ep 13:
Interpol Black Site. Moscow. Bobbi being interrogated. 3 members of the Russian gov't murdered on Russian soil by former SHIELD agents. You must have something to say for yourself. She asks for a cheeseburger. And curly fries. The man says I'm your only ally here. What were you doing in Siberia?
34 hours earlier. Bobbi and Hunter in the snow. She paints the target for the Quinjet.
Team in the jet above. Fitz tells Hunter and Bobbi they need transport.
Hunter interrogated. He says he and Bobbi were on holiday picking mushrooms. He says we were accosted in the woods buy drunken soldiers that tried to drag us into this mess. The key to a good mushroom soup is dry porcinis. HEH
Fitz says they can't see in the building. Hunter sees Malick's SUV is inside. Fitz and Hunter discuss a documentary on eco issues. Hunter and Bobbi want surveillance and guns equipment. Coulson tells them to just watch and report back.
Hunter says it's kinda nice, the two of us alone in the woods. When was the last time we went away on a proper vacation? He says never. She says he's exaggerating. She says this is the job, certain sacrifices. He's still sore about Kriel. And Ward. He sees movement. She says it's got to be an Inhuman. Soldiers catch them.
Bobbi and Hunter play lost. Mushroom picking. Russians don't buy it. They attack. Cabinet Ministers have arrived.
They meet up with the Quinjet. Hunter brought mushrooms. They tell the others what they saw. May says they need to get inside. Bobbi's the only one that knows fluent Russian. May says find the security hub. Hunter with May. No one gets caught.
Interrogation. Hunter and Bobbi given polygraphs. Hunter giving his recipe for mushroom soup, lol. Interpol guy keeps asking questions. Hours and hours. Shows Bobbi a photo. She says she didn't kill him. So your ex-husband did this? He'll hand over Hunter for execution. Your weakness is each other.
Hunter dragged out screaming.
29 hours earlier. Infil. Hunter and May. She reminds him this is low profile. He finds a body under a tarp. The Russian Prime Minister's attache. May says get this to Coulson and Simmons.
Mack and Bobbi and Daisy. Keyboard is in Cyrillic.
Malick and the Russian discussing a "reservation" for Inhumans. Bobbi turns on the mic. They all hear what he's saying. The Prime Minister is against the sanctuary. General Adrovich killed the attache. The General is an Inhuman. Russian hopes Malick can smooth over this incident. General in restraints. Malick can help. This is bigger than any single country's fate. These Inhumans are the key to our survival. They need a leader and your Prime Minister is not that leader. Malick says let him out.
Coulson says Malick's staging a coup.
Interpol man brings Bobbi a cup. She asks where Hunter is. He says we know SHIELD is still there in the shadows. She brings up Malick. He says admit you're working with SHIELD and the American gov't and perhaps you can spare your husband from the firing squad.
28 hours earlier. May says we need to get out of here. Hunter's pissy. She says Andrew dying for revenge is not what SHIELD is about. SHIELD is about sacrifice for the greater good. Hunter doesn't know where he admires her or feels sad for her or both. Apologizes. Bobbi says Malick is on the move. She loses them.
Mack has eyes on the General on video.
The dead man was killed without being touched.
Hunter and May see Malick. Where's the General? Daisy's trying to get Bobbi through a door. Mack directs her to the General. He sees something weird.
Fitz says we have incoming helicopters. AW139s. Prime Minister is coming here. Coulson tells the team. Stop the assassin.
Malick's getting away. Coulson says protect the Prime Minister. Get in there now. May and Hunter have eyes on him.
Daisy and Mack arrive. Coulson gives orders. We'll send the containment module to the south exit. Mack needs a distraction.
Prime Minister asks for his attache. Smoke bomb goes off. Hunter grabs the Prime Minister. Team takes out the bad guys. Coulson asks for a report.
Bobbi and Daisy and Mack with the General. He summons a shadow to attack them. Mack's out cold. General gone. Simmons says it's not just a shadow. It's independent of him.
Hunter still has the Prime Minister.
Bobbi says we have to take out the General. Shadow come at them. Hits and is gone before they can hit back.
It finds Hunter and the Prime Minister. Mack tells Bobbi to go to Hunter. Hunter fights with the shadow.
Bobbi goes after the General and shoots him dead.
Shadow disappears. Soldiers rush in on Hunter. Knock him out.
Bobbi still in interrogation. Hunter brought in. Left alone together. They were scared for each other. Hold hands. He says if there's a way out of this, I can't see it. She says maybe not everyone should win.
Prime Minister doesn't believe this. President says there is no SHIELD. Russian says SHIELD is working with your gov't to get ahead of us. President says be grateful to the people that intervened to save you. PM says this is a PR nightmare. Coulson says 2 of them were trying to kill you, sir. General Androvich was trying to assassinate you. PM says someone must pay for what happened here and it won't be me.
Coulson introduces himself to Bobbi and Hunter. He gives them 90 seconds to give out. Bobbi and Hunter refuse the plan. Coulson says what else is there? Bobbi says we took an oath. The right thing to do is to take a bullet. We've discussed it. It's time. Coulson nods. I'll have your things sent to you. Coulson leaves.
Interpol talks to them again. Hunter and Bobbi are not aligned with any gov't agency. Coulson thanks them for their bravery and sacrifice. Well done. Would've you agree, Prime Minister? Seems to me they're free to go.
Coulson returns to the jet. Where are Hunter and Bobbi? They've been disavowed. I had to make a deal. They're free, but can't be agents. Bobbi and Hunter never cracked. They did that for us and paid the price. Mack is upset. Coulson says it was their choice. I'll miss them, too.
Bobbi and Hunter in a bar. Discussing where to go. A shot is sent over. From an "admirer". Jemma. And another. Fitz. Spies goodbye. May. Daisy. And Mack. Coulson and the others raise their glasses. All drink. Gosh, this is sad. Mack hasn't drunk his. Last to do so with Hunter and Bobbi. He leaves. Then Coulson leaves them.
Malick's ranch. Shooting skeet. He has a daughter. Russia didn't go well, did it? He doesn't want to talk about it. She wants to meet you know who. He says not yet. She says he'll change the world. She shoots.
Next ep - Watchdogs. Daisy and Mack argue about tactics.
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