
Friday, June 25, 2021

#Legacies 3.16 - “Fate’s A Bitch, Isn’t It?” live blog #legaciesfinale #tribrid #witches #werewolves #vampires

“Fate’s A Bitch, Isn’t It?”

LET THE GAMES BEGIN — Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) is forced to work with someone from her past. Kaleb (Chris Lee) and MG (Quincy Fouse) go on their first official superhero mission. Lizzie’s (Jenny Boyd) plan to find Hope a rebound relationship takes an unexpected turn. Matthew Davis, Aria Shahghasemi, Kaylee Bryant, and Leo Howard also star. Jeffrey Hunt directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#316). Original airdate 6/24/2021.

Image credit: The CW

Episode 16:

Season Finale! This season originally had 20 episodes, but lockdowns, so I imagine we'll get the remaining 4 next season like last season's ending started season 3.

As showrunner Brett Matthews explained in a tweet earlier today, this episode is the “unintentional” season finale. Additional episodes were filmed — in fact, Thursday marked the show’s final day of production before going on hiatus — but they will be held for Season 4 this fall.

These kinds of things are either network limitations or contract limitations, though it's also possible they ran out of season 3 budget and cannot edit and create the effects for the final 4 episodes until Season 4's budget kicks in.

Landon in an art gallery. Cleo knocks out a guard. Where is it? Cleo needs a moment to look. Da Vinci exhibit. Landon says it sucks he got all the credit. She finds the heart she needed. Landon charges at another guard and attacks him. Cleo says such violence is not necessary! Cleo made the heart she's holding.

Clark looking at his reflection. Admit it. You totally missed me. Hope asks how he's here? He was in the blackness. Then a Triad witch brought me back to the here and now. Hope says they locked Malivore in a prison world. Lizzie tells the girls to not give him info. He says he has a plan. Hope asks what plan? Lizzie makes him sleep. She says they take him back to school and let the grown ups deal with something for once.

MG and Kaleb want to go after Cleo. Ric's skeptical. Kaleb wants closure. Ric says two thieves broke into a museum in Alexandria. Landon and Cleo. The sculpture is from the studio of Leonardo Da Vinci. Ric tells them to cover their tracks and figure out what they're up to. Discreetly.

Lizzie needs food and a bathroom visit. Josie wants a razzleberry slush. Hope? Nope. Fueling the car. Josie can't trust Clark. Neither should you, Hope. You're right. We'll find another way. Gassed up. Keys left in it.

Landon and Cleo. Room 115. She lost her key card. Tell me you have yours. He says he wants Malivore gone as much as she does. But you have to trust me.

Hope opens the trunk and tells Clark he has 30 seconds to tell the plan. Malivore mud. One locator spell and we can both be free. Hope steals the car. Lizzie and Josie run out of the quick mart. Son of a bitch!

Kaleb and MG talk to the guard with sunglasses on. Are these the 2 perps you encountered? Yep. Kaleb compels the man to forget it all. Walk away. Kaleb has worked on superhero names. MG hates all of those. What will you say to Cleo when we find her? MG finds the key card.

Hope and Clark stop in the woods. Magic without prying eyes. He's stalling. What are you not telling me? He insists he's changed. We'll see. He bleeds real blood. Like I said, I've changed.

Cleo made the heart from Malivore goo. What next? We seal the portal. Cleo took Hope's blood from the school's medical supplies. The mud is not moving. The spell has failed. She crumples the map and charges out.

No one at school is answering the phone. Lizzie and Josie argue over Hope's choice. Landon makes Hope happy, though their break up isn't good for her mental state. Lizzie wants to match Hope up with someone new before she tries to get back with Landon. Our sacred duty? Who? Anyone who doesn't dissolve into goo when they have sex will do. Ethan pulls up! Need a lift? Lizzie has a target acquired.

Landon finds Cleo. He knows what it's like to feel trapped. When I was in the prison world, I was always looking over my shoulder, looking for monsters, never knowing if Malivore would devour me again. He says anyone after her has to get through him. She has a new idea.

You're human now? Explain yourself! Clark says several days ago, working for Triad, I looked to break the circle of abuse. Until he found the Da Vinci device. A muse inside it. He got inspired to use the witch. You're missing that I have literal skin in the game now. Landon's not a phoenix anymore, or my boyfriend. Clark thought they were destined together. Spell finally works. Blood is thicker than mud. She tells him to shut up and get in the car.

Hope speeding in the car. Clark pleads with her to slow down. He brings up Landon. She calls them incompatible. Clark still believes they can make it work. Take the next exit.

On the phone with Ric. Heading to Landon and Cleo's location. Got about an hour drive. Kaleb can only think to say I'm sorry. Sorry for not telling her how she made him feel. No one inspired me to want to open my heart and be the best version of myself. Will she feel that or will I crash and burn. Stop for a crash! Burning vehicles. It's hero time.

