
Friday, November 13, 2015

#Grimm 5.3 recap - "Lost Boys"

"Lost Boys"

Ep 3:

"I think I had a mother once."

Movers carrying boxes out of Juliette and Nick's place. He knocks in the guest room. Adalind is almost ready. She asks how long he lived in the house. 6.5 years. He says he didn't know he was a Grimm when he bought it. You were the first wogue I ever saw. Scared the hell out of me. She says scared the hell out of me, too. Never seen a Grimm before. Movers take the crib. She takes Kelly to the car.

Nick goes downstairs, one last look, and leaves.

**Didn't Juliette own that house before Nick was her boyfriend? That's what was implied when Juliette had no memory of Nick and Nick moved out. It had been her home.

Monroe and Rosalie happy with the receipts of yesterday. She spots a bullet hole from the incident with Juliette. I know this is going to sound weird, but I miss Juliette. The old Juliette. Monroe misses her, too. She says I'm more glad the bullet missed you.

A woman runs from kids. Falls and hits her head. The kids were screaming Mother, come back! Come back! Mother has left us. We loved her. Maybe we didn't love her enough. I loved her more. The big kid takes some of her hair. A truck stops and finds the body. The Wesen kids watch. We find another mother.

Imperial Paints Paint Factory. Nick says it looks nicer on the inside. He stops the SUV. Adalind isn't impressed. Nick punches in the alarm code. And then, in a loft. He says the furniture is in storage. no one knows where we are. He shows her an escape hatch to the tunnels below the city. This room is for you and Kelly. She says it's not charming, but it's safer than the other place. There's only one bathroom. Nick will sleep on a bed across the room. He gives her a key, a credit card, Juliette's car key..... Hank calls Nick. He leaves. Down the elevator.

The orphan camp. Big kid says it was my fault Mother got away. I was on watch and I fell asleep. He puts the lock of hair in a box of trinkets. It's because of what we are, isn't it? Other kid says real mother's don't abandon their children no matter what. She got what she deserved. He gives tea to the girl, who is sick. She says I can't sleep. It's hard to breathe. 3rd kid says she needs medicine.

The death scene. Wu updates Nick and Hank. No shoes. Marks on her wrists. Wu says she's a missing person from over 2 years ago.

Captain. Meisner in his office. We should catch up. Afraid you were dead. Meisner says Kenneth got here just the right time. He says the King fell out of his helicopter. Diana is safe. She's with friends. Victor's on the throne, then. Helicopter is gone. Meisner doesn't know where Diana is. I was never here and you don't know any of this.

Kids at a drugstore. Look at the cough medicine. See a mother yelling at her kid to behave. Decide to leave since there's a security guard.

Hank and Nick tell Sean about the dead woman. Husband was the suspect. Not enough evidence. Sean says tell the husband about the body.

The shop. Kids ask for stuff for a cough. She suggests things depending on symptoms. Kid asks how much. Big kid breaks something. Other kid tries to steal. Rosalie catches him, says I'm calling the police. Kid wogues.

She puts him down on the ground. Hid says it's for my little sister. If I had money, I'd pay for it. She asks where are your parents? He says I don't have any. Please, it's for my little sister. She's really sick. She gives him the herbs and says don't ever try that again. Monroe arrives. She says I let him go. He didn't have any money. It's for her little sister. Goldenseal isn't the end of the world. Monroe is skeptical. Kids are lying little bastards. She asks about him feeling like ours like that? He says stop being such a softie, except with me. She calls him a softie. He says only for you. So sweet.

Husband weeps when they show him the woman. He last saw her the day she disappeared. Nick asks do you have any idea why she'd be on that road? No. No answers. They searched my house, my office, my parents' house. I didn't kill my wife! Where has she been? Who would do this to her?

Big kid says the lady had pretty hair. Little kid says she wasn't scared of me. Maybe she's seen others like us.

Adalind strolling with Kelly. The car we're driving belongs to the woman that tried to kill me. I tried to kill her, too. It's complicated. She runs into an old colleague. He says she looks great. Thanks. Offers her a job back. And ask for more money. Boss will pay. She thanks him.

Rosalie on the phone with Monroe. She wants to close early. He can leave in 20 minutes. Little girl in the shop. With the cough. My brother said you were really nice. So, you care about us? Rosalie says sure. You're not here all alone, are you? Where is your brother? Girl says he's here. They grab Rosalie. Drug her with a cloth. Don't hurt her! the girl urges. Monroe hears her scream on the phone and hurries out.

