
Monday, October 7, 2024

#SupermanAndLois Season 4 Premiere! Episodes 1 and 2 - “THE END & THE BEGINNING” and “A WORLD WITHOUT” Live Recap

TWO-HOUR PREMIERE EVENT – PART ONE – Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) is locked in a brutal battle with Luthor’s monster; Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) and the boys race against time to save General Lane (Dylan Walsh). Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Brent Fletcher & Todd Helbing (#401). Original airdate 10/7/2024.

TWO-HOUR PREMIERE EVENT – PART TWO – Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui) and Sarah (Inde Navarrette) join the fight against Luthor (Michael Cudlitz), who starts making moves in Smallville. Jordan (Alex Garfin) and Jonathan (Michael Bishop) butt heads over an important decision. Sudz Sutherland directed the episode written by Katie Aldrin & Kristi Korzec (#402). CW Original airdate 10/7/2024.

Episode 1:

Previously - the fight against Bizarro turned into a monster by Luthor. He takes Superman into space. Superman fights back. Slam into the moon. They rush each other.

Now - the moon. Red on floating pieces. Is that the cape?

Putting out the fire in the barn. Johnathan wonders how it knew to come here. Luthor used Grandad's ELT. Lois needs to find her father now.

Luthor in town? Employee asks why he hasn't been back to Luthorcorp yet. It's been a month. He says he has other things to do here. There's a reason you're the only one I trust. She says consider it handled. Any word on Elizabeth? She left London before ou were released. Keep looking. She can't just disappear. Amanda wants to fix up the place for him. He says it's not a prison cell. It's enough for me. But there is one thing I need Milton to build.

Sam in a bag. Tied up and gagged. He's dragged. Date's not over yet.

Jordan listening. It's muffled. Lois says you have to keep trying. Help him. She leaves. The radiation makes my brain foggy. Jordan asks how you can be like that. Your heartbeat isn't racing. Johnathan doesn't give into the fear. Jordan doubts Dad can beat that thing. Dad was scared. Without Dad, I'm not ready to do all this without him.

Lois inside. Flashback. Clark asks if she's okay. Maybe a glass of wine? Something stronger? She has so many questions. Mom went into town to give us privacy. I'll answer any questions you have. Why tell me now? he says because I'm in love with you. You're mad? She kisses him. She wants to go to his bedroom, right now. He says, um, I've never.... I've never.... Oh. She loves him. There's no one else for me. I love you, too. Good. Then get ready to have a new best day of your life.

She's in the kitchen. Turns the ELT on. Where are you, Clark?

Mars? Monster and Superman fighting still. Blasting each other. Superman is missing his cape. The monster grows more horns. Uh oh.

Smallville, morning. Chrissy, have you seen the case file-- Lionel walks in. Lois says you threatened me. He was clear she doesn't get to print her words anymore. You should've taken my offer. Where's my dad?! He says you won't have the general or Superman protecting you anymore. Lionel says you like it in this small town? The aw shucks and apple pie. Seems fake. Maybe being here will change my mind. She's staying across the street. Lois says I'm not scared of you. He says you will be. It tested my in ways you can't possible imagine, at least not yet. Nice headline.

No one has seen or heard from Superman since the attack took place. Flashback to the Daily Planet. Lois spots a Kryptonite cut. It heals as soon as she pulls the piece out. They just got married. She doesn't want to be a widow. He boasts about his superpowers. He doesn't want her to worry. You're stuck with me, forever. Promise?

Abandoned warehouse. Kidnapper brings Sam a drink. You need water. He refuses. What do you want? The DOD doesn't negotiate with people like you. What kind of person does something like this? Her name's not Gretchen. But she did have a good time. She has a question. Had it really been that long since you'd been with someone? I'm glad I could give you that.

Listening in bed. Still can't hear Granddad. Jordan feels guilty. If he's dead, that's my fault. Jon says it's not your fault that Lex Luthor had a plan to kidnap him. So please, stop. You're right. I am. Now let's go eat.

Not-Gretchen gets a call. Anything change with the daughter? Luthor says Just more lies. One to the head, one to the heart.

