ALWAYS AND FOREVER - Intent on saving Hope's (Danielle Rose Russell) life, Klaus' (Joseph Morgan) plan will change the lives of the Mikaelson family forever. Daniel Gillies, Charles Michael Davis, Riley Voelkel and Yusuf Gatewood also star. Lance Anderson directed the episode with teleplay by Jeffrey Lieber and story by Julie Plec (#513). Original airdate 8/1/2018.

Episode 13 - Series Finale
Elijah pleads with Klaus to put the stake down and let's talk. Klaus wants to be rid of the dark magic once and for all. Hope arrives and asks what's happening? Death? What.......they put it into you. You tricked me! You kill yourself and the magic goes away? Elijah pleads. Klaus tells her he's sorry. I've made my decision. She's made hers and knocks him out.
Kol is not happy about this. Klaus is chained up and veiny. Kol says how many times will we play this game? He's a cockroach that will outlive us all and we're immortal. He's going home. He doesn't think Klaus will care or notice if he's not here. Elijah says Kol will come back. Rebekah doubts.
Freya telling Hope the danger about Klaus. Hours. Today? Yeah. Hope will pull the darkness out and divide it again. Freya says we'll be divided again. Hope says we keep him asleep. Freya says there's not enough magic in the world to slow this down.
Wake up, boy. Wake. Up. Now. Mikael in black. Put down by your own daughter. You are a waste and a stain on my legacy. Camille says don't, he's trying to bait you. She's wearing a white blouse. Mikael tells Klaus to find Hope and show her how we dole out discipline in this family. Murder her. The girl is right upstairs. Kill her. Kill your daughter. It's the only way to make it right. Camille says don't listen. Get out of here and run. Just run.
Kol in the car. He stomps on the brakes for Rebekah in the road. Get out of the way! Not a chance in Hell.
Marcel and Hope. It's Mardi Gras out there. Klaus is wandering the streets. She wants to find him. Better than being fatherless. Marcel chases after her. She doesn't want to be an orphan at 15! Who will take care of me? You? Uncle Elijah? No, because you have your immortal life to go to. She walks away into the crowd.
Freya and Elijah discussing this. She says it's not your fault. He says if Klaus destroys himself in a rampage of bloodshed......he can't die like this. I won't allow it. Freya finds Klaus in the Quarter. Her locator spell shows the Darkness is all around him.
Klaus fought something imaginary in an alley. Hope arrives and asks him home. Mikael tells him to kill her. Only way to make it right. Camille says I know your heart, you're so much better than this. Elijah breaks Klaus' neck.
blue binder with a raven on the side. Where is it? Freya looking for a cycling spell. Vincent's place. She asks why he's packing? He's leaving New Orleans. How long? For good, Freya. She wants to tell him something. I was going to wait for Keelin to get back from the lake house. We decided to start a family and we wanted someone we cared about and respected to be the father of our child. Just think about it. Don't say anything now. He finds the binder. She smiles. We're not done talking.
Kol and Rebekah bicker. He says happiness is a choice you're incapable of accepting. I'm going home to the woman I love instead of wallowing in this co-dependent nightmare. Rebekah says he's matured. If we turn out backs now, we're no better than the monsters people call us. He never bought into Always and Forever. She says you really don't care? He doesn't. She says you're even less of a man than I thought you were. She stomps off down the road.
Hope looking at memories.
Klaus wakes veiny. What have you done? Elijah says what I've always done - followed you into the fire. Freya channeled energy into me. Gives you time. Klaus wants the stake. Elijah says in good time. You owe it to your family, your daughter, to say goodbye. Klaus doesn't want a lecture. You don't know the agony of being a father. Loving someone so much you'd do anything to spare them pain. Elijah has some idea. Klaus says You have to let me do this my way. Alone. No goodbyes. Elijah says I could stop you. Klaus says you could try. Please... this last time, let me be. Elijah steps aside after a moment.
Klaus on the balcony. Caroline arrives. If you're here to stop me.... She's here to collect a debt. She plays the voicemail he left her. Showing her New Orleans. You saved it. You owe me a tour.
Vincent calls Freya's decision rash. She says you're afraid. He admits yes. She says this child will be different. A kid with a pack and a coven. I want a better future with Keelin and you. We're family. He says love sometimes means saying no. I'm sorry. No. You have to choose someone else.
Marcel drinking. Rebekah says I have 3 brothers. He says the mikaelsons have always been complicated. What does that say about me? Her heart is breaking. He says they're family and you love them, and so do I. She says Kol is right. Happiness is a choice. She kisses Marcel. Strips his shirt off.
Klaus and Caroline in the bar. He asks if she'd be here if he had longer to live. She says the chase was the fun part. Say goodbye to your daughter. Give her real closure. He says closure is a myth. She says if you leave Hope with questions and pain and anger, you'll haunt her, and that's not your end game. he doesn't know how to say goodbye. She says one of you stands, walks to the door, and doesn't turn back. Even if their heart aches for one more moment, not looking means I'll never forget you. She kisses him. Then gets up and leaves the bar. He watches her pause but not look back.
