
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#Arrow 5.11 - “Second Chances” live blog

“Second Chances”

TALIA AL GHUL TAKES OLIVER UNDER HER WING — In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver (Stephen Amell) gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul (guest star Lexa Doig). However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle (David Ramsey), but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis (Echo Kellum) tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland (guest star Juliana Harkavy), he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country. Mark Bunting directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Sarah Tarkoff (#511). Original airdate 2/1/2017.

Episode 11:

 Countdown to particle accelerator on the news. 3 years ago. Criminals have a woman tied up and tortured. A man brought to Tina. Vinny. Thugs think they're more than cop buddies. She pleads with them to not hurt him. Leader shoots the TV. She begs him. Lights flicker. The accelerator exploded. She screams. Meta screams.

Oliver turns down a woman's file. Rene rattles off some very good credentials. Felicity reads some more of them. Oliver not into it. Rory pulls up another. Rory made it up, lol. No one's going to be good enough for you. Oliver says keep looking, think outside the box. Curtis has an urban legend. Photos of a woman all over the country. She has a cry, like a canary cry. Adrian texts Oliver. Oliver tells them to look into her.

Oliver meets with John. Adrian arrives. How you holding up? John brings up Walker. Adrian says NSA is investigating Walker. But Walker has friends in high places. Could take months or years. Oliver thanks him. He leaves. Oliver sits with John again. Felicity will hack the NSA. John knows about the Canary candidates. Oliver says it feels wrong to replace her. John says she wanted someone to take up the mantle. That's 2 different things.

Oliver wakes. Talia waited. She knows all about him. Oliver's not happy about it. She says you wear the hood of one of my students.

Arrow cave. felicity attempting the hack. She hacked Adrian's laptop. She's having fun. It'll keep me busy while you're gone. Hub City. Curtis got footage of her latest fight. Oliver is impressed. So you'd be willing to give her a look? Oliver says call Rene, we're going to Hub City.

Tina hunting. Arrow team finds her on a rooftop. You're a vigilante and a metahuman. We have a proposition for you. We'd like you to join us. A home, a team, and a place to train better use of your power. She says she can take care of herself, and if you get in my way, I'll send you three back to Star City with your nuts in a sling. Rene thinks that went pretty good. LOL.

**Brought to you by John Wick 2. SO WANT TO SEE THIS! February 10th can't come soon enough!

Big Belly Burger. Oliver and boys still in town. Rene enjoying his 3 patties and 3 cheese slices burger. Oliver calls it disgusting. LOL. Oliver calls Captain Singh in Central City. Flash says he's legit on a post-it. Arrow asks about Tina. Captain says Boland is a good kid. Find her, give me a call. They figure she's trying to avenge her partner.

Russia. Oliver says she doesn't look old enough to have trained Yao Fei. Heh. She says it's a family secret. She thinks Oliver is worth more than playing revenge in Russia. She brought a file to help. Let me help you and you will hear me out with what I have to say. You'll at least hurt your enemy.

**Interesting that she's English, and not the same accept as Ra's. Wonder who Talia's mother was here and where she's spent most of her time? Talia comes across quite posh.

Rory brought Felicity food. She says the file was scrubbed. John's back to being totally screwed.

Green Arrow and Rene looking for Boland in a motel. It's a mess. They look at her board. Curtis in the van sees the names through the body cams. They hear a scream. Arrow busts through a door. Then Tina screams back. She killed the man. Rene uses the sonic dampener on her. Arrow confirms he'd dead.

**Notice that we've seen more cohesiveness in the Arrowverse recently? More tidbits shared across the shows.

Curtis says you'll have company. Tina runs. Rene covers, shooting at the gunmen so Arrow can chase her.

Green Arrow fires at her and she's down. He wants to talk. Helps her up. You're persistent. He says you killed that man. She says make up your mind. He says Detective Boland. She says I'm still looking for his boss. He says we can help you get him without others dying in the process, including you. She taunts him to make his pitch. He does. I've been there and I can help you find your way back. She asks for the range on that sonic dampener. And escapes with a cry.

Big Belly Burger. Rene with a 5 stack. Curtis found the target. He disappeared when Tina did. Why is he in Hub City now? Rene says Tobias Church. Curtis and Rene agree to let Tina go after the guy. Oliver doesn't want to leave her alone. We need to find her before she's in something she can't handle.

Talia and Oliver. She says follow my lead. He's surprised she's only using a bow. She says it requires patience and discipline.

