
Thursday, March 1, 2018

#SPN 13.14 live blog - "Good Intentions" #supernatural #bobbysback

“Good Intentions”

JIM BEAVER GUEST STARS AS BOBBY SINGER – Jack (Alexander Calvert) and Mary (guest star Samantha Smith) manage to escape Michael’s (guest star Christian Keyes) clutches and end up finding an ally in “apocalyptic world” Bobby Singer (guest star Jim Beaver). Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), and Castiel (Misha Collins) continue to search for a way to open a breach, not realizing that one of their own may be working against them and costing them precious time. PJ Pesce directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn (#1314). Original airdate 3/1/2018.

Episode 14:

Jack hearing Sam and Dean talk about him being home safe where he belongs. Then there's a red light and siren and smoke. He runs to Dean's door and it's locked. Blast back on Jack. Sam's room is crying for him and on fire, too.

Zachariah playing mind games on Jack's head. Think he's their ticket to get an army into the other side. So much power. Just have to make him use it. Michael orders him Make him. Zachariah says if fear won't break him, then I think I know something that will.

Donatello working on the translation. Doesn't seem like a comfortable process. Cas knocks for him. Come in. Cas brought a plate. Breakfast. Don thanks him. Are you okay? Fine, fine. Just the tablet.... Tell the boys thank you for me and I'm making progress. Cas leaves the room. Don goes back to writing.

Sam tells Dean to go easy on bacon. Dean says if bacon kills me, I win. Cas wants to be looking for Lucifer. And worries about Michael. Sam and Dean think offense is the best defense. Just going to take time.

Jack at a lake. Cas says it's beautiful. Wanted you to see the natural world before it spoiled. Humans would destroy everything. Why? You've been so sheltered. Let me show you. Humans take and take and can't help themselves. You can guide them. i can help. What about Sam and Dean? They should've accepted you instead of teaching you to use your powers. You feared them. Do as I say. Jack says that's not true. I was with Sam and Dean in the other world. You're not Castiel. None of this is real!

Michael says so much for killing him with kindness. He tosses Jack and Zach. Now, we do it my way.

Don writing. Tablet whispering. Eureka! He runs in. I cracked it! The spell! I finished the translation. Here are the ingredients. Wow, running's hard. Sam reads. We have most of the stuff. Except hearts of Gog and Magog. Don says they're people. Or lands. Ancient warriors that enslaved half the Fertile Crescent in a place without a place and time without time. Demon tablet has instructions. It's very dangerous. Cas and Dean will go. Sam and Don gather ingredients. Where do you keep virgin lamb's blood?

Jack tossed in a cell. With Mary?

He says your sons sent me. Are they here? No. Thank God. My name is Jack. Jack. Your mother was Kelly Kline? You knew my mother? I was there when you were born. You should be 6 months old. I am. Sort of. Jack, how did you get here? I opened a door. We were coming to save you but something went wrong and now it's just me. Michael was in my head. He wants me to use my powers but I don't know why. She does. She says he'll bring an army to our world. Jack won't do that. i don't care how much he hurts me. She says he won't hurt you, Jack. He'll hurt me. If you don't do what he wants, he's going to kill me.

Dean checks on Cas. Cas says I'm fine. It's.....I was dead, and I have to think I was brought back for a reason. Dean says you were. Cas says I promised to protect Jack and he's trapped in that place and Lucifer's getting stronger by the day. Maybe I was brought back to prepare. For war. War is what Michael does.

Don and Sam.

Cas and Dean with angel blades. Cas chants in the clearing. Nothing happens. Maybe you got a word wrong. Then.... behind them! Big primitive dudes. Dean snickering. They're wearing loin cloths. Speaking ancient Cannonite. They're asking for armies. And bickering among each other. Dean still joking about the loin cloths. Now they discuss who to kill first. Pulls a sword. Shatters the angel blade. Swords forged by a god. Dean gets the one in a choke and gets tossed. Grabs the sword and beheads one. Then saves Cas from the other. Forged by god, touched by god - same thing. Apparently. Cas says we have a problem. Beast of rock and sand. I thought they were extinct during the flood. Means they don't have hearts.

Mary tells Jack let Michael kill me. Do not open that door. Jack says no, I can save us both. But when I use my powers here, things go wrong. My head won't stop pounding. Mary has migraines here, too. Maybe this place has warding so strong even humans can feel it. She says my headache only lets up here. The window. Worth a shot. Jack works on the bars.

Sam preparing the ingredients. Dean calling. Don silences it. Grabs a bottle and hits Sam on the head. And again to knock him out.

