fix this. Felicity encrypted the system, so Thawne can't turn the power on.
Lance asks if there's anything else I can help with. No, that will be all. Very well. Lance says I have a gift for you. Guard! A woman brought in? this one broke many rules. This Jewess handed her rations to camp children. She says those children were starving. Oliver raises the gun. Lance says your doppelganger loved a woman with this face once. Oliver then turns it at Lance. He didn't hand him a loaded weapon. so Oliver throws it in his face and fights with the Nazis. And.... They're down. He gives a rifle to the Jewish woman. Take it and go. Go! Tells the team Clear. Barry enters. Oliver says We can't turn the gateway on here. There should be a manual override at the platform.
Winn tells Snart they don't get the hour. He's blowing it up. Weapon coming. A meta! Snart tells the team we have a problem. A missile? Not exactly.
fuhrer tells Felicity to turn the power back on. Thawne grabs her. Where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of these heroes. Yet no one, no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak. Kara yells stop! You came for me so take me. Please don't hurt anyone else. Give him the code. Felicity agrees. Thawne releases her and enters it. Power on.
Red Tornado will take the facility down in 10 minutes. Flying robot. Oliver and Barry make a plan. Snart says it's terrible. I always plan down to the letter, the second. He brought weapons and costumes. Oliver gets a bow.
Fighting Nazis. Sara and Alex one team. Green Arrow and Firestorm.
Train. Red Tornado passes it. Barry and the Ray try to stop it. Barry grabs it.
Firestorm wants to go to the console. Martin and Jax split to take care of the systems. Jax hotwires power. Nazis firing.
Barry trying to hold on. Ray, a little help here. tornado blasts Ray. Barry falling. Ray stops him from splatting. tornado still heading to the facility.
Snart and Oliver team. Nazi automatic weapon fire keeping them pinned.
Martin runs for the lever. And is shot in the back! Jax can't get to him. Martin seems to die.
Episode 8:
Martin lies there.
Barry and Ray coming back.
Lot of blood under Martin.
Snart freezes the gun.
Martin crawls toward the lever. Jax yelling at him to stop. Martin shot again. Nazis says fall back! Martin pulls the lever. Opened the breach. Oliver tells Barry. Where are you?
Ray tells Barry to throw another lightning bolt. Now! They combine power at Red Tornado. It's down. And blows up. Sara tells Barry someone's hurt.
Sara says Gideon will fix him. If he's Firestorm. Jax gets them back together. Snart calls Oliver Ollie. give it time, I'll get through that crusty exterior. Sara says good luck, referring to Oliver, and Snart says I was talking about you. LOL. Just like before!!!
Preparing Kara for surgery. Thawne says metal through bone is my favorite sound. Close your eyes. It'll be over in a minute. He can't pierce her! Atom! Legends have arrived! Ray frees Kara. How's the wedding? Iris tells them to get Kara out. Felicity updates him. Nazi soldier.
Attention all prisoners. The calvary has arrived. Um, Steel, that's CAVALRY!
X-Oliver tries to wake X-Kara. Thawne says the General is no longer safe here. Oliver will not let Supergirl leave alive. Kara says don't question your Fuhrer's orders. Oliver will bring a heart to her.
Legends and Team Arrow vs. Metallo.
Felicity and Ray carrying Kara. Waverider on the roof. X-Oliver shorts Ray out. Felicity says you want Kara, you go threw me. Get the hell off our Earth while you still can. He says as final words go, that's not bad. Our Oliver says lower your weapon or I'll kill her. X-Kara.
Heroes all attack Metallo at once. It's down. They head flew off and up. Like Terminator?
LOWER YOUR WEAPON. Kara says just shoot. Oliver says I can save your wife's life. She argues. Thawne gets them both out of the room. Felicity runs to our Oliver. Nothing matters except I love you. I just want to be with you. They kiss.
**Save the emotional distractions for when there aren't Nazi soldiers wandering around. Potentially.
Waverider up. Martin with Gideon. Mick says he'll be fine, he's a tough bastard. Jax suffering because of their connection. Caitlin says we can't unlink them. It's the only thing keeping Martin alive.
