
Thursday, October 8, 2015

#TheOriginals episode 3.1 recap - "For the Next Millennium"

"For the Next Millennium"

A WAR BREWING BETWEEN THE SIRE LINES — Months following their violent and deadly showdown with the powerful witch Dahlia, a rift continues to divide brothers Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies), while Freya (Riley Voekel) searches for a way to heal their fractured bond and return their family to the way they once were. Meanwhile, Klaus’ suspicion piques when he learns that an old vampire friend named Lucien (guest star Andrew Lees) has arrived to New Orleans with a mysterious agenda involving the Mikaelson’s remaining sire lines. Elsewhere, Elijah questions whether he can truly forgive his brother for his mounting offenses, while Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) struggles with being cursed to her wolf form in the bayou. In the French Quarter, Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) and Cami (Leah Pipes) assist Detective Kinney (guest star Jason Dohring) after a series of gruesome discoveries are made, leading them to believe they may have a serial killer on the loose. Finally, Marcel (Charles Michael Davis), who has regained control of the French Quarter once again, tries a new strategy to recruit vampires, while Davina (Danielle Campbell), who is now Regent to the New Orleans witches, makes a decision that will find her and Marcel on opposite sides of an escalating conflict. Lance Anderson directed the episode written by Michael Narducci (#301). Original airdate 10/8/2015.

image credit: The CW

Episode 1:

Southern France, 1002 AD. Klaus says all we knew in the beginning was a fear of being hunted, and a terrible hunger. We ran, as a family, and we fed as a family.

Elijah asks Kol if he's done. Rebekah says are we forever cursed to fear our father? yes. Kol wants to split up. Klaus says you took a vow. Finn says perhaps he's right. Elijah says no, we made a vow. Family above all, always and forever.

Present. Klaus in the compound. Always and forever, indeed.

Freya writes to Rebekah. Asking advice. Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize and Elijah will never forgive him. We are a house divided. Marcel founded a fight gym in the old church. With an octagon. Elijah works out there. Hope flourishes, but misses her mother. Klaus hasn't found a cure for Hayley and neither has Freya. Hayley only sees her child once a month.

Marcel tries to get Davina to help, but she says no. Will not be swayed.

Klaus chats with Camille for therapy.

Freya hopes Rebekah has advice on how to heal the fractured bond. She crumples the paper and sends it away with a chant.

Camille in Klaus's art studio. She asks why he asked her to meet here. He is showing her his exhibition. He sees no reason to hide them now. She says I didn't come to appreciate art. If you want to talk, talk. He asks if I've offended you. She says I was clear about our boundaries. Call me if you want to talk. Wait. You're worried no one else will come. You'll be alone. You're scared because the people you love are angry with you. Maybe you need to think about that. She leaves.

police scene. Vincent is an expert on occult matters. He calls Camille as a shrink. Detective asks him to show her the body. Profile the scene. Gruesome murder.

Freya with Hope. And Elijah. Tomorrow is the full moon. Klaus arrives. They snipe at each other. Klaus suggests Hayley apologize. Freya says if you must poke at one another, do it elsewhere.

The Past. The family killed travelers. Rebekah wants to masquerade as the nobles they killed. We could live as they do, at least for a time. Elijah hears something. A hiding young man. He was a personal servant to a Count. If you mean to pose as the family you slaughtered here, you''ll need my help. Rebekah wants to keep him. Elijah says it's against the rules. They put it to a vote. Nik is the tie breaker.

Penthouse. He's looking to buy. Overlooks all New Orleans. It's the servant man. Lucien bites the realtor.

The crime scene. Cami says whoever did this, took their time. The man just stood here for it. He was compelled. Det. asks what do they have? She says it seems deliberate. Like a ritual. Things we do on purpose, we tend to repeat.

Davina gives a meeting. No expansion. Cara walks away chanting, hurting Davina. Davina makes it stop. She's having trouble controlling the witches.

Vincent and Camille show Marcel photos of the victim. Marcel says my guys know not to leave bodies in the streets. We aren't the only vampires in town. Klaus will cut loose, or maybe he already did.

The art exhibit. People are critical. Lucien crashes the affair. Your work is derivative. You compelled Degas to mentor you. Can we please have a drink, I'm quite parched. Klaus is happy to see him.

Elijah sets up a picnic. SUV pulls up. Kingmaker owns this land now. It's going to become a golf course. Armed man says you're trespassing. A team of "animal control". They're paid to kill wolves. Killed half a dozen last night. Elijah attacks them. Call of your men and seek another line of work. No more dead wolves. The man says he's an independent contractor. There are other teams out there. Elijah breaks his neck. The poor wolf clan!!

