
Thursday, March 8, 2018

#SPN 13.15 - “A Most Holy Man” live blog #supernatural

“A Most Holy Man”

DIVINE INTERVENTION – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) are close to collecting everything they need to open a rift into the apocalyptic world and possibly rescuing Mary (guest star Samantha Smith) and Jack (Alexander Calvert). The one missing ingredient leads the Winchesters to a black market for religious relics where everything is not always as it seems. Amanda Tapping directed the episode written by Robert Singer & Andrew Dabb (#1315). Original airdate 3/8/2018.

Episode 15:

Malta. Nunnery. Man sneaking around. There's a skull in a box. He steals it. Nun finds him. He knocks her out. Please forgive me.

Sam and Dean. find anything? Seal of Solomon? Cas is in Syria looking for the fruit from the tree. They wonder what the blood of a most holy man is. There's a huge market for religious relics. Online. Dean says the internet is not just for porn anymore. Margaret Astor seems like a legit dealer.

San Francisco. Nice restaurant or bar. they ask to sit. What can I do for you? Sam tells her about the artifact. She asks who told you that? The internet. So it's not a personal recommendation. Personal relationships are very important to me. She and Sam touch hands. We need the blood of a saint. She asks what for. Dean says doesn't matter. She says she was asking Sam. So, Sam, what can you tell me? He says not much. But it's very important to us. To me. She says it's very rare and expensive. Do I dare give you the name? Sam says please. I'd be very much in your debt. She says I like to collect. She'll introduce them to a man in Seattle. Greenstreet seems like a gentleman, but I'd advise caution.

He's British. Sam and Dean say they came from Rhode Islands. He asks who are they really. Dean clarifies. They tell him they need the blood of a saint. He says it cost him a fortune. And you don't have a small fortune, so this has been a waste of your time and mine. Good day, gentlemen. Wait... I suppose we can be of service to one another. Chicanery. We're listening. Sit. He says a valuable item was taken from Malta. He thinks the thief works for a mob boss. You procure said item for me and I'll trade it for the blood. It's the skull of St. Peter. Dean clarifies the deal. It's the blood of St. Ignatius. The skull will be turned over tomorrow night. I don't know where. But I have faith.

Dean says this isn't a perfect world we're trying to save and I'm not perfect, either. Come on. He chats up a girl in a coffee shop. Sam calls him to the corner. Sam tracked travel records. Thinks he found the thief. He's in the Patricia Hotel in Seattle as of yesterday.

They enter an elevator. Sam bumps into a man. Doesn't accept Sam's apology. Hmm. The hotel room has been trashed. find a dead body. Antonio.

What the hell happened here? Man pulls a gun on them. Cuff yourselves to the radiator. What dept are you with. Where's your partner. Dean suggests calling it in. Man keeps telling them to shut up. Leaves. Don't go anywhere. Badge looked like it's from a cereal box. But the gun looked real. Sam unlocks the cuffs. The man from the elevator watches them leaves. They ponder the case while walking down the street. Dean using mob talk lol. Run into 2 men. Mr. Scarpatti wants to see you two. 3rd man in the back. Again, not a request. They have to get in the car. Dean has to hand over the keys. Nice car. Yeah, enjoy. Elevator man spies around the corner.

Opera. He's petting a cat. Scarpatti. Sit, sit. So... Sam and Dean Winchester. We done a little checking. Officially, you guys both died 6 years ago. Funny story. I don't care. My point is if you were to get whacked now... Relax. If I wanted you dead... So, you made a deal with Greenstreet. I keep an eye on my enemies. He's a scoundrel. No reverence for sacred artifacts. It's my duty as a good Catholic to give these relics a good home. Dean says it had a home and you had it stolen. Heh. Why would you get involved with Greenstreet? He has something we need and the skull is the price for it. Scrapatti made a deal half up front for the skull. Now it's missing. He thinks it belongs to him. Dean repeats it was stolen. Scarpatti says you got a set on you, pal. You two are in the middle of this thing, so I'm going to make you a nice proposition. Find my skull and you get a handsome finder's fee. Then you buy what you need from Greenstreet. Sam asks what if we say no. Scarpatti says that'd be a mistake. Dean says deal. What if we can't find the skull? Scarpatti says failure is not an option.