Sam says that was Lex Luthor, wasn't it? She points a gun at his head. He pleads. I have three grandchildren. Whatever Luthor has on you, I can get you away from him. I can protect you. She kisses him. No one can hide from Luthor. You're a good man. Sorry it had to happen like this. Sam punches her and knocks her out.

Jon suggests Jordan fly into the atmosphere to listen. Lex walks into the diner. And sits with the boys! I take it you know who I am. You're a straight up psycho. Lex says 17 years ago, your mother and Superman put me in prison for crimes I didn't commit. This is my daugther Elizabeth. This is what she looked like the last time I saw her, dropping her off at school. She's the only person that loved me. Jordan says that sounds like a you problem. A townie asks if everything is okay. Lex glares at him and he sits again. Lex says your mother took her from me. Everything that's coming is justified. Then he leaves.

Lex and Lois in the Daily Planet. He says that recording isn't my voice. Do not run that story. This makes you feel powerful, doesn't it? She says she's reporting the thruth. He says you're trying to protect Superman. You've been after me ever since I discovered Kryptonite. Don't make me expose it to the world. She says Get out of my office.

Boys find Mom. They tell her Lex found them in the diner and admitted he's behind all of it. Jordan wants to stop this. She says no. Stay away from him, both of you! Focus on finding your grandfather, he needs our help.

Sam busts out. Man knocks him out from behind.

Full moon. Pretty pathetic hitting a woman. She says shut up, Otis. Lex arrives. I was going to make this painless, but then you decided to try to escape. I thought you should see your daughter's paper. Sam says at least my daughter still talks to me. Superman in peril. He always comes back. Not this time. Lex pushes him into the grave. Keep the sand wet. It'll make his choking more painful. Otis starts burying Sam.

Flashback. Lois had a seizure at the hospital. Clark wants to take her to the fortress. I can't lose you! She says no Kryptonian tech. She's in labor. She wants the doctor. But then won't let him leave to get her.

She's looking at a photo of them with the twins. Jordan heard Grandpa. It was faint. Like he was choking. Lois says Lex always keeps his word. Jordan hears the woman, his date. Lois says take me there.

Otis wants a shower and a beer. Lois and Jordan land. Where's my dad? Jordan launches Otis into a building. Lois hits Gretchen. Jordan unburies Sam. Gets him out of the grave. Lois hugs her dad.

Hospital. Sam thanks Jordan. What about Luthor? Sam says we need to talk about Clark. Lois asks the boys to give them a minute. They leave the room. Sam says Luthor showed me the headline. What'd Luthor do, exactly?

Lex waiting for the van. Otis and Gretchen. Lois Lane showed up with Superboy. They show him video. Stay hidden until you hear from me. Do not show your faces. Where are you going? To get what I asked for.

Lois tells Sam that Lex is coming after me. He wants to destroy my life. Now, with Clark gone..... Sam says he won't let his guard down again. And Clark? They've tried to kill him many times and failed. There's nothing in the universe that can stop Superman. She says there might be now.

Superman and the monster still fighting in space. Asteroid field. Superman crashes into rock. Trying to focus. It's coming at him again. He floats out. Powers up a blast. Lets the heat vision out. Screaming at each other. The asteroid explodes. Superman is floating unconscious.

Farm. Boys and Lois return home. She hugs them. I love you both so much. Love you, too. We are going to get through this like we always have, as a family. Jordan hears something. What's wrong? It's coming back.

The monster flying.

Town sees it land. Lois and boys get to the scene. Monster brought Superman back. Holds him up. Lois approaches. It tosses the body on the pavement and flies away.

Lex gets a device Milton made. Amanda says the last thing Brainiac needs is this going to his head. Need anything else? No. She asks about some company. Monster lands.

Lois approaches Superman. Jordan can't hear a heartbeat. She rolls the body and gasps at what she sees.

Flashback. Tells Superman she's in love with Clark from the paper. Memories of their life together. The good and the bad. How he took care of her. Loved her. no no no. This wasn't supposed to happen. No. The boys rush over. She grabs them. Weeping. They break away to look. Townies look on.

You have something for me? The monster DID bring the heart! Well done, friend.

Lois looks to the hotel Luthor says he's staying in.