Barry and Iris reunite. We should've just eloped.
Alex finds Kara. Sister bonding.
Mick getting drunk again. Snart says hey there, friend. No need to numb your feelings with alcohol. Leo is sweet. There was a Mick on his Earth. Rest his soul. Rescued police officers in a burning station.
Caitlin tells Jax we're doing everything we can to fix him. She leaves the med bay. He's getting worse. Ray asks Marty or Jax? Both. Martin shouldn't be alive. Jax is a human life support machine. She doesn't know how to tell Jax they will die. Ray says someone will figure out something.
Curtis geeking out. Bring him to Ray. We have to find the Nazi Waverider. Trace radiation shows Overgirl will create a supernova.
Martin wakes. I need to tell you something. Jax comes close. Talk fast. Martin says I'm dying. I'm old, Jefferson. Even if I hadn't been shot, no one lives forever. As long as we're connected, I'm an anchor around your neck. Take Cisco's drug. Jax won't. You're asking me to kill you, Gray! Martin says I'm asking you to let me die so you can live. hand me the vial. We're going to die. Jax says then we both die. No! You have your whole life ahead of you. Now it's time to let me go. They aren't ready. But... Jax says please, I can't do this. Martin says how could a father do anything less. Please. Please. Jax picks up the vial. Gives it to Martin. Gray, no. Martin takes it. Stay with me, please, I prefer not to be alone. Please tell Clarissa and Lily I love them. Jax promises. Martin thanks him for the adventure of a lifetime. I hope your life is long and full of just as mine has been. Martin dies. Jax sobs on him.
**Dammit, why'd they have to kill Stein vs letting him retire? Yeah, the actor is leaving, but this only allows future appearances to be doppelgangers or some reason to go to the past. It's a heroic death for Martin, but.....sigh. And now Jax is without powers. Unless he takes the sticky spider serum heh.
Sara enters. Jax? He did it for me. Jax walks out. She kisses Martin's forehead.
Iris comes to Barry, shakes her head. They hug.
Caitlin and Cisco.
Ray looks at a photo from the Old West. Where's Jax? Legends together.
Jax at Clarissa's. She sees it on his face. I'm sorry. She cries and collapses into him. Lily comes in crying.
Oliver asks Sara how she's holding up. She'll cry at the funeral. Sara. I'm fine. He tells her Overgirl is going to blow up.
Nazis. Evil Gideon says Kara will be dead in an hour without a transplant.
Everyone in costume, including Zari making an outfit for herself. Oliver says failure is not an option. LOSING is not an option! Gideon apologizes for interrupting Mr. Queen. They're being hailed by a Time Ship. Evil Oliver. A truce. We'll return to Earth X if Supergirl comes with us. Oliver says the difference between you and me is I don't abandon my friends. End transmission. The heroes will stop them for Professor Stein.
Nazi Waverider firing on the city. Nazis marching. Evil Kara happy. Evil Oliver Fuhrer leading his troops.
The heroes in line all go to confront them. Kara's flying again. Fight! Grenades. Rescuing who they can. Snart tells Mick you can't go around roasting people! Due process? Rule of law? LOLOLOL. Sara asks for help. Felicity got it.
Waverider firing. Cisco flying it. Launching torpedo one. Harry says you don't have to say that out loud. LOLOL
Taking down Nazi troops. Barry vs. Thawne. Ray and Kara flying together.
Felicity says we need a bigger gun. Kara says way ahead of you.
She confronts the General. Care to step outside?
They need someone on that ship. Frost brings Zari and Amara to do so. On the bridge, Felicity. What are we looking for? Iris sends the protocol. Hit the blinking red button. Shields down. Cisco gives the chair to Harry. Count of ten, hit them with everything we've got.
Overgirl and Supergirl fighting in air.
Barry and Thawne.
Oliver vs. Oliver.
Speedsters clash.
Harry fires on Nazi Waverider. Explosions. Cisco vibes in with the team. Nailed it!