Dean brought Sam back to the hotel. Key is in that room, I can feel it. Cop at the room. Dean pulls the fire alarm. And another. Cops clear the hotel out. Sam gets to the room. Searches. He finds a code. Elevator man knocks him out.

Elevator man leaves. Fake cop follows.

Dean finds Sam knocked out. Checks his pulse.

They get outside. Dean pushes Sam about being okay. They hear something. Elevator man knocked out.

They interrogate him. The man took the paper. Who are you? My name is Luca. Father Luca. Priest. Why are you here? Searching for something. The Skull of St. Peter. Stolen from his parish. The sisters asked him to get it back. So you thought you'd steal it back? No, I'd buy it. I brought money. All the money we had. In a suitcase. He followed Antonio here. He was already dead. Sam says you hit me. Luca says I lost my head. This means everything to his town. This thing you pray to all your life, what would you do? Try to get it back. I did and I failed. Never should've happened. Dean says the world is a screwed up place. What can you do? Change it. Luca says the world not being perfect is not an excuse. You work, try to improve things in whatever way you can. The world will never be perfect, but if good men do good things, it can get better. Every day better. Sorry, I talk too much. I want to go home. Without the skull? Sam wants to get it back for him. Dean pulls Sam aside. What are you doing? Sam researched Luca on his phone. I believe Luca. Dean does. But we don't owe him anything. Sam asks if someone stole the Impala, what would you do. Murder. Torture first. Then death. If I can't have the Impala, no one can.

In the car. Luca in the backseat. The number on the paper. Luca memorized it! Sam googles it. Tracking number for a package sent from Malta 5 days ago. Where is it now?

Package depot. The fake cop gets the box. They follow his car. To... Industrial area. Why here? Train in the distance. Dean wants to kick ass. Sam spots another car arrive. It is a woman. The dealer! So much for simple.

Into a warehouse. Everything on schedule. She pays the fake cop man. Meets with Scarpatti! Greenstreet shows up, too.

Luca and Dean in the car. Discuss faith. Dean says God ain't helping anyone. Luca didn't mean literally. He believes good things are God things.

Sam gets in with Luca's money to do business. Scarpatti and Greenstreet aren't happy. Don't trust Sam. She's fond of him. And money's money. She gives him a slip.

Luca and Dean take out a guard. Luca doesn't lie, it's a sin. Is he okay? Dean choked the guy unconscious.

She tells them all to write their best price on the paper. Highest bid wins.

All the guards down. Dean tells Luca to stay put. Luca will say a prayer. You do that.

She takes the slips. Sam writers his last. Good luck. Her man looks at them. Greenstreet wrote a zero. Kill her. Give me the relic and I'll pay a million right now. She's shot in the back. Mobsters shoot back. Sam shooting, too.

Luca praying. Dean enters shooting with two pistols. Click. Scarpatti is shot in the chest. Luca saves Dean from getting shot and gets shot himself. Sam and Dean hurry to him. Dean says it grazed you. Luca calls it a miracle. Greestreet cowering. Offers anything. Dean asks for the blood. Greenstreet says it doesn't exist. Chicanery. Dean hits him.

Greenstreet arrested.

They get Luca to the airport. Dean says it's just a hunk of bone. Luca says everyone needs faith in something. Sam asks a question. Luca says it's a title the Pope gives for good works. He called me a Most Holy Man. Dean and Sam need one more thing.

Blood in a vial. One down, 3 to go. Sam, what's on your mind? Sam says ever feel like we're only playing defense? We do good, but there's always more people to save. Always another monster. Think we could ever change things? Stop all the monsters, all the bad. Dean says that'd be nice. Yeah. So what are you thinking? Think that'll work? The blood. Dean says I have faith.

March 29 - Scooby Doo episode!

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