Lizzie trying to make the case for Hope to Ethan. Salvatore School. Lizzie offers to give him a tour. Josie says we have to give Dad an update about Hope's surprise field trip. Lizzie tells her to do that while she tours him. They enter the house. Finch comes out. Josie needs her help.

Cleo and Landon in the motel. She and Leonardo would wake for the sunrise every morning. Inspired his greatest creations. He says no pressure. She takes his hands. Focus your thoughts. Inspiration will come. He's not feeling anything. She tells him to open his mind to her. Hands glow. He's glowing all over. The world is a pebble in a vast infinite ocean of light and darkness. It's a seed. Pick it up. Sees Hope and Malivore over and over. He knows what he has to do. Hope busts in.

What are you doing here? Better question is what were you two doing? Clark walks in. Cleo asks who is this tall strange man. Spell was supposed to lead us to the portal. Not you or you. Cleo says let me speak with her.

Josie's freaking out in the school. Hide anything magic. Lizzie and Ethan come into the hall. She wants to show him Hope's art. He compliments her football play. Wanna toss the ball around? You can tell me about Hope while we do. Josie reappears and Finch is no longer there.

Clark going through Landon's stuff. Tell me what you and her were doing. Landon says you'll always be a monster. It's in your blood. The Landon I knew would never leave Hope. Landon says I'm a son of Malivore. I accepted we can never be together. Clark wants to be brothers. Landon says Dad must've done a number on you in the Darkness this time around. Clark says Hope is the only person I told about that. Comes at Landon with a knife.

Lizzie and Ethan tossing the ball. She's sorry for bringing up his arm. He asks if she always spends this much time on other people's romantic lives. She says it beats my own. Try me. She talks about Sebastian. And a guy at school. A will they won't they thing. Long story short, still single. He says I'm sure someone will come along. Lizzie doesn't need his sympathy, but Hope does. Offers to set him up on Friday.

Cleo wants to explain. Hope says it won't change anything. Cleo is truly sorry. The drastic measures had unintended consequences. You understand the burden of a destiny you cannot escape. All we and Landon have shared is the mission. I swear on the blood of my ancestors. Hope wants him to be happy, even if it's not with me. Cleo says she hopes they'll become friends again after Malivore is destroyed.

Return to the room and Clark's throat is cut. He's struggling to stay alive.

She has a way to heal him. My blood can save you! Unless it's toxic to your Malivore DNA. She has another way but it'll suck - She burns the wound closed. He screams from the pain.

Ethan is into someone else. Lizzie says she doesn't hold a candle to Hope Mikaelson. Tell me her name and I'll prove it.

Landon wants to steal a car. Cleo wants to know his intentions. He hoped it wouldn't come to this.

Medics helping at the car wreck

Kaleb and MG wore masks. Continuing on their drive. Weren't you supposed to talk to somebody? Not that I recall.

Ric arrives and see "Landon"  swallowing Cleo. Ric shoots him with darts. That's not Landon, Hope! Where's Cleo? Who's Cleo? She says you're right, it's not Landon - it's Malivore.

Clark in the hospital. Hope sitting at his bedside. He wakes up. She asks how he's feeling. Sore and surprised. You saved my life. Does this make us friends? Frenemies. At best. He says being human beats the alternatives. He owes her. She knows about Landon. Guilty she didn't see it sooner. Malivore got his vessel. Clark says he's up to something big. Maybe you're right, there's no fighting it. She thinks the opposite. Thanks to you. You beat your fate alone. It's what she'll do to face hers. He says I didn't do it alone. I had help. You have friends. A family.

Finch reading. Josie comes in. Looking everywhere for you. Finch isn't mad? You're not getting rid of me that easily. But let's not keep secrets, okay? Like whatever the deal was with Ethan. Josie tells her about the black magic. I ruined his football career. MG had to compel Ethan and it ruined their friendship. I don't want to see him hurt again. Finch says Lizzie's meddling brought me here with you. Maybe, just maybe, things will be different this time. Lizzie comes back. My plan was an epic fail. Ethan asked me out and I'm pretty sure I said yes.

MG and Kaleb can't figure out a super name. Ric comes in. Sorry to make your Fortress of Solitude less so. We lost another student today. Someone you no longer remember. She meant a lot to you, Kaleb, and remembering her will hurt. I wanted to give you the option. Kaleb says he wants to.

Hope chants in a circle of candles. Josie and Lizzie remember Cleo now. Why did you ditch us? Hope says she promises to not do it again. What kind of promise? Panda promise. Lizzie says you're on panda probation. Hope says come with me.

Cleo in the Darkness. Is anyone there? Sounds of a monster. Cleo says forget I asked. She walks. Bright light. Goes toward it.

Malivore Landon wakes in a cage in chains and a spotlight. Ric and the students enter the gym. Well this looks like a party. Hope says we want our friends back. Mal wants something, too. Fate's a bitch, isn't it?

End of season!



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