Rory and Felicity. She's still typing. Scouring the dark web. Are you Ghost Fox Goddess? It was her handle in college. Kojo Sledgehammer contacting her.

Curtis and Rene. Rene's not crazy to recruit. Curtis tries to justify. Rene admits the team is about finding second chances. Curtis asks for the tablet. Got a location on the psycho drug dealer.

Fighting at the office. Tina arrives. Hey, Sean. Been a while. I'm not a cop tonight. He's a meta, too! Arrow team protects her. He keeps hitting them with vertigo or something. Gets away, with an arrow in his shoulder.

Parking garage. Tina unconscious. Curtis thinks Sean controls sonic waves.....their powers are related. He has an idea. She's up. What time is it? Sean will take in a major shipment. She's not letting anyone get in her way. Rene says let her commit suicide. Free country. Arrow asks her to let them help. She tells them to have a safe trip home.

Russia. Oliver takes out a lot of guys. The target begs for his life. Oliver beats him up. Talia grins. Oliver gets out of the limo. He's dead. She says good, now we can talk.

Rory and Felicity. Waiting to meet the hacker. It's a woman! Who is geeking out. I can only aspire to your level of cool. LOL. It's so great to meet you. You've been a blank for years. She figured Felicity would return to business after Palmertech. The girl became a hacker because of Felicity. Then you stopped. Sorry, never meet your heroes, you know. Felicity says I've been doing work that's important. Girl was excited to see her on the dark web again. Felicity was looking for a file. They know about John Diggle. The organization picked up a LOT of info. Gives her a drive. I intend to inspire you to be the hacktivist you used to be, the great Ghost Fox Goddess.

Oliver meets Tina without the mask. Nice to meet you. I spent 5 years in hell, not unlike what you went through. There is a man in Star City that is trying to convince me I'm beyond redemption. She says don't put your issues on me. He says you're right. But you can't take him alone. Let us help and we're gone. She shakes his hand.

Van. Curtis giving them intel. Bad guys on a roof. Arrow says patience. Curtis says chopper's about to land. They attack. Sean starts his power and the dampener works. There's air support. Rene has Tina's back. Arrow fires an arrow at the helicopter. Uses flying around to take out more bad guys. Then the chopper. It crashes. She has Sean at gunpoint. Arrow tells her don't do it. You're better than this. She says you know I'm not. We both kill. He says it's not too late for you. You don't have to go down that road. What would Vince want you to do? She shoots. He'd want me to do that. She walks away. Arrow says let her go.

Felicity and Oliver. She has good news. We can exonerate John. Long story. This is what good news looks like. Go tell John. She plugs it in. Pandora files upload.

Oliver and Adrian and John. Adrian got the file on Walker and got John released on bail. Oliver says you can go home and hug your wife and son.

Russia. Oliver says you wanted this. Baited me. She says yes. To remind you. He asks why. You don't know me. She says I've proven otherwise. You keep looking for new fights when the real fight is in front of you all along. Why do you deny your father's wish for you. He says he's not the man his father raised, not anymore. She says you're afraid of what you've become and you're running for it. She's been there and can help him find his way back. You think you're a monster. He says no, I am a monster. She says there's a monster inside you, but it's not you. You need to give the monster an identity. When it becomes someone else, something else, you will be free to become Oliver Queen. He dresses as the Hood. She gives him the bow. I will help you become ready.

Mr. Mayor has a visitor. Tina Boland. She says impressive. Maybe you should've led with that. He didn't think he'd see her again. She didn't, either. She thought she'd feel different. Liberated. He wishes it worked that way. She asks how do you do it? Live with so much pain? He's still working on it. But it helps to not be alone. It's why you're here, right? She agrees. You asked what Vince would've wanted. We were lovers. I hated Sonos for killing Vince, but I hated myself more for not being able to stop him. Oliver says Rene told Curtis this team is about finding second chances. Maybe you're my second chance. Something tells me you can handle it. She says Tina Boland was my official cover. Her real name is Dinah Drake. He says he had a friend named Dinah. She's the reason I sought you out. I think she'd be proud of both of us.

Next ep - Russia. In the present.

For those unfamiliar Dinah Drake in the comics, she is actually the original Black Canary, first introduced in 1947. On Earth-2, Dinah Drake was the mother of Dinah Laurel Lance.

Arrow‘s version of Dinah Laurel Lance was portrayed by Katie Cassidy, with her mother Dinah Lance portrayed by Alex Kingston, and it appears the latter was never meant to be the Dinah Drake character.

So, the Black Canary from the comics just became the Black Canary of the show as Dinah has now joined Team Arrow.

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