**Asmodeus not only whammied Donatello into telling him the translation, he's directly thwarting the boys from having it, too. Sigh. Hope they figure out Don's not evil here and it's not his fault.

Michael tells Zachariah to kill them. And don't fail me again.

Mary and Jack wandering. How far until we're safe? Not sure here there's any such thing. People coming. They hide. Red dots on them. BOBBY. We're human!. Mary Campbell? It's Bobby Singer. She says my boys told me about you. Dean and Sam. He remembers the day trippers. He knew the other you. From another world is weirder than being a ghost. LOL. She vouches for Jack. He says good enough for me. Better come with us.

Bunker. The muppet professor attacked you? Why? Sam will show them. He's locked Don in the cell. He's ranting crazy. Dean says it's a setup. Sam confused. Cas says Donatello wants us dead.

Bobby takes them to camp. Angels exterminating humans. 400 in Texas wiped out. Bobby says don't worry. Mary Campbell saved my ass multiple times. Be rude not to return the favor.

Dean talks to Don. Don says you're covetous. Sam tells him to fight this. Don says you were supposed to be dead. Sam asks if the tablet did this? Don says no. I saw the power of God! It's all up here and you want to take it from me. You just want to use me. And if it's magic you want to be seeing..... Dean choking. Cas rushes to them. Sam gets Dean out of the room. Dean can breathe again.

Jack doing shadow puppets for the kids. Bobby gives Mary coffee with whiskey. He's amazed to be seeing her. You look just like her, give or take a year or two. Complicated woman. Brave, but sad. Full of regret. She didn't make the demon deal. Lost the love of her life and never moved on. Dean and Sam never born. Bobby, I made that deal, and it, I, brought my boys a lot of pain. But we stopped this war in my world. Bobby says you did right, then. And you did well with your boys. Your world's got your boys. This place, I'm all it's got. Kids loving the show. Mary tells Bobby that Jack's a nephilim. Why the hell would you bring one into my camp? I trusted you! I want him gone by morning. She says if he goes, I go with him. Bobby says that's your choice. Look, when this started, we thought the angels were on our side. One by one they turned on us. He will too. Just a matter of time.

Sam thinks the tablet snapped Donatello. Cas says no, prophets are conduits. They tell him Don doesn't have a soul. That's bad. The soul is a filter for the tablet. Sam says we were so close. Almost had it. Donatello's soul is gone! Amara ate it. It's gone. Cas says Donatello is already corrupted. The kindest thing would be to end his suffering. I don't like it, but another prophet would come into being and then they could translate. Dean and Sam say no! Cas says Fine. I'll do what I have to.

Into the cell with Donatello. Locking the boys out.

Morning. Mary meets with Jack. He likes the brave people. She says we can't stay. Why? Because of me? She says she's sorry. It's not fair. Air raid siren. Incoming. Camp attacked.

Mary tells Jack to run.

Cas says you know the right ingredients. Don says I might. But you're wasting your time. Cas is going to strip the spell from Don's mind. I won't let you or anyone hurt the people I love. Not again! Donatello screams.

Bobby confronts them. It's your fault. He used his powers. Jack says I didn't mean to. Mary asks what they can do to help. Bobby tells her to round of kids and get them in a grain cellar. Mary tells Jack we can't let the angels get you, so find a place to hide.

Cas comes out. I know what we have to do. Boys go to Don. He looks dead.

Zachariah killing people. Find the child. Kill the rest.

Jack running. Hears the slaughter.

Zach finds Mary. Hits her. Where is he? She tells him to go to Hell. Jack says stop! STOP. He lifts Zach in the air with power and makes him a puff of smoke. Then Jack takes out other angels incoming. Bobby's expression says he's not sure what to feel now.

Triage. Bobby thanks Jack. Mary tells him it was amazing. Jack says Sam and Dean wouldn't run. They'd fight. These angels won't stop. As long as Michael is out there, this war will never be over. I have to kill him.

Cas paces. Sam and Dean come back inside. Well? Well...... Guess you could say Donatello's alive. He's brain dead. Machines keeping him breathing. Cas says his soul's gone. He was corrupted. A danger to humanity. And working with Asmodeus. Not by choice but he was. Some people can't be saved. Dean says what gives you the right? Cas says nothing. I took it. We don't have time. War is coming. War. I did what soldiers do. I got the spell. Grace of an archangel, a fruit from the Tree of Life, the Seal of Solomon, and the blood of a most holy man. This is the only way we win, and the only way we survive. Like you said, Dean. Whatever it takes.

Next ep - Chicanery.

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