Monroe gets to the shop. Her phone is on the floor. He keeps yelling her name.

Hank and Nick update Sean. Monroe calls Nick. She's gone! Someone grabbed her! I heard it on the phone. Nick says on our way.

Kids in the car. Rosalie tied up. She wakes. Peter says no one's going to hurt you. Don't be afraid. We need you. We're taking you home.

Nick and Hank get to Monroe. He tells them about the shoplifting kid and then the kidnapping. Rosalie thought he was homeless. He wogued when he tired to get away.

Kids stop the truck. Rosalie says this is right. You need to take me back. You are in a lot of trouble. People will be looking for me and you don't want them to find you!

Hank looking at street cam. No help. Nick says play it again. Sees something. There' Doesn't that look like the truck from the Wendy Henry case? Hank says it's the same truck. Nick says they're using the girl as bait Monroe asks what happened to the woman. Nick says we found the body. Where? They tell him. Monroe will use the dead woman's scent to track them. They take him to the body. Got it. Let's go.

Rosalie looking at things. Peter brought her a blanket. I know this is hard at first, but you'll get used to it. to what? He says being loved. She says you don't kidnap loved ones. He says If you think of running out on your children, I'll find you and kill you myself. He wogues. You're in our world now.

**Why hasn't she wogued and shown him she's an adult Wesen? We know she's strong when she wants to be.

To the road. Monroe sniffs around. He says it's a little stale. I can smell you here, too. He wogues. Picks up the trail. She came from up there.

Food for Rosalie. Aren't you going to eat? Please, Mother. She picks up a blackberry.

Monroe says she wasn't alone. This way.

Peter says time for bed. Girl shows Rosalie that her bed is next to hers. Kids want a story. A good long one with fighting. Rosalie tells them about the Grimm and the Wolf. They hunt Wesen. The story begins with a boy. He changed into a wolf when he got angry. His parents told him never to get angry in front of strangers. You can never tell if a Grimm sees you until it's too late. He was Blutbodden. He didn't listen to his mother, and that's always a mistake.

Monroe says it's getting stronger.

She says once the boy wogued, he saw the Grimm's eyes turn black. The Grimm cut off the boy's head. The parents wanted revenge. They set a trap.

Monroe triggers a trap. Hank saves him.

The kids fall asleep. Rosalie wogues and frees herself.

Monroe finds the camp. I've got Rosalie. We're close!

Rosalie tries to creep out. Heads into the woods.

Girl wakes up. Mother? She left us! The kids chase.

Rosalie falls in a pit trap. Kids find her. Why did you do that? They pull her out. Peter says we warned you! The kids wogue. Rosalie wogues, too. "This has gone far enough!"

**Looks like Peter knows about Wesen, but the other kids don't know what they really are. As their leader, he's led them down a bad path. Poor kids don't know what they should. They stick with Peter because they don't want to go back to foster care.

She says don't make me hurt you! The girl is a fox, too. She hugs Rosalie. You're the same as me! They hear someone. Monroe. Nick arrives. Rosalie stops them from hurting the kids. Just scared kids.

Precint. Rosalie signs her statement. Now what? Child services takes over. They go back in the system. She goes to them. I'm sorry I couldn't be your mother. This world isn't fair sometimes. I wish I could make it better for you. Lily? Maybe I could write to you. The girl says I never want to see you again. I hate you. Rosalie goes back to Monroe.

Adalind at home. Nick in bed. She opens the door. Sorry. Couldn't sleep. Nick.....I don't want to be alone right now. Maybe, just for tonight, you could sleep in our room? Sorry....that's too weird. He gets up. They lay on the same bed. She thanks him. Oy......

Monroe tries to comfort Rosalie at home. She says I told them the story my Mother told me. These kids have no idea what they are. Really? No. They know they're different, but no idea what our reality means. I hope they find the help they need.

The kids face a warden. Lily is well. You think you're tough? I know what you are. Show me! He's Wesen. They wogue. Good. Boys, I'm offering you a chance to join others like you. To stop hiding what you are. You have a new family. Uh oh......

Meisner gets the prisoner out. It's Trubel! She's bruised. "It's time"

Next week - Nick in danger.

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