**He must be so afraid Hayley was one of the killed wolves. He can only hope she shows up that night.

The past. They enter the castle. Lucien instructs them on what to do and say. And stop looking up! Lucien presents them to the Count. Elijah is charming. Klaus follows his lead. Rebekah curtsies.

Klaus tells Lucien you've been an immense help. Lucien says his master is cruel. All these gentle folks are slavers, killers. Whatever evil you are, you walk amongst greater evils. What do I care if you kill the lot of them? Klaus asks about some people. Tristan and Aurora. Siblings. Best to stay away from them. Klaus admires the young lady.

Present. Klaus and Lucian. Lucian and Aurora parted ways centuries ago. Camille arrives. Klaus tells him to stay here and behave. Camille tells Klaus she's here about a problem. Someone killed a local and tortured him, left the body in the open. A vampire. Klaus isn't interested.

Bar. Freya dancing and drinking. Elijah calls her. He says someone needs to watch Hope. I have an errand to run. A necessary evil. Something our niece need not witness. She'll be there soon.

Lucien suggests they go out. Klaus asks what are you really doing in my city? He says news has spread. You were even nearly killed. What if it had gone the other way? When Finn and Kol died, it was confirmed. Whole vampire lines wiped out. The attacks on you show you're not completely invulnerable. The world is a finite place. There's a growing conflict between the sire lines. Kill an Original and wipe out an entire line. Klaus says the last of the White Oak is all gone. We are unkillable. Lucien says are you sure? Klaus says, you would tell me if you thought some sliver of it existed. Lucien says relax. I'm of your line. If you want to learn what's going on, there's something you must see.

The gym. MMA in the cage. Marcel goes upstairs. Davina in her old room. Things were a lot simpler up here. She says I was attacked. One of my old people tried to ruin the use of my hands. Marcel says the target on your back comes with the job. Say the word and we-- You have to respond with a show of force. This is only the beginning.

Freya arrives. Elijah leaves. Hope is sleepy.

Elijah in the woods. Finds a trap left for a wolf. He springs it. He attacks another group of men. He drops a man in a trap. More men come.

Lucien brings Klaus to his penthouse. Klaus says you never were one for subtlety. Vampire party. Lucien brings Klaus to his room. His personal forecaster, Alexis. An expert at cyphers. She touches Klaus's chest. Klaus tells her to get on with it. She says feed on me. I'll let you in my mind and you can see for yourself. What you broke is past repair. Two gone, three left. In one year's time, you'll all be lost. As your family is undone, you will see the beast that is to come. Klaus is unimpressed. She says kill me and you'll never see what's coming. He lets go.

The woods. Elijah tells a man the info he wants. Hayley shows up? No, not Hayley. Another brunette wolf. She thinks Hayley is probably dead.

Vincent and Camille. Discuss the murder. If this is a vampire, we can't do anything about it. Phone rings. Det. says it happened again. If you're not busy, I could use your brain.

Lucien's. You'll need me. Something is coming. Klaus says I don't need anyone! I am the thing lesser men fear. Lucien says then act like it! I came here to remind you of who you are. I've been worried you've lost a step. Klaus says I need no reminding. Lucien says you've made a lot of enemies. I have plenty of rivals. I do not want to die, so I beg you. Let me help you. I'm the only one you can trust. Klaus says I don't trust anyone.

The woods. Elijah finds a truck. Lifts a tarp. Dead wolves!!

Marcel and Vincent spar. Vincent lacks. Marcel says remember Davina? Girl you were supposed to mentor? Vincent says he told Davina to make peace months ago. She has a bigger chip on her shoulder than you do.

Hayley is trapped! Davina did it. I need a captive audience. I need you to do something for me.

Camille comes home and knows someone's there. Klaus. He brought a gift. I need a chat. She says fine, come back tomorrow. Klaus says I need to talk about it now. She says no. He's flippant. She yells at him. Do you really have to be such an insensitive disappointment? Then she apologizes. He says keep the gift. I painted it for you. He leaves.

The streets. Klaus finds the critic and kills him.

Penthouse. Lucien alone. Kingmaker documents. He cuts his face like the murder victims, then watches it heal in the mirror.

Aurora gets a message. It upsets her and she kills the monk that brought it to her. It won't be long now. Hmmmm......

Next week - Jackson, Hayley. Klaus's enemies.

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