
Monday, February 4, 2019

#Arrow150 7.12 - "Emerald Archer" live blog #arrow

“Emerald Archer”

ARROW FILMS THEIR 150TH EPISODE AS A DOCUMENTARY ENTITLED “THE HOOD AND THE RISE OF VIGILANTES” NARRATED BY KELSEY GRAMMER — The 150th episode of “Arrow” showcases a documentary entitled “The Hood and the rise of vigilantism” starring Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), and the rest of Team Arrow. As a camera crew follows Oliver and team around to talk about their past as vigilantes and what the Green Arrow means to Star City, Oliver must also deal with William’s (guest star Jack Moore) return from boarding school as well as a new threat to the city. The episode will feature “documentary footage” captured by the BTS crew and interviews from those who have worked alongside the Green Arrow. The documentary is narrated by Kelsey Grammer. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#712). Original airdate 2/4/2019.
Episode 12:
Episode 150.

Warner Bros. Pictures. Quentin! 2014 SCPD Chief. He doesn't condone vigilantism. But sometimes, as much as he hates to admit it, the police aren't enough to deal with it all. 

Emerald Archer - The Hood and the rise of Vigilantism.

Thea! Star City is a very dangerous place. If the police can't protect the people, then the people need to learn to protect themselves.
Diaz interviewed. Vigilantes are criminals. 
Sara Lance. The world needs a protector, someone to keep it safe. No one should have to lose their family or someone they love.

Do the ends justify the means. Does the law have to be broken to uphold it. 2016 footage. 

Oliver Queen deputized.

Syn! Cindy Simone. They helped me out of a couple of pretty tight spots. But I saw the toll it took on them. It's real. And it takes everything from them.

Oliver talking about his own experience. Now my life has never been better. I don't have to wear a mask anymore. If I could've, I would've done it this way from the start. Felicity brings William home. Oliver hugs him. I think I've grown out of "kiddo". Oliver explains what the cameras are doing here. She couldn't get funding to finish the doc until Oliver was unmasked. Oliver doesn't want his son on camera, so they cut.

Felicity says the vigilantes are heroes.

Diggle talked to in 2012. Oliver's welcome home party. Oliver Queen is no one's hero.
John interviewed now. Oliver has changed, grown, as a person. 

Footage of Roy.

Dinah interviewed. He just dresses in green leather and runs around with a bow and arrow. That sounded a lot better in my head.

Oliver always thought he'd work on his own. But life doesn't work that way. Then I was leading a team. Not sure I'm meant to be a leader. Made a lot of mistakes.

Dinah and Oliver after a vigilante sighting. Sounds heard. Rene's hurt! He says they took the New Green Arrow. Oliver turns the camera off. 

Oliver says I told you to turn those cameras off. He confronts Rene for being out there breaking the law. Dinah and Rene bicker. Oliver asks about the New Arrow. Who attacked you? Exo suit, looked military. 

Dinah confronted about the circus. Town Hall on vigilantism. Oliver will have to justify his existence as the Green Arrow. The mayor will force him to.

Felicity at home. William wants it OFF. What you put on my tablet. It had to be you! She programmed a virus to protect the wifi. It wasn't personal. He's still pissed. She says really good job on finding this. Want to talk? He asks why he wasn't allowed to come home for Christmas. I was the only kid left at school. Then Dad is in the middle of making some movie. She's happy he's home, we missed you. He says then you shouldn't have sent me away. 

Oliver goes to John to find New Arrow. He wants help. She was abducted and I need to find her. She's my sister. Thea? I have another sister. My mother wasn't the only one to have an affair. John now agrees to help find her. Oliver has known a month. We haven't been running in the same circles lately. John says nearly a year. Curtis gets told Oliver needs access to the satellites. 

Starling City Athletic Club. Oliver says her name is Emiko. My father abandoned her. Mother didn't help any. He and John break in. A makeshift base. Helena's mask. And Emiko's. Ragman's. Rene's. Someone is hunting vigilantes, taking trophies.

Laurel's interview. Vigilantes know they aren't doing right, or they'd stop hiding behind masks.

Rory! Ragman is still helping people out there.

Rene cares about the people. Are you surprised people don't trust the politicians to fix the city?

Curtis calls Oliver a hero.

Barry interviewed. Oliver is unbelievably damaged. He's lived through a lot of darkness. He doesn't want anyone else to go through what he's gone through. Barry lies about not knowing Oliver was the Green Arrow until the unmasking. 

