
Thursday, October 13, 2016

#Supernatural premiere! 12.1 “Keep Calm and Carry On”

“Keep Calm and Carry On”

MAMA WINCHESTER IS BACK — Dean (Jensen Ackles) is overwhelmed as he comes face to face with his mom, Mary Winchester (guest star Samantha Smith). Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) is fighting for his life after Toni, from the Woman of Letters, shot him. Phil Sgriccia directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb (#1201). Original airdate 10/13/2016.

Episode 1:


Dean and Mom. Are you really real? She puts him on the ground. Who the hell are you? I'm Dean Winchester. i'm your son. She says my Dean was 4 years old. He says he was when you died. And she remembers. Mom? He rattles off her history. She asks how he knows all that? He says Dad told me. Dean tells her how she met John. Ag 19, 1975, you were married in Reno. She's starting to accept the truth. Asks how long she's been gone? He says 33 years. She touches him. Dean.... Hi, Mom. She hugs him.

Music in the car. radio goes on the fritz. Man's truck almost hit by a meteor? He looks... It's Cas! Where am I? uh, Earth. How far am I from Lebanon, Kansas. Uh, 3 hours, maybe. Cas knocks the guy out and steals the truck.

Dean and Mary talking into the morning. She asks how John died. He was a hunter? And raised you and Sam to..? Yeah, he did. And we've met before, when you traveled through time. Twice. Your memory was wiped. She doesn't remember seeing him as a ghost, either. And God's sister brought me back to life. Pretty much. He knows it's a lot. I'll explain everything. Right now, let's get out of here, let's get you home. Come on, Mom.

England? MoL woman needs a man's help. Nope, still America. She has Sam in the back of an SUV with a bullet wound in the leg. She wants him treated. The man says no way. But they have weapons. He says I'm a veterinarian. She wants to ease his concerns and offers a lot of cash.

Fried vessel. Crowley investigating. Demons enter. Crowley hiding. Demons will clean up the corpse.

The English woman talking to her kid on the phone. Sam is chained up. He's zapped awake. The MoL woman says Sam, let's begin.

Sam remembers her name. Where are we? She says doesn't matter. He wants to know how far to town before I kill you and her, but you first. Toni has questions. She says hurting him had no choice. We've been watching you and your brother since you almost ended the world the first time. The old man wouldn't let us get involved. But things need to change. We're here to help. Sam says I can tell. She says you're dangerous, but if you answer my questions, you'll walk out that door, I promise. Sam says no chance. Screw you. I've been tortured by the Devil himself, so you are an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me? Shower on him. He's not impressed. But it keeps running and running. He says screw you.

Mol HQ. Dean and Mary home. She says the Men of Letters are a myth. He says not so much. He got her clothes. They see blood on the floor. He takes out his gun. Sammy? Cas? He sees the mark on the wall. Gives Mary a gun. Stay here. Sammy? He keeps looking. She checks around. She looks at books. Hears footsteps. It's Cas. Dean comes back. it's okay! he's a friend. They hug. What happened? Cas says Sam is not here. He's an angel. Capital A. This is Castiel. Dean introduces his mother. Where is Sam? Cas doesn't know. A woman was here and she blasted me away. She was human. When? 2:12am. Dean gets on the computer. Cas doesn't trust them, lol. Dean looking at traffic cameras. SUV at 2:21am ran a red light.

Garage. She stops at seeing the Impala. touches it. This was John's car. She's still beautiful. hi, sweetheart. Remember me? Dean figures out his parents had sex in the car, lol. We should go.

Sam is freezing. Says screw you. Toni says you think you're being brave? you're no hero, you're just bad at your job. My people, we plan ahead. We know when a monster steps foot in Britain. Within 20 minutes, he's picked up, and 40, he's dead. No monster related death since 1965. She's hoping there are other hunters to teach. So give me names and locations and everything else. Maybe with all of us working together, we can make America safe. Sam tells her to go to Hell. She says have it your way. And walks out of the cellar. The torture woman turns on a blow torch. Are you really going to make me do this? Sam says screw you. She starts on his bare foot. He screams.

Another burned out vessel. Demons come to clean up. Phone rings. Lucifer. He won't say where he is. Crowley says hello. Demon hangs up. Lucifer is running because he's weak. Demon says as long as he's out there, Hell will never follow you. Crowley knows. He kills them. Who's laughing now? LOL. He figures out what body Lucifer left in.

Cas and company find the driver. And Cas is physical with him. Blonde, name, now.

Sam's foot looks melted. toni returns. He's out. Or seems so. The woman says if you want to take this to the next level, you need to make the call. Toni says no. Stop trying to break his body. Break his mind.

Mary with people, waiting at a table. Dean on the phone. Cas buys coffee. This must be difficult for you. I remember my first moments on Earth. Jarring. She heard of people coming back from the dead, but after 30 years, a lot has changed. Dean says the plane has diplomatic registry. Cas spots a truck. They follow the vet. Dean gets the jump on him. Let us in. The vet tells them about patching up Sam for the money. 100 grand. She didn't give her name. Some other chick showed up and they drove away. Mary says hurt him. Cas grabs him. Vet says I've got her number!

Sam awake. Bandaged. Out of the chair. There's a camera on him. He stands.

They're watching. Toni says wait. Soon he'll be begging to answer our questions. Vet calls. I'm checkin on the patient. Dean takes the phone. She heard he was dead. He says you heard wrong. One chance to hand Sam back. When I find you, if he's not in one piece, I will take you apart, understand me? She hangs up. We have a problem

Impala peels out.

Sam looking for escape. Ringing in his head. He sees a vision. Hears whispers.

On the road. Mary asks now what? Dean wants to get back to the bunker. Impala is hit! Mary is knocked out. Cas helps her. The torture woman greets Dean.

Sam hears the ringing again. He sees Jessica.

Woman has brass knuckles. Dean grabs her. Tell me where my brother is and I might take it easy on you. She attacks him. Then Cas. Dean gets up. She's got his gun. Round 2?

Sam hearing voices.

Dean attacks her again. She defeats him and Cas again.

Sam hallucinating.

She grabs the gun. Mary stabs her through the back with the angel blade. Thanks, Mom.

Sam punches a mirror. Takes a shard. Cuts his own throat. Toni hurries in.

Toni creeps up on Sam and he attacks her. He's choking her. She slumps to the ground. She tries to run. He grabs her. She manages to get to the door and lock him in again.

Mary stares at her hands. Dean and Sam hide the truck. Dean found a location from the cell. Mary is not okay. I spent my life running from this. I got out. I never wanted this for you and Sam. Dean gets it. I wouldn't want kids in this. But Sam and me, saving people and hunting things, this is our life. We make the world a better place, I know that we do.

Poor Impala needs body work again.

Another burnt vessel. Crowley leaves the scene.

Dark in the car. Mary in the backseat.

Sam sitting on the floor at the base of the stairs. Suffering. Toni watches the video.

Next week - The devil you don't know or the Devil you do.

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