
Friday, March 27, 2015

#Grimm episode 15 recap - Double Date


03/27/2015 (08:00PM - 09:00PM) (Friday) : THE SCENE OF A MURDER TRAILS BACK TO A STRANGE LOVERS' QUARREL - ALEXIS DENISOF GUEST STARS - Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to investigate a one night stand turned deadly when a man finds himself in the middle of a very bizarre love triangle. Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) hopes Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) can help him deal with recurring episodes of phantom bleeding. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) makes a discovery that might turn the tables in her favor and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) makes a big decision that could change the course of her relationship with Nick. Reggie Lee also stars. TV-PG V

Recap: Ep 15:

Renard relives his shooting over and over. Wakes up. He's bloody again. Turns the light on and frantically wipes at his chest with his shirt.

Nick at home. Calls Juliette's. Call me, we need to talk about this.

A bar. A woman drinks a glass of white wine. A guy tries hitting on her and she walks away. He closes his tab. Another woman orders a dirty martini at the bar. Guy asks if she's okay, because she's crying. She says her husband just left her. The guy says hope everything turns out alright. She says I don't know what it's like to be single. The guy says a beautiful woman like yourself will be fine.

They go to a home and are making out. Go straight to the bedroom and start undressing. She says she'll be right back. Takes her jewelry off in the bathroom. A man bursts in with a gun! I'm going to kill both of you! The guy says there's $500 in the wallet. Take it and go! I have kids and a wife! He gives the man the money and gathers his clothes and leaves. Hurries outside, buttoning his shirt. Realizes his phone fell out of his pocket.

The woman leaves the place with luggage. The man confronts her. I want my money and my phone back, or I'm calling the police! She wogues and rubs her head on him. Burns his skin like acid!

Juliette slept in her car.

Victim scene. Wu updates Hank and Nick. Looks like an acid attack. Cody Carson from Maine. No cash. Back to the precinct. Cody was supposed to be here another week. Hank and Nick update the captain. Eaten by an enzyme. Sounds like Wesen to Sean. Wu says the victim's cell is in a condo near where his body was found.

Wu tracks it. Manager will open the condo. It was rented out to a brunette around 30. They go in and look for the phone. Wu looks in the bedroom. Finds the phone under a chair. Hank wonders if the woman killed Cody. Nick says we need to find her.

Sean at the doctor. Doc says it all looks normal. How much blood was there? Maybe less than I thought. I was half asleep. Doc will schedule an MRI to make sure, but don't worry.

Hank tells Nick that we have a case of ID theft to rent the condo. Wu got a fingerprint. Linus Balouzian, a con man. Maybe Linus is working with the woman. Robbery has heard about businessmen being trick-rolled recently.

A hotel. Linus says Stacy, this is all your fault! Find us another one tonight and no more screw-ups! Are you listening to me?! He wogues, too. They're the same kind of Wesen.

Viking Motel. Stacy thinks Linus is an idiot. This is such crap. She dresses.

Rosalee's shop. Sean comes in. I think I might have a problem. Monroe asks what kind of problem? Sean asks about the spellbook. They still have it. Sean says it seems to be a residual effect from when my mother saved my life. I keep reliving being shot over and over and I wake up with blood all over me. Rosalee says your mother shut the book. Can you open it? He asks how. Monroe says with blood. Sean says only Hexenbiest blood can open it. Know any other ones?

Nick calling Juliette again. She tuns the phone off. Nick leaves another message. Goes in the trailer. Hank found a Grimm medical book from 1917. You okay? Nick says Juliette and I are having a problem. Want to talk about it? Nick says still trying to figure it out myself. Hank reads about the Wesen. It's a worm thing. They travel in pairs. Decapitate the males. The females have never been captured or killed. Even Grimms are cautious dealing with this type. Lets run this by Monroe and Rosalee. Wu calls. An apartment was booked 3 blocks from the condo. Olive or Twist bar caters to businessmen.

