
Thursday, November 14, 2019

#Legacies 2.5 - "Screw Endgame" live blog #DecadesDance #TVD #vampires #witches #werewolves

“Screw Endgame”

80s DECADE DANCE — As the Salvatore School prepares for its upcoming ‘80s-themed decade dance, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) and Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) find themselves trapped inside a never-ending labyrinth with a monster on their trail. Meanwhile, Josie (Kaylee Bryant) and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) decide whether or not to take their relationship to the next level. Elsewhere, MG (Quincy Fouse) turns to Kaleb (guest star Chris Lee) for advice on what to do about Sebastian (guest star Thomas Doherty), while Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) struggles to adjust to his life back at the school. Matthew Davis also stars. Barbara Brown directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Thomas Brandon (#205). Original airdate 11/14/2019.

Episode 5:

Hope doing sit ups. Lizzie confronts her. I remember everything! How asks how? Lizzie says Josie and Landon are having sex tonight. There's a Decades Dance. She wants me to find an excuse to stay with my dad. You have to fix it. Portal bubbles someone up. Who the hell are you? Woman says I'm the Keeper. Welcome o the game. Her bracelet glows. She disappears. We have to get to the school. De Lorean barrels at them. I think the game just started.


MG wakes Kaleb. Can you see him? Sebastian says no one else can see me. MG says Lizzie met this new vampire. I'm seeing him! Would you stop touching me! Kaleb says ask him what he wants. Sebastian wants his body found. He's desiccated in a box. MG flailing at him. LOL. Sebastian tells him to tell Kaleb that the blood let him make contact with MG's mind.

Josie working on the party. Raf and Landon. She thinks it's going to happen tonight. Josie comes over. Lizzie's going to stay with my dad tonight. Balloon pops and Raf jumps. Landon says you're jumpy a lot lately. Raf says exposure therapy is good for me. He sent an invite to Hope for tonight.

Lizzie and Hope. Lizzie asks why you didn't tell any of us about Malivore. They get run over by the car again. Why is it the Eighties? Hope asks have you ever played Frogger? The car comes by. They get splashed. Get new clothes. Lizzie gets shocked and they start the life over again. Should've seen that one coming.

Ric at the school. Cleared it with the sheriff. Lizzie, where is she? Josie says she had an errand to run. Ric isn't leaving until he knows she's okay, too.

Hope and Lizzie die to a landmine. What is with this decade? There's a Clue Store! They go in. The Keeper is here. You can't get out. You play the game until my pet feeds on you, and then you die. There is one way out. One of you takes my place. I was trapped here once, too. One of you wears the bracelet and the other is set free. There's no other option. Take the deal or my pet kills you. That's the endgame. Speak of the devil. Minotaur blasts in. The girls run.

**Eighties being the grandparents' decade? Bite your tongue, Lizzie. Ugh, kids.
**I forget what year this is supposed to be in Legacies now. Hope is 17, so I'd have to go back and look up her birth year.

Running through the woods. Hiding behind a tree. Lizzie and Hope bickering. Lizzie pushes about Malivore. Hope says it seemed you were all better off without me. Lizzie calls her a martyr. You couldn't ask one of us how we were? No one's better off without you. If my broken mind can remember you, then maybe that spell Josie did can bring everyone's memories back. You and Landon are made for each other.

They find Sebastian's corpse. He wants fresh blood to restore him. What if I give you Elizabeth Saltzman all to yourself? Set me free and I give you my word I'll leave this town at once.

Landon forgetting something. He's journaling. Asks Dorian a personal question. How you knew you were ready to.....have sex? For like.....your first time? You mean your first time. Yeah. Dorian says take a seat. When you've found the right person you want to take that step with, you know. It's this look and know.

MG and Kaleb go to Ric and tell him about Sebastian. Ric says let him rot. No one is desiccated for being too nice. You're awfully quiet, MG. Don't do anything until you know more about this guy. MG says he said he'd leave town. Wants to trust the offer. Kaleb says we figure out what Sebastian really wants. Leave it to me. MG leaves. Kaleb thanks Ric for the advice. Ric is surprised since he was voted out. Kaleb confesses he was the only one who voted for Ric to stay.

Lizzie and Hope hop over a bear trap. Dodge an arrow. Be more careful next time, Frank! Hope thinks she has to jump back into Malivore. It's my destiny. Minotaur coming. They run, dodging spears rising from the ground. School should be right through here. They're back in the town square. It's a labyrinth. Keeper says there's only one way this ends. Lizzie calls her a bitch. What do we do? Hope says we take the deal and I stay behind.

**Dorian, that really wasn't helpful advice to a kid. You just know? You can't leave it at that!

It has to be me! Hope says. It's not like anyone's going to know I'm gone.

