ALL HANDS ON DECK – Sam (Jared Padalecki) enlists everyone’s help in trying to track down Dean (Jensen Ackles), who can literally be anywhere. Meanwhile, Castiel (Misha Collins) may be in over his head after meeting up with an unreliable source. After being drained of his grace in season 13, Jack (Alexander Calvert) is adjusting to life as a human, learning new skills and figuring out how he fits in to this world of hunters. Thomas J. Wright directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb (#1401). Original Airdate: 10/11/2018.

Image credit: The CW
Episode 1:
The Road So Far. ACDC Shot Down in Flames.
Now - Sam in the Impala. With a beard. Turns the radio off.
Man on a bed. Turns the phone alarm off. Muslim on the prayer rug. Prays to Allah. Michael appears. Hello, Jameel. You've read all about me. Recites a phrase in Arabic from the Koran. The other one, the better one. Michael. There we go. Jameel asks why are you here? Michael says that's the question. Why are we here? He's here to ask a question. He's asked all sorts of people. Now I come to you. What do you want? If you can have anything, name it. Jameel says peace and love. Michael says you never would've left Syria and abandoned your friends to die. Or gone into that broom closet with what was her name? Your wife wouldn't have left and you wouldn't be living in this rat hole. You're lost and not worth saving. Jameel asks what do you want? Michael says what I've always wanted. A better world.
Bunker. Mary at the table. Weapons. Long-haired man has made bullets etc. Girl pulls a tooth out of a man's shoulder. Soup's on, who's eating? More come into the room. Sam returns. Hugs Mom. She asks how's Atlanta? It was a bust. The woman had one too many hits of the brown acid. Ketch is in London. Cas is in Detroit. 3 weeks since Michael took over Dean. She says something will break. It has to. He says you keep saying that and yawns. He's served a bowl. Vamps on I-90. Sam gives out orders. Maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway? No. Sam will do it. Mary pushes and he says he's good. I'm good, I am. Hey, how's Jack?
Bobby training Jack. Watch for that left. Jack has never had to fight before. Bobby says you'll get used to it. It ain't how hard you hit. It's how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. Jack asks if that was Gandhi. LOL. They start again.
Honky tonk. Man enters in a suit and sunglasses. Castiel, darling. He orders from the bartender. Cas takes water. Suit sits at the table. Cas is surprised he wanted to meet here. It's a demon. I need information. Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is? Demon asks how did you lose Dean? Thought you were joined at the....everything. Asks what's in it for moi? Cas threatens him to tell all he knows or I burn you to ask right here right now. Demon says we can do better. The bar is full of them. Cas takes out his knife. And they grab and beat him. And beat him.
Church. St. Anthony's. Jo leaving. Alley. Michael confronts her. Who are you? He says you don't recognize me with this pretty face? You're....... oh God. He says we need to talk. She says you're Michael from another world and possessing Dean Winchester. Why would he say yes to you? Love. She wants to go. No. Not until I ask you what do you want? She says I don't know, then rattles off designers. She doesn't know what this is. He says I asked and you lied. She says she didn't. He says I know you because he knew about you. You pretend to care about these things, pretty things, but you're pretending. These trinkets don't make you happy. You want love. To belong. Have a place. A home, a family. It's very human of you, and so, so disappointing. I can sense how many angels are in this world. Not many left. I thought I could help. But if they're all these sad, lost, fallen things like you, maybe they're not worth saving, either.
Sam visits Jack in his room. I chatted with Bobby. Sits on the bed. You may have had a rough day today. Jack says it was fine. Sam says I know it's so hard without your grace, your powers. But you can get past this. I know you will. I have faith in you and I believe in you. Mary says Sam, he's awake. Sam has to.....we'll talk later, alright?
Did he say anything? Mary didn't talk to him. Barely look at him. Sam goes in the room. Lucifer's meat suit. Turns the light on. Bed is on a devil's trap. Hi, Sam. Hey, Nick.
Nick saw a woman that asked for his control. Lucifer.
How'd you sleep? Nick says okay. Didn't wake up screaming, so that's a plus. Nightmares getting better. Sam asks to see the wound. Prepares to clean it. Looks like it's healing. Nick says it itches a lot. Nick doesn't get how Lucifer could die and I lived. Sam says the blades are to kill the archangel and not the person. Nick says must be weird to look at me and see him. Yeah. But Sam is glad he's dead. Nick, too. He only has bits and pieces. Nothing about Dean. And Michael? Did he tell Lucifer about his plan? Nick says He wanted to do it right this time...?
