
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#Arrow episode 4.1 recap - "Green Arrow"

"Green Arrow"

MY NAME IS THE GREEN ARROW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) blissful getaway is cut short when Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by “Ghosts,” assassins led by a dangerous man named Damien Darhk (guest star Neil McDonough). However, when Oliver returns, Diggle (David Ramsey) makes it very clear that he doesn’t want Oliver on the team. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#401). Original airdate 10/7/2015.


Image credit: The CW

Episode 1:

Running through a forest. Oliver in a hoodie. On a suburban street. In a suburban house. Felicity made breakfast. He says You have failed this omelet. LOL. She asks how his jog was. Good.

In bed. Oliver removed his Shado tattoo. Kinda sad. She has a meeting with Palmer Industries. Oliver gets up to go to the market.

Black Canary and Speedy after bad guys. Speedy's having too much fun. She wants to be called Red Arrow. Diggle saves her from a guy. He has a new helmet. Canary disables the truck. Bad guys pull up in a van and start shooting. They get away with the loot.

Back in the lair. Diggle goes on the computer. Cord Industries. Heh. Laurel says these ghosts are escalating. She suggests asking for help. Diggle says Oliver walked away. She says we're dealing with a crisis.

Walter Steele passed on mayor. Lance isn't surprised. Every candidate dies in the job. They tell him to do better about these Ghosts. Damian Dhark walks in. Who the hell are you? I'm the man you're looking for. I control those ghosts. I'm here to tell you to let it die. Death is a beautiful thing. It's only in the interval after dying that beautiful things sprout up. Cities are like puppies - you put them down, not let them suffer. If you have people you care about, I suggest you say goodbye. I'll be in touch.

Felicity and Oliver have a dinner party with another couple. Felicity goes to the kitchen. Oliver shows them the ring. He's going to propose tonight. Felicity comes back, trips, and Oliver catches the bottle of wine.

5 years ago. Oliver chasing a drug dealer. Oliver gets pushed off the building and caught on electrical wires. Amanda Waller finds him.

Laurel at work. Suzanne passes out. The DA was poisoned. Laurel calls Diggle.

Diggle sends Thea to City Hall.

Precinct gets raided. Ghosts kill cops. Quentin gives up.

Speedy isn't fast enough.

Black Canary at the precinct. She's overwhelmed. Lance gets shot in the shoulder. Officers come in. City leadership has all been assassinated.

Oliver and Felicity having dinner. A nice one at home. He puts the ring in a souffle. Doorbell rings. It's Laurel and Thea. We really need your help. These ghosts off themselves every time we get close to them. Oliver asks where are the police? Overwhelmed. They haven't found a base of ops. Thea says we're in over our heads. Laurel says we need the Arrow. Oliver says The Arrow is dead. Laurel and Thea try to convince him. Felicity's quiet. He asks her opinion. She says we should already be in the car.

Amanda and Oliver in a bar. She says I underestimated you. You haven't returned home because you feel you're a monster. Stop trying to run from your inner darkness. Embrace it. Let it run its course. The only way out is through. Through what? She drugged him.

Star City now. They ride in a limo back to town. Felicity says they'll probably expect me to do stuff. Oliver looks out the window at the town in decline.

In the lair. Diggle isn't happy. We should've discussed this. Oliver says I'm here to help with the problem and then I'm gone. Laurel says we're in trouble, the city is in trouble. Diggle says yeah, but I can't go into battle with a man I can't trust. Felicity finds out the stolen goods from Cord Industries is cluster bombs. Big bad bombs.

Oliver tells Felicity to hack into Cord. Laurel, go talk to your father. Diggle and Thea, hit the streets. Oh, sorry, old habits. They leave. Thea says they'll come around. She leaves. Felicity is happy to be working on the computer again. Oliver says you've been helping the team behind my back. Heh.

Laurel asks her father if he's aware of potential targets. He doesn't want her in this. She thought he'd be happy to have the help. He's not. She repeats the question about targets. He says people don't come to Star City anymore. They leave.

