"Heart of the Matter, Part 2"
SEASON FINALE - The Flash (Grant Gustin) enlists a host of speedster allies, including Iris (Candice Patton) and his children from the future - Bart (guest star Jordan Fisher) and Nora West-Allen (guest star Jessica Parker Kennedy) - to end the speedster war and defeat a deadly new adversary: the villainous Godspeed (guest star Karan Oberoi). Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Eric Wallace & Kelly Wheeler (#718). Original airdate 7/20/2021.

Image credit: The CW
Episode 18 - season finale:
Nora feels like everything is falling apart.
Clones fighting on Kramer and Joe's car. Citizens get out of their cars on the bridge and scatter.
Barry in the church asks August what he was doing at the Museum. What do you want? August says you're direct. But we're meeting for the first time. We're bound to learn about each other. August doesn't want to be threatened in his mind. He was a physicist. Created Velocity Formula. But it wasn't enough. He'd never be fast enough. Barry says tell me how to stop this war. Both sides want you. One of them wants to kill you. August says you're too much of a hero to sell me out. Impulse led August to realize artificial speed would never measure up. He's cavalier with his gift that should've been mine! Now it will be, thanks to you. August wants organic speed. Barry says everything that's happened....is all part of the plan to force Barry's hand. Why the act? August didn't foresee the memory loss. But I knew you'd come to me. Give me the gift I deserve and I'll preserve your city. Or refuse and watch your city burn. Barry says not happening. Besides, it's impossible. August says the impossible is your thing! Or watch this world fall apart. You're trying to think of a way out of this, but guess what? There isn't. So what's your answer. Answer me, dammit! Barry says I already did. I said no. August says you will. You have no choice.
Forces Barry out. Barry takes the hat off. Team Flash asks if he's alright. August asks if Barry found him. What did I say?!
**Can they keep August blank while ending the clone issue? Letting him start over as a different person might be best for all.
What will we do about Godspeed's ultimatum? Nora says give him what he wants. Barry is committed. We can stop this here in this time by finding another way. Nora is panicking. Iris says what do you think will happen if August gets organic speed? Jay says it's never hopeless. Iris takes Nora to see Bart. Jay says we need another option, a big one. Barry says not a big one - a fast one.
August wonders what to do now. He saw Barry's face. I'm a monster, aren't I? What if I don't have a choice? Imagine getting your memories back but learning you're the bad guy. How can I live with that? Cecille says bad guys don't feel sorrow and remorse like he's giving off.
Chuck and Allegra. He's here as a friend. Esperanza chose to go on that mission. Flash is alive because you didn't go with her. That clone in the pipeline would've killed Barry and you stopped that. Esperanza left to start a war. She let the city down. You didn't. You lift it up. What do you say? You with me? She hugs him. Guess that means a yes? Yeah. Don't forget your java this time.
Barry says being outnumbered ends now. They can't outrun a force of nature. Speed Force arrives. Nora says it's so good to see you! She rambles excitedly. Jay says it's a pleasure. You look a whole lot like someone close to me. She gets that a lot. The other Forces are working to keep the world in balance. You all need to be at full strength. She's going to boost them - if they're okay with that. She does, including Iris. Bart's still..... SF knows. She closes her eyes and heals Bart. He joins the others. Family hugs. Thank you for the reboot, Speed Force Nana. Uncle Jay! You're here! Jay says Uncle....that's new. I like it. Good to meet you, Bart. So what's next? Barry says we end the civil war once and for all.
**Jay could not have been young by the time Godspeed killed him in Bart's time. He's already old enough to be Barry's father, Barry and Iris haven't had either kid, yet, and Bart's a few years younger than Nora. Jay being 25 to 30 years older makes him a senior citizen.
Godspeed clones on the bridge. Joe's about to be killed. Kramer rushes in with speed to save him! She's a meta! She vibrates and passes out. Clones still fighting each other. Bart shows up. Kill the Adversary. Then the rest show up. Kill them all! Barry tells Team Flash to hit them hard and drain them. Bart can make lightning shirkins! Nora has a lightning whip. SF snaps her fingers and they fall. Jay juices his helmet and uses it like a boomerang.
Barry and Iris fight back to back. Frost, MechaVibe holding, but they'd like back up. Nora says something's wrong. Clones are recharging off the Speed Force! The drain is on all of them. Barry tells her to leave now. She does. We're not going down without a fight. Allegra appears with the solar charge device. 5 times max. Blast the clones at once! Nice timing! More Godspeeds heading their way.
