"Adapt or Die" - The stakes are higher than ever when, after blowing their cover and damaging the Zephyr in the process, the team must scramble to rescue Mack's parents, save S.H.I.E.L.D. from a Chronicom infestation, and fix the ship ... all before the next time-jump. Meanwhile, Daisy and Sousa find themselves at a disadvantage against a power hungry Nathaniel Malick and his goons, and Coulson will have to do the thing he does best in order to save the future, on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 (10:00 - 11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, V) Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leopold Fitz, Henry Simmons as Director Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, and Jeff Ward as Deke Shaw.
Guest starring is Joel Stoffer, Tamara Taylor, Tobias Jelinek, Thomas E. Sullivan, Paulina Bugembe, Dawan Owens, Sedale Threatt Jr., Shakira Berrera, with Patrick Warburton and Enver Gjokaj.
"Adapt or Die" was written by DJ Doyle and directed by Aprill Winney.

Episode 6:
Happy birthday, Henry Simmons! Can you believe he's 50?
Data stream? Predictor has the threads of life. A new world blooms beneath your feet. Can you feel it? Luke feels the weight of Malick's death, of Insight destroyed. She points out the wins they got. He'll wake the Hunters. She says we must continue to adapt.
Luke has a LOT of hunters in pods.
Zero booster rating. Debris field. Insight is down. Stoner orders them to find the ship that killed it. May and Coulson brought to him. He's holding a steak. They get a faint signal on the Zephyr. Malick gave them an advance tracking system.
Jemma tells Enoch to engage cloaking. YoYo and Deke return. Mack yells at Deke for killing Malick. He orders Deke to stay put. YoYo tells Mack it's a trap. I'm coming with you. Mack tells Simmons to scan for Daisy and Sousa. Let's bring the pain to them for once.
Mack and YoYo in the Quinjet. He talks about what his parents did this day on the Bicentennial. There was a picnic and rocket pops and playing with his cousins. It's not supposed to be like this. She says we're good under pressure. He says This isn't how I imagined you'd meet my parents. Heh.
Lighthouse locking down. Stoner did not order it. Anti-aircraft missiles fired without Stoner's order. The system running on its own. Coulson says anything computerized is hijacked.
Zephyr takes evasive action and fires counter measures.
**Halfway through the season already. How high will the stakes climb for our team?
Daisy wakes. Sousa says good to see you move. They're drugged. And cuffed. Wrists and ankles. She can't quake. Malick's little psycho! Nathaniel comes in. He's not into the HYDRA religion thing. Meeting Daisy and seeing what she could do spoke to him. Your whole vibe is just great. She says this isn't the super serum, this is genetics. He quotes Reinhart. She tells Nathaniel she'll crush him. He wants her to show him. But she can't. He tells his men to start with her.
Stoner interrogation May and Coulson alone. Coulson tells him about the humanoids. They take our faces. May says they're called Chronicoms. Woman comes in and tells them enjoy their time in prison. Stoner's requested in the basement. They've got something. Coulson says let us help. Stoner tells them Malick is dead. May says the female agent, she felt nothing. Like you. She's a Chronicom.
Zephyr had a fire. Enoch shows Simmons a screen. The shielding for the time drive is damaged. When the drive jumps, it'll rip the plane apart. Jemma gives Deke direction. Jemma can't remember how to fix the ship.
Mack and YoYo burn into the wall to rescue his parents. Mack hugs his mom and they freak out. Who are you? YoYo covers for him. Mack promises to get them home. His mom says they were food shopping and a man kidnapped them in the parking lot. Mack leading them through the halls. YoYo in the rear.
Stoner and the woman. Head to the elevator.
Coulson and May arguing about the agent being a Chronicom. He doesn't appreciate this attitude from her. Nothing having an attitude is an attitude. I died and I came back. I didn't ask for that. You won't even tell me what you think. She says you die and you always come back. I'm not mourning you again. She's certainly not going to attach to a fake body with a simulated personality. He says see, your emotions are coming back. Unless you're mimicking me... They figure out the Chronicoms are adapting. Learned from Coulson that they can mimic human behavior to blend in.
Chronicoms are taking agents, stealing their faces, and taking over their personalities and lives.
Stoner brought to the newest duplicate and given an excuse that his authorization is needed.
Mack and YoYo and the folks. His father thinks it's a dead end. His mother says we've got 2 boys at home. Mack says the locks on this blast door are a lot like the brake calipers on a car. His dad gets interested in helping.
Coulson and May show up to fight the hunters and save Stoner. Stoner believes them now! Coulson says this is a Chronicom replacement room. His friends are dead. Stoner says we need to get people out and regroup topside. May brings up Mack. Coulson finds a hole in the floor.