Ep 2:

Townies perspective. Looking on from behind corners. The monster leaves and people come out. Friends reach the Kent family. Lana tells everyone to stop. Superman is Lois' friend, her good friend! Give her some space! Thank you, Lana. Lois tells Jordan to take Clark to the Fortress now.

Grandma, please, you have to save him. He's without a heart. She doesn't know what will help. Jordan says I don't care what you have to use. You have to save my dad.

Home. Lois and Jon waiting. Car pulls up. Lana and Sarah. Lana hugs Lois. Sarah hugs Jon.

Where did that thing even come from? Lex Luthor. You're sure? He blames me for putting him in prison. Lois tells her what happened. Lois says I could've prevented this. I don't know what to do. He even moved into the hotel right across from the Gazette. Lana didn't know that company buying the hotel was Luthor. I have to do something. Lois says Luthor will come after you and your family like he's coming after mine. Promise me you will stay away from him.

Sarah and Jon upstairs. I don't know if Jordan can recover from this. Lois still has to finish radiation treatment and reconstruction surgery. And Jordan....? Sarah says he'll figure it out.

Jordan tells them that Dad is in suspended animation. Lois thanks him.

Amanda asks Luthor what's going on. I thought you would return to Metropolis. You are letting your emotions drive you. What else are you trying to prove, Lex? He says Superman is dead. Can we please just enjoy the moment? She toasts to a brave new world. He says our world. Set up the meeting tomorrow. Okay.

Jordan returns from flying. Jon asks what are you hiding? Trying to track that thing. Dude, you can't fight it. I know. He wants to get Dad's heart back. Grandma says we might bring him back if we have his heart. Trust me. This is how we save Dad.

Morning. Jon worried Jordan will get hurt. Jordan says trust me, I can do this. Jon says doesn't it do what Luthor tells it? Jordan says you're right. Luthor probably has the heart. Lois is heading to the Gazette. Today? She can't sit all day and do nothing. Are you going to write about Dad? She wants him back, more than anything, but this is something even Superman most likely can't recover from. I know this is hard. But we have to face the truth. I'm here if you want to talk, okay?

Jordan tells Jon to distract her. I've got this. Speeds off. Jon says he'll ride with her.

Lana going over the sales agreement for the hotel. It was purchased under a shell corporation. Sarah says you're the mayor, unsign it. Jon is really worried about his family. They're not ready for Mr. Kent to be gone. Lana says if Superman can't stop Lex Luthor, how can we?

Meeting. Lex is told that the company needs help. Announce your vision for the future of Luthorcorp. Lex is staying in Smallville. Daily Planet wants to do an interview. Will you at least meet with their social media team? Jordan arrives. You're going to give me Superman's heart.

Sarah and Jon discussing it. She's worried. Talk to your mom.

Where is it? Not here. He presses Lex to a wall. Are you going to kill me? In front of all these people? You're not ready for this. When you make an enemy, you have to commit. Next time you come after me, you better be ready to kill me. Jordan flies away.

Lois writing The Death of Superman. Jon tries to stop her. She spots Lex at the hotel.

Confronts Lex. Mom, let's go. She threatens Lex. Lex says it's the second time someone from your family has threatend me. Should've known you're married to Superman. That's why you went after me. To protect your husband. He asks Jon if he has powers, too? The superhero business is dangerous. Lex says you didn't leave my daughter out of it and that's why kids are on the table. If you ever step foot on my property again, you won't walk out. Jon pulls her away.

Mayor's office. All the property sales of the past 6 months. We need to be sure they haven't been Lex Luthor. Lana's told this town needs investors. Lana says Luthrocorp has out thousands of mom and pops out of business. Chuck wants to talk about the Kents.

Jordan? You confronted Lex Luthor about your father's heart? He knows it was YOU! Jordan says it doesn't matter. Lois yells at him. Jordan says all that matters is saving Dad. Lois says you're not ready, you're NOT your father! Lana calls. I'll be right in. Jon apologizes. Lois tells the boys to stay in their rooms and do absolutely nothing until she gets back.

Diner. Sarah taking orders. Lex enters. Got a menu?