Thawne tells Barry to end it! Barry won't. You're above killing, isn't that right? Barry tells him get out of here. Thawne says wonder what face I'll be wearing next time, Flash. Barry can't wait.
Overgirl about to meltdown. Harry says fly her up, up and away. Now. LOL. Kara takes her into space. Explosion.
Fuhrer screams. I'm going to kill you! Ha, nope. Oliver shoots him in the chest when he turns around.
Kara falling back to Earth. She crashes into Nate! Takes the Man of Steel to catch the Girl of Steel.
they made a small crater.
Star Labs. Barry thanks The Ray and Snart. Snart needs a hug. Be good, Leo. Always. Cisco will send them home. One, I open a breach, two, you walk through it. Heh. Leo wants to stay a while. But not forever. I will come home to you. Promise. They kiss. Love you. I love you. Cisco sends Ray back to Earth X.
Funeral. Jax is supposed to say a few words. Martin was the wordy one. I got used to hearing his voice in my head. I still hear him. He was the best of us. The best man, teacher. Friend, husband, father. Clarissa, I'm so so sorry, I couldn't save him. All he wanted was to come home to his family. Clarissa says you were his family, too. Jax doesn't know how to do this without him. Lily says don't. He's still part of you. Mick tearing up. Allergies. Sara says thank you for believing me. Caitlin says tell Ronnie I miss him. Barry says thank you for bringing me home to her.
Alex and Sara. Should we? They hug. Heh. Alex thanks her for putting things in perspective. There's gotta be someone else out there for me. You, too. And not just a night. Mick says ship's ready. You hit that? She smacks his head. Shut up. Waverider leaves. Kara asks Alex if she's ready? So so ready. Kara thanks them for the wedding invite. Iris and Barry are going to a Justice of the Peace. Quick and simple. Hugs all around. Kara and Alex leave. Iris says all we have to do is exchange vows and rings. barry asks a mayor can marry them? Then picks up Diggle. He throws up again. Give me a warning next time. He's ordained, so he can marry them now. Iris has her vows. Barry didn't need to write his. My life - first is change. No matter how different things became, I always had the other thing - you. You've always been there as a friend, partner, as the love of my life. you're my home, Iris, and that's the one thing that will never change. Iris says when I was 9, I wanted to be a ballerina. and I froze at the recital. Then i saw you. You climbed on the stage and did the whole routine with me and we killed it. Then I knew with you by my side anything is possible. The Flash is the city's hero, but you, Barry Allen, are my hero. I'm happy, excited, and honored to be your wife. Diggle pronounces them... Wait! Felicity asks can you marry us, too. What? She rambles to Oliver, says my greatest fear is losing you and.... Oliver says yes. I do. I do. John, what do you say? Dig has tried to keep them together for 6 years. Only fitting I marry you now. Vows? Nope. We can't beat theirs. Oliver says you're the best part of me. I'm a better human being just because I love you. John skips to declaring all of them married. Husband and wife. Please, kiss your brides.
Next eps - midseason trailers online.
Episode 8:
Earth-X prison camp. Concentration camp. Stars and Triangles. Pink triangle for a gay man. Power dampening collars on our heroes. Alex worries about Kara. Oliver says we'll figure it out, get out of this place, and get back to the people we love.
Earth One Central City. Cisco FINALLY wakes. Everyone is in the pipeline. Anti-meta cells. Harry has a ball. bounce. Bounce. Bounce.
Thawne Wells in the chair! I built this place. Called it home for 15 years. I hated every minute of it. Kara asks about her friends. He says they won't be alive much longer. Red sunlight on Kara. Overgirl sways on her feet again. Kara weak. Thawne will take her heart out and put it in Overgirl. Overgirl wants time to talk to....myself.
Iris and Felicity in the vents. Iris says we get to the pipeline and get Cisco. He can turn the power off and breach us out of here. F says Lead the way McClain.