Sean gets a visitor. Juliette. He opens the door. She says I slept in my car, I'm not doing that again. I need a place to stay with someone who understands me. Sean says I'm not sure this is the best place for you. Does Nick know where you are? no. Plan on telling him? I don't know. He says this puts me in an awkward position. She says you were born this way, I wasn't! He says you have to be careful. People don't react well to us. With how you became this... You're one of a kind. So I have to wing it? Don't we all. He has a favor to ask. I need you to open a book.

Nick and Hank ask if Monroe can be bait at the bar. Rosalee says as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

The bar. Stacy is looking for a mark. She sits at the bar and starts crying. Monroe asks if she's alright. She says yeah...not really. He says anything you want to talk about? She says my husband left me a week ago. He says that's tough. Let me buy you a drink. Pick your poison.

Monroe calls Nick and Hank. Stacy invited him back to her place. They say go with it. Call it off if she doesn't take you to the apartment.

Sean explains how to open the book. Juliette is resistant. She cuts her hand and drips her blood on the book. it opens. They start reading.

Stacy and Monroe. Wu is outside the apartment. Monroe and Stacy go in. She doesn't want to talk. Starts undressing him. Then she takes her dress off. She closes the bedroom door, then goes in the bathroom.

Wu gets in Nick and Hank's car. We have to wait until Linus shows up.

Monroe keeps looking out the window. Linus bursts in. Monroe says I'll give you anything you want. Linus tells him to get away from the window. Give me your wallet. Sure. Monroe wogues and knocks Linus down. Nick and Hank and Wu burst in. Nick goes after Linus out the window.

Linus wogues......and is Stacy! Nick finds the discarded jacket with earrings in the pocket. Nick keeps looking. Stacy rides away in a taxi. So that's why the females have never been captured or killed!

Nick says I lost him. Hank says she's not here. How'd she get past us? Nick asks was she wearing these? Monroe says yeah, these are her earrings. Nick says what if they're the same person? That explains why the females are never found. Wu says that explains why only Linus has a record.

Linus and Stacy arguing. He packs. Stacy says don't call me an idiot! We have to do it again and this time, I pick the bar. And I'm cutting my hair short again.

They update Rosalee. Nick says he or she can return to him or her. And we need Linus. Monroe says the feminist inside me is cringing. Rosalee says hormone therapy might work. But you can't get too close. Darts. Crossbow. Perfect. Huh? LOL

Adalind takes a pregnancy test. 3 tests. She wogues, upset. I can't have another baby! Breathe....I can do this. Need to find you a father. I need to sleep with somebody fast! Viktor.....She hears his voice in the other room. Arguing with someone. Viktor's going back to Vienna. She asks Your Highness if she's going, too. Is this the king? He says No. Another member of the family will come to you. He says he never approved of Viktor throwing her in the dungeon. But you did leave with the Resistance. She says I was so confused. He says the world is confused. Your child has an important part to play in the future. She has royal blood and we will get her back where she belongs.

Stacy brings out the cleavage this time.

Monroe and Rosalee prepare the potion. Nick brings the dart. Lets go with the jumbo. They leave. Rosalee asks Monroe how pretty was she? LOL

Stacy picks up a man. Wu asks the man to show ID. You match the description of a robbery suspect. Step away from the woman, please. Stacy walks away. Nick tosses the earrings to her. She says those aren't mine. He asks to talk to Linus. Hank joins. They says we know what you are. She wogues. Nick shoots her with 2 darts. She falls and turns into Linus. Wu is surprised. Hank and Nick arrest him.

They talk to Linus in interrogation. Linus says the guy was hurting and threatening Stacy and I couldn't allow that. We didn't know what to do. It happened so fast. Linus tries to wogue and he can't change into Stacy. I can't find her...what did you do? You don't understand, we loved each other. Hank says sit. Love has nothing to do with what you did. Sign the confession. Linus does. Will I ever get her back? Nick doesn't know. Linus says we've been together our whole lives! Please, Stacy, Stacy....I need you. Wow.

Nick pours a drink. Thinks through memories of Juliette. Sitting alone in the dark.

Next week - Nick tells Juliette he is not giving up. She asks why. Because I love you. She laughs. uh oh.

There's only one person to help Juliette, but Sean needs to watch out for himself first. There's a new royal in town. They fight. To the death?

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