Star Labs. Saved the reactor, but round 2 is about to begin. We threw everything we had at them! What will we do? Dad?
Right Now. Clones suddenly gone again. Bart asks Chester why it affected the clones? It only hits the artificial speedsters. Nora pleads with them to consider giving August the speed. Barry says it's our job to protect you. Bart says Central City doesn't need parents right now. It needs heroes.
2 minutes ago. Cisco and Frost. He says suck in air! Puts up a force field. The clones leave. He drops it. Auto timer on the entropy bubble. A man CAN get a timeout! Frost says never do that again!
Speedsters rebuild Chester's machine. Saved him 3 weeks. It could be up and running in a day or 2 now. Jay asks how they can speed that up. Barry comes in and says they'll give August speed. Iris is with Speed Force. Barry's kids changed his mind.
August hooked up with a harness. Cecille tells him it's okay. August says if it works, I'll try to come back differently. Nora asks Bart if he's okay. Bart says if Dad's right, everything will be different. August tells Barry he hopes this works out for both of them. Barry gives him some juice. August convulses and screams. Cecille senses a change and says NO. August says Sorry. Turns out he likes being a bad guy. Barry says stay here. Your mother and I have a plan.
Godspeed on the roof. Come to Daddy, my children! The clones fly back to him. At last! True speed for a true god. Barry asks now what? August says you die, Flash, by my hand.
Your end is near! Barry says no one's dying tonight. But you are going to Iron Heights. Godspeed says you'll have to catch me first.
Speed Force and Iris. Iris is the anchor while she concentrates.
Godspeed attacks Flash. Guess what comes next.
Bart wants to go out there. Jay stops him. We just met, but we both know Barry. If he says to stand down, he has a reason. It's time to take our hats off. Okay?
Godspeed wants to feast on Barry. But another speedster attacks him. miss me? Thawne is back in exchange for taking August down! Godspeed is flattered. But you can't kill a god! He summons a lightning sword. And so do they. They dual. Godspeed has two now. They aren't landing any good hits on Godspeed. Just keep dueling up and down the scene. Then Barry takes out one of the swords. Godspeed pushes him back. And Thawne stabs August. Godspeed falls. Barry rushes to the body. You could've killed him. Thawne says wasn't that the plan? You had a threat. I dealt with it. Now it's just you and me, Flash. I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time. Barry says walk away while you still can. Thawne says you're too weak to stop me and I'm just getting started. But Barry is juiced! Thawne asks what did you do?! I created YOU. I taught you everything you know! What did you do?! Barry got faster. Didn't you? Thawne says no........but I will. Mark my words. I will! Then leaves.
**Thawne just can't let it go. All the possibilities in the world and he has to obsess about Barry.
How did you bring Thawne back? Speed Force did it. Tapped into the negative side to reach him. Godspeed has no limits. But Thawne can't let anyone else kill Barry. August is in Iron Heights now. Speed Force Nora removed knowing Barry's identity from his memory. Now they'll have a family dinner.
Barry has something to ask Iris. Marrying you was the best decision I ever made. You never got the wedding you deserved. So I want to make it up to you. Iris West-Allen, will you renew your vows and remarry me? Yes. Yes I will! She hugs him.
Following Tuesday. Kramer comes to Joe's. How are you? She says she is a meta. She copied Adam's powers. When she needed super speed to save Joe, she had it. She can mimic the powers of any meta close to her. Given her new perspective. I'm so sorry, West, for all of it. He knew her heart was in the right place. You just needed to find it. She's taking an absence from CCPD. He asks her to call him Joe.
Caitlin and Frost arrive to the house. Frost is grumpy. Jay and his lady love ceremonies. Cecille tells Joe she loves weddings. Iris comes downstairs in a red orange dress. Cisco is the officiate. Bart takes the mike. Mom, Dad, this is for you. He sings to them. 1949 love. Joe's impressed by the kid's voice. Nora grinning. Iris looks like she'll cry. Yep, she has tears. Barry says that was crash. No. You say it weird. Cisco starts the ceremony. The greatest sequel since Empire Strikes Back. LOL. They wrote vows. Iris? She says Barry? They say love is a friendship caught on fire. You and I are our own force of nature. I promise today I'll continue loving you with my whole heart. Barry wipes her tears. You've been my lightning rod, but now you're my wife, you're my past, present, and my only future. I promise to love you forever. They joins hands and Cisco leads them through vows. They do. Again. Cisco pronounces them husband and wife. Again. Now the kiss. Barry puts them in Flash Time. He wants the kiss to last forever.