Lining up the prisoners. X Lance enters. Sara stares at him. He calls her looks perfection. Why would you align with the impure? She says because I like men and women. He had a daughter with similar compunctions. He killed her. Bring them all. And him! The pink triangle guy. Earth One heroes moved out. Martin wants an escape plan immediately. Oliver and Sara working on their cuffs. They all move and get shocked. up! go. Toward a ditch. Turn around. to Oliver - I know you're not him, but I can't stomach the sight regardless. He puts a hood on Oliver. ready! Aim! Captain Cold saves them! "Snart?"
**Such a shame Wentworth's contract is up and he's on limited time as Snart. They haven't used him much since killing him first season of Legends.
Pink triangle guy says About time! Nazis fire at them. Snart says you can call me Leo. Takes the collar off that guy. Time to shine, buddy. He glows and flies! Fires at the Nazis. Come on, let's go. Where? Our base. Who are you? Tell us on the way.
Overgirl and Kara. you look more human. Scared, pathetic, inferior. We are Aryan perfection. You're a god to them. Could've been living like one. They want someone to worship, to lead. Kara says you're not leading, it's ruling. She says they're ants, Kara. Kara says I won't take advantage because I can. Overgirl says the world is made better by getting rid of the weak. Can't even find a date to a wedding. It's written all over that pouty little face of yours. You spend so much time taking care of everyone but yourself, no wonder you're miserable. Why do you care if I take your heart? You're not using it. Kara says at least i have one.
Iris and Felicity reach the pipeline. Nazis fire. hands in the air. Girls fight back. Take the guns. Cisco?! He yells to them. Low hydraulic pressure. Blast door won't open. Felicity sends an SOS to the Legends. Iris says we can't wait. It's up to us to save Kara.
Arrow Cave on Earth X. Catching them up. Pink Triangle guy is from Earth One originally, too. Shows them a schematic of a Temporal Gateway. Where is it? Not far. Oliver says take us to it. He says no, it's guarded by a not-so-small army of Nazis. Heroes says they can handle it. We're going through it. X-Winn says no one's going through anything because we're blowing it the hell up.
General Schott. They argue about getting through the gateway. Winn says this is our only chance to separate the Fuhrer from his army! Sara asks for a little time. Snart tells them the odds. Winn says we're blowing it up, final order. Alex wants to appeal to him. Snart says Ray, let her try. Alex goes to him. He says we are tired! There are men dying for the same causes their grandfathers did. She's only asking for time. He can't give it! They have a doomsday weapon powerful enough to affect other worlds. It has to be eliminated. She says please, the people you hate will kill my sister if you don't let me back to save her. On my Earth, she's your closest friend. you've saved each other countless times. All I'm asking for is a chance. Please! He's sorry about her sister and her Earth. I truly am, but today I have a chance to protect my people, my Earth. My decision stands.
Martin wants to apologize to Jax. You are my family. I found myself unexpectedly with a son. Look around you. I'm optimistic because I'm standing here with you. You're a better son than I could ever hope for. No amount of time or distance can change that. they hug.
Alex looking for a weapon. Sara says you're not going. You can't fight through an army of Nazis alone and scared. Alex says I should've done more. I can't lose her. Sara does understand. I lost my sister. the anger and guilt I felt for not saving her took me down a dark path. You're on my team and I promise, we won't let what happened to my sister happen to yours. Alex wants to get Kara and back to Earth and Maggie. Sara tells her to trust her instincts about her choice.
Snart trying to convince Ray to help the heroes. They'd risk everything for the people they love, just like I would, for you. They kiss. Ray can't resist when Snart looks at him like that. They tell the Earth One heroes that we talked to the General and after a lot of arguing, he agreed. We're going to help you.
Looking at the mock-up. Oliver making a plan. Barry flashes to go to recon and returns. Meta-human dampeners. Oliver says I think I know how to get in.
Winn gives them one hour. Ray says I know what you're thinking. Winn says if you don't make it through the gateway, I'm blowing the place to kingdom come.
Kara is cooked. X-Oliver and Kara says I love yous. She's sedated. Kara tells Thawne my cousin will find you. Thawne says he fought Superman in the future. He's fast. I'm faster. Iris and Felicity get the power off. Oliver asks where might people be hiding. Thawne goes to the white room. Empty.
