
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#Supernatural episode 11.1 recap - "Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire"

"Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire"

THE WINCHESTERS FACE THEIR BIGGEST THREAT EVER - Picking up where the finale left off, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) must deal with the Darkness that has been unleashed. Castiel (Misha Collins) deals with the effects of Rowena's (Ruth Connell) spell and recalls his brutal battle with Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard). Robert Singer directed the episode written by Jeremy Carver (#1102). Original air date 10/7/2015.


Image credit: The CW
Episode 1:
The Darkness. Dean stands in a dark cloud. Sees a woman with her back to him. What the hell is going on? She looks over her shoulder.

Sam wakes up in the car. Horn blaring. He pulls the cable.

Dean and Sam in the car. Sam in the car alone.

Sam yells for Dean.

Wildflowers. Dean's unconscious in a field. Sam coming up the hill. Sees him. Dean wakes. Sam helps him up. Where's the car? About a mile that way. What? Seriously? You remember none of this?

Dean in the car. Sees the woman. In the cloud. He tells Sam she saved me. The Darkness.

They walk back to the cafe. Sam didn't see what Dean saw. Dean says she thanked me for setting her free. Sam says I did. Dean says doesn't matter. Lock and key. She was weird. Had this focus. Not a talker. Question now is what does she know? We're going to stop her whatever it takes. Dean opens the car door, then notices the tire is stuck in the mud. LOL.

Castiel stabbed Crowley.

Farmer and sons. There's a dead dog. Cas is in a barn? He says no, he's still alive. Kid opens the shed. Cas says don't make me hurt you. I can't help myself. You have to run. Cas runs. They shoot at him.

Dean and Sam in the Impala. Come across dead road workers. And cops. Stop the car since the road is blocked. Investigate. Everyone in the cars is dead. Dean asks what the hell happened here? Road guy walks at them. He's got black veins. A female sheriff shoots him. She says show me some skin! Your throats! I need to know you're not one of them. Dean and Sam comply. She says good, let's see those IDs. She has a rebar wound. She arrived to find a family being attacked. Deputy has been on the job 3 weeks. Dean tells her to breathe and speak plainly. She says the road crew were like rabid dogs. Dean asks if there's a hospital near. She says yeah.

They drive her. And find a lot more dead. Dean says wait here. Gets more weapons out of the trunk. Sam says maybe it was the smoke and anyone outside infected them. They wheel her into the hospital. More dead. Sam says he'll look around. You sew her up.

Sam creeps down a hall. Hears banging. Road crew guy trying to get in a room. He lumbers toward Sam. They hear a baby crying. It beats on the door again.

Dean works on the deputy. Disinfects her wound. She's feeling guilty. Dean says they were monsters. You did what you needed to. She says this job was supposed to be saving people.

Dean talking to the Darkness. She says I like it here, with you. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time. I know what you are. She is surprised. Dean says Death painted a hell of a picture. She says I don't know this Death and he doesn't know me.

Road guy falls down. Sam creeps up. He knocks on the janitor door. Hello? It's okay to come out. I'm FBI. I'm going to slide my badge under the door. It opens. A man holding a baby. Help us, please.

Red smoke goes into a woman. Crowley has a new body. But no power to snap for what he wants. Old school it is. She goes in the house with a tire iron. The husband says he thought about it and he's willing to do an orgy with their friends for her birthday.

Sam with the man and baby. His wife started bleeding after labor. They tried but..... Dean asks what happened here? Mike says a truckload of them pulled up. Didn't say nothin. Just attacked people like they were possessed. He grabbed the baby and locked himself in a supply closet. Been there since until you showed up. Sam asks if the road crew cut him or bled on him. Mike says yes. Dean says this might be transmittable. Mike says he's right. I can feel it. Been 3 or 4 hours since the attack. How long until I become like them?

Police looking for Castiel. Cas prays to the angels. I have no right to ask you anything, but these are desperate times and ask I must. I will accept any punishment you dole out. Please. Save me from doing worse.

The deputy doesn't like Dean's perspective. Sam says we can wait for him to die. These things have a shelf life. Mike knows there's no cure. He'll go somewhere quiet if you save my baby girl. Dean says you have a deal. Mike thanks him. But I wasn't talking to you. He gives the baby to the deputy. Thank you. Thank you all. He leaves. Sam sees they have company. A truck pulls up outside with more people.

Dean loads weapons. Sam says we don't know how to kill them. She does. Sam says we can wait for them to die. Dean says no, we stay here, that baby dies. We did this, Sam. We broke it, we bought it. Phone rings. It's Cas.

Cas says tell Sam Rowena has the Codex. Dean is the Mark gone? Yes. He puts cas on speaker. Dean asks him about the Darkness. Sam says it's free. Cas says goodbye. It may be some time before we see one another again. Angels showed up.

Crowley killed the humans. Demons came. His other suit is secured. She says I'm hot. Demon says that's the menopause, sir. Other demon is surprised he didn't call for help until after the orgy. Crowley apologizes for nothing.

Sam and Dean discuss. Dean says we've made mistakes, but we need to get out of this room! I can gear up and save that baby and that's what I'm going to do. Sam says if we don't change right now, all of our crap is going to repeat itself. Hunting things is only half of the bumper sticker. There's a cure, probably, if we look for it. Saving people means all the people, Dean. This isn't on you, it's on us. WE have to change. Dean asks what are you thinking? Sam says get Jenna to the car and somewhere safe. Dean asks what about the things on our tail. Sam says they won't be on your tail.

Dean says no way. Sam says we broke this. I heard it in your voice. Do what you do. But you gotta let me do what I do, too.

Sam gets the rabid people to follow him.

Dean and the deputy creep out.

Sam shuts himself in a room. Closet. They beat on the door. Zombie behind Sam! He fights with her. He slits her throat and she bleeds on his face. The other zombies get in. Sniff him. And back off. He smells like them now.

Dean and the deputy. In the lobby. Mike attacks. He wants the baby. He says her name is Amara. They get past him. He gasps and falls. Dead.

Crowley goes back in his body. He can move again. Daddy's home. LOL. Demons say there are rumors from Hell. The Darkness has been released. Crowley says it's a myth. Demon says something happened in the cage. It sounded like a frightened animal. Michael or Lucifer is trying to warn us. half of hell is freaking out, sir. What do we do?

Cas brought to a building. Angels moved the door to heaven. They chain him up. You're not taking me to Heaven. No. We're not.

Dean in the car with the deputy and baby. They stop. She says I have no idea what I'm doing. Dean says you and her, you're going to help each other. She says joy comes in the morning. My grandma leads a Bible study. She leaves. Dean calls Sam.

Sam asks you good? Dean says 40 miles out of town. Looks okay. You okay? Sam says I'll find a cure. Dean knows he will. At least we got one win. Dean will take Jenna to her grandmother's, then we'll kick the Darkness's ass.

Darkness tells Dean we're bound. We'll always help each other. Uh oh!

Sam looks at his reflection. Black veins.

Jenna changes the baby's diaper. Amara has the Mark! Like the Darkness. WHOA.

Next week - They figure out Amara is The Darkness.

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