Diggle playing with Sarah. Layla asks what's bothering him. Oliver's back. She says that didn't take long. She says he has to let go of this. I have. He says because you're better than me. She says in war, people do what they have to do. If Oliver Queen always made the right choice, he wouldn't need you.

Oliver going over the moments she skipped things and helped the team. He thought she was happy. She was, is with him, but bored with everything else. He cares that the entire time we were away together, part of you was still here. She says I'm there any time I'm with you. Alert. Cord has a GPS in the stuff. She says Cisco made him a new suit.

Team goes to Damian's warehouse. Damian calls out Mr. Alvarez. I respect dependability and you've shown me none. So let me show you....this. He puts his hand on the chest and kills the man. Team attacks. Speedy beats on a guy over and over. Oliver stops her from killing him. Oliver asks what will be done with the explosives. They're going to blow up the train station. Police arrive and the team bails.

Back to the lair. Oliver tells Felicity about the train station. Thea brings up what Damian did. Oliver says he was mystical. I've seen things that can't be explained by science.

Oliver and Thea tracking at the station. he says you seemed out of control last night. I'm amazed how far you've come in 5 months, but restraint separates us from them. She quips. He says I'm being serious. How long has this been going on? Is everything okay? She says it's not, because my brother can't seem to stay out of my business. Oliver asks Diggle about Thea. Diggle says she's a bit aggressive, like you in the beginning. Diggle says I'm angry at myself for thinking you were someone you're not. You don't trust. You don't love. You fooled the League because you're every bit as dark as they are. Laurel brought her father. He confronts Oliver. You brought madness into our lives and the monster you were inspired monsters. Oliver says maybe. But I'm not a monster anymore. Lance says then what are you?

5 years ago. Oliver wakes. On a plane. You're getting off this plane, with a chute on your back or a bullet in your head. Your call. Oliver asks why is Waller doing this? Agent tells him your target may be radar capable. Don't pull your chute until you're under detection. They send him back to The Island!

Oliver and Felicity. I ran into Lance. And something's wrong with Thea. She doesn't want my help and neither does Diggle. We should've never come. She says then let's go home. He says you love it here. Lance was right. He said I brought pain and misery and darkness from the Island. I only know how to fight it by being it. She says maybe you need to be a different kind of person. Team returns. Train station was a bust. Felicity says they're bringing in the bombs on the train. Diggle says suit up. She shows Oliver his new suit. Oliver gets dressed.

The train. Oliver on top of the van.

Speedy gets everyone out of the station. It's not safe! Black Canary helps a little boy. Lance tells people to calmly go to the exits.

Oliver on the train. Gains entry.

Damian on the train. Arrow confronts him. Stop the train. Damian says no. I destroyed the brake system. Arrow fires at him and Damian stops them all in the air. He tosses Arrow around. He starts draining Oliver. Diggle saves him. Oliver says we have to blow up the train. They do. That's an expensive mess.

The lair. Oliver has to decide if he's staying. He says we've missed this, all of you. The man behind this is Damian Dhark. Ras said Damian has a HIVE at his disposal. Diggle lies about it meaning something to him. Oliver tries to stop him leaving. Diggle says let's not do this now.

Oliver gives a broadcast to the city. Fight for this city. To be the symbol of hope The Arrow never was. I am the Green Arrow.

Lian Yu. Oliver lands. And gets hit by a soldier. Who are you?

Damian's chamber. He picks up a knife at a shrine and cuts his wrist. Bleeds into a bowl. Chants. He's told he has a visitor. It's Quentin!!! He's involved with HIVE!!! Damian says I want to know everything about this Green Arrow and I want him off the board by the time my associates arrive. you don't have a choice.

Oliver and Felicity move into Thea's old apartment. She lives with Laurel now. They kiss. The ring is in a bowl of marbles.

6 months from now. A funeral. Barry and Oliver at a grave. Oliver says I'm going to kill him. Barry asks if there's anything he can do? Oliver wants to be left alone. He kneels at the headstone.

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