Clones fighting on Kramer and Joe's car. Citizens get out of their cars on the bridge and scatter.
Barry in the church asks August what he was doing at the Museum. What do you want? August says you're direct. But we're meeting for the first time. We're bound to learn about each other. August doesn't want to be threatened in his mind. He was a physicist. Created Velocity Formula. But it wasn't enough. He'd never be fast enough. Barry says tell me how to stop this war. Both sides want you. One of them wants to kill you. August says you're too much of a hero to sell me out. Impulse led August to realize artificial speed would never measure up. He's cavalier with his gift that should've been mine! Now it will be, thanks to you. August wants organic speed. Barry says everything that's happened....is all part of the plan to force Barry's hand. Why the act? August didn't foresee the memory loss. But I knew you'd come to me. Give me the gift I deserve and I'll preserve your city. Or refuse and watch your city burn. Barry says not happening. Besides, it's impossible. August says the impossible is your thing! Or watch this world fall apart. You're trying to think of a way out of this, but guess what? There isn't. So what's your answer. Answer me, dammit! Barry says I already did. I said no. August says you will. You have no choice.
Forces Barry out. Barry takes the hat off. Team Flash asks if he's alright. August asks if Barry found him. What did I say?!
**Can they keep August blank while ending the clone issue? Letting him start over as a different person might be best for all.
What will we do about Godspeed's ultimatum? Nora says give him what he wants. Barry is committed. We can stop this here in this time by finding another way. Nora is panicking. Iris says what do you think will happen if August gets organic speed? Jay says it's never hopeless. Iris takes Nora to see Bart. Jay says we need another option, a big one. Barry says not a big one - a fast one.
August wonders what to do now. He saw Barry's face. I'm a monster, aren't I? What if I don't have a choice? Imagine getting your memories back but learning you're the bad guy. How can I live with that? Cecille says bad guys don't feel sorrow and remorse like he's giving off.
Chuck and Allegra. He's here as a friend. Esperanza chose to go on that mission. Flash is alive because you didn't go with her. That clone in the pipeline would've killed Barry and you stopped that. Esperanza left to start a war. She let the city down. You didn't. You lift it up. What do you say? You with me? She hugs him. Guess that means a yes? Yeah. Don't forget your java this time.
Barry says being outnumbered ends now. They can't outrun a force of nature. Speed Force arrives. Nora says it's so good to see you! She rambles excitedly. Jay says it's a pleasure. You look a whole lot like someone close to me. She gets that a lot. The other Forces are working to keep the world in balance. You all need to be at full strength. She's going to boost them - if they're okay with that. She does, including Iris. Bart's still..... SF knows. She closes her eyes and heals Bart. He joins the others. Family hugs. Thank you for the reboot, Speed Force Nana. Uncle Jay! You're here! Jay says Uncle....that's new. I like it. Good to meet you, Bart. So what's next? Barry says we end the civil war once and for all.
**Jay could not have been young by the time Godspeed killed him in Bart's time. He's already old enough to be Barry's father, Barry and Iris haven't had either kid, yet, and Bart's a few years younger than Nora. Jay being 25 to 30 years older makes him a senior citizen.
Godspeed clones on the bridge. Joe's about to be killed. Kramer rushes in with speed to save him! She's a meta! She vibrates and passes out. Clones still fighting each other. Bart shows up. Kill the Adversary. Then the rest show up. Kill them all! Barry tells Team Flash to hit them hard and drain them. Bart can make lightning shirkins! Nora has a lightning whip. SF snaps her fingers and they fall. Jay juices his helmet and uses it like a boomerang.
Barry and Iris fight back to back. Frost, MechaVibe holding, but they'd like back up. Nora says something's wrong. Clones are recharging off the Speed Force! The drain is on all of them. Barry tells her to leave now. She does. We're not going down without a fight. Allegra appears with the solar charge device. 5 times max. Blast the clones at once! Nice timing! More Godspeeds heading their way.
Star Labs. Saved the reactor, but round 2 is about to begin. We threw everything we had at them! What will we do? Dad?
