AS GOD IS MY WITNESS – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Eileen (guest star Shoshanna Stern) are faced with the brutal truth. Meanwhile, Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Castiel (Misha Collins) work together in the hope of getting a step ahead of Chuck (guest star Rob Benedict). Robert Singer directed the episode written by Robert Berens (#1509). Original Airdate 1/16/2020.

Image credit: The CW
Midseason premiere, episode 9:
The Road So Far
Eileen in the casino. And Sam. Tied to chairs. Chuck says hi. Eileen is sorry. Sam says it's not your fault. Chuck guided her to this. A nudge, a convenient spell. Chuck gave Sam half the spell. You did the rest on your own. I needed eyes on the inside. Eileen says screw you. Chuck hates missing his favorite show. Sam says you're weak. Chuck says not exactly. But we're connected by these wounds. I'm stuck in this world. But all good things must come to an end. With a scalpel.
Cas and Dean. Dean called Sam and Eileen and no answer. Suspects they're in trouble.
Chuck says our wounds aren't healing properly because of you. I can't see it. I can't snap it away. But I know it's there.
Eileen activated her phone so Dean can hear.
Chuck figures it out. Takes her phone. Hi, Dean. bye, Dean. Throws the phone. Now, where were we?
Dean on the laptop tracking Sam's phone. Casino in Nebraska. We need to go. Cas says to Purgatory. Stop being so stupid. We attack Chuck now? We don't have anything to hurt him. We have to get the blossom. That's our chance to save Sam. To save the world.
Chuck can't cut into Sam's wound. You're stalling. No. Yeah. You can't get your hands dirty. You just like to watch. I don't know what to call that. Eileen does. Pathetic. Chuck says you're right. I do like to watch. Makes Eileen come at Sam with the scalpel. Cuts into Sam.
In Purgatory. What does the flower look like? Cas says it's likely the only flower here. Dean says Benny's probably king og this place by now. He wants to split up. Cas says no. They search.
Cutting into Sam. He tells Eileen it's okay. I know it's not you. It's not working. Chuck has her keep twisting in the wound. Sam says you'll keep cutting until I bleed out. Then what? Bring me back and try again? Chuck tells Eileen to clean herself up. How are you still like this? Defiant! This is.....hope. Ah. That's what's stopping me. You. You still think Dean and Cas will fly through those doors in the nick of time. You still think you're the hero of this story. You still think you can win.
Purgatory. Dean thinks they're going in circles. We've seen this corpse before. Cas says no, it's a different one. Monster comes at them. You're right. It is a different corpse. They thought it would never make its move. Dean threatens the Leviathan with Borax. He says they call it a blossom. Blooms out a corpse. Can take months. Dean asks about a vamp named Benny. No. But everyone's heard of him. He's dead. Long time ago. His own kind didn't trust him and ripped him apart.
Chuck says your hope is misplaced. Not saying you can't win. With the exact right roll of the dice, you could. But you don't want to. I'll show ya.
April 7th, 2020. Sam and Eileen at the laptops. Dean asleep. Sam tells him to go to bed. Dean says I'm just resting my eyes. Cas brings beers. Dean says movie night? Eileen will make popcorn. Jodi calls Sam. How's it going? was just supposed to be a little nest. Claire and I went in armed to the teeth, but there were so many more. She's dead. Jodi is bloody. Claire's dead.
Sam comes out of the vision. Chuck says that's just the beginning. Here's the rest. The other side of victory. Sam says you cannot change my mind. Chuck says don't you want to see the future?
Cas says sorry about Benny. Dean says I owed him my life. Cas says this place brings guilt out of you. Dean knows he's sorry. Cas apologized. But you refuse to hear it. You couldn't forgive me and you couldn't move on. You were too angry. I left and you didn't stop me.
Jan. 6, 2021. Sam and Dean in the Impala. Dean says we did everything we could. The place was crawling with wolves. Sam says the victims bled out on the floor. If Cas was still here.... But he's not. Current Sam is in the backseat listening. Dean says the monsters are winning.
Leviathan blossom. Cas in an angel trap. You tricked us. Eve has a beef with him. Dean attacked. Shoots it. Then he's knocked out by another.
Dean still out. Comes to. He's alone.
Nov. 3, 2021. Sam gearing up. Dean says we just got back. Sam wants to get the nest. Dean says it doesn't matter. It's time. Time to stand down. Sam asks what happened to Dean? Dean says since we lost everyone we care about? He had to bury Cas in a Malek box! What we do isn't hunting anymore. It's Whack-a-mole. We don't even save people anymore. Jodi is still fighting. Bobby has a death wish. Dean says Jodi does, too. And after Eileen, so do you. Sam asks what happened to Butch and Sundance? Going out swinging? Dean says we lost, brother. We lost. We're done. He walks away. Sam yells after him. Our Sam says this is a lie. Chuck, I know what you're doing. Chuck! Enjoying the show? You're just showing me this so I give up. Chuck says I'm just the messenger. Sam says Dean would never give up no matter how bad things got. Chuck says this is the truth, Sam. This is what comes next.