Curtis rambling too much in front of the cameras. Chimera is at Adam Hunt's building. Police raid with John. Chimera starts shooting. Oliver yells to get the film crew out of here and goes after the guy. They film them fighting. Oliver yells to get out of here now. John shoots the guy out the window. Dinah calls for Oliver. 

Emiko is hurt bad. He's coming for you, Oliver.

Someone at Rene's place. Zoe tells him to listen to Dinah. William asks if Zoe is home. Yeah, she is. Your folks know you're here? She texted Will about her geography homework and he offered to help. Rene is bothered by not knowing they've been talking this whole time. I'll be in the next room, cleaning my gun. She asks how it is to be home? He says it sucks. She asks what's wrong? She pushes. Promise we'll never fight instead of talk. He asks to stay. Doesn't want to go home.

John and Dinah and Curtis talking about Chimera in the hospital. Rory and Helena are missing. Oliver says Emiko has a concussion and broken ribs. She was in too much pain to speak. Dinah doesn't want Oliver to go to the Town Hall. Doctor says Emiko is not in her room. 

She's home. Rene walks in. You bailed at the hospital. Let me help with that. She says she can manage on her own. He says you are so stubborn. She confesses that Oliver is her half-brother. Robert Queen was my father. He says you left out a pretty important detail. She didn't want to risk changing things. You and me, working together. He asks why would it? Oliver's got his thing, we have our thing. Right? Yeah. We do.

Dinah on the phone with the mayor. Oliver says I've been keeping something from you. I needed some time to process the information before I shared it. The New Arrow is my half-sister. Dinah has lots of questions. So does he. She's not very trusting at the moment. Dinah says the mayor insists you go to the Town Hall tonight. She thinks we made up Chimera. He isn't forcing hundreds of people into a war zone. 

John and Oliver. Do the Town Hall. I have a plan. They go into a private room away from the cameras. Oliver knows John wants to draw Chimera out. He's out of the SCPD's league. John agrees. But not Team Arrow. Oliver says no. There's no Team Arrow anymore. John says there is, it's just changed. We had each other's backs. Give us a chance to have yours. Oliver says you could go to prison. John says we are a team. Nothing's going to change that. Oliver says I made a lot of mistakes. John says we all did. We learn from them. We move forward. We get better. They shake hands. 

**Wow, we have a decent episode and Guggenheim co-wrote it. How does that happen?

Town Hall set up. Mayor thanks Oliver for coming. They bicker. They shake hands for the public. Felicity on comms. Everything the doc crew sees, I see. Rene and Curtis suited up with John. 

Oliver and the Mayor debating. Lights shot out. Chimera arrives. Oliver and Dinah shoot at him. Oliver fighting with him again. He kicks Oliver through a railing to fall to the floor below. The man will settle for the hood. Want a mask? Here's 3. John and Curtis and Rene come in. Felicity analyzing the armor and figuring out how to disable it. Dinah uses her Canary cry to save people. Mayor is shocked. Felicity says The suit can't be disabled remotely. Oliver leads Chimera into a trap. They keep hitting Chimera. Dinah Cries him through a concrete pillar. Curtis gets Chimera tied up. Chimera is finally down. Curtis says we just saved all of you to the SCPD and press moving in. Mayor has the vigilantes arrested. The law is the law.

Kevin Meltzer. Just released from a psychiatric hospital. He just wanted the masks. Obsessed fan. 

Laurel visiting the vigilantes. She can decline to press charges. We don't have a lot of good options here, I'm sorry. Oliver apologizes. I shouldn't have let you go out there in suits. They say they made their choices.

Felicity confronts William about lying to her. You faked your school's website. You didn't take the exams. Why? He got expelled.

Mayor's office. Dinah walks in and puts her badge on the desk. She's resigning. She won't captain a dept. that arrests my friends. Oliver enters. He's here to turn himself in. Mayor says you really stick together, huh? She didn't know Dinah was one of them. And because you saved my life, it's supposed to melt my cold heart. The DA Office won't press charges. Tomorrow, you will deputize your friends. I believe in you. I expect results. And we couldn't have made it through yesterday without the help of vigilantes. Consider this your chance of proving me right.

Oliver leads the film crew into the bunker. Diaz and his crew happened here. He's going to rebuild this someday. Better this time. You have regrets about how you did it before? Too many to name. That's why they're called mistakes. You learn from them. Move forward. Be better.

Mia stole the documentary. She's with Connor Hawke. You'll want to come with me. She found the bunker by watching the film. God, it's dusty down here. Plants have overgrown the bunker and water leaks in. Feels haunted. She says vigilantes were the death of Star City and they got exactly what they deserved.

Next ep - I'll kill you all. Team tracking a killer.

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