F and Iris knock out Nazis. Tell Kara come with me if you want to live. Trying to get out. Kara blasted by Metallo. I don't believe Mr. Thawne is done with you, yet.
Heroes reach the facility. Papers. Snart driving. Papers now. Oliver tells the soldier as you were. They let the "Fuhrer" inside.
Oliver walks in. Hailed. Lance rushes in. We were not expecting you. Lance asks if he'd like to delay deployment until they find the doppelgangers. It's a Nazi Waverider! Oliver tells him to send it as scheduled. It goes into a red portal. Hail Victory.
Thawne tells X-Oliver the Waverider has come. Oliver pushes him to fix this. Felicity encrypted the system, so Thawne can't turn the power on.
Lance asks if there's anything else I can help with. No, that will be all. Very well. Lance says I have a gift for you. Guard! A woman brought in? this one broke many rules. This Jewess handed her rations to camp children. She says those children were starving. Oliver raises the gun. Lance says your doppelganger loved a woman with this face once. Oliver then turns it at Lance. He didn't hand him a loaded weapon. so Oliver throws it in his face and fights with the Nazis. And.... They're down. He gives a rifle to the Jewish woman. Take it and go. Go! Tells the team Clear. Barry enters. Oliver says We can't turn the gateway on here. There should be a manual override at the platform.
Winn tells Snart they don't get the hour. He's blowing it up. Weapon coming. A meta! Snart tells the team we have a problem. A missile? Not exactly.
fuhrer tells Felicity to turn the power back on. Thawne grabs her. Where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of these heroes. Yet no one, no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak. Kara yells stop! You came for me so take me. Please don't hurt anyone else. Give him the code. Felicity agrees. Thawne releases her and enters it. Power on.
Red Tornado will take the facility down in 10 minutes. Flying robot. Oliver and Barry make a plan. Snart says it's terrible. I always plan down to the letter, the second. He brought weapons and costumes. Oliver gets a bow.
Fighting Nazis. Sara and Alex one team. Green Arrow and Firestorm.
Train. Red Tornado passes it. Barry and the Ray try to stop it. Barry grabs it.
Firestorm wants to go to the console. Martin and Jax split to take care of the systems. Jax hotwires power. Nazis firing.
Barry trying to hold on. Ray, a little help here. tornado blasts Ray. Barry falling. Ray stops him from splatting. tornado still heading to the facility.
Snart and Oliver team. Nazi automatic weapon fire keeping them pinned.
Martin runs for the lever. And is shot in the back! Jax can't get to him. Martin seems to die.
Episode 8:
Martin lies there.
Barry and Ray coming back.
Lot of blood under Martin.
Snart freezes the gun.
Martin crawls toward the lever. Jax yelling at him to stop. Martin shot again. Nazis says fall back! Martin pulls the lever. Opened the breach. Oliver tells Barry. Where are you?
Ray tells Barry to throw another lightning bolt. Now! They combine power at Red Tornado. It's down. And blows up. Sara tells Barry someone's hurt.
Sara says Gideon will fix him. If he's Firestorm. Jax gets them back together. Snart calls Oliver Ollie. give it time, I'll get through that crusty exterior. Sara says good luck, referring to Oliver, and Snart says I was talking about you. LOL. Just like before!!!
Preparing Kara for surgery. Thawne says metal through bone is my favorite sound. Close your eyes. It'll be over in a minute. He can't pierce her! Atom! Legends have arrived! Ray frees Kara. How's the wedding? Iris tells them to get Kara out. Felicity updates him. Nazi soldier.
Attention all prisoners. The calvary has arrived. Um, Steel, that's CAVALRY!
X-Oliver tries to wake X-Kara. Thawne says the General is no longer safe here. Oliver will not let Supergirl leave alive. Kara says don't question your Fuhrer's orders. Oliver will bring a heart to her.
Legends and Team Arrow vs. Metallo.
Felicity and Ray carrying Kara. Waverider on the roof. X-Oliver shorts Ray out. Felicity says you want Kara, you go threw me. Get the hell off our Earth while you still can. He says as final words go, that's not bad. Our Oliver says lower your weapon or I'll kill her. X-Kara.
