JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN RETURNS FOR THE 300TH EPISODE - Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) look to occult lore for a solution to their latest problem, but instead of a resolution, they find much more than either of them had anticipated. Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester) guest stars. The episode was directed by Robert Singer and written by Andrew Dabb & Meredith Glynn. (#1413). Original Airdate 2/7/2019.

Episode 13:
Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days.
Pawn shop. Anything on the shelves 20% off today only. They says we're looking for the good stuff. The really good stuff. Hunter store in the back. Ever mess with dragon's blood? Dean says they want the Skull of Sarah Goode. Shop guy can help. Sam picks up an old bear and the guy says I wouldn't do that. Dean says that belongs to Bart. Worked out of Boston up until last week. Someone cut him in half. The man fires the dragon's blood at them. Then picks up a sword. Supposed to cut into anything with one swing. Dean shoots him in the back. They always talk too much. Sam goes through the ledger. Dean messes with the dragon's blood lol.
Entering Lebanon. Kids talking about the Winchester Brothers. He tells a scary story about the trunk of the car. That's them. Boys get out. All this stuff is lethal? Looks like. They enter a shop. Jack and Cas can give us a hand cataloging all this. It'll take your mind off things.
Kids keep gossiping. The girls need to go. Admire the Impala.
Sam still reading. A pearl that grants wishes. Sort of. It gives you what your heart desires. Impala just drove off! Dean grills a kid. Kid doesn't want to die. Sam says tell us what you saw. Boy says Max, new girl in town. Don't know where she lives.
Sam goes to the post office. He's trying to get the girl's address. Dean comes in and chats about her grandson. If you could help us out, I'd really appreciate it. Please. Sam's getting weirded out. Woman will tell where to find Max's mother.
B&E restaurant. It's skip day. Kids go to an abandoned house.
Max brought the stuff from the car into the house! Pizza arrives. The cigar box opens! A hand appears in it.
The kid rambles about the guys after Max. He's told Max can handle herself.
Boy goes to the restroom and the mirror freezes over. Ghost Clown grabs him!
Sam and Dean arrive in a vintage truck. Sam says the back seat is empty. Ethan is running out. He saw a ghost clown and it tried to kill him. Dean yells FBI, everybody out! Kids run. Sam points to John Wayne Gacy's cigar box. We should burn that right now. Dean says it's the best worst thing to ever happen. LOL. Sam can't light the lighter. Ghost Clown appears and rushes at Dean. Sam gets a match on the box and kids see the clown burn up. Uh. Hey. That was a ghost! Sam says there is no rational explanation. We hunt things. Evil things that shouldn't exist. If most people knew, they'd lose their freaking minds. Dean says what you saw today, that's our secret. The 3 kids say okay.
Home. Sam finds the pearl. Dean says let's do it. How? Sam says hold it and concentrate on what your heart desires. Dean picks up up from the bag. Lights flash. Go red. Something attacks Sam! And Dean. Then pulls a shotgun on them. Dad?
**John's a little worse for wear. What's with the buzz cut?
Sam? What in the hell? Sammy. Aren't you supposed to be in Palo Alto? Dean asks what year is it? John says it's 2003. It's 2019. How? Sam says I think we summoned you. John wants to know what's going on right now. They pour drinks. So you saved the world. More than once. It's all true. GOd, the Devil, and you boys in the middle. Now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer's kid. And you've done time travel before. A few times. Grandpa would be glad you're here. Sam says we're legacies because of you. John says so you've been busy. A little bit. John wishes he would've been here to see it. But he went out taking out Yellow Eyes. That was the point. Get the thing that got Mom. Mary calls for the boys. Mary? John instantly tears up. She's in shock. They go to each other and kiss. Sam nudges Dean to give them privacy.
Dean says this is amazing. I'm freaking out. Sam asks how'd this happen? Dean has wanted this since he was 4 years old. Sam says messing with time, things change. Dean wants ONE family dinner. Just one. Can you give me that?
John looking at the books. He's impressed by the bunker. Sam says it blew our minds, too. Where's Mom? She's off to make that casserole of hers. Sam says Dean and I tried to make that once. John says I screwed up with you, didn't I? Sam says it's okay. John says it's not. Tell me the truth. Sam doesn't want to talk about it. John says you didn't have a problem talking about it before you left. Sam says that fight was a lifetime ago. I don't remember what I said. Yeah, you did some messed up things. But when I think about you, and I think about you a lot, I don't think about our fights. I think about you on the floor of that hospital and I never got to say goodbye. John says I'm so sorry. Sam is sorry, too. But you did your best, Dad. You fought for us, you loved us. That's enough.