Phone buzzes. Cas. Demon says hello, Sam. I'm the boy who's got your angel. If you want to see him again, you know, alive, we should probably chat.
Sam checking weapons. And Bobby. It's a trap. Yep. This guy is a demon. Seemed proud of it, too. What do we do? We get Cas back. Sam giving orders again. Maggie with Bobby, Mom you're with me. Jack says I'm coming, too. I'm not as strong as I used to be, but I can help. I have to. Sam says okay. Bobby disagrees. Sam says we keep an eye on him. He needs this, Bobby.
Demon offers coffee to Castiel. Demon likes the taste. Cas asks why are you using me as bait. Demon says it's what you're for. And I need something from Sam Winchester. Recently, I had a revelation. Someone asked what I wanted. And after 600 years, I didn't know. So I gave it a good think, and I realized exactly what I wanted. What is it? Everything.
Impala. Mary says it's going to be fine. Sam says stop saying that, please. You don't know that. Dean's gone. We don't know if he's still alive. Michael could've burned him out or worse. She knows. She knows Dean is out there scared and alone. I know he might never come back. But I can't..... I have to think about the good, Sam, or I'll drown in the bad. For Dean's sake, I can't do that. We can't do that.
Bobby and Jack. You saved me and mine on the other side a dozen times. Whatever happens, we got your back. Aww.
Arrive in daylight. Sam gives Mary the demon knife. They'll search me. Safer with you. Sam enters the bar. Demon introduces Sam to the room. I have heard so much about you. You're a damn legend, an icon. The shoulders, the hair. You are my Beyonce. Sam asks Cas if he's okay. Castiel is more embarrassed than hurt. Demon is Kip. Sam says I'm here like you asked. Kip says I told you to come alone. Jack and Maggie brought in through the back. Kip needs a bit more now not to eat them. Capitalism, you understand. So, let's make a deal.
Kip asks Sam to sit. No? Suit yourself, barbarian. Sam asks what do you want? Kip says Hell is in a bit of a pickle. Sam doesn't care. Kip says you do, or you will. Hell is without a king. That's not right. Kip wants to work with him, not against him. I can hurt them, but choose not to. I want the Crowley deal. Sam says we never gave Crowley that deal. You've got good lines, but you're no Crowley. I know that and so do they. Kip laughs. I know I'm not that SOB. In life, I rode with Genghis Khan, so do you think I like prancing around like this? I would eat your heart. But a king has an image to maintain and I'm not afraid of you. So they are. So take the deal before I show you who I really am. What do you say, darling? Sam Kip says are you sure? I know things. All sorts of things. Like? Bobby comes in firing. Mary, too. Then he gets kicked. Mary tosses the demon knife. Kip tosses him. Mary fights a demon at the bar. Kills it. Jack tells Maggie to stay low. Bobby getting kicked. Jack says get away from him. Bobby mutters oh, balls. Mary gives Maggie an angel knife. Sam struggling with Kip. Jack getting beat. Maggie saves Mary. Demons grabbing them all. Jack knocked out. Sam takes advantage of Kip's arrogance and kills him with the knife. Enough! There will be no new king of hell. Not today. Not ever. Anybody wants the job, they can come through me. Understood? What's it going to be? Demons all smoke out. Sam says that's what I thought.
Sam with the phone and a beer. Ketch is in London looking for the device that kicked Lucifer out of the president. Ketch can't find it, so another dead end. Awesome. Sam doesn't blame Cas for going to the demons. If it meant finding Dean, I'd do anything.
Mary and Bobby. Not bad today, old man. You, too, sunshine. Aww.
Jack says he's find. Cas and Jack bleeding. Cas says you did well. We all got punched in the face. Jack is frustrated without his powers. Cas says your grace should regenerate in time. Jack says I'm useless. I don't have anything. Cas says that's not true. You got me. All of us. You have your family. And we are going to find Dean and beat Michael and we'll do it together because that's what we do.
Sam goes to a room. Unloads his pockets. unknown number calls. Hello? Sam? Jo? Yeah. We have a problem.
Michael says you know exactly what you want. Your want is pure and simple and clean. That's why you are worth saving. We'll work so well together. Because you? You just want to eat. Vampire!
Next ep - CW didn't show the promo.
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