
Thursday, October 8, 2015

#VampireDiaries episode 7.1 recap - “Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take”

“Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take”

LIFE WITHOUT ELENA — After a twisted plan left the life of his girlfriend Elena linked to that of his best friend Bonnie (Kat Graham), Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is forced to navigate his new reality without the love of his life. A newly empowered Bonnie has decided that she will be Damon’s moral compass and keeps a close eye on him as he, in turn, cautiously keeps tabs on Alaric (Matt Davis) following the loss of his fiancée Jo. Meanwhile, as he waits for Caroline (Candice King) to sort out her emotions, Stefan (Paul Wesley) takes an active role in protecting the town from Lily (guest star Annie Wersching) and her family of Heretics, who have wasted no time wreaking havoc in Mystic Falls. Elsewhere, Enzo (Michael Malarkey) struggles to find his place in Lily’s new life, and is quickly forced to decide where his true loyalties lie. Finally, with the stakes higher than ever, Matt (Zach Roerig), who has recently completed his deputy training program, teams up with Stefan and Caroline to put a stop to the Heretics, but an unexpected turn of events leaves one of them in a dangerous position. Pascal Verschooris directed the episode written by Caroline Dries (#701). Original airdate 10/8/2015.



image credit: The CW

Episode 1:

City. Brooklyn, 3 years from now. Stefan staggers to a coffin. Damon dehydrated. Wake up. I need you. Wake up. Wake the hell up!

Caroline write to Elena in a diary. Damon is helping Alaric grieve in Europe. They're getting very drunk. Bonnie went with them to chaperone. Matt will be a deputy soon. Her mom has a commemorative bench. Stefan arrives. Matt told him blood bags are missing from the hospital. She asks, so, how's Damon? He says he's worried. She says then I'm terrified. LOL. He says, I made this a thing, didn't I? I told you how I felt about you and now it's weird. you asked about my brother, who you hate, to make it less awkward. She admits it's a thing. He says okay, you heal and we be friends. She agrees. He says "happy writing" and leaves.

A woman writes in a diary, too. I'm in hell. Food is poison. Air smells like a plague. This is not the world I imagined. She walks in front of an SUV. The driver kid wants to bail. The young woman wanted to help. They leave the body. She gets up. Complete and utter hell. Lily sequestered us in a musty abandoned house.

Lily is rationing them to 3 sips of blood a day.

Amsterdam. Ric says I can't feel my cheeks. What are we drinking? Damon has no idea. Bonnie is journaling this. She and Damon are bickering. She leaves to rent a bike and see the city like a normal tourist. Ric says you can go with her. Damon says nice try, I'm not leaving. Distracting each other with the other's misery. Ric is happy he's here. They toast and drink again.

Valerie comes home. Lily's pacifist ideals are not sitting well with the other Heretics. Lily says you resisted your urge to fight back. It means you're learning. I'm proud of you, Valerie.

Valerie and the 2 girls go after the teenagers. Kill the driver. Feed on the girl. Lily will be furious. Lily needs to learn that Heretics aren't meant to coexist.

The bodies are left hanging at the school. Stefan wonders what the hell happened.

Stefan and Matt. On the phone with Damon. Sent Caroline to stake out a house. Ric, I need you to teach me to make a bomb. Ric says I have to call you back from a less populated place, then pass out.

Bonnie says Lily won. Damon says Stefan has this. She says Elena wants you to live your life. He says you don't get to play the what would Elena do game.

Alaric takes a stone to a guy. Can you commune with my wife's spirit? The man will try. Ric offers her wedding ring. Man says there's a lot of energy in this ring. She loves you unconditionally. She misses you. Ric says that ring is a fake, you dick! I lost the real one to the first fake psychic I saw. Ric beats on the guy.

Lily enters a restaurant. Sits at the bar. Enzo joins her. She says how I've missed you. They're in New York. She wants him to find something. A stone. The one Ric had! He asks why am I looking for it. She says it's a family matter. He says I thought I was your family. She says so you're willing to see my sons as the monsters they are, turn your back on your friendships? What happened to the boy I saved? Enzo says that boy is not your errand boy. Find your own damn rock.

Caroline returns to Stefan. Shares her intel. Stefan put the bomb together. He says if you think this is a crazy plan, now is the time to speak up.

She takes a welcome plant to the house. Welcome to Mystic Falls! Matt sneaks in the back with the bomb. Caroline sets the orchid down.