Mary gave Dean a note. Sam says're right. Want some company? In the car in to town. Dean will get the booze, you get the food. Jackson, give me your best stuff. It's Dean Campbell. I come in here like, always. Oh. Right. Sam says hi to Max. and she calls him a weirdo. Sam says hi to the postal lady and she closes the blinds. Dean Winchester wanted for $100,000. Dean shows a photo of Sam doing a Ted Talk. He loves kale. He has a law firm. He has no hobbies or family. Dean googled himself, too. I'm still hunting but. Sam says if we don't fix this, we become those other versions of us for real. If all this is different, what else changed?
Zachariah and Castiel.
Earth, always stepping in something. Come on, Constantine. Castiel doesn't understand that reference.
How will we tell Dad? Mom?
Zachariah needs to know who's been messing with time. We sensed a disturbance in the Force and in Heaven we're not super fond of those. This town, has always been a bit muddy for us. So I'll ask one more time, who's playing Back to the Future? Or, he murders you all. My name is Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord. He shows his wings and glows. Dean and Sam enter and tell people to go. Zachariah? Cas? You. This is all you. Dean says Cas, you know us. Castiel does not. Zachariah says to kill them. Cas and Dean fighting. Z choking Sam. What did you do? Sam stabs him with his own angel blade. Cas attacks both of them. Cas beating on Sam. Then he grabs Dean. Dean pleads with him to stop. Sam banishes him.
Very nice dinner set. Dean told John about the temporal paradox. If you don't go back, Sam never gets back in the life, and Mom, uh.....she never comes back. Sam thinks she'll fade away. John says me vs your mom, that's not even a choice. Does she know?
Sam is telling her now. How? The lore is pretty clear. We destroy the pearl and it unwinds all this. And John won't remember anything? No. She's crying. Oven timer goes off.
John tells Dean to give his mom a hand. I never meant for this. My fight. It was supposed to end with me, with Yellow Eyes. Now you're a grown man and I'm incredibly proud of you. I hoped you'd get yourself a normal life, a peaceful like, a family. Dean says I have a family. John says alright. What's next? Dean says we eat.
It's a quiet meal. Awkward. John says near as I can tell, we have 2 choices. Think about what's coming, or be grateful for this time together. He kisses Mary's hand. Whatever brought us together, we owe you one. Amen. They toast. Eat. Tell stories. Laugh.
Sam and Dean washing dishes. They seemed happy. It doesn't feel fair to get all this and throw it away. I know we have to. But once we send Dad back, it's like this didn't happen. He goes back to being dead. Can you imagine Dad in the past knowing what he does now? It'd be nice. Dean used to think that, too. For the longest time, I blamed Dad and Mom. I was angry. But why stop there. Send him either further back and let some other SOBs save the world. But what does that make us? I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are. Our lives are ours. Maybe I'm too damn old to want to change that.
Mary hates this. John, too. He takes her hands. My girl. Tears. I miss you so damn much. They kiss. Hug. You two. You take care of each other. Sam says we always do. Dean says good to see you, Dad. John is so proud of his boys. He hugs them. I love you both so much. Dean says love you, too. John is ready. He holds Mary's hand. Sammy? Sam picks up the pearl. John nods. John and Dean meet eyes. Sam crushes the pearl. John glows into nothing and he's gone.
Time goes back to how it's supposed to be in Lebanon. Kids think the guys are so cool. The girls hold hands.
Cas comes home. What happened? Sam laughs. Dean says that's a story.
Impala. Phone rings. John gets a call from Dean. No, I'm okay. I just had one hell of a dream. It was a good one. I'm on my way back. I'll see you soon.
Next ep - Jack. Rowena is curious. March 7.
So how does what John experienced fit into the show’s mythology? Does he actually recall what happened in 2019?
“I think it would create some problems for us, time travel-wise, if he remembered everything,” co-showrunner Andrew Dabb tells TVLine. “He thinks it is a dream. And it didn’t change him, it didn’t change our history, but I would like to think it did, for maybe just a small amount of time, soften him toward Sam [and] Dean. The John we see in Season 1 is very much not the John we’ve talked about who existed before Sam went away. That John was much more hard-edged… And I would like to think that, possibly, this dream, this experience that happened, marks that turning point.”
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