Dean checks the time. Less than 30 minutes left. He starts praying to Cas. I hope you can hear me. Wherever you are, that it's not too late. I should've stopped you. You're my best friend but I just let you go. It was easier than admitting I was wrong. He sniffs back tears. Gets on one knee. I don't know why I get so angry. I just know it's always been there. It comes out. And I can't stop it. No matter how bad I want to, I can't stop it. I forgive you, of course I forgive you. I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm sorry it took me until now to say it. Cas, I'm so sorry. I hope you can hear me, I hope you can hear me. Okay.
Nov 3, 2021. Sam is packed. I'm raiding that nest with or without you. Dean just drinks. Then I guess I don't have a choice, do I? They go upstairs. Sam pauses. Then they go. Leave the bunker. Our Sam says it can't end like this. Chuck tells him see for yourself. You're holding the watch. Sam advances time until it stops. Chuck says that's as far as it goes. End of the line.
Dean keeps looking for Cas. 2 minutes left. Cas sitting under a tree. You made it. Dean hugs him. Are you okay? Fine. Cas gave himself up. He waited until he saw the blossom. Fought and got away. Dean says you did it, Cas. Cas says we should hurry. Dean needs to say something. Cas says I heard you prayer.
Dec 9, 2022. Only way in. Let them come. We're outnumbered. What else is new? They'll go out swinging. Two men with guns. Bobby and Jodi there. Bobby says it's Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean are monsters!! Hunters outside the room. They bust in and Sam and Dean kill them. Jodi shoots Sam. Dean attacks her. Bites her. Bobby enters. Chops off Sam's head.
Chuck asks Sam, so, what'd you think?
**So Chuck wants Sam to think that monsters will overwhelm humanity without him existing? Since when has he been that involved? Angels would know it, if no one else. Older demons, too.
Chuck says it's a crappy ending. You and your brother deserve better. It hurts me to see you go out like that. You and your brother matter to me, deeply, you still do. I want better for you both. Sam asks where's Eileen? Chuck said he powered her down in a closet. Sam says I saw your plans. Cain and Able. Chuck says you like being monsters and killed off by your friends better?
Cas and Dean doing the spell with the blossom. Dean asks are you sure? Cas says you can't take the Mark again. I can. It's the only way. Okay. Made a sphere. Cas says you or Sam will have to destroy this.
Sam says it'll be better. If we win, when we win! When we beat you I will make it better! Chuck says you can't. You have been playing fast and loose with the Laws of Nature for a very long time. It's so heroic. So Promethean. But there's so much about the fabric of the universe you don't know. You can't know. Because you're humans. But I'm God. Think beyond what I showed you. The headline news. The monsters. Without me. Dark forces prevail, and monsters rule. Everyone you love will die. Can you really live with that?
Cas and Dean arrive in the casino. Find Sam. Help me! Chuck is close. Eileen hits Dean. Cas tackles her. Sam picks up a kife. Chuck says hi. Dean slugs him. You know I had to. Chuck hits him back. Me, too. Sam has the ball. Smash it now! Well, Sam? Sam! Sam can't. What? I can't. I'm sorry. I just can't. What did you do to him? Chuck feels better. Sam lost hope. Now I'm free. Take it easy on the kid. Took a lot to beat it out of him. He picks up the ball. Smashes it. Dean asks what now? You're not going to dust us. You're holding out for your big finish. We know how you think this story is going to go. Chuck says Sam's visions were my memories. Other Sam and Deans in other worlds. They did and you will, too. Dean says no. Not this Sam. And not this Dean. Go back to Earth 2 and play with your other toys. We'll never give you the ending you want. Chuck says we'll see and disappears.
Eileen packed. Sam wishes she'd stay. She wishes she could. I don't know what's real anymore. Sam kisses her. Tenderly. I know that was real. She caresses his face. But she's still leaving. Sam has tears.
Dean and Cas in the kitchen. Sam finds them. Did she leave? Yeah. Sorry. Sam says it was our chance to stop Chuck. But what Chuck showed me, what would happen if we trapped him, I believed him. I still do. Dean says that's good enough for me. Drinks. Sam asks what now? Cas says Chucks gone but... He'll be back. Sam wonders...... Dean says we find another way.
Jack in the Empty. Death appears. Billy tells him It's time.
Next ep - Bad luck for the boys.
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