"Alien Commies from the Future!" - A surprise leap forward in time has stranded Enoch in 1931 and landed the team in yet another unfamiliar decade. Now, in order to stop the chronicoms from launching their newest future-dismantling plan, the agents will have to infiltrate one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most secure bases. They won't be able to succeed without help from a familiar face or two on an all-new episode of "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." airing WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 (10:00 - 11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leopold Fitz, Henry Simmons as Director Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, and Jeff Ward as Deke Shaw.
Guest starring is Enver Gjokaj, Tobias Jelinek, Julian Acosta, Michael Gaston, and Tamara Taylor.
"Alien Commies from the Future!" was written by Nora Zuckerman & Lilla Zuckerman and directed by Nina Lopez-Corrado.

Image credit: ABC/Marvel
Episode 3:
Music at night. Car on a desert road. Couple in the back. She's cold. He gives her his jacket. She says this is boring. He says he saw a flying saucer. She thought it was line to get her there. And I'm here, aren't I. Then the Zephyr falls out of the sky and the girl is screaming. They fly overhead. Autopilot pulled them out of the dive.
We should probably be flying when we jump. LOL. Zephyr lands. Cloaking engaged. Enoch. We left him. Where did we jump to? Desert. Walkie brings up the radio. Perry Como coming up next. Brand new 55 Thunderbird ad. Coulson says we're just north of Broom Lake, Nevada. Home of Area 51. Probably happens all the time.
Vintage sci-fi lettering for the title card. Awesome.
Chronicoms talk to their leader female. One of them wants to detonate, not self-destruct. She's the Predictor. The only one. She says we must be delicate with time. Others have taken faces. Helius still a viable plan? If done correctly, it'll be brutal and exacting.
Arguing about the mission. Mack vs. Daisy. He clarifies the orders. Then turns on Deke to follow orders until the mission is done. Jump forwards take less. They're drafting the Chronicoms' wake. We go when they go, and when. Mack says we need to find their ship and go on the offensive. Coulson says all the Areas are SHIELD bases. Class 5 project Helius here. The tech was moth-balled. Deke says in his future, ion fusion was used.
Flying Rocket Diner. Mack and YoYo sitting at a booth. He likes her new arms. She tells him she froze at the last mission. The waitress drops off fries with a frown. YoYo feels vulnerable. Mack says have patience. You're still a good agent.
Coulson and Daisy talking about May. She's not herself. She went full ninja assassin on Enoch. Daisy says her reaction to you is more weird. Coulson is fanboying. It's a golden age of innovation. Except for the Whites and Colored bathrooms. General Sharp, Dept of Defense enters. Asks for coffee. Waitress doesn't like him, either. He wants cream or sugar. Daisy offers hers.
They've kidnapped the general. Deke says this is a pencil pusher that deals with budgets and risk management. May comes in. What year are we in now. 1955. Area 51. She asks when do we go in. Coulson took the general's ID and Simmons, we had to get a little creative.
They drive a black car into Area 51. General Sharp, sorry I'm late. Roads all look the same out here. The guard calls her his secretary. She's his boss. LOL. She's impersonating Peggy Carter.
**Simmons, the only thing in common with Peggy Carter is being English. You need a better disguise!
In the lab. She spots a communicator watch. Then the scientists shows them an EMP. And this is Helius. Coulson says I thought it'd be bigger. This is the model. The real one is outside. The MPs live here. Did anyone come here this morning? The science team. They need to question them.
The general is awake. YoYo and Mack interrogating him. He's scared. But then says he'll tell when Hell freezes over. Calls them Commie scum. YoYo says that arrogance is putting lives at risk. Calls her mamacita. Caliente. And Mack is boy. He says I wrote the field manual on interrogation. Do your worst.
Simmons and Coulson with the scientists. He says they just need to test if they're human. Trigger an emotional response. First one done. Then Coulson insults John Wayne. Simmons cites a love triangle and makes a guy cry. Then Coulson asks how a man feels when he says moist. Moist. Moist. The scientist says the MP wants to know if you want to hold the bus. The VIPs arrived. Coulson leaves to check them out.
Daniel Souza arrives! Sharp is interviewing. And brought a SHIELD dame. Carter. Peggy Carter. You know her? You could say that.
Deke and Daisy. He says don't put it on me to commit a murder. She says orders aren't always fun. Deke says he was a kid. She says Wilfred Malick is like the Grand Wizard of HYDRA. It's bad very bad. It all ends in horror. One death could've saved countless lives. You didn't used to shy away from this. Deke says I'm not the guy you met in the Lighthouse. Not anymore. And I don't want to be. She spots something. Daniel Souza. Peggy Carter's old partner.