Lana and Lois. Chuck lost his wife a few years ago. When he saw you and the boys reacting, he knew. He promised he wouldn't say anything. Lois tells Lana about Jordan. The more I see why he uses his powers, I'm starting to think it's the worse thing to happen to him.

Jon enters Jordan's room. Jordan's sulking. Hears something. I can hear it. Dad's heart. Human hearts beat twice. Dad's heart beats 3 times. Jon thinks this is a trap. Jordan doesn't care. Luthor thinks I don't have what it takes to get it back, but he's wrong.

Sarah calls Jon and says Luthor's here. Now might be time to get the heart. He's at the counter facing away from the hotel. I'll keep him busy.

Jordan lands. He's at a shipping yard.

Lex asks how's the flank steak. She says they have a killer porterhouse. Takes about twenty minutes but I promise it's worth the wait.

Jon looks in the hotel.

Sarah brings him tea. Lana enters. Lex introduces himself. I have some business matters to discuss. She says call my office. Then tells Sarah to come with her.

Jordan takes out a guard.

Lana asks why she was being nice to Lex. I know you. I know you're up to something. Sarah says she's trying to keep him busy so Jon can sneak into the hotel and find their dad's heart. Lana tells her to text Jon to get out of there. Lex is gone. Left money on the mug.

Jon seeing a board of photos and stuff about Elizabeth.

Jordan opens a crate. Keeps looking. Opens another case.

Lois comes home with pizza. Phone rings. Clark. Lois? She says I'm so happy to hear your voice. I thought you were dead. He says I am dead. As dead as one of your boys is about to be.

Jordan hears men outside.

If you want Jordan to live, press 1. If you want Jonathan to live, press 2.

Lana finds Jon. Get home right now.

Jordan shot with Kryptonite beams. He stands up like his father would. Eyes glow. Tries to approach the goons. But he can't beat the beams.

The goons approach him. Jordan was playing possum. Where is Luthor? Sonic blast.

Lois still on the phone. You have ten seconds to choose. If you don't choose, they'll both die. She hits a button. Thank you for participating. Door opens. It's Jon. Where's your brother?

Lex walks in to Jordan. I told you you weren't ready. Jordan says I'm not leaving without his heart. Lex says who says you're leaving at all? Jordan wants the heart. Lex lifts it out of the box. Here. Drops it. Jordan reaches and his held down. Lex says I could kill you right now. Take you from your mother forever. But I won't. But I do have to take something. He stomps on the heart and Jordan screams. they leave him.

Alarm at the Gazette. Loiis and Jon rush there. Door is ajar. Jordan is weeping. You were right. I wasn't ready. Luthor destroyed Dad's heart. Now we can never get him back. She hugs him. He says I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

**Kid, you still bring the heart home and take it to the Fortress. If any heart can be brought back, even from being stomped on, it's Clark's.

Home. Jon says I told you it was a trap! We had one chance and he wouldn't listen! Lois says stop. This is what Luthor wants. Jordan says Dad's dead. It's my fault. She says no. You held onto hope. Like he would've wanted. You both did. Jon never thought Dad would die. He's....he was Superman. What are we supposed to do now....without Dad? She doesn't know. I don't know. But I think it's time we go say goodbye.

The hotel. Amanda arrives. She found an abandoned farm on the edge of town. Make an offer. She already did. She flipped someone at the DOD. Elizabeth made contact right before you got out. Lex says her mother's been poisoning the well for 17 years. It'll take time. Where is she now? The only one who knows is Sam Lane.

Lana is blocking the deal. But when Lex retaliates, it's only going to be at me. Sarah gets a text. They couldn't get the heart. I'm sorry, Mom, Mr. Kent is dead.

Fortress. Clarks' mother says he left something for all of you. Hologram. Lois. Boys. When did you do this? Right after we built this place. Lois says it's hard seeing you like this. He hoped she'd never have to. Sorry if I let you down. Lois says you never did. I just wasn't ready to lose you. Jordan says this is all we have left of you? Clark says I'll always be here to help. But out there, it's just going to be the three of you.

Next ep - The Irons are back. A world without Superman.

Programming note - next week, the CW is showing sports in the SL timeslot, so I won't get to see ep 3 until midnight. The post will be late.


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