Heroes all attack Metallo at once. It's down. They head flew off and up. Like Terminator?
LOWER YOUR WEAPON. Kara says just shoot. Oliver says I can save your wife's life. She argues. Thawne gets them both out of the room. Felicity runs to our Oliver. Nothing matters except I love you. I just want to be with you. They kiss.
**Save the emotional distractions for when there aren't Nazi soldiers wandering around. Potentially.
Waverider up. Martin with Gideon. Mick says he'll be fine, he's a tough bastard. Jax suffering because of their connection. Caitlin says we can't unlink them. It's the only thing keeping Martin alive.
Barry and Iris reunite. We should've just eloped.
Alex finds Kara. Sister bonding.
Mick getting drunk again. Snart says hey there, friend. No need to numb your feelings with alcohol. Leo is sweet. There was a Mick on his Earth. Rest his soul. Rescued police officers in a burning station.
Caitlin tells Jax we're doing everything we can to fix him. She leaves the med bay. He's getting worse. Ray asks Marty or Jax? Both. Martin shouldn't be alive. Jax is a human life support machine. She doesn't know how to tell Jax they will die. Ray says someone will figure out something.
Curtis geeking out. Bring him to Ray. We have to find the Nazi Waverider. Trace radiation shows Overgirl will create a supernova.
Martin wakes. I need to tell you something. Jax comes close. Talk fast. Martin says I'm dying. I'm old, Jefferson. Even if I hadn't been shot, no one lives forever. As long as we're connected, I'm an anchor around your neck. Take Cisco's drug. Jax won't. You're asking me to kill you, Gray! Martin says I'm asking you to let me die so you can live. hand me the vial. We're going to die. Jax says then we both die. No! You have your whole life ahead of you. Now it's time to let me go. They aren't ready. But... Jax says please, I can't do this. Martin says how could a father do anything less. Please. Please. Jax picks up the vial. Gives it to Martin. Gray, no. Martin takes it. Stay with me, please, I prefer not to be alone. Please tell Clarissa and Lily I love them. Jax promises. Martin thanks him for the adventure of a lifetime. I hope your life is long and full of just as mine has been. Martin dies. Jax sobs on him.
**Dammit, why'd they have to kill Stein vs letting him retire? Yeah, the actor is leaving, but this only allows future appearances to be doppelgangers or some reason to go to the past. It's a heroic death for Martin, but.....sigh. And now Jax is without powers. Unless he takes the sticky spider serum heh.
Sara enters. Jax? He did it for me. Jax walks out. She kisses Martin's forehead.
Iris comes to Barry, shakes her head. They hug.
Caitlin and Cisco.
Ray looks at a photo from the Old West. Where's Jax? Legends together.
Jax at Clarissa's. She sees it on his face. I'm sorry. She cries and collapses into him. Lily comes in crying.
Oliver asks Sara how she's holding up. She'll cry at the funeral. Sara. I'm fine. He tells her Overgirl is going to blow up.
Nazis. Evil Gideon says Kara will be dead in an hour without a transplant.
Everyone in costume, including Zari making an outfit for herself. Oliver says failure is not an option. LOSING is not an option! Gideon apologizes for interrupting Mr. Queen. They're being hailed by a Time Ship. Evil Oliver. A truce. We'll return to Earth X if Supergirl comes with us. Oliver says the difference between you and me is I don't abandon my friends. End transmission. The heroes will stop them for Professor Stein.
Nazi Waverider firing on the city. Nazis marching. Evil Kara happy. Evil Oliver Fuhrer leading his troops.
The heroes in line all go to confront them. Kara's flying again. Fight! Grenades. Rescuing who they can. Snart tells Mick you can't go around roasting people! Due process? Rule of law? LOLOLOL. Sara asks for help. Felicity got it.
Waverider firing. Cisco flying it. Launching torpedo one. Harry says you don't have to say that out loud. LOLOL
Taking down Nazi troops. Barry vs. Thawne. Ray and Kara flying together.