Daniel uses a cane instead of a crutch now. Simmons speaking German with a scientist. Daniel addresses Agent Carter. In the flesh. Glad to finally put a face to the name.
**Simmons, you're BUSTED!
**Supreme Court ended segregation (separate but equal) in 1954, for reference.
Daniel says he waited a long time to meet the famous Peggy Carter. She says she believes this base may have been infiltrated. He just flew in from LA. He's in charge of the SSR office. Daniel, you're surname wouldn't happen to be Souza? It would. The former partner of Peggy Carter. It would. I suppose you'll be arresting me now.
Stewart or Cooper? Van Johnson. Coulson asks a woman about a turtle. An upside down turtle in the sun. But you're not helping. Why? She cries. Daniel comes in and says arrest that man, whoever he is. Agent Big fan.
Deke running facial rec on the names. Mack recognizes names. May says he called me Oriental. YoYo had to pull her away. Mack tells Deke to talk to the general. Deke says why me? I have zero SHIELD training. Mack says don't make us say it. Deke figures it's his face. Okay. Stupid white privilege.
Daniel giving orders to the lieutenant. I want to know how they got into the most secure SHIELD base on the Western United States. Daisy is in the office. She says she's from the CIA. He's going to call her bosses. She knows things. How? CIA. We know all. She rolls off his resume. The ones she's cleared to talk about. He asks why she's really here. He thinks SHIELD has been infiltrated since WW2. She says you're not crazy and the people you have locked up may be the key to proving it. He says come with me.
Deke goes to the general. Clapping. You, my friend, just lost me a bet. I thought you'd crack. Pardon the theatrics. It was a test. You passed. Flying colors. General says it's nice to meet the man in charge. Deke asks if Helius is secure. General calls Helius a paperweight. Take it! Nothing is powerful enough to get it up.
Deke tells them there's nothing on Earth to get it to velocity. But Chronicoms can. A bomb with a blast radius for miles. Mack says we need to call in the cavalry. That's what they call May.
The scientist is charming the visitors, not paying attention to what's behind him. Blonde woman is a Chronicom. She changes the light on Project Helius to green.
**Peggy Carter was born April 9, 1921, making her 34. But Daniel Souza has a little gray at the temples since "Agent Carter".
YoYo and May in pilot suits. They gas the room. Chronicoms won't react to it.
Souza heard Sharp was a jerk of the highest order. And the woman? Worst English accent you've ever heard. Daisy says you should tell her that. Daisy wants time with them alone. Daniel says you want to talk to them, it'll be with me. Alarm goes off. They lock Daniel in the brig. Apologize and swear they're the good guys. LOL.
Blonde woman hasn't reacted to the smoke. May is panicking with the people around her. YoYo spots the Chronicom. And she can't speed. May! May can't breathe. Her mask is off now. YoYo gets it back on and pulls her out.
Helius activates. YoYo asks May what happened? May doesn't know. Never happened before. May, whatever it is you can tell me. May turns on her. Neither of them want to talk about their issues.
Mack and Deke get company from the general. What the hell is this? What kind of Commies are you? Mack says I can explain. Mack slugs him. Just don't want to.
They run to Dr. Vega. They can't stop Helius once it's activated. He hasn't inputted any of the parameters. Visitors would be in Building J. Coulson tells him to get them on the bus and drive away. Dr. Vega hurries away. Simmons says there isn't time. Coulson says he doesn't know that. Chronicom in a Jeep. May and YoYo chase.
MPs shoot the Chronicom and she kills them. She's at Helius. Powers it with her body.
May and YoYo arrive. Check the MPs. Attack the Chronicom.
Simmons and the others go back to the lab. She needs a wire stripper and a sautering iron. There's another Chronicom. Coulson tackles it.
May fighting the Chronicom.
Coulson battling the male one. Evenly matched.
Chronicom strangling YoYo. May trying to save her.
Coulson working on the head. Daniel points his gun and orders them to stop. Hits the Chronicom with his cane. It's strangling him.
Daisy and Simmons get done and pull a lever. Kills the power on base with the EMP.
YoYo released. Chronicom self-destructing.
Daniel sees the other one has melted. Picks up the badge. Dangit. We need a medic for these two men, or at least that one. Search the base for others. He rolls Coulson over. Good guys, huh?
Coulson's eyes flicker.
Deke says sure about this? Mack says we have to preserve the timeline.
General Sharp wakes outside. Quinjet hovering. Mack addresses him as Earthling. Next time we abduct you, you will be....probed. It flies away.
Sharp runs into the diner to say he was abducted by aliens. They were communists....from the future!
Next ep - The day Agent Souza became the first fallen agent of SHIELD. He was going to expose HYDRA and they took him out. Scenes in black and white like a noir film.
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