Matt sets the timer. 60 seconds.

Matt comes to the front door to get Caroline. Heretic girls want Caroline's jacket. She hands it over. Caroline and Matt get away at the last second.

Amsterdam. Bonnie and Damon looking for Ric. Damon stares at a van coming at them, then speeds Bonnie out of the way. She thanks him. She asks if he hesitated to save her life. He says relax, it was 3 seconds. She says I'm so sorry this happened, but I lost Elena, too. You can resent me or love me, but you're stuck with me.

Stefan calls Lily and says I blew up that house with your family in it. Get out of Mystic Falls, or you're next. She says if I can offer you some motherly advice, run.

Deputy graduation. Heretics watching. The lesbians and Valerie. They chant a spell. Matt gets his badge.

Stefan tells Caroline we have a problem. The sprinklers go off. People run out of the way. Then fire! People scatter and run. Heretics start feeding. Many die. Matt looks around in horror. Heretics attack Caroline. Hello again, neighbor. Stefan fighting for his life. Lily arrives. Enough!! I fought tirelessly to reunite us. Sacrificed everything to make us a family again. How dare you jeopardize that. All of you. The bloodshed ends now. The Heretics leave with her.

Caroline and Stefan at the house. She's ranting. He has a splinter in his neck he can't get out. She helps. She says there's history here, this town, and Mystic Falls can't survive a war. Stefan says I think I can get through to Lily. How? Let's just say... It's good Damon isn't here.

Matt and co. clear Mystic Falls out. Made a story of an underground mine gas explosion and evacuated everyone. They made a deal for time to clear out the residents in exchange for everyone that trespasses to be at the Heretics' mercy. Stefan gave up the Salvatore mansion to them, too. We'll live side by side with our enemies for as long as it takes.

Enzo and Caroline. He was going to move the sheriff's bench for safe keeping. She was about to do the same. She tells him to pick a side. Us or them. He says you sound like Lily. She says because she doesn't trust you and neither do I.

Stefan in the Mystic Grill. Damon calls. Anything I should know about? Stefan says nah, it can wait until you get back. Damon walks in. I'm back! Want to tell me who the hell is living in our house?

Stefan tells Damon what happened. Damon's not thrilled. Stefan says what's done is done. Damon thinks this was Caroline's idea. Stefan says Elena wanted you to be happy, but if she wakes up and everyone is dead, do you think she'd forgive that? I'm not doing it for Caroline. I'm doing it for you.

Bonnie and Matt. She says surrendering the town is not a solution. Matt says they were stopped, until you.... So this is my fault? He didn't say that. He has to patrol. Driving through an abandoned town.

Damon on the clock tower. Like we saw at the end of the finale.

Whitmore College. Damon in Elena's old dorm room. Bonnie walks in. What are you doing here? He says I have nowhere else to go. She says guess it's a good thing I didn't get hit by a truck, huh? Damon says at that 3rd second, I remembered your my best friend and if anything happened to you, I'd lose my mind. She says the Heretics are out because of me. He says no, they're out because my mother is a lunatic and everyone is too afraid to stop her. Bonnie says I'm not.

Bonnie confronts a Heretic man. He staggers, then tries to take her magic. Damon rips his heart out from behind. Grins. Oh, Lily will NOT be happy.

**Poor Mystic Falls. Boarded up, abandoned, unkempt.

Caroline and Stefan in her house. Putting cloths over everything. She thought she would heal from her mom's death. But she's my mom and I'm never going to stop missing her. He says you can forgive yourself for trying to be happy during the bad parts. He goes to board up the front door. She says I'm happy. You make me happy. When I'm with you, I'm happy. And.....yeah, you're right, I need to.... She kisses him. He kisses her back.

Ric in the morgue? He wants to see his wife. Hands over $100. He's planning on bringing Jo back to life. It's a morgue. Gallows humor. Can I see her, please?

Malcolm brought home to the Heretics. Lily comes downstairs. She grieves. Who took him from us?

Caroline writes in the journal again. Enzo sits down. You were right. He says one of Lily's died. Someone killed Malcolm, her favorite. Enzo is here, choosing a side. He injects Caroline. I chose Lily.

3 years from now. Damon awake. Stefan says we have to go. Arrows fired at them. And guns. "She's back." Guess she upped her game. Damon says she won't stop until you're dead. Who's hunting Stefan?

Next week - Caroline kidnapped. Tortured.
Vampire Diaries EP discusses the premiere.

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