Felicity says we need a bigger gun. Kara says way ahead of you.
She confronts the General. Care to step outside?
They need someone on that ship. Frost brings Zari and Amara to do so. On the bridge, Felicity. What are we looking for? Iris sends the protocol. Hit the blinking red button. Shields down. Cisco gives the chair to Harry. Count of ten, hit them with everything we've got.
Overgirl and Supergirl fighting in air.
Barry and Thawne.
Oliver vs. Oliver.
Speedsters clash.
Harry fires on Nazi Waverider. Explosions. Cisco vibes in with the team. Nailed it!
Thawne tells Barry to end it! Barry won't. You're above killing, isn't that right? Barry tells him get out of here. Thawne says wonder what face I'll be wearing next time, Flash. Barry can't wait.
Overgirl about to meltdown. Harry says fly her up, up and away. Now. LOL. Kara takes her into space. Explosion.
Fuhrer screams. I'm going to kill you! Ha, nope. Oliver shoots him in the chest when he turns around.
Kara falling back to Earth. She crashes into Nate! Takes the Man of Steel to catch the Girl of Steel.
Star Labs. Barry thanks The Ray and Snart. Snart needs a hug. Be good, Leo. Always. Cisco will send them home. One, I open a breach, two, you walk through it. Heh. Leo wants to stay a while. But not forever. I will come home to you. Promise. They kiss. Love you. I love you. Cisco sends Ray back to Earth X.
Funeral. Jax is supposed to say a few words. Martin was the wordy one. I got used to hearing his voice in my head. I still hear him. He was the best of us. The best man, teacher. Friend, husband, father. Clarissa, I'm so so sorry, I couldn't save him. All he wanted was to come home to his family. Clarissa says you were his family, too. Jax doesn't know how to do this without him. Lily says don't. He's still part of you. Mick tearing up. Allergies. Sara says thank you for believing me. Caitlin says tell Ronnie I miss him. Barry says thank you for bringing me home to her.
Alex and Sara. Should we? They hug. Heh. Alex thanks her for putting things in perspective. There's gotta be someone else out there for me. You, too. And not just a night. Mick says ship's ready. You hit that? She smacks his head. Shut up. Waverider leaves. Kara asks Alex if she's ready? So so ready. Kara thanks them for the wedding invite. Iris and Barry are going to a Justice of the Peace. Quick and simple. Hugs all around. Kara and Alex leave. Iris says all we have to do is exchange vows and rings. barry asks a mayor can marry them? Then picks up Diggle. He throws up again. Give me a warning next time. He's ordained, so he can marry them now. Iris has her vows. Barry didn't need to write his. My life - first is change. No matter how different things became, I always had the other thing - you. You've always been there as a friend, partner, as the love of my life. you're my home, Iris, and that's the one thing that will never change. Iris says when I was 9, I wanted to be a ballerina. and I froze at the recital. Then i saw you. You climbed on the stage and did the whole routine with me and we killed it. Then I knew with you by my side anything is possible. The Flash is the city's hero, but you, Barry Allen, are my hero. I'm happy, excited, and honored to be your wife. Diggle pronounces them... Wait! Felicity asks can you marry us, too. What? She rambles to Oliver, says my greatest fear is losing you and.... Oliver says yes. I do. I do. John, what do you say? Dig has tried to keep them together for 6 years. Only fitting I marry you now. Vows? Nope. We can't beat theirs. Oliver says you're the best part of me. I'm a better human being just because I love you. John skips to declaring all of them married. Husband and wife. Please, kiss your brides.
Next eps - midseason trailers online.
Nice moments with the weddings. Except the Olicity thing, while people do this decision under heightened circumstances, hasn't been earned this season. It feels too fast. As an editor, reader, and past writer of romance novels, the major thing about getting a couple to their happy-ever-after as a writer is you have to EARN IT. It has to feel, for the reader, that this was the only conclusion possible. And "Arrow" hasn't done that. But, it's probably the last season, so it probably had to happen at some point. Why they had to step on Iris and Barry's wedding, though? I don't know. I get is WestAllen fans are miffed now.
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