
Thursday, January 16, 2020

#Legacies 2.9 - “I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You” live blog #vampires #witches #werewolves

“I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You”

THE RETURN OF THE NECROMANCER — Back and ready to wreak havoc, The Necromancer’s plan for revenge on Malivore takes a turn when he realizes he is now a human and powerless. To mend fences with Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) offers to help her learn more about the mora miserium. Elsewhere, Alaric (Matthew Davis) enlists Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) help to find out if Sebastian (guest star Thomas Doherty) is a threat to the school. Jenny Boyd and Quincy Fouse also star. Carl Seaton directed the episode written by Thomas Brandon & Hannah Rosner (#209). Original airdate 1/16/2020.

Image credit: The CW

Episode 9, midseason premiere:

Man on the ground in front of a market. Sits up. Guard says you can't sleep here. The necromancer is human! But he doesn't know. He sees his reflection. What did Malivore do to me! The security guard keeps telling him to leave. Starts calling the cops. Necromancer is in Texas.

Hope at the school again. Friends not saying hi. Lizzie making out with Sebastian. Hope's room. What's all this? Alyssa moved in. Hope had a single. But Alyssa took the space. Later, roomie.

Ric tells Hope you're late for class. or are you lost. He doesn't know where they are, either. Hope says things are so awkward between her and Josie. Ric tells her to give it time. They find Spell Lab. Caroline wants them to find the real Vardemus. Ric wants to know more about Sebastian. Dorian will put his intern on it. Dad! Hi! She rambles and hurries off.

11 months ago. Ice cream shop. The Necromancer had to get a job. Ted. He tries to power a roach to live again. Manager tells him you're not wearing your crazy hat. I need you to be on time, participate in spirit days, and sing when someone puts money in the jar. Can you do that? Sure. Other employee Chad says don't let him get to you. Necromancer is sad to say I'm Ted.

Josie. Ric asks what's up? She got him brownies. I have to run. Love you. Leaves. Ric tells Sebastian to sit. I'm not convinced you belong here. We don't admit vampires over the age of 17. I might make an exception if you can pass tests. You'll spend time with the factions to see if you can control your urges. Stay away from my daughters.

Landon tells Sebastian about the school. Bas asks what powers a Phoenix possesses? Apologizes about last time. Landon says you're not the first person here who's killed me. He has an awkward run-in with Josie. Hope finds him. They catch up. Landon tells her he's testing Sebastian. Sebastian says I'll be on my best behavior.

Necro Ted ranting about real power. Any fool can get rich. But necromancy....the ability to manipulate life and death.... Chad believes it. Ted picks up a dead roach. Tries to raise it. And it lives! Will you be my acolyte? Yeah, what's an acolyte. Fancy word for follower. Somehow, I'll become The Necromancer again.

**The Necromancer being human is hilarious.

7 months ago. Ted trying to raise a black cat. Chad asks how long it's supposed to take? Necromancer says he doesn't know. Mammals are more complex. He needs to rebuild his skills step by step. Chad asks why Malivore sent you here. Ted can't remember who he stole the knife from. The cat is alive, then dead again. Necromancer has a tantrum.

Lizzie is reading Crisis on Infinite Earths. LOL. MG is surprised she's hanging out. She says keep providing me superheroes in spandex and we'll call it a wash. He says you hate this nerdy stuff. Lizzie says okay, I'm trying to not have sex with Sebastian again. Comic books are a literary cold shower. MG is offended and leaves.

5 months ago. Ted drinking, depressed. Chad trying to motivate him. Where is Malivore right now? Ted says he's a sentient pit of goo in rural Georgia. Chad says let's pee in that pit and show him who's boss.

Raf is with his dad for a few days. Werewolf beta doesn't like Sebastian staring. Bas prods Landon about not having skills to protect his lady love. So Landon wants to play handball. Bas versus the wolves. He eventually gets knocked down. Bas tells them well played and shakes hands. This is fun!

5 month ago. There's no goo in the pit. Someone closed the portal. Malivore was defeated. I can fulfill my destiny! Chad asks how do we level you up? Ted has to sacrifice what he holds most dear. He stabs Chad. Chad falls into the pit. Necromancer twirls the knife, hopeful again.

5 months ago. Necromancer whiting out his face. Puts in contacts. Cuts his forehead with a big knife. Rise....

4 months ago. Chad is alive again. Dude. What happened to your face? This is my true face! Behold, the mark of the underworld. I can now raise humans! Try this on. A red robe. I must become a mysterious symbol that terrifies and intrigues my acolytes. We have to go to a place that courses with power. Have you ever been to Virginia?