Hope with Elijah. Elijah says Klaus is hurt and scared. he cares too much. You've accomplished in 15 years what I couldn't in 1000. This isn't abandonment. He's afraid. Klaus arrives. I'd like a moment alone with my daughter, please. Elijah says of course.
Bonus moment - Caroline realizes Klaus has a type. Blondes with hearts as big as the sun who are fierce.
Klaus says don't look at me like that. She says this isn't right. Elijah was willing to take the curse completely. Klaus won't let another man take that on. I love you. I love you. Children bury their parents, it's the way of the world. Every day. She says I just got you back, so why today? He says I have not lived an honorable life. But this. This is an honorable death and I can do it, Hope, because you've made me feel something I didn't think was possible. Unconditional love. My daugther. My heir. You're my heart. He pulls her close.
Rebekah and Marcel cuddling. Remember when Klaus stopped sleeping. He was so paranoid we would be plotting against him. Almost caught Marcel sneaking out of her room. He hid in a crawl space for 12 hours. Elijah and Freya and Keelin. Hi. Heh.
They share memories about Klaus's exploits. About the art. All Klaus's passions about what was brilliant and not. Kol arrives. He brought a bottle. Elijah says bourbon is never redundant. Kol says you were right. If this is Nik's last night, I didn't want to miss my chance to bitch and moan because he is a tremendous ass. Klaus agrees. But he also secretly adores his youngest brother. Don't stop on my account. If this is to be my funeral, let's get on with it.
Last family dinner. Lots of laughter and smiling. Throwing a napkin. Klaus at one end and Marcel at the other. Family toasting with each other. Klaus with a happy smile. When have they ever all looked this relaxed?
Still at the table. Hope isn't simling. Marcel says I will never abandon you. Breathe my name... She thanks him. Rebekah says time for the wish burning ceremony. They gather at the bonfire. Elijah tucks one in his pocket. Klaus says as much as I've savored the joy of tormenting you over the years, you all mean everything to me. Your loyalty and council and love. Only reason I've survived as long as I have. Which is why I know you will come together time and time again to take care of each other. And that is why I am not afraid for your future. (Hope.) Elijah says we may not choose our family, but that bond is our greatest strength. Klaus may be leaving them tonight, but this is not the end of the Mikaelsons. Always and Forever. Always and Forever. He holds Hope's hand. I need a moment. They walk away. Elijah has something else to discuss.
Hope wants to go with Klaus. He doesn't think she should. She will make him proud. I will go back to school and be okay. I'm a Mikaelson and I promise I'll do right by our name. He knows. I love you more than all the days and nights. Deeper than the oceans and the skies. She loves him, too. How do we do this? He wishes he knew.
Our to the benches. Elijah and Klaus and Rebekah. Many moons ago, we sat here and discussed the future of our family. He tells Rebekah I never should've gotten in the way of your happiness. I spoke to Caroline about the cure. In a handful of decades, go to Mystic Falls. If you no longer wish to be a vampire, it's your choice. I insist. She thanks him and hugs him. Looks to Elijah. She hugs him, too. He kisses her neck. She leaves them. Klaus doesn't want the last memory of him to be his death. Let's not say the sad goodbye. Elijah agrees. Let's not. He breaks the stake in two. Klaus asks if he's holding on to a souvenir? Elijah shakes his head. I intend to die by your side.
Klaus says I'm dying, you're not. You're free of the md king brother. You can do whatever your heart desires. Elijah says this is my heart's desire. We didn't choose what we are. I'm stealing it back. I saw a future of everyone I love, then I looked at mine. My purpose has always been your redemption. Klaus says you're a hypocrite. You slipped away without telling a soul. Elijah says I told them. I'm redefining always and forever. I follow you to this adventure, whatever lies beyond. They gave me their blessing. Klaus asks what about Hope? Elijah told Kol if he doesn't look after her, I'll come back and haunt him. Klaus says she's the best of me. Elijah agrees.
She's painting the family. Hayley watches behind her, smiling. Hope looks over her shoulder.
Freya and Keeling snuggling. Vincent returns. Two witches and a werewolf. This kid's going to have one hell of a temper. Really? He was staring at his suitcase. If Klaus can sacrifice everything for his family, maybe I can find the courage to deal with the possibility of loss. Freya hugs him.
Marcel says if I'm leaving, so are you. No more vampires. Train leaves in a couple hours. Rebekah asks if there's a ticket for her. She wants to be with him. But there's a catch. He says there always is. She's going to take the cure. Marcel Girard, you're my friend, my partner, and my love, and if you're willing to have me for the next 100 years, watch me get old and gray and take my last breath, I'd very much like to be your wife. She hands him the note that said yes. He says I do. The wall shows treasured photos of the lost.
Klaus and Elijah. Klaus says what if there's nothing after this. No peace. Just darkness. Elijah says we face it together. Always. Klaus says he doesn't deserve his brother's love. But I am so grateful. It's been a glorious rise, Niklaus, and the greatest honor. They position to stake each other. Smile and plunge. Then turn gray. And still. And dissolve to ash from the head down, floating into the night.
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