Sousa peering through a hole. Daisy dragged in bleeding. Nathaniel took blood and spinal fluid and glands from her. Sousa puts her head on his lap and tells her how his leg was damaged in the war. It was a pulpy mess and I was completely alone. Mike Stevens showed up. He was a resolute ass. But that day, he kept talking to me. Carried me back from the line. Stayed with me. Hey... Stay awake. Stevens stayed with me. It was so cold. I thought we'd freeze. He kept telling me we're going home. At some point, I was on a field stretcher and Mike wasn't. So consider my yapping as returning the favor. We're going home, Agent Johnson. Hear me? We're going home. But you've got to fight. She hid a sliver of metal. He says plenty of fight in you after all.
Enoch fixing Simmons. Deke spies on this. Shocks Enoch out. Wakes Jemma. Deke, what have you done?
Coulson climbs down and finds the Chronicom pods. Puts his hands in the comm. Meets the Predictor. Bad time?
**If Mack's parents are duplicates, too, the Chronicoms won't have bothered to keep them alive, either. Losing them at a young age completely changes his life. That's devastating for children.
Working on the door. Mack's dad gets a cut. Mack goes to buy them time. Fights 2 Chronicoms.
Coulson asks where am I? A virtual space. His body is in their time ship. She says she's Sybil. I read the time streams. A predictor and a poet. Sweet. Not like any Chronicom I've met. She says you're not a person. What do you think you are? He says you answer every question I ask. She sees no reason not to.
Deke freaking out. He wants answers. Real ones. Jemma says he was fixing my memory so we can fix the ship. Fitz and I found a place where all their movements can be observed. No one can know where he is. She made an implant to suppress her memories. I named her Diana. Jemma is forgetting things she needs and remembering things she shouldn't.
Guy comes in for Sousa and Sousa attacks him. Gets the cuffs off. Picks up Daisy. A quake is happening. It's Daniel! He's bleeding out. My bones are cracking. The building falls on him.
Sybil tells Coulson what Nathaniel did. Will Daisy survive? 86%. That's my girl. She wants to preserve her species. He does, too. He asks why you and not us? She says humans have limited time and fear death. Chronicoms cannot die. Time has no consequence. We're less fleeting. We'll exist long after you're gone. He says you're wrong about 3 things. First, we sacrifice. Time is limited. Sacrifice comes at a real cost. Not just data. Heart and pain and blood and sweat and tears. All the good human stuff. We will never give up. And you're wrong about me. I haven't feared death in a long time. Dying? It's kinda my super power.
Coulson leaves the virtual world. May, if you're out there, I found the ship. I just hope you're right about this next part. He blows the explosives! Destroying his body and the Chronicoms.
**The Zephyr has Coulson from the Framework, so he'd be built and uploaded with that plus the knowledge of the team again, but it still leaves holes. They won't have what he's thought and discovered since waking as an LMD.
**For the team, this season takes place in maybe just 13 days for 13 episodes. Maybe less. They haven't had a lot of overnights.
YoYo gets the door open. Luke attacks Mack. Stoner and May save Mack. They get to YoYo. May thanks Stoner. He'd still like to buy her a beverage. She says HR rules frown on it. She's level 7. You report to me. Orders him to clear the base and create a cover story. Yes, ma'am. They shake hands.
Where's Coulson? He's gone. Was he in that explosion? Is he dead? May says he'll come back. Always does.
Jemma getting worked on by Enoch again. Deke has to apologize. And you are a valued member of our family. Enoch says that's the greatest compliment one could be paid. Apology accepted. What does she remember? No Fitz. And no one can know about me. Can you carry this secret?
Mack's father impressed by the Quinjet. Mama talking to YoYo. she's telling me about her son. Her oldest sounds very serious. Mack suggests ATVs. The father touches May's shoulder when he thanks her for saving them. She can't take them to the Zephyr. Tells Mack I felt nothing from him. Check his arm. She feels his feelings and she's sorry. But you know it might be true. Check his arm. John asks why we're turning. Mack asks to see his arm. She asks why aren't we going home? Mack presses. John doesn't want to. Mack needs to see it. Mom says leave him alone. John rolls up his sleeve. He's a Chronicom! They attack the agents. Your parents have been gone a while. I harvested their skins. YoYo breaks John's neck. Mack fights the female. May gets back in the chair and opens the cargo door. The female pleads with Alfie. But they go out the door.
Zephyr on land. They're back. Mack. Daisy in the pod. Sousa sitting by. Deke says we're about to jump. Sousa says he's where he needs to be. Jump sequence powering up. They've jumped. Mack has his jacket on. He's taking his bike out. Deke asks where? Mack needs air.
**Poor Mack. He's had SO much tragedy in his life.
He's still in sight of the Zephyr. Deke comes to check on him. Jemma says the Zephyr is leaving, get back now. We're about to jump. Deke yells to Mack but the Zephyr disappears behind them!
Next ep - 1982! Sooooooooo very Eighties!
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