Josie holding her dress to the mirror. ric comes in. You voted for me to leave. Why? Josie says because you wanted it. You knew this place couldn't be run by a human anymore. We had to move on to the next chapter. I voted you out so you could have your own life. Start dating. Start letting us go. We're fine, because of you. She picked an outfit for him, too.

Kaleb brought blood so he can talk to Sebastian. What kind of vamp are you? Sebastian says revive me and I won't make mistakes again. Kaleb says no deal. Sebastian fed for sport. Cobblestones ran red with blood. Kaleb says I'll burn you after the party.

Josie in her dress comes to Landon. He's Marty McFly. She's....Marty's mom? He has a corsage for her. She says she was with her dad, it's fine now. You seem fidgety. He says he's just excited. She says we don't have to "dance" tonight if you don't want to. He's relieved. You're special. I want it to be special. The moment when we both look at each other and both know.... She says that sounds nice. So they'll go enjoy the dance.

Kids partying. Lots of neon. Kaleb tells MG that Sebastian is a cold blooded killer. When you chase Lizzie, you're not peak MG. Dance it off. DJ changes the song. It takes two to make a thing go right..... Kaleb and MG do a dance battle. Run DMC shirts. Aww.

Lizzie gets it. I exist to merge with my sister. Unless I stay in a no magic zone. Then Josie would be safe. Hope won't let her do that. So Lizzie hits Hope in the head. You're not the only one who can be a martyr.

Keeper in the arcade. Lizzie says let's get this over with. Keeper says it's not so bad. Takes off the bracelet. If it breaks, you're not protected from the minotaur anymore. Your friend dies, okay? Either she dies or you both do. The previous keeper told her a sorcerer made the labyrinth to trap maidens that refused his advances. It's every woman for herself. That's the game. Lizzie smashes the bracelet! I guess no one is the Keeper now. Hope you know your maze as well as we do.

You spin me right round baby right round. Raf asks if Hope showed up. Landon says not yet. Hang in there.

Hope wakes up. Hears the minotaur. She's ready to fight it, but it's shot in the back by Lizzie's arrow. This is Frank. Thanks for your help. There's always someone telling women they exist for one reason. I'm done playing that game. Hope kills the minotaur. Keeper thanks them. You  found another way. Lizzie offers her a hand up. We've had enough of women hurting other women for one day. They can cross the street now.

Dance. Slow song comes on. Landon offers his hand to Josie. Slow version of Take On Me sung by a woman. Landon asks if she wants to dance somewhere else? Only if that's a metaphor. They kiss. Hope sees them. Lizzie says hurry! Hope says wait. We have to let them go. Are you sure?

**Landon and Josie having sex makes Landon and Hope a lot more complicated. A long shot. No one wants to see bed-hopping. Is the show really going to do this?

Landon and Josie in her room? Maybe his room. She asks if he's sure. He is. She asks if he has a condom. He knew he forgot something. He runs out.  Sliding into the bathroom. Then checking drawers. Then another room. Sebastian appears to Wade. I need a friend.

I'll stop the word and melt with you.... Lizzie doesn't get why Hope can't tell. Hope says they look happy together. We don't exist for just one path. Or one boy. Let's dance. Lizzie says tell this to anyone and I'll deny it, but I'm glad to have you back. They hug. And dance.

Ric is Indiana Jones!!!

Landon comes to Dorian. You were right. I need to run into town. Oh! Dorian says you want the keys to the nurse's office. You'll find what you're looking for in her desk.

I'm holding out for a hero.... Using all the big hits of the decade.

Josie hears rats. Something under the bed. The sound of Someone writing in a diary. Landon's journal! There's a song about Hope by Landon Kirby. The latest entry was "no one knew I was ET at the dance." There's an alternate world where Landon still knows Hope? How is the diary writing stuff in its pages?

Landon returns. Say hello to my little friend. She tells him she wants to wait. He's not mad. If you're not ready, neither am I. We have all the time in the world. Nothing will change that. Want a cup of tea? Yeah. He leaves the room.

Josie cries. Opens the journal again.

Raf sees Hope. Do you want to party with us? Sure. What I like about you.....

Witches are a little drunk. MG talking to a girl in a mirror. Sebastian is appearing and had blood on his mouth!

Headmaster meets Ric for a drink. I ordered you something with an umbrella. LOL. Ric wants the school to succeed. So be better than I was. I'll stay out of your way. But remember, you're responsible for people I love. Headmaster will drink to that. Ric pats him hard on the back. Keeper chick is here doing shots. Headmaster takes his ring off. And it's HIM. Clark! I know your smell. Stench, really. Malivore. It's a long story. He absorbs her into him. Blood sprays on the bartender.

Next ep - Squad, we have a problem. Monsters. Freya vs. Josie!

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