Right Now. Clones suddenly gone again. Bart asks Chester why it affected the clones? It only hits the artificial speedsters. Nora pleads with them to consider giving August the speed. Barry says it's our job to protect you. Bart says Central City doesn't need parents right now. It needs heroes.
2 minutes ago. Cisco and Frost. He says suck in air! Puts up a force field. The clones leave. He drops it. Auto timer on the entropy bubble. A man CAN get a timeout! Frost says never do that again!
Speedsters rebuild Chester's machine. Saved him 3 weeks. It could be up and running in a day or 2 now. Jay asks how they can speed that up. Barry comes in and says they'll give August speed. Iris is with Speed Force. Barry's kids changed his mind.
August hooked up with a harness. Cecille tells him it's okay. August says if it works, I'll try to come back differently. Nora asks Bart if he's okay. Bart says if Dad's right, everything will be different. August tells Barry he hopes this works out for both of them. Barry gives him some juice. August convulses and screams. Cecille senses a change and says NO. August says Sorry. Turns out he likes being a bad guy. Barry says stay here. Your mother and I have a plan.
Godspeed on the roof. Come to Daddy, my children! The clones fly back to him. At last! True speed for a true god. Barry asks now what? August says you die, Flash, by my hand.
Your end is near! Barry says no one's dying tonight. But you are going to Iron Heights. Godspeed says you'll have to catch me first.
Speed Force and Iris. Iris is the anchor while she concentrates.
Godspeed attacks Flash. Guess what comes next.
Bart wants to go out there. Jay stops him. We just met, but we both know Barry. If he says to stand down, he has a reason. It's time to take our hats off. Okay?
Godspeed wants to feast on Barry. But another speedster attacks him. miss me? Thawne is back in exchange for taking August down! Godspeed is flattered. But you can't kill a god! He summons a lightning sword. And so do they. They dual. Godspeed has two now. They aren't landing any good hits on Godspeed. Just keep dueling up and down the scene. Then Barry takes out one of the swords. Godspeed pushes him back. And Thawne stabs August. Godspeed falls. Barry rushes to the body. You could've killed him. Thawne says wasn't that the plan? You had a threat. I dealt with it. Now it's just you and me, Flash. I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time. Barry says walk away while you still can. Thawne says you're too weak to stop me and I'm just getting started. But Barry is juiced! Thawne asks what did you do?! I created YOU. I taught you everything you know! What did you do?! Barry got faster. Didn't you? Thawne says no........but I will. Mark my words. I will! Then leaves.
**Thawne just can't let it go. All the possibilities in the world and he has to obsess about Barry.
How did you bring Thawne back? Speed Force did it. Tapped into the negative side to reach him. Godspeed has no limits. But Thawne can't let anyone else kill Barry. August is in Iron Heights now. Speed Force Nora removed knowing Barry's identity from his memory. Now they'll have a family dinner.
Barry has something to ask Iris. Marrying you was the best decision I ever made. You never got the wedding you deserved. So I want to make it up to you. Iris West-Allen, will you renew your vows and remarry me? Yes. Yes I will! She hugs him.
Following Tuesday. Kramer comes to Joe's. How are you? She says she is a meta. She copied Adam's powers. When she needed super speed to save Joe, she had it. She can mimic the powers of any meta close to her. Given her new perspective. I'm so sorry, West, for all of it. He knew her heart was in the right place. You just needed to find it. She's taking an absence from CCPD. He asks her to call him Joe.
Caitlin and Frost arrive to the house. Frost is grumpy. Jay and his lady love ceremonies. Cecille tells Joe she loves weddings. Iris comes downstairs in a red orange dress. Cisco is the officiate. Bart takes the mike. Mom, Dad, this is for you. He sings to them. 1949 love. Joe's impressed by the kid's voice. Nora grinning. Iris looks like she'll cry. Yep, she has tears. Barry says that was crash. No. You say it weird. Cisco starts the ceremony. The greatest sequel since Empire Strikes Back. LOL. They wrote vows. Iris? She says Barry? They say love is a friendship caught on fire. You and I are our own force of nature. I promise today I'll continue loving you with my whole heart. Barry wipes her tears. You've been my lightning rod, but now you're my wife, you're my past, present, and my only future. I promise to love you forever. They joins hands and Cisco leads them through vows. They do. Again. Cisco pronounces them husband and wife. Again. Now the kiss. Barry puts them in Flash Time. He wants the kiss to last forever.
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