MG in the dining room. Wants to sit with the witches. Complains that Sebastian makes them look bad. Alyssa says run him out. We'll make him fail. She heads to the stairs and drops a plate. Blood on the floor. Dorian tells the vamps to clear out now. The room empties. Sebastian stops MG from attacking. Breathe. Breathe. It will pass. MG apologizes to him and Landon then speeds out. Bas says the witch broke that plate on purpose. Tells Landon are you sure it's me you should be worried about?

Josie does a spell. Sees dark things in the hourglass. The school on fire and her all dark veiny.

Necromancer and Chad arrive. We must set a trap for the next hapless chap that wanders through. I need a murder of pure, unbridled cruelty. In the cemetery. Chad is nervous.

Josie writing. Dorian asks about the hourglass. She says it was an assignment Clark gave me when he was Prof. Vardemus. Hope offers to help. Dorian says have fun and leaves. Lizzie told Hope about the black magic. I think I can help. You can't nullify the black magic inside, but you can put a barrier around the outside. I have the spell for that.

Necro and Chad. We may have to kill the tribrid. Might as well kill all her friends while we're at it.

Final test is hanging with the witches. Sebastian says witches love me. Hello, Elizabeth. Alyssa healed quickly. They have a crystal ball for empathic transfers. Can we read your emotions? Sebastian loves a good parlor trick. Alyssa says I sense fear. You're afraid they won't let you stay. They'll throw you away like trash. You know Lizzie is better than you and you don't deserve her. She keeps pushing until Sebastian tosses Landon. The witches give him a headache. Lizzie stops them. Let him go! He runs off.

Sebastian in the gym working his aggression. Have you come to gloat, Landon? Landon came to see if he's okay. Bas says he's not. He was sold to a merchant chip when he was 8. I ran away but the crew always found me again. Special punishments for me. It's a cruel world and I expect little from it. But Elizabeth wants me and I want her too. Guess it matters little since I failed your test.

Josie and Hope do the barrier spell. Josie thanks her. I couldn't have done this without you. Hope thanks her. Vincent said the clock will degrade over time. It'll dissolve no matter what we do. But we have time to figure out how to diffuse it. Josie says when I do magic, it's like I'm not me anymore. I get angry. Jealous. Hope says when I got out, I came here. I wanted to see you guys. I saw you and Landon having movie night. You looked so happy and I was so jealous. If the wrong person crossed my path in that moment, I don't know what I would've done. I tried to move on and got some of that wrong, too. But that doesn't mean we can't try again.

Ric reading a book about pirate vampires. Landon says Sebastian is no more dangerous than anyone else at this school. For what it's worth, sometimes people just need a chance to get things right. The book has a chapter on Sebastian the Merciless.

Sebastian bites a jogger. Ric shoots him with a crossbow.

Necro is sleeping. Chad picks up the knife. Prepares to stab. Necro opens his eyes. Chad can't stab. Necro says you're not in control of yourself anymore. I'm your eternal master. Now kneel. Chad figured it out. Malivore made you human to give you a shot at peace. If you'd lived out that life and made the best of it. He gave you a chance to start over and you blew it, Ted. Necro says don't ever call me that again. Takes the contacts out. His irises are white now.  My name is the Necromancer!

**Basic nature and choices. Free will is a bitch. Fully capable of screwing yourself over.

Sebastian asks how did you find me? Rick says locator spell. I can't let you loose in the world, but I know vampires can change. Follow my rules. Sebastian doesn't follow rules anymore. I can control your daughter's mind. How I love that control. I've had her, you know. All over that school. You can't protect her from me. You will fail as a father over and over and over again. The only way is to kill me. Ric prepares to shoot again.

Yesterday. Necro ready with a body. Chad's tone doesn't please him. Necro prepares with the son of Malivores body. Let's make us a portal.

Dorian in the library. MG comes with a book. What do you want next? Today sucked. Got anything for that? Dorian gives him a book. Have you met my new intern yet? Kim.

Josie and Landon talking about the clock. She didn't ask because she thought she'd be okay seeing him and Hope. But it feels really lonely. I push people away when I need them the most because I'm ridiculous. Landon says when Sebastian flipped out on the witches, I realized I could do nothing to help. I'm not one of the heroes here. She says you're not ridiculous. He wants them to be friends. They made Hope's room homey! We thought you might like it if we changed it up a little bit. Hope hugs them both.

Ric puts the crossbow away. Lizzie comes to his office. You kicked Sebastian out, right? Ric says I gave him an option to follow the rules but he chose to leave instead. Lizzie is pleased he chose to go. I'm relieved he's gone. She starts crying. It's good. It's good. Ric hugs her.

Necro with the goo portal. A monster comes out. Malivore promised you peace, didn't he? I can grant you freedom from death. All you have to do is pay a visit to the Salvatore school and bring me back what I need.

Next ep - voices of insecurity in your head. Hope manipulated.

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